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New Special Materials Beyond Neutronium. Quark, Strange, and Black Hole Matter

New Omnific Ability

Quark Matter Body (Su)

Your manifestation is made of the ultra-dense non-newtonian Quark Matter.

-Prerequisites: Construct Traits (see Ersatz), Iron Body, Adamantine Body, Orichalcum Body, Neutronium Body

-Benefit: Your body becomes pure quark matter. Your weight increases a quintillion-fold. Your strength increases by +732 and multiply your base damage dice by x256 and gain 48 Virtual Size Categories. You add 22,500/- to your damage reduction. You also add +1,078 to your natural armor bonus. Your unarmed attacks automatically treat an opponent's damage reduction as if it was 22,500 points less. Your dexterity is reduced by 146 (although this penalty cannot reduce your dexterity score below 10). You also gain the Indissoluble Transcendent (Lowered from Omnific,) Mutability Divine, Self Mastery Divine, and Uncanny Cosmic Mastery Cosmic abilities as part of this Omnific ability and shed light as the Sunlight spell at all times.

-Special: Both the damage reduction and the natural armor bonus stack with existing damage reduction and natural armor. This ability overlaps with Adamantine Body, Iron Body, Orichalcum Body, and Neutronium Body it does not stack with those abilities.

-Appearance: Your manifestation becomes fluid and indistinct, your surface though liquid, is as polished as chrome and shining with brilliant energy.


(Beefer's Notes:

The damage multiplier for basic virtual size categories as presented in the book is, once again, entirely out of hand due to VSC J-curve logic, by RAW the damage multiplier from 48 VSCs would be x281,474,976,710,656.

Which is absurd and doesn't make any logical sense in terms of usability.

Thusly for balance and actual playability, I make the damage multiplier bonuses equal to the damage multipliers in the description of the materials vice the base virtual size categories, (so x12 for Orichalcum, x192 for Neutronium, etc) as I only allow the base damage of attacks damage multiplication from VSCs to increase up to the hit dice of a deity, however I do allow this to stack with the damage multiplier from Orichalcum, Neutronium, Quark Matter Body, etc etc, as I explained in my earlier post. (so for example: a 40 HD Lesser Deity with max VSC damage potential 40d10x12 for Orichalcum Body 480d10 base damage)

Though this is presented as an Omnific Ability, there is, I believe, some argument to be made that this is only Transcendent in power as it suffers the same limitations as Neutronium Body, place it as you see fit.

Likewise initially I gave this ability Regeneration instead of Indissoluble for balancing purposes, but thought it made more sense to give it similar properties to the material itself, if this seems too strong, change that out for Regeneration, but again, I make the argument that Indissoluble is barely at Transcendent levels of power. Yes free full hp healing every round is very powerful, but a repeat spell version of a basic epic Healing using the Healing Seed spell from the Epic Handbook can, especially at high levels do much the same thing, compared to Transmortality or Transtemporal I feel that Indissoluble is far weaker, to the point of barely comparable)
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Quark Matter Golem

Arbiter, Advanced Neutralizer

Blinding white hot light radiates off this automaton in all directions like a white dwarf star. At its center you see a vaguely humanoid shape though seemingly made of pure molten silver, melted and fluid in appearance. The being has no features, and simply a single molten column of liquid metal where it's legs should be.

Quark Golem
Large Construct (Extraplanar)

Hit Dice:
500d1000 +15,728,640 (16,228,640 hp)
Initiative: +250 (+250 Gravitic Mastery)
Speed: Superluminal (5,621,108,587 ft/perfect)

Armor Class: 1,535 (+250 Gravitic Mastery, +1,287 Natural, -1 Size, -1 Dex)
Flat-Footed: 1,535 Touch: 248

Str: 752 (+371)
Dex: 9 (–1)
Con: -
Int: -
Wis: 11
Cha: 1

Space/Reach: 10ft/ 30ft
Base Attack/Grapple: +366/ +978

+978 melee , 2 attacks 18-20/x3 critical + Sharpness (severs random limb)

128,000d10+621 (640,621)

Special Abilities:
Gravitic Aura, Brilliant Aura, Gamma Ray Pulse, Astrophysical Jet, Starquake, Dead Magic Zone, Grab, Sharpness, Starflight

Special Qualities:
Accretion, Construct Traits, Damage Reduction 22,500/--, Indisoluble, Regeneration, Self Mastery, Mutability, Darkvision 60, Immunity to Magic, Low Light Vision, Magnetar, Superluminal, Unearthly Construction, Liquid Construction

Saves: Will 500, Ref 500, Fort 500

Alignment: Always Neutral
Organization: Solitary, Pair, Squad (1d4+2), Or with Time Lord
Environment: The Infinite Expanse of the Pleroma
Cr: (Estimated) 400

Advanced Neutralizers, Arbiters are powerful golems made from the densest heart of large neutron stars where the quarks have come apart into a liquid bath of non differentiated subatomic particles held together with such intense gravity that it becomes a flowing and metallic liquid-solid. These golems have incredible abilities and can easily dispatch neutronium golems sent to counter them.

Against powerful Omnific threats they, like Neutronium golems, are insufficient weapon platforms but can sometimes stall such foes for long enough for their masters to escape or for help to arrive. Against Cosmic and Transcendent threats however, Arbiters can be nearly invincible foes from which there is no escape.


Arbiters are used in highly sensitive situations where a Time Lord needs a situation handled correctly. Arbiters in this sense are used like straightforward assassins and elite guardians. When needed, they make intense foes, healing all damage done to them seconds after being damaged and their bodies are so dense no material weaker than Strange Matter can damage them normally. They're also utterly immune to magic and their Gamma Ray Pulse and Astrophysical Jet abilities make them extremely dangerous.

They like other golems unleash their most powerful attacks on the strongest foes outright and allow their auras and aoe powers to obliterate lesser enemies. Their self mastery ability allows them to release parts of themselves to chase multiple targets, and their mutability and liquid construction powers allows them to flow through small places (that aren't utterly obliterated by them simply making contact with them) allowing them to chase slippery foes where once caught they use their sharp liquid attacks to slash a foe to shreds.


Anyone striking the Quark Golem must make a DC 881 Strength Check every round to retrieve it’s weapon or appendage as titanic gravitic forces threaten to tear limb from body.

Damage Reduction: An Arbiter has a hardness of 22,500, this can only be overcome by other Quark Matter items or denser materials

Regeneration: Incredible gravity heals the damage done to a Arbiter by 22,500 per round, this regeneration can only be overcome by Strange Matter, Black Hole Matter or other such materials, or must be abrogated or otherwise neutralized.

Indisoluble: An Arbiter heals all damage done to it at the start of every round via a fast healing of effectively ∞, only Strange Matter, Black Hole Matter or similar hyper dense materials or permanent damage can damage it normally.

Grab: Any time the Arbiter successfully strikes a foe in melee it can attempt to start a grapple check as a free action without provoking attacks of opportunity. This ability can be used against foes of up to 5 size categories larger than itself. If the Arbiter so chooses it can maintain or conduct the grapple check at a -20 to grapple without gaining the grappled condition itself.

Gravitic Aura: The Gravity well around a Quark Golem is so great that it appears to distort space time, with a massive gravity well surrounding the immediate area it inhabits, from a radius presented below it deals the following each round
· 200 ft: 10% Max Hp Drained, Death DC 881
· 600 ft: 2% Max Hp Drained, Death DC 881
· 2,000 ft: Unconscious DC 881
· 6,000 ft: Stunned DC 881

Gravitic Mastery: The Arbiter is not subject to gravity, including it’s own. It can freely control the ebb and flow of it’s own gravity and the gravity around it granting it a +250 Elemental Mastery bonus on Armor Class, Attack Rolls, Ability Checks, DCs, Initiative and Saving Throws

Brilliant Aura: Unimaginable cosmic energy and blinding power radiate off of the Quark Golem dissolving all those who come too close in a wash of brilliant light. Enemies actively attempting to flee get a Reflex Save DC 881 for half damage, enemies who continue to approach or refuse to flee take damage with no save allowed.
· 200 Miles: 250d100 Divine and 250d1,000 Divine Fire damage (137,000 average)
· 600 Miles : 62d100 Divine and 62d1,000 Divine Fire damage (34,100 average)
· 2,000 Miles: 25d100 Divine and 25d1000 Divine Fire damage (13,700 average)
· 6,000 Miles: 6d100 Divine and 6d1,000 Divine Fire (3,410 average)

Immunity to Magic: Arbiters are utterly immune to all forms of magic that allow a spell resistance

Dead Magic Zone: All Magic ceases to function within 25 ft of an Arbiter

Magnetar: Once an Arbiter has identified a target for termination it is inextricably linked to the Quark Golem and it cannot escape. No matter how fast the being moves, even manifold times the speed of light, the Arbiter moves relative to their two positions, even across time or dimensions. Treat as Spell Stowaway and tether attuned to any method of movement.

Gamma Ray Pulse: Each Round as a Free action the Arbiter may produce a pulse of focused Gamma Rays, this wave targets all foes within a 10,000 miles and deals 500d100 Divine and 500d1,000 Divine Fire damage (average 275,000) with no save and deals 50 points of Radiation Damage to any foe without immunity to poison and ability damage and permanently blinds all foes who fail a DC 881 Fortitude Save

Astrophysical Jet: As a Standard Action on a round that the Arbiter does not use it’s Gamma Ray Pulse it may opt to fire a powerful Astrophysical Jet a massive explosion of charged particles and atomized matter in a cone 500,000 miles wide, this blast deals 1,000d100 Divine and 1,000d1,000 Divine Fire damage (Average 550,000) with no save, blasts foes who fail a Reflex Save of 881 back to the edges of the attack dealing 50,000d6 (average 150,000) extra falling damage if they hit a solid object, and disintegrates all foes who fail a DC 881 Fortitude Save

Sharpness: The Arbiter may deal Slashing or Bludgeoning damage with it's slam attacks. If dealing Slashing damage, the Arbiter's Critical hit range is tripled to 18-20 and deals x3 damage on a Critical hit. Additionally, a natural '20' severs a random limb, roll a d6 on a 1-2 an arm is severed, a 3-4 a leg is severed, a 5 is the Arbiter's choice of arm or leg and a 6 severs the opponent's head. this deals a % of the opponent's max hp unless they regenerate or can regrow limbs. 15% for an arm 33% for a leg and death for the severing of a head.

Starquake: When destroyed or brought to negative health an Arbiter explodes into a massive blast like a Supernova releasing titanic amounts of energy. The Blindness and Dazzling Effects are permanent. It deals the following:

· 2,000 Miles: Disintegration Fort DC 881, 25,000d6 Fire Damage (average 70,000), 50,000d6 (average 150,000) Kinetic (falling) damage +50,000 ft pushback, 500 Radiation, Blindness Fort DC 881
· 5,000 Miles: 25,000d6 Fire Damage (average 70,000), 50,000d6 (average 150,000) Kinetic (falling) damage +50,000 ft pushback, 500 Radiation, Blindness Fort DC 881
· 10,000 Miles: 50,000d6 (average 150,000) Kinetic (falling) damage +50,000 ft pushback, 500 Radiation, Blindness Fort DC 881
· 15,000 Miles: 5,000d6 (average 15,000) Kinetic (falling) damage +5,000 ft pushback, 50 Radiation, Blindness Fort DC 881
· 20,000 Miles: 500d6 (average 1,500) Kinetic (falling) damage +500 ft pushback, 5 Radiation, Dazzled DC Fort 881
· 25,000 Miles: 50d6 (150) Kinetic damage +50ft pushback, Dazzled Fort DC 881
· 1 Light Round (1,171,064 Miles): 5d6 Kinetic damage (15 average) 5ft pushback, planetary disturbances (hurricanes, emp like effects, satellites knocked out of orbit etc) Dazzled Fort DC 88 for 50 Rounds

Unearthly Construction: Quark Matter Golems are fashioned by the Time Lords and other Omnific entities, they use d1,000s for health and always have maximum hp per hit dice, Arbiters always roll the best possible result when using Starflight

Liquid Construction: Quark Matter Golems have a liquid body allowing them to move in ways not achievable by solid forms. Their slam attacks are treated as having most melee weapon base properties such as Trip, Reach, Brace, etc and they can reach out as if 2 size category larger giving them a base reach of 30 feet, additionally they can slip between gaps in walls and under doors or any space more than 1/4 an inch wide. They cannot effectively be grappled and are treated as if constantly under the effects of a Freedom of Movement spell however they can attempt to start a grapple check as an immediate action any time they are struck by an unarmed or natural attack and can make an unlimited number of attacks of opportunity in a round (though only 1 per opponent).

Mutability: Quark Golems are treated as Oozes and have Ooze traits granting them immunity to critical hits, flanking, and sneak attacks or other precision based damage and grants them Blindsight out to 5,000 feet.

Self Mastery: Quark Golems can disembody their own arms or just globs of their body which can act as independent entities. This deals a permanent 15% of the Golem's hp total and the new disembodied body part gains that much hp. It is treated for all intents and purposes as an extension of the Quark Golem, it gains no extra actions for using this ability however it can make slam attacks, and use it's it's aura effects from an extension and may use it's Gamma Ray Pulse ability but only at 10% of it's effectiveness (though it's saving throw DC remains the same).

Superluminal: Arbiters move at the speed of light, 5,621,108,587 feet per round.

Starflight: An Arbiter can reach any destination in the Multiverse in 3d20 (3) minutes
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New Material: Strange Matter

Strange matter is a tremendously dense, ultradurable, near indestructible material produced in the heart of large Quark stars known as Strange stars. When pressures reach a point where Up and Down quarks can no longer compensate, some quarks are converted into higher energy quarks known as Strange Quarks. These quarks have unique properties and for lack of a better term are 'stronger' than standard up or down quarks. When quark matter is converted into strange matter, normally the quarks would quickly decay into down quarks, it is instead held in perfect stability due to the unyielding gravitic forces placed upon it. The quarks can't decay and the liquid metal Quark Gluon bath that forms Quark Matter, compressed by gravity to it's absolute threshold, becomes the final stage of matter possibly formed. That material, pressing desperately back against the collapse before disappearing and becoming a black hole forever is Strange Matter: a perfectly stable, indestructible material without equal. The strongest form of matter that can possibly exist without breaking the laws of physics itself.

Strange Matter appears as a brilliant peridot green metal shining with threatening yellow green light. Tremendous electromagnetic and gravetic forces create immense amounts of photonic energy and cosmic radiation which blindingly burns in all directions from this material, illuminating and irradiating everything for hundreds of thousands of miles around it. The lensing from this is intense causing significant light disturbances around the material. Light appears to loop, again and again, the back of the material can be seen from the front, and a halo much like something between a kaleidoscope and a rainbow can be seen around the surface of Strange Matter shifting with near fractal properties. The intense gravity well created by Strange Matter will cause all non magical items to immediately begin to orbit and descend into even small amounts of the substance.

Sidereal smiths look upon Strange Matter much the way a mortal smith may look at Neutronium. An impossible material with terrifying properties. Even Transcendent beings view it as more a liability than a boon and only Omnific beings and the most prodigious Transcendent smiths have ever been able to successfully forge the material, even then it is extremely rare. Strange Matter represents the ideal state of matter. No matter born of the universe can damage it and, in fact, any normal matter (Orichalcum and below) that comes in contact with it is instantly converted into Strange Matter. reducing it's size to the point of nearly disappearing.

Strange Matter requires a strength of 475 to wield a weapon or use armor made of the material. It is roughly 64x heavier than Neutronium weighing x 2,251,760,000,000,000 that of steel, It deals x384 base damage for weapons or x384 the base armor bonus for armor and shields, it has a hardness of 337,500 and 675,000 hp per inch of thickness. This hardness cannot be overcome even by other Strange Matter items or items of higher density and it's Hardness and hit points are considered effectively ∞ to all matter not as dense or denser than itself. It's basic hardness of 337,500 cannot be overcome by any means and it is immune to all standard forms of damage, including all magical and energy damage, it can only be ejected from a universe, it cannot be destroyed. Even Permanent Damage and Divine Energy fails to overcome this material's insane durability. Only Strange Matter and denser materials can actually damage the substance.

Being nearly unforgeable and utterly indestructible along with it's volatility makes the material extremely difficult to work with. The material is usually made into bricks or small interconnecting pieces vice a fully forged solid items.

In addition to it's nearly unbeatable Hardness, Strange Matter effectively cannot be destroyed only scattered, it cannot be damaged by any attack form except by items of higher density and if somehow destroyed or broken apart, the material explodes into a shower of Strangelets, small shards or chunks of Strange Matter that are released in all directions at speeds close to the speed of light like a fragmentation grenade,. These Strangelets deal damage as the Omega Immolation Transcendent Effect, annihilating it's damage multiplier in Hit Dice (384) upon it's destruction without save to all foes within 384,000 feet and threatening the same upon all foes within 384,000 miles on a failed reflex save equal to it's damage and armor multiplier x2 (DC 768), Divine Immunity is sufficient to ignore this effect, however all beings still take 384d100 Piercing and Bludgeoning damage from the bombardment if they fail a Reflex Save of DC 768 and take half damage if they make the save, in addition, incredible radioactive energy emanates off the material causing 384 points of Radiation Damage at all times to all beings within 384,000 miles of the material, though Divine Immunity negates this.

The material also sheds brilliant yellow green light like a sunlight spell in the same vicinity, within 384,000 miles. If any being without immunity stares directly into the source of this light for any amount of time, they are dazzled without save, if they continue to look directly at the source for more than 1 round they must make a DC 768 Fort save, failure indicates they are permanently dazzled and blinded for 384 rounds, success negates the blinding effect and reduces it to dazzled for 384 rounds. The lensing of this light creates multiple phantom images of the substance granting a permanent Mirror Image like effect around it at all times. This lensing effect is treated as an extraordinary effect, thusly immunity to illusions and spell resistance or immunity do not apply. True Sight, Blindsight and Blindsense will see through this however as will Tremorsense.

All Strange Matter items effectively are treated as having the Omnific Toughness Omnific Ability being treated as having effectively ∞ Hp against any attack or damage not made of Strange Matter or Denser material. Any being without Divine Immunity struck by Strange Matter or who comes in contact with armor or any item made of the material has 384 Hit Dice annihilated as per the Omega Effect Transcendent Ability without save as parts of their body are instantly converted into Strange Matter. Items and matter that comes in contact with Strange Matter is reduced in size by 10 Size Categories and converted into Strange Matter. Orichalcum is reduced in size by 5 Size Categories.

The only way to truly destroy a Strange Matter item is to sunder it with an item of higher density (Black Hole Matter or Weak Symmetric Matter for example) or throw it into a Black Hole.
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New Omnific Ability

Strange Matter Body (Su)

Your manifestation is made of the near invincible Strange Matter.

-Prerequisites: Construct Traits (see Ersatz), Iron Body, Adamantine Body, Orichalcum Body, Neutronium Body, Quark Matter Body

-Benefit: Your body becomes pure Strange matter. Your weight increases 100 quintillion-fold. Your strength increases by +982, multiply your base damage dice by x384 and gain 65 Virtual Size Categories. You add 337,500/- to your damage reduction. You also add +1,521 to your natural armor bonus. Your unarmed attacks automatically treat an opponent's damage reduction as if it was 337,500 points less. Your dexterity is reduced by 196 (although this penalty cannot reduce your dexterity score below 10).

Your Damage Reduction cannot be overcome by any means besides denser materials or must be abrogated or otherwise negated and you become immune to elemental, magical, negative, positive, divine, untyped, and permanent damage. You also gain the Omnific Toughness Omnific Ability, even if you already have it, Omega Immolation, Omega Hand, and Omega Strike with your unarmed attacks, Transcendent Abilities and the Uncanny Radiation Effect Divine Ability, you also shed light as the Sunlight spell at all times out to a radius equal to your Divine Aura, dazzling all foes and making them suffer a minus to Attack and sight based Perception or Spot checks for an amount equal to your Divine Bonus for an amount of rounds equal to your Divine Bonus who look directly at you without save.

Any normal matter you touch is instantly converted into Strange Matter, reducing in size by 10 size categories and becoming effectively useless losing all magical and mundane properties it previously had. This can be resumed or suppressed as a free action however it cannot be suppressed within anti magic or dead magic zones.

-Special: Both the damage reduction and the natural armor bonus stack with existing damage reduction and natural armor. This ability overlaps with Adamantine Body, Iron Body, Orichalcum Body, and Neutronium Body and Quark Matter Body, it does not stack with those abilities. The Mutability, Self Mastery and Indisoluble abilities granted by Quark Matter Body are lost when taking this Omnific Ability.

-Appearance: Your manifestation glimmers like unblemished peridot green chrome and shines with brilliant blinding light.
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Strange Matter Golem

Judgement Golem, Adjutant, Strange Golem


Something not unlike a tiny yet tremendously brilliant peridot green star stands before you in the distance. A blurring kaleidoscope of magnetic resonance and gravity bending light around the center creates a sort of multi petalled “flower” of mirror like distortions and aurorae with an accretion disk like a black hole at it’s core. In the center of this core, barely visible due to the blinding radiance, a large powerfully built humanoid sits as motionless as a statue, seemingly deep in meditation.

Larger than a human, bald, hairless, and hugely muscled. This being appears much like a man, but is of a species you don’t recognize, he seems cast of a strange green metal unlike the which you have seen before as you realize he doesn't simply appear as a statue, he is a statue.

Suddenly, it opens it’s massive dark eyes for a moment, as black as obsidian. They rest upon you and it seems to gaze into your soul. It regards you for but a moment longer before closing it’s eyes once more.

Strange Matter Golem
Large Construct (Extraplanar)

Hit Dice:
∞ / 1000d1000 +125,829,120 (126,829,120 hp)
Initiative: Always Goes First/+750 (+750 Gravitic Mastery)
Speed: Hyperluminal (5,621,108,587 ft/perfect, doubles each round)

Armor Class: 2,545 (+750 Gravitic Mastery, +1797 Natural, -1 Size, -1 Dex)
Flat-Footed: 2,545 Touch: 748

Str: 1002 (+496)
Dex: 9 (–1)
Con: -
Int: 100 (+45)
Wis: 101 (+45)
Cha: 71 (+30)

Space/Reach: 10ft/ 10ft
Base Attack/Grapple: +667/ +2,409

+2,409 melee, 9 attacks 17-20/x5 critical + Annihilation, Disintegration, and Obliteration

Atomic-Cosmic Beam: +1,912 Ranged 17-20/x5 Critical + Disintegration

384,000d10+1,246, +1,500d6 Permanent Damage, +3,000d4 Force, +3,000d6 Disintegration, +1,500d6 Wind, +1,500d6 Fire, +1,500d20 Cosmic, +1,500 Hit Dice Annihilation, +Disintegration, +Obliteration, +Radiation (3,840,000 Damage + 348,000 Effect Damage [12,000 Force, 18,000 Disintegration, 9,000 Wind, 9.000 Fire, 30,000 Cosmic x4], +Disintegration DC 1,786 Fort, +1,500 Hit Dice Annihilation, +1000 Radiation [Str, Dex, Con Damage], +Obliterating Strike DC 2,252)

Atomic-Cosmic Beam: 2,000d4 Force, +2,000d6 Disintegration, +1,000d6 Wind, +1,000d6 Fire, +1000d20 Cosmic x4, +Disintegration DC 1,786 (208,000 Damage)

Special Abilities:
Spells (DC 1,510 + Spell Level, Caster Level 1,000), Channel Energy 500d1,000, Orisons, Spontaneous Casting, Unearthly Channeling, Touch of Chaos (53/day), Touch of Law (53/day), Hasten the End (250/day), Command (53/day), Gravitic Aura, Gravity Wave, Brilliant Aura, Astrophysical Spiral, Relativistic Jet, Starquake, Dead Magic Zone, Grab, Obliterating Strikes, Starflight

Special Qualities:
Accretion, Cleric Aura (Chaos and Law), Gravitational Lensing, Domains Entropy/Inevitable, Construct Traits, Sentience, Damage Reduction 337,500/--, Damage Immunity, Regeneration, Darkvision 60, Immunity to Magic, Low Light Vision, Magnetar, Hyperluminal, Unreal Construction, Strange Matter Construction

Feats: (Lots, tailored for each specific Golem, Epic Spell Casting, Cleric Feats, Metamagic etc etc) Improved Critical, Improved Critical Multiplier, Greater Critical, Greater Critical Multiplier, Improved Initiative, Superior Initiative, Two Weapon Fighting, Improved, Two Weapon Fighting, Greater Two Weapon Fighting, Perfect Two Weapon Fighting, Two Weapon Rend

*Divine Abilities: Strong Soul, Strong Mind, Strong Spirit, Postcognition, Precognition, Seventh Sense (200), Maven, Omnicompetent, Quantum Effect, Telluric Effect, Perfect Initiative, Nescient, Third Eye, True Seeing, X-Ray Vision

*Cosmic Abilities: Abrogate, Annihilating Hand, Annihilating Immolation, Atomic Effect (6), Cosmic Effect (6), Cosmic Consciousness, Inner Eye, Unearthly Effect

*Transcendent Abilities: Omega Hand, Omega Immolation, Omega Blood, Transcendent Cozen

*Omnific Abilities: Omnific Toughness

(*Abilities granted during construction, the golem has no true divinity and cannot gain more abelites through levelling up unless it gained divinity or similar powers)

Saves: Will 1,791, Ref 1,745, Fort 1,776

Skills: 1,003+ Relevant Ability Modifier

Alignment: Unaligned or Usually Neutral
Organization: Solitary, Pair, Trio, Jury (1d4+2 Strange Golems), Or with Time Lord or High Lord
Environment: The Infinite Expanse of the Pleroma
Cr: (Estimated) 1333

Adjutants or Judgement Golems are obscenely powerful golems made of pure Strange Matter. These golems are made with care and great difficulty so much so that enterprising Time Lords once sought these beings, defeating them and repurposing their bodies as armor. As such these beings are almost unilaterally given sentience to allow them to better defend themselves and survive the trials of the Pleroma.

Most Adjutants become Clerics to their creator Time or High Lords, but many choose their own path. The path of a free Adjutant (Known as a Stranger) is a lonely one, able to feel but unable to interact with the universe at large, they develop deep emotional attachments to the world around them and cling to causes, though always filtered through their own unique perspective.

Sometimes independent Strange Golems form small familial units or pods deep in the pleroma, hidden away from prying eyes where they can finally touch other beings and interact with others who won’t be annihilated by their touch. These groups can be fiercely loyal to one another and will fight to the death in their defense.

Adjutants under the patronage of a Time or High Lord however work as confidantes and Elite guardians. Being nearly impervious to most forms of damage and being equally able to obliterate nearly anything they hit, Adjutants can prove to be lethal combatants even to Time Lords, as such they almost always hold roles of high esteem, Champions, Viziers and even occasionally lovers within the courts of the Aeons.

Transcendent entities know to fear these beings as Adjutants can dispatch entire flights of Nehaschimic Dragons without effort and will if demanded by their Lord without hesitation or mercy.

Against powerful Omnific threats they fare much better than Neutronium golems, and Quark Golems and are powerful enough on their own to severely wound, drive off or possibly even defeat powerful Hyperboreans, enterprising Demiurges and Sundered Time Lords, sometimes easily, and are powerful enough to fight, and even sometimes defeat the mighty Time Lords themselves.


Adjutants use their impressive array of abilities to both pulverize targets and keep foes off balance. They’re nearly perfect war machines, able to cast powerful magic and fight on par with the most impressive fighter. They can even heal and channel negative and positive energy, even reparative magic if needed, and depending on the situation call upon all of their powers to the same effectiveness as any other being.

Adjutants will generally attempt dialogue first, wishing to solve a problem without issue. If diplomacy fails, they’ll attempt to command the being to them and force the situation, many times called in times of abuses of power, the Adjutant will use their Transcendent Cozen ability to steal the abilities the being in question is exploiting or abusing, keeping the powers for a time allotted to them by their Time Lord or by their own volition but if the being in question learns nothing, they’ll keep the power permanently.

If sent to simply dispatch a foe however or in the defense of their Time Lord, family, or friends, Adjutants are terrifying foes with astounding abilities. They’ll brutally obliterate those arrayed against them with ruthless efficiency. They’ll wipe out most foes with their Astrophysical Spiral and Relativistic Jet, and rain meteoric blows down upon their enemies targeting the strongest enemy first and after assessing the threat and perhaps using some magic to soften them up, they’ll wade into melee allowing their natural Annihilation, Disintegration, Radiation and Obliteration abilities to permanently wound, permanently drain hit dice, poison all physical stats, possibly disintegrate and transform the enemy into strange matter, killing their foes instantly.

Even those who somehow survive this are met with an onslaught of savage strikes able to shatter entire stars with a single blow.

The bodies of Strange Golems are so durable that they generally don’t fear getting wounded at all meaning they have almost no fear of being injured. Almost all forms of damage fail against them, nothing breaks their insane hardness and they regenerate when wounded. Moreover those who do manage to actually wound an Adjutant are assaulted by a spray of strangelets obliterating hit dice and threatening annihilation yet again. Those who manage to destroy a Strange Golem find the golem will likely take them out with them as their bodies explode into a terrifying fragmentation bomb obliterating everything around for lightyears.

They like other golems unleash their most powerful attacks on the strongest foes outright and allow their auras and aoe powers to obliterate lesser enemies. Unlike other golems, Adjutants can think, feel, parley and plan. They will actively modify their tactics as needed and will actively counterspell when possible if necessary, and will use armor and weapons when appropriate.

Adjutants have strong convictions and can be bargained with, reasoned with, and do feel pity and remorse, these can be used to advantage in theory, that said however, all Adjutants are different and a Strange Golem with an evil heart is also theoretically possible.


Aura of Law and Chaos:
An Adjutant has a powerful aura of both Law and Chaos, being an agent of Entropy and Inevitability, it remains unaligned whilst being a beacon of both tremendous Axiomatic and Anarchic energy.

Orisons (Sp): An Adjutant can cast an unlimited amount of 0 level spells per day.

Touch of Law (Su): An Adjutant as part of a Melee Touch attack (or Melee Attack) can force an opponent or an ally to roll a natural ‘11’ for all d20 Rolls and 10% above average for all other rolls rounding down (100d10 would deal 550 for example), for 1 round. This ability will counteract Inner Eye and similar abilities up to Transcendent level powers. They may do this 53 times per day.

Touch of Chaos (Su): An Adjutant as part of a Melee Touch attack (or Melee Attack) can force an opponent to roll 2 dice for each d20 Rolls and roll all other rolls naturally and twice for 1 round taking the worse roll. This ability will counteract Inner Eye and similar abilities up to Transcendent level powers. They may do this 53 times per day.

Command (Su): 53/day an Adjutant can Command as the spell any being who can hear it’s voice ignoring spell resistance. Will save DC 2,252

Hasten the End (Su): 250/day as part of a melee attack or a melee touch, the Adjutant can reduce the number of rounds of all ongoing effects by 1 round, minute, hour, day, etc, based on the ability effected.

Channel Energy (Su): 530/day the Adjutant can Channel 500d1000 points of Axiomatic (Lawful) Energy, 500d1000 points of Anarchic (Chaotic) Energy or 500d1000 points of Reparative (object/golem mending) energy in a burst equal to their Brilliant Aura range (600,000 miles) against evil, good, or neutrally aligned beings, this energy deals ½ damage or heals ½ the dice amount. A reflex save DC 1,801 can be made for ½ damage.

Unearthly Channeling (Ex): An Adjutant is a direct channel to the Aeons, and channels d1,000s instead of d6s of energy. It is also able to affect all rolls with it's Touch of Law and Touch of Chaos abilities, not just d20 rolls and is always considered a Holy Symbol in and of itself needing no divine focus to use any of it’s abilities.

Accretion (Ex): Anyone striking the Strange Golem must make a DC 2,252 Strength Check every round to retrieve it’s weapon or appendage as titanic gravitic forces threaten to tear limb from body.

Damage Reduction (Ex): An Adjutant has a hardness of 337,500, this hardness cannot be overcome by any means.

Damage Immunity (Ex): A Strange Golem is impervious to most conventional attack forms being utterly immune to all physical damage, elemental damage, alignment based damage, Profane, Divine, and Magic based damage. Even Permanent damage fails to damage it. It can only be damaged by Strange Matter, and denser materials. Pure Antimatter (via Antimatter Effect or similar powers, Omnific levels (d1000's) of Divine Damage, or Higher energy forms can overcome this, as can unorthodox attack forms, though this immunity also extends to fortitude save based abilities granting them near total immunity to fort save based effects, disintegration, and hit dice annihilation.

Regeneration (Ex): Incredible gravity heals the damage done to a Adjutant by 337,500 per round, regenerating it even after death, this regeneration can only be overcome by Strange Matter, Black Hole Matter or other such materials, or must be abrogated or otherwise neutralized.

Inner Eye (Ex): The Adjutant rolls the best possible die rolls in all situations.

Omnific Toughness (Ex): An Adjutant effectively has ∞ health. This can be cancelled by beings with infinite strength, or with weapons made of Strange Matter or denser materials.

Grab (Ex): Any time the Adjutant successfully strikes a foe in melee the intense gravity around it allows it to attempt to start a grapple check as a free action without provoking attacks of opportunity. This ability can be used against foes of up to 10 size categories larger than itself. If the Adjutant so chooses it can maintain or conduct the grapple check at a -20 to grapple without gaining the grappled condition itself.

Gravitic Aura (Ex): The Gravity well around a Strange Golem is so great that it greatly distorts spacetime with the massive gravity well surrounding the area it inhabits, from a radius presented below it deals the following each round, Saves are Fort based

· 600 ft: 30% Max Hp Drained, Death DC 2,252
· 2,000 ft: 10% Max Hp Drained, Death DC 2,252
· 6,000 ft: 2% Max Hp Drained, Death DC 2,252
· 20,000 ft: Unconscious DC 2,252
· 60,000 ft: Stunned DC 2,252

Gravitic Mastery (Su): The Adjutant is not subject to gravity, including it’s own. It can freely control the ebb and flow of it’s own gravity and the gravity around it granting it a +750 Elemental Mastery bonus on Armor Class, Attack Rolls, Ability Checks, DCs, Initiative and Saving Throws

Gravity Wave (Ex): Strange Golems can affect the Gravity around them within 600,000 miles, this allows them to use Reverse Gravity like effects at will as a free action but may change the direction to any direction they desire and may even use Control Winds like directional control with their gravity control.

Gravitational Lensing (Ex): Strange Golems have intense Gravitational Lensing around them at all times, this creates a series of Mirror Image like images around them at all times and blurs, displaces and distorts their image as per Displacement. As these are simply an effect of intense gravity, True Seeing does nothing to help combat this effect and the Mirror Images do not disappear when struck.

Brilliant Aura (Ex): Unimaginable cosmic energy and blinding power radiate off of the Strange Golem dissolving all those who come too close in a wash of brilliant light. Enemies actively attempting to flee get a Reflex Save DC 2,252 for half damage, enemies who continue to approach or refuse to flee take damage with no save allowed.

· 2,000 Miles: 500d1,000 Divine and 500d1,000 Divine Fire damage (1,000,000 average)
· 6,000 Miles : 125d1,000 Divine and 500d1,000 Divine Fire damage (625,000 average)
· 20,000 Miles: 500d100 Divine and 500d1,000 Divine Fire damage (550,000 average)
· 60,000 Miles : 125d100 Divine and 125d1,000 Divine Fire damage (137,500 average)
· 200,000 Miles: 50d100 Divine and 50d1000 Divine Fire damage (55,000 average)
· 600,000 Miles: 12d100 Divine and 12d1,000 Divine Fire (13,750 average)

Cosmic Effect (Su): Deals d20s Divine damage per hit dice of the Adjutant.

· Beam (Ray) 1,000d20 x4 (x4 Quantum Effect) (80,000) Line of Sight range
· Blast 500d20 x4 (40,000) 600,000 mile range./ 2600ft radius blast, Standard action DC 1,786/half
· Blood 250d20x4 (20,000) Melee Free action DC 1,786/half
· Breath* 1,000d20x4 (20,000) 600,000 mile range (cone) Line of Sight. (line) Standard 1,786/half
· Hand 1,500d20x4 (120,000) Melee Touch
· Immolation 1,500d20x4 (120,000) 600,000 mile range. radius Free 1,786/half
· Storm 250d20x4 (20,000) 600,000 mile range. radius Free -
· Strike 250d20x4 (20,000) Melee (bonus) Free -
· Wrath (Gaze) 500d20x4 (40,000) 600,000 mile range 1,786/none

Atomic Effect (Su): Tremendous Atomic energy radiates off the Adjutant dealing several effects:

· Beam (Ray) 2,000d4 Force, +2,000d6 Disintegration, +1,000d6 Wind, +1,000d6 Fire, +Disintegration DC 1,786 Fort, +Radiation DC 1,786 Fort (x4 damage Quantum Effect: 32,000 Force, 48,000 Disintegration, 24,000 Wind, 24.000 Fire, 666 Radiation) Line of Sight range
· Blast 1,000d4 Force, +1,000d6 Disintegration, +500d6 Wind, +500d6 Fire, +Disintegration DC 1,786 Fort, +Radiation DC 1,786 Fort (x4 damage Quantum Effect: 16,000 Force, 24,000 Disintegration, 12,000 Wind, 12.000 Fire, 333 Radiation) Line of Sight range 600,000 mile range./ 2600ft radius blast, Standard action DC 1,786/half
· Blood 500d4 Force, +500d6 Disintegration, +250d6 Wind, +250d6 Fire, +Disintegration DC 1,786 Fort, +Radiation DC 1,786 Fort (x4 damage Quantum Effect: 8,000 Force, 12,000 Disintegration, 6,000 Wind, 6.000 Fire, 167 Radiation) Melee Free action DC 1,786/half
· Breath* 2,000d4 Force, +2,000d6 Disintegration, +1,000d6 Wind, +1,000d6 Fire, +Disintegration DC 1,786 Fort, +Radiation DC 1,786 Fort (x4 damage Quantum Effect: 32,000 Force, 48,000 Disintegration, 24,000 Wind, 24.000 Fire, 666 Radiation) 600,000 mile range (cone) Line of Sight. (line) Standard 1,786/half
· Hand 3,000d4 Force, +3,000d6 Disintegration, +1,500d6 Wind, +1,500d6 Fire, +Disintegration DC 1,786 Fort, +Radiation DC 1,786 Fort (48,000 Force, 72,000 Disintegration, 36,000 Wind, 36.000 Fire, 1,000 Radiation) Melee Touch
· Immolation 3,000d4 Force, +3,000d6 Disintegration, +1,500d6 Wind, +1,500d6 Fire, +Disintegration DC 1,786 Fort, +Radiation DC 1,786 Fort x4 (48,000 Force, 72,000 Disintegration, 36,000 Wind, 36.000 Fire, 1,000 Radiation) 600,000 mile range. radius Free 1,786/half
· Storm 500d4 Force, +500d6 Disintegration, +250d6 Wind, +250d6 Fire, +Disintegration DC 1,786 Fort, +Radiation DC 1,786 Fort (x4 damage Quantum Effect: 8,000 Force, 12,000 Disintegration, 6,000 Wind, 6.000 Fire, 167 Radiation) 600,000 mile range. radius Free -
· Strike 500d4 Force, +500d6 Disintegration, +250d6 Wind, +250d6 Fire, +Disintegration DC 1,786 Fort, +Radiation DC 1,786 Fort (x4 damage Quantum Effect: 8,000 Force, 12,000 Disintegration, 6,000 Wind, 6.000 Fire, 167 Radiation) Melee (bonus) Free
· Wrath (Gaze) 1,000d4 Force, +1,000d6 Disintegration, +500d6 Wind, +500d6 Fire, +Disintegration DC 1,786 Fort, +Radiation DC 1,786 Fort (x4 damage Quantum Effect: 16,000 Force, 24,000 Disintegration, 12,000 Wind, 12.000 Fire, 333 Radiation) Line of Sight range 600,000 mile range 1,786/none

Annihilating Effect (Ex): Strange Golems deal permanent damage to anything they touch. Enemies or objects not as dense as Strange Matter who are struck by it's blows, touched by it, deal damage to it, or destroy it are subject to the following:

· Blood 250d6x4 Permanent Damage (6,000) , DC 1,786/half
· Hand 1,500d6x4 Permanent Damage (36,000) Melee Touch, Melee Touch
· Immolation 1,500d6x4 Permanent Damage (36,000), 600,000 mile range. radius Free 1,786/half

Omega Effect (Ex): Strange Matter obliterates whatever it touches. Enemies or objects not as dense as Neutronium who are struck by it's blows, deal damage to it, or destroy it are subject to the following:

· Blood 250 Hit Dice annihilation, DC 1,786/half
· Hand 1,500 Hit Dice annihilation, Melee Touch
· Immolation 1,500 Hit Dice annihilation, 600,000 mile range. radius Free 1,786/half

Unearthly Effect (Ex): All Effect powers ranges are increased to the range of the Adjutant's Brilliant Aura, 600,000 Miles. Lines and ray effect powers have a range equal to line of sight. This coupled with Cosmic Consciousness gives effect power ray and lines Infinite range.

Cosmic Consciousness (Su): The Adjutant has unlimited range to it's sight and hearing.

Immunity to Magic (Ex): Adjutants are utterly immune to all forms of magic that allow a spell resistance

Dead Magic Zone (Su): All Magic except it’s spells, spell like and supernatural effects and the spells and effects of it’s allies cease to function within 2,500 ft of an Adjutant

Magnetar (Ex): Once an Adjutant has identified a target for termination it is inextricably linked to the Strange Golem and it cannot escape. No matter how fast the being moves, even manifold times the speed of light, the Adjutant moves relative to their two positions, even across time or dimensions. Treat as Spell Stowaway and tether attuned to any method of movement.

Astrophysical Spiral (Su): Each Round as a Free action the Adjutant may produce a spiraling wave of focused Cosmic Rays, this wave targets all foes within 1 Light Round (1,171,064 Miles) and deals 1000d10 Kinetic damage (bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage) 1000d1000 Divine and 1000d1,000 Divine Fire damage (average 2,010,000) with no save and deals 100 points of Radiation Damage to any foe without immunity to poison and ability damage, checks all foes as if they were caught in intense winds if they fail a DC 2,252 Reflex Save, and permanently blinds all foes who fail a DC 2,252 Fortitude Save

Relativistic Jet (Su): As a Standard Action on a round that the Adjutant does not use it’s Astrophysical Spiral, it may opt to fire a Relativistic Jet, a massive and terrifyingly powerful explosion of charged particles and atomized matter in a cone 1 Light Day (16,105,822,932 miles) wide, this blast can be fired both behind and in front of the Adjutant if it so chooses. This blast deals 2,000d1,000 Divine and 2,000d1,000 Divine Fire damage (Average 550,000) with no save, blasts foes who fail a Reflex Save of 2,252 back to the edges of the attack dealing 1,000,000d6 Kinetic (average 6,000,000 damage and 1,000,000d6 (average 6,000,000) extra falling damage if they hit a solid object, and disintegrates all foes who fail a DC 2,252 Fortitude Save

Obliteration (Ex): The Adjutant’s blows cause enemies to transform into Strange Matter, killing them instantly. This effect is constant and affects any item touched less than Orichalcum in density with a lesser effect on Orichalcum. Any enemy who is struck by any of the Adjutant’s unarmed strikes or who come into physical contact with the Strange Golem must make a DC 2,252 Fort Save or instantly lose 10 size categories, transform into Strange Matter and die or become utterly inert if not alive or undead. Orichalcum items or being lose 5 size categories and also transform into Strange Matter and die. Neutronium and higher materials are unaffected. This ability can effect Constructs, Items, Undead and other things not traditionally affected by Fortitude Saves.

Starquake (Ex): When destroyed or brought to negative health an Adjutant explodes into a massive blast like a Supernova releasing titanic amounts of energy in addition to it’s Atomic, Cosmic, Annihilating and Omega Immolations. The Blindness and Dazzling Effects are permanent. It deals the following:

· 5,000,000 Miles: Disintegration Fort DC 2,252, 5,000,000d6 Fire Damage (average 30,000,000), 10,000,000d6 (average 60,000,000) Kinetic (falling) damage +10,000,000 ft pushback, 1,000 Radiation, Blindness Fort DC 2,252
· 10,000,000 Miles: 2,500,000d6 Fire Damage (average 15,000,000), 10,000,000d6 (average 60,000,000) Kinetic (falling) damage +10,000,000 ft pushback, 1,000 Radiation, Blindness Fort DC 2,252
· 20,000,000 Miles: 10,000,000d6 (average 60,000,000) Kinetic (falling) damage +10,000,000 ft pushback, 1000 Radiation, Blindness Fort DC 2,252
· 30,000,000 Miles: 1,000,000d6 (average 6,000,000) Kinetic (falling) damage +1,000,000 ft pushback, 100 Radiation, Blindness Fort DC 2,252
· 40,000,000 Miles: 100,000d6 (average 600,000) Kinetic (falling) damage +100,000 ft pushback, 10 Radiation, Dazzled DC Fort 2,252
· 50,000,000 Miles: 10,000d6 (60,000) Kinetic damage +10,000ft pushback, Dazzled Fort DC 2,252
· 1 Light Year (5,878,625,370,000 Miles): 100d6 Kinetic damage (6,000 average) 1,000ft pushback, heavy planetary disturbances (global hurricanes and auroras, flash boiling of oceans, coronal mass ejection like effects, mass extinctions events, global pole shifts) Blinded Fort DC 225 for 100 Rounds, Permanent Dazzled effect.
· 10 Light Years (58,786,253,700,000 Miles) 1d6 Kinetic damage (6 average)10ft pushback, planetary disturbances (aurorae, windows shattered, electromagnetic disturbances, satellites damaged etc) Dazzled Fort DC 22 for 10 Rounds

Unreal Construction (Ex): Strange Matter Golems are fashioned by the greatest smiths in all the realms and other legendary golem masters and master magic users, they use d1,000s for health and always have maximum hp per hit dice, Adjutants always roll the best possible result when using Starflight and have a number of Divine, Cosmic, Transcendent and Omnific Abilities worked into their construction at the time of creation. (200 Divine Abilities worth)

Strange Matter Construction (Ex): Strange Matter Golems have a body made of pure Strange Matter, no two of which are exactly the same, thusly the basics may remain the same but in terms of body shape, structure, design and all relative abilities relating to those structural differences may vary wildly between Golems.

Sentience (Su): Strange Golems are created with an awakened mind, granting them the ability to gain classes and think for themselves. As they gain levels, they are granted bonus ability score points equal to ¼ their HD which can only be used to increase mental ability scores.

Hyperluminal (Ex): Adjutants move in a quantum hyperspace allowing them to move starting at the speed of light, 5,621,108,587 feet per round but doubling this speed every round as long as the Adjutant maintains attempting to fly as fast as possible.

Starflight (Ex): An Adjutant can reach any destination in the Multiverse in 3d20 (3) minutes

Transcendent Cozen (Su): The gravity around an Adjutant can steal Transcendent or lower abilities from an enemy with a successful use of it's Accretion or Grab abilities. It must succeed on a grapple attempt or succeed with it's Accretion ability to use this ability. The enemy must make a DC 2,252 Will Save or lose one ability of up to Transcendent level of the Golem's choice. It may store up to 200 abilities in this fashion.

Spells (Sp): An Adjutant is a level 1,000 Cleric granting them incredible divine magic. They can cast a nearly limitless amount of basic spells and 100 Epic Spells per day.

(Will do spells and get the rest of it's div abilities and such done later, sorry lol.)
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I wonder how much a pouch of dust made from a piece of Kuvachim would weigh. ...and how much damage it would do if said dust were blasted into someone's face. Blindness would be a given. ...but how much damage? ...and would it be unhealable damage?

I wonder how much a pouch of dust made from a piece of Kuvachim would weigh. ...and how much damage it would do if said dust were blasted into someone's face. Blindness would be a given. ...but how much damage? ...and would it be unhealable damage?

The wall is probably made from planck material, where every drop of quantum foam has the mass of a collapsed universe.

So that would be like collapsing the universe down to a tennis ball, collapse that down to a quark, then collapse it as far again to reach planck length. Then imagine a wall (sphere) around the multiverse made from the stuff.

Dead universes fall like sediment to the Kuvachim.

I wonder how much a pouch of dust made from a piece of Kuvachim would weigh. ...and how much damage it would do if said dust were blasted into someone's face. Blindness would be a given. ...but how much damage? ...and would it be unhealable damage?
It's sheer infinity so it would be limitless in weight. In terms of the dust being flung into someone's face, pretty sure that would be like a shotgun blast to a person's head.

It would be healable though, it wouldn't deal permanent damage just an incalculable amount of regular damage lol.

Now that I know what it does, I just need to figure out how to acquire and make use of it. Mostly I just like the idea of a pouch of glittering diamond dust with infinite mass being used as a weapon. One pinch flung in the right direction and another problem is solved.

Of course, how does one collect it, let alone use it without harming one's self or the environment?

I bet it would make for excellent building material too.

Now that I know what it does, I just need to figure out how to acquire and make use of it. Mostly I just like the idea of a pouch of glittering diamond dust with infinite mass being used as a weapon. One pinch flung in the right direction and another problem is solved.

Of course, how does one collect it, let alone use it without harming one's self or the environment?

I bet it would make for excellent building material too.
It really would be, assuming you both had infinite Strength to move it and infinite Constitution to not rip yourself apart on it. Also as the material due to it's weight and mass wouldn't be able to rest upon any surface without at least infinite density, you may have more than a few logistical issues to work out trying to do anything with it unless you're a Time Lord, maybe that won't even be enough. 😅

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