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Recent content by amethal

  1. A

    D&D 1E Favorite Obscure Rules from TSR-era D&D

    That was the great thing about AD&D. You'd have a long write-up about how druids are nature priests, and believe really strongly in balance in all things, everything has a season etc. so must be true Neutral. And they lose all their powers if they ever stray from that alignment. Then someone...
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    D&D 1E Favorite Obscure Rules from TSR-era D&D

    Since this is 1st edition AD&D, the answer is probably eight years.
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    D&D (2024) How Does Greyhawk Fit In To The New Edition?

    Dammit, now I want a full page of heraldry as well! I hope WotC doesn't listen to any misguided developers who suggest using the space to actually describe more places. Show me a purple shield with a white unicorn on it; what more do I need to know about the County of Ulek?
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    D&D General How often do you complete a campaign as a player?

    Since my University days (when we never completed anything), I think I've had two campaigns as a player that didn't complete - in one of them the GM got bored with the campaign after 10 or so sessions, and in the other I withdrew from the group as the playstyle of the other players didn't suit...
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    What adventure module have you pillaged the most without using the main plot?

    One of my (many, so far unfulfilled) campaign ideas is to run Souls, and then have the party equip their own expedition to Saventh-Yhi (if they are so inclined) and then run a modified version of the city, with competing groups of explorers turning up later on. So basically running the 1st...
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    Running adventures in systems that they were not designed for.

    I'm currently running Zeitgeist (PF 1e version) using Fate Core. None of us have ever played Fate before, or anything like it. We're most of the way through the 4th adventure, and so far everyone has been loving it. I'm finding it so much more relaxing than trying to run it in Pathfinder would...
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    D&D General D&D "influencers" need to actively acknowledge other games.

    I'm not Reynard, but I didn't think that was what they meant by their post. I took it more as a suggestion to look to see how Fate does it, with a view to maybe coming up with something similar in a 5e game. So I missed out on the laugh-out-loud moment you enjoyed.
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    D&D General D&D "influencers" need to actively acknowledge other games.

    Emphasis mine. I'm struggling to think of a (role-playing) game I have zero interest in. There are probably a few very-niche ones on itch.io I have no interest in (or would have no interest in, if I'd ever heard of them) but even then I'd happily listen to someone else talk about them, if...
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    D&D 1E Seriously contemplating an attempt at a retro AD&D

    You might find Anthony Huso's blog useful, since he went back to AD&D and has a lot of advice about how to play it. Blue Bard He also claims to be playing AD&D "by the book" which most people think is impossible.
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    D&D General Getting The Gold Out of the Dungeon

    That version of the puzzle seems a tad easy ...
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    D&D General Matt Colville on adventure length

    I think the WotC campaign titles are intended to convey "buy this, it'll be awesome" rather than provide useful information. I'm always interested in new adventures, for any edition of D&D, but I've stopped buying WotC ones. The titles may have had something to do with it. For some reason...
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    D&D General Matt Colville on adventure length

    I've only seen this once, in a 3rd edition game. The party were on some kind of floating platform, with another platform nearby. The whole area was shrouded in mist, and we had no idea how far down it was to the bottom. The armour-wearing fighter, quite strong but with no ranks in Jump...
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    D&D General Matt Colville on adventure length

    Raging Swan has converted a few of their adventures to 5e, available as Print on Demand at Drivethru. This one is a pretty good short adventure for 1st level characters (at least, I like the Pathfinder 1e version) for £7.25. 38 pages, but about half of that is the description of the nearby town...
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    D&D General Matt Colville on adventure length

    I actually had a player who insisted that his character died, which I found surprisingly impressive. We were a player short (and the way we run it is that if the player isn't there, the PC isn't there either) but I decided not to tone down an encounter to compensate, on the basis that the key...
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    D&D 5E Meet Some of the 40+ Multiversal Monsters In Vecna: Eve of Ruin

    Am I the only one excited about Miska the Wolf-Spider? I thought this site tended towards the (ahem) more experienced demographic.