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Custom divine abilities, portfolios, etc.


In addition, you may choose a number of allies equal to your divine rank within your aura to no longer be hampered or harmed by any effects of your Drowning Aura however may still swim through it like calm waters DC 10.
I will say that you can exclude any number of allies from the effect already in the base ability, without going to the Perfect.

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Thoughts? Too strong too weak? I took this idea for a Demon Prince of Flash Floods, Drowning and Rainstorms.

I copied and pasted a similar effect and made small edits. I'm not sure how I'd go about making any more edits to this yet if any.

Drowning Aura (Su) [Divine Ability]
Prerequisites: Divine Aura

Benefits: Your divine aura is an emanation of suffocating drowning, with a watery glint and deadly threat for creatures that breathe. All other breathing creatures within your divine aura are treated as if beneath water in terms of being able to breathe. Your aura accelerates the process of drowning.

Normally, a creature can hold its breath for a number of rounds equal to twice its Constitution score before it begins to drown. Within the drowning aura, a creature can only hold its breath if it makes a DC 10+Your Divine Rank Constitution check every round. Each round, the DC increases by 1. When the character finally fails its Constitution check, it begins to drown. In the first round, it falls unconscious (0 hit points). In the following round, it drops to -1 hit points and is dying. In the third round, if still in the drowning aura, it drowns.
I legitimately love this, this seems awesome

I suppose that's true. I guess it's base version would be better taken as a disciple, prophet or with Cryptomnesia.

You have been chosen by fate for some unknown purpose.
Prerequisites: Cha 25.
Benefit: You gain a divine ability (instead of a feat), however, it is locked
within your subconscious mind and you can only use it under some
predetermined situation or clause.
Possible clauses might include: only functions against a certain creature
type (as per the Bane weapon special ability), or in a certain place (in
defence of your deities holy places for instance), or perhaps at a certain
time (such as under a full moon, or one day per week).
Special: The GM determines the exact clause.
Adventure Idea: The GM could keep the exact clause a secret from
the player, only revealing itself at some dramatic moment.

I'll also add some improved upon versions. Wording is a bit choppy because It's a quick rough draft but what are your thoughts?
Cryptomnesia is always cool.
Greater Drowning Aura (Su) [Divine Ability]
Prerequisites: Divine Aura, Drowning Aura

Benefits: As "Drowning Aura" except, it can even effect creatures who normally don't need to breath, as long as they do not have the aquatic subtype, and are equal or less divine rank than you.

Superior Drowning Aura (Su) [Divine Ability]
Prerequisites: Divine Aura, Greater Drowning Aura

Benefits: As "Greater Drowning Aura" except, In addition, all creatures other than you are treated as being under water for all purposes. DC 20+Divine Rank for Swim DC

Perfect Drowning Aura (Su) [Divine Ability]
Prerequisites: Divine Aura, Greater Drowning Aura, Superior Drowning Aura

Benefits: As ""Superior Drowning Aura" except, the DC 15+Your Divine Rank Constitution check every round. Each round, the DC increases by 2. In addition, you may choose any number of allies within your aura to no longer be hampered or harmed by any effects of your Drowning Aura however may still swim through it like calm waters DC 10. Your aura also acts as though it has water pressure with you being the "ocean floor" starting after 500ft a creature within your aura takes 1d6 points of dmg and this increases by another 1d6 per 100ft.

Example; The Demon King Sivnic has a divine aura of 780ft. Each round a creature within the aura takes 1d6 if they are within 280ft of Sivnic and take up to 3d6 if they are within 80ft or less from Sivnic. This damage happens each round the creature remains within the high pressurized area within the aura.
These all seem great. There should be some counter ability, and some caveats to "Don't need to breathe" though, because that kind of doesn't make sense in some cases. Like, you drowned a skeleton? Or a wraith? Seems... idk, off. Maybe make it work like "if the base creature type of the being affected needs to breathe, then it's affected." A little clunky, I know, but I think otherwise it's a little weird. Like it seems cosmic at that point as it can be very abusable, besides the save vs the drowning effect being so low of course.


Welkin Template (Epic)

Welkin is the vampire god, emperor among the king. He watch the aeons pass, and he remain on his throne. "The Inevitable End Of All But Me"

“Welkin” is a template that can be added to any 120 level/HD character that has been a nosferatu for millennial.

Hit Dice: A welkin has d20 for Hid Dice and has maximum hit points per die (like it has rolled the maximum on all the die).

Armor Class: A welkin increase any previous natural armor bonuses by +150.

Speed: All the welkin movements speed increase to 900 ft. if lesser.

Defensive Abilities: A welkin has all of the base nosferatu’s defensive abilities. It also has the defensive abilities listed below.

Channel Resistance (Ex)
A welkin has channel resistance +200 or his HD, whichever is higher. This overlaps (does not stack with) the base nosferatu’s channel resistance.

Damage Reduction (Ex)
A welkin increase his damage reduction to 120/—.

Dark Armor (Su)
A welkin generate a personal dark armor that stops a number of hit points of physical damage (whether that damage came from mundane or magical sources does not matter) equal to ½ his maximum hit points. It should be noted that this ability prevents any special attacks that accompany an attack provided the entire amount of damage of the attack is blocked. This dark armor regenerates its protection at a rate of 1 point per HD of the welkin per round.

Dread Recuperation (Ex)
At the start and at the end of its turn, the welkin automatically shake off any one adverse condition and effect (disease, mind-effecting effects, imprisonment, stun, sanity damage, madness, negative level, ability damage or drain, etc.). This ability cannot be removed or suppressed in any means, even by effects that normally suppress or remove Ex such as baleful polymorph (which would still be removed on its turn) or remove abilities like Force Vulnerability of the Spawn Slayer (Slayer archetype) or the Consuming Curse of the Consuming Creature (template). Abrogate can remove this only if the source is at least two divine tier (intermediate deity, greater deity, elder one, etc.) higher than the wealkin.

Eternal (Ex)
If somehow the welkin is destroyed, his body with all of his equipment turns into blood and dissolves. After 1d4 hours he dramatically reappears in a safe location from any blood shed at the moment of his destruction, there is no way for stop this from happening. His soul cannot be imprisoned, absorbed or destroyed in any means. The welkin cannot be restored to life in any means, not even divine powers can. This ability cannot be removed or suppressed in any means, even by effects that normally suppress or remove Ex such as baleful polymorph or remove abilities like Force Vulnerability of the Spawn Slayer (Slayer archetype) or the Consuming Curse of the Consuming Creature (template). Abrogate can remove this only if the source is at least two divine tier (intermediate deity, greater deity, elder one, etc.) higher than the wealkin.

Eternal Freedom (Su)
A welkin is immune to the following effects, spells and spell-like abilities: entangle, hold, imprisonment, paralysis, petrification, sleep, slow, stunning, temporal stasis and web. He is also treated as if under the effects of a freedom of movement spell.

Fast Healing (Ex)
A welking fast healing increase to 125.

Immunity (Ex)
A welkin gains immunity to cold and electricity.

Spell Resistance (Ex)
A welkin gains spell resistance 60 + his HD. This overlaps (does not stack with) the base nosferatu’s spell resistance.

Special Attacks: A welkin has all of the base nosferatu’s special attacks. It also has the special attacks listed below.

Digestio (Su)
A welkin gains all aspects of a defeated opponent that are more powerful than what him already possess. He must have personally defeated the opponent (he must take the majority beneficiary of any EXP gained from the opponents defeat for this power to take effect). This assimilation include ability scores:

ex: If he defeat an opponent with a higher strength score than himself, he gains its strength score (see assimilate of the nosferatu).

It also includes Hit Dice (only the amount of Hit Dice is pertinent, not the type). If the opponent had more Hit Dice than him, his Hit Dice increases to its Hit Dice as a racial Hit Dice.

ex: If a welkin with 60 Hit Dice defeats an enemy with 90 Hit Dice, then the welking would gains 30 racial Hit Dice.

Lastly it includes powers and abilities.

The welkin would gains all the defeated enemy mortal, divine, cosmic, transcendental and omnific abilities, even class abilities.

Special: In the likely event of any ambiguity over what exactly is gained, the GM has the final say.

Blood Drain (Ex)
A welkin blood drain damage increase from d8 to d12.

Children of the Terror (Su)
A welkin can use its children of the night ability every round instead of once per hour. A welkin can call with children of the night any number of the same undead creature, while their total CR sum cannot exceed triple his HD and the single creature cannot have a CR higher of his HD. He can have any number of summon active at any given time and the creatures summoned forth serve the welkin until released.

Dominate (Su)
A welkin can chose to use its Dominate special attack with only its voice, without the need of the eyes. When used in this way, instead of a gaze attack, this ability is a sonic, and language-dependent effect and the target must be able to hear the welkin. Creatures controlled obey suicidal orders and do not gains a new saving throw if they are forced to take actions against their nature. The welkin does not need spend at least 1 round concentrating on the ability each day. This ability works now even while the welkin and the controlled creature are not on the same plane. Protection from evil and similar ability does not block this ability if the effect is not at a CL of at least the welkin HD-10.

Create Spawn (Su)
Same as the base nosferatu except that if the creature have 120 or more HD, the welkin can chose, if he wants, to apply the welkin template after the nosferatu and vampire templates (the new welkin is still under the control of the welkin that created it like normal vampire spawn or normal vampire).

Energy Drain (Su)
A welkin energy drain ability triggers once per successful attack, up to a maximum of an extra trigger per round for every 7 level after 20 the welkin has (2 at 27th, 3 at 34th, 4 at 41th, etc.) on a given creature, and his mastery over unlife allows him to use his energy drain attack against any creature, even creatures normally immune to energy drains like undead or construct. The number of negative level bestowed with a successful attack increase to one negative level for every 12 HD of the welkin. This alter the nosferatu energy drain ability.

Mercurial (Ex)
The welkin gain a cumulative +1 attack per round (beginning after the first) provided he keep attacking the same opponent. The attack is made using the welkin full base attack bonus, plus any modifiers appropriate to the situation.

Special: If the welkin use the two-weapon fighting then he gains two cumulative attacks per round, if he use the multiweapon fighting style he would gains multiple extra weapon attacks each round, one per functional hands actually used for attack (ex: if the welkin is a kasatha which used 3 swords and one wand, he gains three extra attack each round).

Spellcasting: A welkin has all of the base nosferatu’s spellcasting and spell-like ability. A welkin replace the spell-like ability of the nosferatu template with the following:

Constant—haste, true seeing;

At will—astral projection, create greater undead, death knell, destruction, eclipse [E], enervation, greater dispel magic, greater teleport, harm, plane shift, soul bind, storm of vengeance, time stop;

3/day—demise unseen [E], dreamscape [E], implosion, imprisonment, momento mori [E], overwhelming presence, pestilence [E], polar midnight, rain of fire [E], soul dominion [E], wail of the banshee, weird, wish;

1/day—dire winter [E];

Welkin use these spell-like abilities with caster level equal to his Hit Dice.

Special Qualities
A welkin has all of the base nosferatu’s special qualities. It also has the special qualities listed below.

Maven (Ex)
A welkin has maximum ranks in all skills it knows.

Mythic (Ex)
A welkin has Mythic Power (32/day, Surge +20d6) and counts as a 32th-rank Mythic creature. A welkin can use any of his spell and spell-like abilities as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. It can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spell and spell-like abilities. If the welkin is already mythic (like wizard 80/archmage 26), this pool of mythic power is apart and cannot be used for activate mythic path abilities (like the wild arcana path ability) and the welkin is considered 32th-rank or his other rank/tier, whichever of the two is higher. If his other rank/tier is higher, this pool improved: this pool can be used a number of time per day equal to his rank/tier and the surge increase as appropriate for the rank/tier. This replace the mythic nosferatu ability.

Omnicompetent (Ex)
A welkin knows all skills.

Vicissitude (Ex)
A welkin can develop an entirely new alter-ego. Thereafter he can change between these two identities at will as a move action (only the welkin can choose to do so and he can do so at any time, usually when his alter-ego is incapacitated). The alter-ego begins with a hit die/level no greater than the welkin HD (from then on advancing as a separate entity). It can be of any alignment, be of any race or class and is otherwise untraceable to the original manifestation. The welkin always knows what his alter-ego does and knows everything he knows, but his alter-ego does not know it in turn: indeed it is possible that he does not even know that he is only an alter-ego of another entity and considers the moments when the welkin comes out and is in control like blackouts where he passed out. This is not a transmutation or a polymorph effect.

Ability Scores: Str +150, Dex +100, Int +50, Wis +50, Cha +100. As an undead creature, a welkin has no Constitution score.

Skills: A welkin increase any racial bonus on Bluff, Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth by +100. This replace the nosferatu skill bonus.

Epic Feats: Welkin gain Anoxia, Expert Strike, Fire Baptism, Malifiecus, Mathesis, Phrenology, Plastic Soul, Second Strike as bonus epic feats without need to meet their prerequisite.
What would you say this template gives to CR?


What would you say this template gives to CR?
I did not put a CR because I believe that above 30, the CR calculation no longer works. The CR already begins to creak at the 15th, at the 20th to stagger and at the 30th it explodes like a firecracker. For non-Epic template (like Antediluvian Vampire) I can still calculate it, but when it gets to these levels I stop evaluating it and rely on the party and their composition/build to know if it's an adequate challenge for them.



Divine Metalwork (Su) [Divine]

Your divine power shapes the metal in the forge.
Prerequisites: Metalworking Portfolio, Craft (forge master) 40 ranks.
Benefit: You can craft any mundane or magic item made of metal (like armor, weapons, rings, etc.) as if you had the necessary item creation feats (and their mythic version, if existent), using Craft (forge master) in place of the normal Craft and Spellcraft for that specific item. You are considered to possess the prerequisites necessary to craft any magic item of those types, even if you do not otherwise meet the requirements or does not have the ability to cast the necessary spells. Also, you make twice as much progress on the metal item for any time spent. This ability does not reduce the item’s cost. You count as having the Efficient Item Creation epic feat on all item creation feats when crafting a magic item made of metal. Finally, you can make a metal item masterwork simply by paying for the cost, and don’t need to increase the time to create the item or attempt additional checks.
Special: If you have this ability, you count as having the Efficient Item Creation epic feat and count your ranks in Craft (forge master) as rank in Spellcraft, but only for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites for Divine Architect and its highest versions. If you do not have the ranks in Spellcraft normally necessary for qualify for the abilities, their benefits only apply to mundane or magic items made of metal.
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End of Time Portfolio

Aspects: Cyclic destruction and regeneration of reality, Definitive destruction of reality

Opposed Portfolio: Crafts

Examples: Apophis (Egypt), Groetus (Pathfinder), Jergal (D&D), Surtur (Norse)

Favored Animal: None

Favored Class: Any

Favored Place: Totally bare and desolate places

Favored Sacrifice: Unique items or creatures

Favored Time: The last day of the year

Favored Weapon: Any

Portfolio Trial: You must destroy something vital to society

Prerequisites: You must have destroyed a Dimension or higher (equivalent to the Prime Material Plane, Outer Planes, etc.) or be destined to doing so (like Surtur is destined to destroy the world in the Ragnarök, and Apophis is destined to one day to devour Ra and return the world to the Primeval Chaos). A Demiurge or other creatures capable of changing their Portfolio (like with the Intrinsic Transcendental Ability) must respect this prerequisite or they cannot select it.

Symbol: Any

Typical Quote: “What has outlived its usefulness must be destroyed to make room for the new.”


Granted Power: You gain the Call the End ability.

*Call the End (Su)

As a move action you can enhance your divine aura with the power that announces the inevitable end of everything. All opponents inside your divine aura while this effect is active cannot benefit from any luck or moral bonus, all their natural healing (like fast healing and regeneration) are suppressed, even if they cannot be suppressed normally (like the one of the Tarrasque), and all magical healing effects used on them must succeed a caster level check against a DC of 10 + your HD + your DR or the effect (like channel energy) has no result. You can deactivate this power as a free action. You can use this aura for a number of rounds each day equal to the sum of your HD + your DR. The rounds don’t have to be used consecutively.

1 Seething Eyebane: Subject is blinded and all within 5 ft. take 1d6 damage.

2 Blindness/Deafness: Makes subject blinded or deafened.

3 Red Fester: Subject takes 1d6 Str damage and 1d4 Cha damage.

4 Fear: Subjects within cone flee for 1 round/level.

5 Unwilling Shield: Subject shares wounds you receive.

6 Disintegrate: Reduces one creature or object to dust.

7 Earthquake: Intense tremor shakes 80-ft.-radius.

8 Evil Weather: You conjures a type of evil weather.

9 Apocalypse from the Sky: You calls upon the darkest forces in all existence to rain destruction down upon the land.


The realm of an entity with the End of Time Portfolio is a desolate place where every non-magical built or structure collapses on itself automatically after 1d10 minutes for no apparent reason.

Hazards: The realm itself is hostile to the existence, as is its owner. Every hour all creatures and objects (even if kept) in the realm, except the immortal and creatures/objects specified by him, take damage equal to the divine rank of the immortal (or twice the divine rank if the immortal has double Portfolio) that ignore DR and Hardness. Every hour, creatures with a divine rank less than immortal must make a Fortitude save with DC (11 + 1 for each consecutive hour spent in the realm), or take 1 permanent negative level. This is an effect that ignore immunity against Fortitude saves or negative level (like undead or creatures under death watch) of creatures with less divine rank of the immortal.

Inhabitants: Monsters of destruction and nihilism are drawn to this realm, like daemons and Katpaskir demons.

End of Time Template (Single Portfolio)​

Appearance: The immortal’s manifestation appears cold and statuesque like a statue or partially monstrous.

NB. When the immortal adopts a different form (through Shapechanging or Wildshape for instance), this trait is also adopted.

Behavior: These deities are imperturbable towards the world, often with behaviors incomprehensible to those who do not understand the delicate mechanism of the universe.

End of Time Template (Double Portfolio)​

Appearance: Same as the single portfolio except the immortal’s manifestation seems emotionless, like a construct or is an aberrant creature disgusting even to other evil deities.

Demeanor: Such immortals’ imperturbability is led to excess.

(Single) End of Time Portfolio
Divine Status
Ability/Weakness Gained
Spell-like Abilities
Lemming’s Wisdom (Weakness)
Vulnerable to Creation (Ex)
Closeness to the End (Ex)
Use any end of time domain spell as spell-like ability
Competence penalty to Wisdom equal to your divine rank

Competence penalty (equal to your divine rank) against conjuration spells and effects

You can cast corrupt spells without suffering damage

Always Active
Nihilism (Ex)​
You gains immunity to fear effects​
Always Active​
Scion of the End (Ex)​
Competence bonus (equal to divine rank) on attack rolls, saves, and armor class for 24 hours after slaying an enemy creature with at least ½ your HD​
Always Active​
Creator of Destruction (Ex)​
Those summoned gain damage bonus equal to your divine rank​
Always Active​
Soul Stealer (Su)​
Those you slay are automatically soul bound (no sneak attack needed)​
Always Active​
Lesser Deity​
Superior Force [Effect] (Su)​
Assault your enemies with force base attacks​
Intermediate Deity​
Uncanny Force Mastery (Su)​
Assault your enemies with force base attacks​
Greater Deity​
Life from the End (Ex)​
You gain Regeneration equal to ½ your HD for 24 hours after slaying an enemy creature with at least ½ your HD​
Always Active​
Elder One​
Spirit Stealer (Su)

Cosmic Imperfection (Crafts)
When you destroy a deity you gain all its quintessence

One artifact in the universe can defeat your cosmic string ability
Always Active

Always Active
Old One​
Anaretic (Su)​
Your sunder attempts disjoin items​
Always Active​

(Double) End of Time Portfolio
Divine Status
Ability/Weakness Gained
Spell-like Abilities
Lemming’s Wisdom (Weakness)
Vulnerable to Creation (Ex)
Closeness to the End (Ex)
Use two end of time domain spell as spell-like ability
Competence penalty to Wisdom equal to double your divine rank

Competence penalty (equal to double your divine rank) against conjuration spells and effects

You can cast corrupt spells without suffering damage

Always Active
Void Essence (Su)​
Your allies within your Divine Aura gain immunity to fear effects​
Always Active​
Greater Scion of the End (Ex)​
Competence bonus (equal to double divine rank) on attack rolls, saves, and armor class for 24 hours after slaying an enemy creature with at least ½ your HD​
Always Active​
An Army Capable to Bring Down the Gods (Ex)​
Those summoned gain damage bonus equal to double your divine rank​
Always Active​
Perfect Embodiment of the End (Ex)​
You totally ignore an opponent’s damage reduction​
Always Active​
Lesser Deity​
Superior Force [Effect] (Su) (x2 HD)​
Assault your enemies with force base attacks​
Intermediate Deity​
Uncanny Force Mastery (Su) (x2 HD)​
Assault your enemies with force base attacks​
Greater Deity​
The End is Now (Ex)​
You gain Regeneration equal to your HD for 24 hours after slaying an enemy creature with at least ½ your HD​
Always Active​
Elder One​
Degeneration (Su)

Cosmic Imperfection (Crafts)
Opponents within your aura have their fast healing/regeneration work in reverse

Two artifacts in the universe can defeat your cosmic string ability
Always Active

Always Active
Old One​
Learned Ability Immunity (Ex)​
You can adapt to your opponents special attacks​
Always Active​
First One​
Your transcendental power of destruction can change history itself​
Always Active​
Art1 of Johan Egerkrans


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End of Time Portfolio

Aspects: Cyclic destruction and regeneration of reality, Definitive destruction of reality

Opposed Portfolio: Crafts

Examples: Apophis (Egypt), Groetus (Pathfinder), Jergal (D&D), Surtur (Norse)

Favored Animal: None

Favored Class: Any

Favored Place: Totally bare and desolate places

Favored Sacrifice: Unique items or creatures

Favored Time: The last day of the year

Favored Weapon: Any

Portfolio Trial: You must destroy something vital to society

Prerequisites: You must have destroyed a Dimension or higher (equivalent to the Prime Material Plane, Outer Planes, etc.) or be destined to doing so (like Surtur is destined to destroy the world in the Ragnarök, and Apophis is destined to one day to devour Ra and return the world to the Primeval Chaos). A Demiurge or other creatures capable of changing their Portfolio (like with the Intrinsic Transcendental Ability) must respect this prerequisite or they cannot select it.

Symbol: Any

Typical Quote: “What has outlived its usefulness must be destroyed to make room for the new.”


Granted Power: You gain the Call the End ability.

*Call the End (Su)

As a move action you can enhance your divine aura with the power that announces the inevitable end of everything. All opponents inside your divine aura while this effect is active cannot benefit from any luck or moral bonus, all their natural healing (like fast healing and regeneration) are suppressed, even if they cannot be suppressed normally (like the one of the Tarrasque), and all magical healing effects used on them must succeed a caster level check against a DC of 10 + your HD + your DR or the effect (like channel energy) has no result. You can deactivate this power as a free action. You can use this aura for a number of rounds each day equal to the sum of your HD + your DR. The rounds don’t have to be used consecutively.

1 Seething Eyebane: Subject is blinded and all within 5 ft. take 1d6 damage.

2 Blindness/Deafness: Makes subject blinded or deafened.

3 Red Fester: Subject takes 1d6 Str damage and 1d4 Cha damage.

4 Fear: Subjects within cone flee for 1 round/level.

5 Unwilling Shield: Subject shares wounds you receive.

6 Disintegrate: Reduces one creature or object to dust.

7 Earthquake: Intense tremor shakes 80-ft.-radius.

8 Evil Weather: You conjures a type of evil weather.

9 Apocalypse from the Sky: You calls upon the darkest forces in all existence to rain destruction down upon the land.


The realm of an entity with the End of Time Portfolio is a desolate place where every non-magical built or structure collapses on itself automatically after 1d10 minutes for no apparent reason.

Hazards: The realm itself is hostile to the existence, as is its owner. Every hour all creatures and objects (even if kept) in the realm, except the immortal and creatures/objects specified by him, take damage equal to the divine rank of the immortal (or twice the divine rank if the immortal has double Portfolio) that ignore DR and Hardness. Every hour, creatures with a divine rank less than immortal must make a Fortitude save with DC (11 + 1 for each consecutive hour spent in the realm), or take 1 permanent negative level. This is an effect that ignore immunity against Fortitude saves or negative level (like undead or creatures under death watch) of creatures with less divine rank of the immortal.

Inhabitants: Monsters of destruction and nihilism are drawn to this realm, like daemons and Katpaskir demons.

End of Time Template (Single Portfolio)​

Appearance: The immortal’s manifestation appears cold and statuesque like a statue or partially monstrous.

NB. When the immortal adopts a different form (through Shapechanging or Wildshape for instance), this trait is also adopted.

Behavior: These deities are imperturbable towards the world, often with behaviors incomprehensible to those who do not understand the delicate mechanism of the universe.

End of Time Template (Double Portfolio)​

Appearance: Same as the single portfolio except the immortal’s manifestation seems emotionless, like a construct or is an aberrant creature disgusting even to other evil deities.

Demeanor: Such immortals’ imperturbability is led to excess.

(Single) End of Time Portfolio
Divine Status
Ability/Weakness Gained
Spell-like Abilities
Lemming’s Wisdom (Weakness)
Vulnerable to Creation (Ex)
Closeness to the End (Ex)
Use any end of time domain spell as spell-like ability
Competence penalty to Wisdom equal to your divine rank

Competence penalty (equal to your divine rank) against conjuration spells and effects

You can cast corrupt spells without suffering damage

Always Active
Nihilism (Ex)​
You gains immunity to fear effects​
Always Active​
Scion of the End (Ex)​
Competence bonus (equal to divine rank) on attack rolls, saves, and armor class for 24 hours after slaying an enemy creature with at least ½ your HD​
Always Active​
Creator of Destruction (Ex)​
Those summoned gain damage bonus equal to your divine rank​
Always Active​
Soul Stealer (Su)​
Those you slay are automatically soul bound (no sneak attack needed)​
Always Active​
Lesser Deity​
Superior Force [Effect] (Su)​
Assault your enemies with force base attacks​
Intermediate Deity​
Uncanny Force Mastery (Su)​
Assault your enemies with force base attacks​
Greater Deity​
Life from the End (Ex)​
You gain Regeneration equal to ½ your HD for 24 hours after slaying an enemy creature with at least ½ your HD​
Always Active​
Elder One​
Spirit Stealer (Su)

Cosmic Imperfection (Crafts)
When you destroy a deity you gain all its quintessence

One artifact in the universe can defeat your cosmic string ability
Always Active

Always Active
Old One​
Anaretic (Su)​
Your sunder attempts disjoin items​
Always Active​

(Double) End of Time Portfolio
Divine Status
Ability/Weakness Gained
Spell-like Abilities
Lemming’s Wisdom (Weakness)
Vulnerable to Creation (Ex)
Closeness to the End (Ex)
Use two end of time domain spell as spell-like ability
Competence penalty to Wisdom equal to double your divine rank

Competence penalty (equal to double your divine rank) against conjuration spells and effects

You can cast corrupt spells without suffering damage

Always Active
Void Essence (Su)​
Your allies within your Divine Aura gain immunity to fear effects​
Always Active​
Greater Scion of the End (Ex)​
Competence bonus (equal to double divine rank) on attack rolls, saves, and armor class for 24 hours after slaying an enemy creature with at least ½ your HD​
Always Active​
An Army Capable to Bring Down the Gods (Ex)​
Those summoned gain damage bonus equal to double your divine rank​
Always Active​
Perfect Embodiment of the End (Ex)​
You totally ignore an opponent’s damage reduction​
Always Active​
Lesser Deity​
Superior Force [Effect] (Su) (x2 HD)​
Assault your enemies with force base attacks​
Intermediate Deity​
Uncanny Force Mastery (Su) (x2 HD)​
Assault your enemies with force base attacks​
Greater Deity​
The End is Now (Ex)​
You gain Regeneration equal to your HD for 24 hours after slaying an enemy creature with at least ½ your HD​
Always Active​
Elder One​
Degeneration (Su)

Cosmic Imperfection (Crafts)
Opponents within your aura have their fast healing/regeneration work in reverse

Two artifacts in the universe can defeat your cosmic string ability
Always Active

Always Active
Old One​
Learned Ability Immunity (Ex)​
You can adapt to your opponents special attacks​
Always Active​
First One​
Your transcendental power of destruction can change history itself​
Always Active​
Art1 of Johan Egerkrans
This is awesome. :)

Great Obly99 I need you to send me some very original big monsters of cr 40 or more for me to use in my campaign and all the credit goes to you my friend​


Voidrunner's Codex

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