• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Kordovian Adventurers Guild



PC Roster:
Binkadink Dundernoggin, gnome fighter 20​
Darrien, half-elf ranger 20​
Finoula Cloudshadow, elf ranger 20​
Gilbert Fung, human wizard 20​
Hagan, half-orc sorcerer 20​

NPC Roster:
Aithanar Ivenheart, elf fighter 8​
Genevar, humanoid mutant​
MARCI, humanoid construct​

Game Session Date: 30 May 2020

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"There!" cried Binkadink, pointing up into the sky.

The others looked to where he was pointing. There was a spot of color in the sky ahead and then in the blink of an eye, for the briefest second, a much larger shape - but one that vanished almost immediately. The larger shape had looked to be something along the lines of an inverted step pyramid, three levels deep with each level smaller than the one above it. When it disappeared again after less than a second, however, the original spot of color remained and that turned out to be a yellowish insect, crawling upside-down in the air.

Immediately, the heroes whipped out their various rifles, not to shoot at the insect but to get a better look at it through the scopes; Binkadink had instead pulled out his binoculars and was getting the insect into focus. "It looks like a bee, all right!" he said to the others. "Is this the apidox?" he asked, passing the binoculars over to Genevar, who was sitting behind Aithanar on Digger's strong back.

Genevar looked up at the insect, which seemed to hover in mid-air. <That's it!> she said telepathically to the others. <It's starting to make a nest at the bottom of Eradicator Base!> The little mutant frowned in thought. <If it builds a nest there, it could mess about with the base's propulsion unit or muck up its anti-gravity....>

"What happen then?" asked Gilbert.

<Then Eradicator Base will fall from the sky, and if the Eradicators are inside, in suspended animation, they'll all die!> Genevar had no actual idea the Eradicators were in suspended animation inside their cloaked, flying base of operations - it was just a reasonable explanation for her as to why they suddenly disappeared centuries ago during the early days of the Shadow Years, when the DNA bombs went off and the mutagenic viruses started turning people and animals into monsters. Legend said that the Eradicators would one day return, at the time of their greatest need, and Genevar desperately wanted to believe that...but she was well aware the legends said the same thing about King Arthur and he'd never bothered showing his face.

"So we need to take out the apidox no matter what," mused Finoula. The heroes had plenty of different ways to head to the top of the flying base using a variety of magical means at their disposal and she had been giving some thought about possibly bypassing the fight with the apidox altogether. But if its presence on the bottom of Eradicator Base threatened the base's stability, they'd have to kill it or at least drive it away.

"It doesn't look like it's noticed us yet," observed Hagan. As he said that, the inverted pyramid flickered into visibility for a half-second, appearing and disappearing like a flash of lightning.

"Prep spells," replied Gilbert and the others responded immediately by casting those pre-combat spells they were used to having in place when about to enter a skirmish. Darrien and Finoula cast their traditional barkskin spells on themselves and then the half-elf cast both a bear's endurance and a cat's grace spell on his jackalope mount, Droopy-Ear. Hagan and Gilbert each cast a stoneskin spell upon themselves and their familiars and then the half-orc sorcerer cast the same spell on both Aithanar and Genevar. He followed that up with a fly spell upon himself and, at Binkadink's request, another upon Obvious. "This will be fun!" said the awakened jackalope enthusiastically.

Gilbert cast a shapechange spell upon himself but held it at bay for now; he could always assume a different form as needed with the spell already in place. He then cast the traditional Rary's telepathic bond spell on the entire group and, after Genevar reminded everyone that an apidox's stinger held a particularly virulent venom, the heavyset mage drank a potion of neutralize poison just in case it was needed. Finoula did the same, while Darrien cast a delay poison spell upon himself before dropping his figurine of wondrous power to the ground and activating his ebony fly.

"We ready?" Gilbert asked the others as he set his slingshot of rock shrinking and Mudpie, currently the size of a pebble, down on the ground before him. Then he shapechanged into a red-skinned pit fiend and bent to retrieve both his slingshot and his familiar.

"Ready," replied the others and then Gilbert, Hagan, Obvious, and the ebony fly rose into the sky, the last two carrying Binkadink and Darrien respectively, flying up towards the oblivious apidox and the flickering Eradicator Base above them. Back on the ground, Aithanar raised his stun rifle and Finoula fingered her lightning bolt amulet while MARCI, Genevar, and the hoppers grouped together, looking up at the scene of impending battle.

In mid-flight, Hagan cast a polar ray up at the apidox - he'd have preferred hitting it with a meteor swarm but was afraid he might damage whatever technological magic kept the floating base in the sky. The spell-ray struck true, freezing a patch of ice onto the mutant bee's right wing. Another ray blasted up beside him, this one fired from Aithanar's stun rifle; it too struck true. Then a blast of living lightning flew up at the apidox, hit it just behind the creature's narrow neck, and then rebounded back to the ground, where Finoula resumed her elven form. Obvious charged straight for the insect, Binkadink's glaive slicing through its thick outer carapace as Obvious's antler-tips did likewise. Darrien chose to send his ebony fly off to the right, firing multiple shots with his laser sniper rifle as he did so.

Thinking the others could handle the apidox handily, Gilbert flew to the top of the floating base and was surprised to find the invisibility effect that kept Eradicator Base hidden from view from below did not apply to the top of the structure. From his vantage point, he could look down upon the top level, an empty deck in the middle surrounded in a ring by a series of one-story buildings, each about 10 feet tall with the exceptions of the corner buildings and the long one to the south, each of which stood 15 feet tall. There were numerous doors all along the buildings, leading the wizard to believe each was likely a one-room structure not connected to the others from the inside. Two other features of note caught his eyes: the two projections sticking out from the long building to the north, each pointing towards the center of the upper deck, and the three large squares carved into the middle of the deck, looking to be something along the lines of covered pit traps.

As Gilbert dropped down to the corner of the top deck and landed, he loaded Mudpie into his slingshot and fired him at the floor. Upon impact, Mudpie reverted to his full, 16-foot size and his master cast a quickened fly spell upon the towering earth elemental. Gilbert was well aware that Mudpie was not comfortable being separated from the solid earth below him and this spell at least would allow the elemental to return to the ground under his own power if something were to happen to Gilbert. Unseen by the pair, four spherical figures rose from the corners of the structure, each propelled by a series of silent, whirling blades rising up from the central sphere like a beholder's eye-stalks. Four metal constructs built in the shape of a spider also lurked along the building rooftops, each of the eight devices aiming their visual cameras at the pair of intruders standing on the deck before them.

Hanging below Eradicator Base the apidox, slow to respond to outside stimulus, was just now realizing it was under attack. Hagan cast another polar ray at it and Aithanar fired another shot from his stun rifle before the massive insect darted forward, grabbing at Obvious with its front limbs and stabbing at the jackalope with its wicked stinger as it stretched its abdomen down beneath its body. The stinger stabbed deep into Obvious's stomach and the venom did its work almost instantaneously, stopping the jackalope's heart. His involuntary thrashings caused him to wriggle free from the apidox's grip and both he and Binkadink plummeted down to the desert ground beneath them. Both hit the sand hard, sending plumes of dust billowing all around them, but while the gnome fighter crawled back up onto his hands and knees a moment later, Obvious was quite dead. His litter-mates crowded around him, nudging his lifeless form in an effort to wake him up.

Up on the top deck of Eradicator Base, several of the doors raised up, releasing the humanoid forms housed within. The first was a blaster droid, who stepped out of his alcove and immediately sighted at the towering, red-skinned figure standing in the northwestern corner of the deck. Recognizing it as a non-human entity, the blaster raised its left arm and - its targeting capabilities enhanced by the four security drones flying above the corners of the base and the four skittering, spiderlike security bots scampering along the rooftops, all of whom were connected together in a remote link not unlike the Rary's telepathic bond spell the heroes had active - shot Gilbert in the back with his energy weapon. Two more humanoid constructs stepped out of their stations, the doors having risen to let them out, and approached the intruders. These droids had stunning devices affixed to the ends of their arms and had been programmed to take any hostiles alive for possible interrogation. Electrical surges sparked at the ends of their weapons as they advanced.

<Obvious is down!> Finoula called to the others over the link, then activated her lightning bolt amulet again and blasted up at the apidox and back down to the ground again. Binkadink, roaring in a wordless fury over the death of his riding mount and best friend, pulled the laser sniper rifle from his back and fired shot after shot up at the apidox; it was his only way of getting his revenge since his one method of getting up to the mutant bee at the aerial base had just been slain. From his perch upon the ebony fly, Darrien fired his own laser rifle at the apidox.

Two more doors opened up and a pair of humanoid droids exited from their alcoves; these were shock troopers with electrified claws in the place of hands. They too advanced upon Gilbert and Mudpie, who had noticed the imminent approach of a half-dozen metal constructs clanging along the metal floor. Looking at the approaching horde, Gilbert also noticed the security bots skittering along the rooftops and the drones flying overhead, all pointing at him with their camera-lens eyes. Then another door opened and a grappler droid approached, this one less human in appearance than the others; it was boxy, with arms sticking out from its sides ending in metal pincer claws and its head was a flattened disk with sensory apparatus sticking out in various directions. It too veered Gilbert's way, claws open for grasping.

Despite the powerful, fiendish form he currently wore, Gilbert had no stomach for hand-to-hand combat against a riot of metal constructs with unknown powers. He stepped to the side and leapt into the air, flapping his powerful wings to escape - but not before one of the subduer droids managed to zap him with its stunning device. Still, that was all the various robots could do before Gilbert dived over the side of Eradicator Base, casting a maximized enervation spell at the apidox who had proved to be quite deadly after all and was still fighting on despite having been bombarded with spells and rays for all this time. The spell drained a bit more of the mutant bee's vitality and now it was possible to see the creature's moves were becoming somewhat more sluggish; the multiple stun rays were starting to take effect, it seemed.

Mudpie was not a fan of aerial flight but he was also not a fan of keeping his master unprotected, so with a stifled scream he leapt over the side of Eradicator Base and slammed a boulderlike fist into the apidox's face - after all, the earth elemental had no fear of being injected with venom. Hagan cast a third polar ray spell at it and Aithanar continued firing his stun rifle from below. But the apidox was looking for nearby victims to attack and while Mudpie was right there in its face it recognized it as not being edible. That being the case, it flew past the flying earth elemental and made a bee-line for Gilbert, not at all discomfited by the wizard's pit fiend form. Gilbert was unable to dodge out of the way in time and the insect's stinger stabbed deep into his side; the wizard took comfort in the fact that this fiendish form made him immune to all poisons.

Up on the Eradicator Base's upper deck, three more doors opened and the three soldier droids stepped out, taking up defensive positions since there were currently no enemies in view. The grappler, shock troops, and subduers followed suit. The blaster droid stood in the center of the deck, arms raised and ready to fire at any enemies who might approach. But while the security bots kept their camera eyes deployed to cover the entire upper deck, the four flying drones all flew over the sides of the flying base and dropped down until they could see the apidox in combat with several flying members of species unknown.

Finoula blasted up at the apidox again, transforming her elven body into a living lightning bolt, resuming her normal form once back down on the ground. Binkadink continued firing up at the beast with his laser sniper rifle, screaming in fury all the while. Finally, the combined efforts of the various heroes overcame the mutant bee's defenses and its wounded body plummeted from the air, the stun blasts finally having overcome it. It crashed down into the desert sand in an explosion of grit and Binkadink immediately dropped his rifle, pushed past the mourning jackalopes to get to his glaive by Obvious's cooling body, and went rushing over to the downed apidox with his blade held high. Then, before the stunned insect had a chance to recover, the gnome brought his reverberating blade crashing down at the narrow neck holding its head in place. With one downward slash the apidox's head fell to the side of its body.

With the apidox out of the fight, Darrien landed his ebony fly back down by the jackalopes to regroup. Gilbert and Mudpie joined them (the earth elemental with no small sense of relief) and the portly mage - still quite heavy in build even as a pit fiend - briefed the others on the metal constructs he'd seen up on the top level of Eradicator Base.

"We can go over that later," Binkadink interrupted. "Can you--?"

Gilbert knew exactly what the gnome was asking. He walked over to the side of the downed jackalope and shooed Obvious's siblings aside. Then, reaching down to Obvious's furry muzzle, he placed a clawed hand onto it and cast the words to a limited wish spell. Concentrating fiercely, Gilbert rewound time for just the two of them, plucking Obvious out of the way of the apidox's stinger at the last possible moment. Thus, while the jackalope had now still been hurt in battle his wounds had not been fatal; with a start, Obvious crawled back up onto all fours and MARCI approached to inject him with a healing dosage from one of her finger-needles.

That done, Gilbert went back to discussing what he'd seen on the deck of Eradicator Base. "Got bunch of mechanical men running about with weapons built into hands up there," he said. "Only one with any ranged attacks, though."

<It's probably a standard defense setup,> suggested Genevar. <The Eradicators wouldn't want mutants from taking over their base while they were in suspended animation.>

"We not mutants!" Gilbert argued.

<Well, you look like you are - at least from a human perspective,> countered Genevar. <Well, except for you, Gilbert...when you're not a big devil-man.>

"Maybe I drop pit fiend form, see what these metal men do when they see real human like me," mused Gilbert. He looked around. "Okay, we try new plan. Everybody ready?"

Darrien remounted his ebony fly. Binkadink did the same with Obvious, whose fly spell was still in effect, but he promised himself he'd just use his jackalope buddy as a means of transport to the floating base; he wasn't going to send Obvious into battle against these "robot" things. Gilbert, Mudpie, and Hagan flew back up to Eradicator Base under their own power, with Binkadink and Darrien following on their aerial mounts. Finoula activated her lightning bolt amulet for a fourth time, but this time when she blasted herself up to the bottom of Eradicator Base she resumed elven form before returning to earth, staying adhered to the bottom of the floating base with her boots of spider climbing. She felt around on the invisible structure, trying to find a door or window.

Binkadink had recovered his laser sniper rifle but kept it on his back while he held his reverberating glaive in both hands. As they approached, he used his weapon to slice into one of the security drones spying on them from just below the level of the bottom of Eradicator Base. Seeing the ease with which he brought it down, he sent Obvious to go intercept another one and sliced through it as well.

Gilbert landed on the rooftop of the northern central building and resumed his human form. Then, a quickened spell at the ready just in case, he stepped forward to the edge of the roof and started to try to address the robots. The blaster droid immediately swiveled his rifle arm at the mage and Gilbert cast his readied dimension door spell, sending him 40 feet backwards in midair, where Mudpie caught him easily by the shoulders. The earth elemental held his master safely until Gilbert concentrated on another form, shapechanging into an astral deva. In this form he could fly at will with his feathered wings, but more importantly he had a tongues ability that would allow him to communicate with the defensive force of trigger-happy droids. Of course, they'd be able to tell he wasn't a human while he wore that form, but one thing at a time.

The soldier droids had massed over by the building where Gilbert had been, energy blades rising up out of their mechanical hands. Hagan flew up over the side of the base and, seeing a mass of metal constructs arrayed out before him, finally got to cast the meteor swarm spell he'd been holding off on so as not to damage the engines keeping Eradicator Base afloat in the sky. He targeted the grappler droid, and the grappler was destroyed instantly by the four flaming meteors that struck its metal body. The subsequent explosion damaged the other defensive droids to various levels of degree, but none of them were likewise rendered incapable of movement. Still, it had been an expressive explosion, a view echoed by Wezhley, cheering on his master while perched upon his right shoulder.

The blaster droid, however, now had a viable target and shot a ray at the flying half-orc sorcerer, the blast just barely missing Wezhley as well. The subduer droids approached, sensing the possibility the flying mutant might fall within reach.

Having failed to find a hatch anywhere along the bottom - and realizing even if there was one it would take forever to find when the invisible base could only be seen for a half-second or so every few minutes as the field flickered off and on - Finoula walked cautiously up the side of Eradicator Base, eventually coming back to the top. She found herself on the same rooftop Gilbert had just recently fled in desperation. On her way up she saw Binkadink and Obvious going drone hunting; they destroyed a third drone before the fourth and final one scooted back up to the top of Eradicator Base, where it was hopefully safer.

Obvious dropped onto the roof of the observation platform at the northwestern corner of Eradicator Base and Binkadink leaped down onto the deck, his glaive ready to deal damage to these metal robot-men-things. Darrien popped up at the other end of the base, picking off the spiderlike security bots with his own laser rifle. Two of them fell in just over as many seconds as the ranger aimed and fired, as adept with this strange new weapon as he was with his own trusty Arachnibow.

Their security drones and bots being picked off - there were now only two of the spiderlike constructs and one flying drone - the droids all followed the instructions of the unseen controller and scurried back to the nearest recharging station, the doors slamming closed once they'd entered. Then they plugged into the receptacles and were charged back up, the worst of the damage they'd sustained fixed on at least a temporary basis - if they survived this assault they'd no doubt need further attention by the repair droids.

Gilbert landed on the rooftop he'd so recently abandoned and took the moment of non-combat to cast a bear's endurance spell on himself. Even though switching forms using the shapechange spell healed a bit of damage each time a new form was assumed, Gilbert was a cautious man and liked ensuring his own safety whenever possible - you never knew when some giant brain-on-legs was going to zap your mind into temporary oblivion on this crazy world!

Hagan, eager for the robots to return so he could blow up more of them, passed the time waiting for them by casting a magic missile spell at the last flying drone, sending it crashing over the side of the base. And then the doors opened along the inner sides of the top deck of Eradicator Base, the recharged droids emerging to deal with these enemies. The subduer droids were the first out, one of them attacking Binkadink who was more than happy to attack right back. Finoula ran across the rooftop, unfurling her flaming burst whip of thorns as she did so and sending the tip of her weapon snapping down at the droid attacking her gnomish friend. Binkadink's glaive scored a groove across the thing's chest and sparks erupted from where he'd hit it; apparently it had taken some kind of internal damage from the strike. Obvious leaped down and flanked the subduer from behind, not only striking the metal construct with his antlers but perhaps more importantly preventing it with his bulk from getting back into its recharging station.

The shock troopers were the next to exit, the tips of their built-in hand-held weapons sparking as if in anticipation. They headed over towards Binkadink and Obvious, currently the only intruders within range.

Darrien, noticing the charge in his laser rifle was getting low, stowed it on his back and replaced it with his Arachnibow. Then, pulling arrow after arrow from his quiver, he destroyed the last two spider-bots in rapid succession. Gilbert flew forward and cast a maximized chain lightning spell on the assembled droids, destroying outright all but the two subduers and the two shock troopers, from whose bodies smoke arose, testifying to some internal damage of their own from the spell. Seeing this, Hagan followed up with a chain lightning spell of his own - and now there was only a sole subduer droid left on the field of battle. Binkadink's reverberating glaive made short work of that one.

The way now looking clear, Binkadink sent Obvious back down to fetch Aithanar, Genevar, and MARCI, leaving the other five hoppers below to fend for themselves for awhile. Once he'd ferried the trio up to Eradicator Base, though, he returned to his litter-mates' sides. They were happy to see him, if somewhat confused as to how he was no longer dead any more (not that they were complaining).

Now that he was in astral deva form, Gilbert's inherent tongues abilities allowed him to read the words on the signs printed in the strange language of this strange world. He had MARCI check out the buildings labeled "Medical Bay" (in which she was able to restock some supplies she could use in her own internal medical stashes) and "Droid Repair" (which she reported contained spare parts of no use to her own mechanical design). And then, seeing the two small rooms jutting out of the front of the central building to the north (a combination "Briefing Room/Lounge," which Gilbert opted to bypass for now) were both labeled "Stairs," he opened to door to one of them and headed down to Deck Two.

Lights came on as he entered the middle deck, illuminating the entire level. There was a walled-off room in the southwestern corner and a pair of long tables against the east and west walls, upon which sat various tools of some type, but of more immediate interest were the six humanoid forms made of molded metal and that odd substance Genevar had called "plasteel." Three of them were the size of a normal human and these stood on raised platforms between the two sets of stairs leading up to Deck One, the one in the middle obviously built for a woman. The three larger shapes stood on platforms in the northwest, northeast, and southeast corners of the deck. The signs on the fronts of the platforms identified the "superheroes" on display: Titan, Ogre, Banshee, Wraith, Spriggan, and Goliath.

<Guys!> Gilbert called to those above. <Found what we looking for!>

Everybody rushed downstairs to see what Gilbert had found. They stood with mouths wide open in awe - except for Genevar, who looked around in confusion. <This is their armor,> she confirmed, <but where are the Eradicators?> She indicated a series of yellow stripes along the southern wall. <Their aircars are missing. Don't tell me they aren't even here!> The ten-year-old mutant looked about ready to cry, her hopes of finding her heroes and bringing them back from what she assumed had to be stasis of some kind looking to be shattered.

"There's another level below us," pointed out Binkadink. "Maybe they're down there." Genevar insisted on checking out the room in the southwestern corner first, but it was just a repair shop filled with spare parts, calibration equipment, and various tools.

A single set of stairs led down to Deck Three. But a quick walk through the many rooms on this level showed that while this was the habitation level - complete with six bedrooms, a lounge area, a kitchen and dining area, latrines, and the engine room keeping the entire structure airborne - there was nobody there. Nor, Genevar was sad to see, were there any stasis chambers.

<They've got to be here somewhere!> she insisted. <Or a clue as to how we can find them!> She ran back up the stairs, to the top deck, insisting they hadn't checked all of the rooms up there. Sure enough, they hadn't - as became apparent when they opened the door to the room next to the "Communication Room," this one simply labeled "Controller." Gilbert shapechanged out of his astral deva form, taking on his true appearance as the controller droid spun to face them.

The controller had been built in only a vaguely humanoid form; its head was a half-sphere atop its blocky body with an antenna sticking straight up and its hands were mechanical claws from which smaller, more dexterous "fingers" could be extended. Without contact from any of its security bots or drones, or any of the various defensive droids it sent into battle to defend Eradicator Base from the incursion of mutants, it realized it was - for the first time since its construction, several hundreds of years ago - truly on its own.

However, the heavyset man standing immediately before it, although wearing quite ridiculous-looking clothes made of what looked to be homespun cloth, appeared to be a pure strain human. The controller verified this with an invisible scan of Gilbert's form. "Pure strain human status confirmed," it said aloud in its unknown language, then focused its attention to those standing behind the man. From the pointed ears and green skin coloration it could see using only its visual senses, these were surely mutants of some sort!

"It okay, they with me," Gilbert said, his incomprehensible words translated immediately by MARCI. The medical android translated the controller's follow-on statement for Gilbert's benefit: "I have a message from the Eradicators, to be given to the first pure strain human to appear on Eradicator Base."

"Let's hear it," Gilbert replied, MARCI once again translating for him.

The controller spun in place and activated a switch. A screen above it came to life, showing the image of a dark-haired man. He began speaking, MARCI translating for the benefit of Gilbert and the others crowding in behind him.

"My name is Harrison Carey," the man said. "You probably know me better as Titan." He turned, showing a group of five figures seated behind him. "These are my friends and loyal companions, Victoria Richard, Banshee; Axel Jacobi, Wraith; Logan Pierce, Spriggan; Daniel Fredericks, Goliath; and Alexander Mann, Ogre. We've...we've all seen better days. This video message is serving as our last will and testament."

<Look at them,> Genevar said with a wistful expression in her mental voice. <They're starting to mutate.>

Sure enough, the ten-year-old mutant had caught on at once what the camera was just now focusing upon. Victoria had a pair of fangs starting to protrude past her upper lip and her skin was growing patches of scales. Axel's nose had darkened and what at first had looked like a beard proved to be fur sprouting all across his face, giving him a distinctive ursine appearance. Logan's face looked fine, but the bones in the fingers of his left hand had apparently dissolved, leaving the five ringed appendages growing out of his left hand - which wriggled as if of their own accord - looking like nothing so much as a bunch of wriggling earthworms. Daniel had no teeth, but the beginnings of what would likely become pedipalps were growing along the sides of his mouth; his spidery appearance was enhanced by the six black eye-spots growing on his forehead. Alexander had white feathers growing in his eyebrows and his hands were twisted things of scales and sinew, well on their way to becoming talons.

A sudden movement drew the attention to the pair of small, feathered wings rising up from Harrison's shoulders; his facial features, upon closer inspection, looked to be somehow feline. "We were stupid," Harrison admitted. "We tried to get some of our family members to safety and we all got the virus. We're turning into abominations, the very things we've been killing in the streets as they manifest." Harrison looked plaintively at the camera, the pupils in his eyes quite noticeable vertical in shape. "We're not going to let this run its course. We're done for: we'll let the controller at Eradicator Base hand over everything to the next human who shows up free of the mutant virus. You, whoever you are: you'll find our combat armor downstairs on the second level. Find others like you, pure-blooded humans free of the taint of mutation. Carry on our mission, as best you can. And as for us...." Harrison raised a pistol to his head; behind him, the others did likewise.

"Humanity will prevail!" Harrison called out, and then the screen went black to the sounds of six small explosions. Wordlessly, the controller switched off the screen.

Getting the controller to accept the others as "honorary humans" was easy enough; Gilbert merely commanded the droid to annotate its scans of each hero as "human" in its internal logs and then that was that. MARCI downloaded her files of the Common tongue of Kordovia to the controller and just as easy as that it was capable of communicating to them in their own language. They learned Eradicator Base had landing struts and a ramp that could be extended from the southern part of the top level, so they had the controller land the structure and extend the ramp so the six jackalopes could be brought on board. While it was on the ground the Kordovians took the opportunity to remove all traces of the apidox's attempt at constructing a hive on the bottom of the base, not wanting it to interfere with the operation of the anti-gravity field that kept the flying building in the air.

That just left two decisions to be made: how to get Eradicator Base headed back to the Transdimensional Conduit Generation Complex where they had first entered this world (and which was their only way back) and how to decide which Kordovian was going to take on the role of which combat armor "superhero."

On that latter front, Finoula was the easiest: as the only woman in the group, she inherited the Banshee armor. With assistance from Genevar, who knew the most about what each armor system could do, they decided Gilbert would take the Goliath mech; it had a hatch that opened in the middle of the construct's body, so he could cast spells through it as needed, closing himself in after spellcasting had been completed. Binkadink took the Spriggan armor, but that was because the previous owner, Logan Pierce, had been a small man and the gnome fit best in the cockpit of the vehicle. Darrien took on the Ogre suit and Aithanar the Wraith suit; like Finoula's these were less piloted vehicles like the other three and more like enchanted armor one wore, although in this case this was enchanted with technology. (Genevar assured them their armor was much more like this "Iron Man" fellow the little mutant kept on about.) That left Hagan in the Titan armor, but in his case it had been preordained by a message in a table, carved there by Pythagoras Greymantle after his mind was broken by the Far Realm. "One day I'm going to be a titan," he recalled the message had said. "Looks like today's the day."

It took some doing (since they lacked what Genevar called "GPS coordinates," whatever they were), but the group finally found their way back the way they'd come and Eradicator Base floated serenely over the Transdimensional Conduit Generation Complex. "We even a couple days early," Gilbert gloated. "Give us plenty time to practice in these metal suits."

- - -

And that ended our five-adventure excursion into Gamma World. The six heroes now have either combat armor or a combat mech to pilot in the last two adventures of this campaign. I knew from the beginning I wanted to visit Gamma Terra at some point in the campaign and since I had the idea to tie in Iron Man type combat armor I also decided this should occur only at the tail end of the campaign.

For each of the six superheroes, I found an image I wanted to use and designed the armor's capabilities around the picture. I used the tracking method used in Star Fleet Battles, in that each suit has a number of points per round that can be allocated to different systems: life support, mobility (in the case of the mechs), and their various weapons and other powers. (Some have force fields, some have pulse guns, some have jump jets, Wraith has an invisibility field like the entire Eradicator Base and Banshee has a sonic scream, etc.) At the end of this session, I went through the various systems for each armor and gave the players their sheets to study between now and our next session (in two weeks if the current pattern holds).

So the next adventure will take place when Malrin casts a bolt of electricity at the lightning rod at the Oerth end of the gateway between universes and the heroes can return to their own world. Genevar, MARCI, Obvious, and his five litter-mates will all be permanent emigrants to Oerth; Logan's already planning on hunting up the poorly-crafted pipes of the sewers that summon rabbits and similar creatures instead of rats (from their early adventure, "Bad Hare Day") to summon dire rabbits, which he knows exist on Oerth, so the jackalopes can find mates outside their own immediate family structure.

The apidox was a plastic bee I bought for a buck at Target years ago; the various defense droids were the handful of "Rogun Robot" toys we still had around from when my boys were little.

Incidentally, Aithanar made it to 9th level at the end of this adventure - that's probably the last bit of leveling up in this entire campaign.

- - -

T-Shirt Worn: My "Iron Man 2" T-shirt featuring Iron Man and War Machine, to represent the combat armor and mech suits of the Eradicators.

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PC Roster:
Binkadink Dundernoggin, gnome fighter 20​
Darrien, half-elf ranger 20​
Finoula Cloudshadow, elf ranger 20​
Gilbert Fung, human wizard 20​
Hagan, half-orc sorcerer 20​

NPC Roster:
Aithanar Ivenheart, elf fighter 9​
Genevar, humanoid mutant​
Malrin Ivenheart, elf druid 15​
MARCI, humanoid construct​

Game Session Date: 6 June 2020

- - -

Learning to pilot the Eradicator combat machines (Genevar called them "mechs") took a bit of practice, but this was made much easier with the help of a telepathic mutant who could read the local language and explain what all of the controls did - after telepathically "communing" with the artificial intelligences (Genevar called them "programs") that helped run the devices. Binkadink took to the Spriggan armor like a duck to water, spending practically his every waking moment inside the mech, parading up and down the decks and learning to maneuver this massive metal body as well as he could his own. He even practiced using his reverberating glaive - extended to its maximum length - in the mechanical hands of the Spriggan mech. It took some getting used to (and it made him feel like his glaive was much smaller than he was used to), but he got to be pretty good with it.

Hagan was getting proficient with the Titan armor as well, but in his case he didn't have all that much to learn: Titan had six shoulder-mounted grenades but the targeting system for that was fairly simple (he practiced without live ammunition to get down the basics), and other than that the mech wasn't all that complicated. Hagan was pretty sure he'd still be relying upon his spells much more than this metal robot suit's hydraulic punches, no matter how much power he could channel into the system's strength.

Gilbert had politely learned the very basics of how to run the Goliath mech but then subcontracted the whole scheme to his earth elemental familiar, after polymorphing him back to human size. "Got too many powerful spells to be cramped inside metal armor thing!" the portly mage complained. So Mudpie spent the time learning the ins and outs of piloting the Goliath mech; one side benefit was he didn't need to waste any power keeping the life support system on-line, as he didn't need to breathe.

Finoula, Darrien, and Aithanar had it much easier: the Banshee, Ogre, and Wraith systems were more along the line of magic armor they wore (although Genevar insisted there was nothing magical about it, it was mere technology - but the others failed to see the difference). Still, once they learned how to put on the armor they could move about on their own from the start and it was a simple matter to learn how to activate the various abilities built into the combat armor systems: Wraith's invisibility field, Banshee's sonic scream, and Ogre's shoulder-launched missiles (the targeting of which, like Titan's grenades, were practiced without the actual armaments in place). Wraith and Spriggan had pulse guns as part of their armor and Titan and Ogre had lower-level pulse blasts, but these weren't intrinsically much different than targeting the stun rifles and laser sniper rifles the group had accumulated during the last month.

Once the heroes had retraced their steps to the Transdimensional Conduit Generation Complex - their entry into this alternate world - from the air they had the controller droid who ran Eradicator Base land nearby while they checked it out to ensure all was still in working order. Genevar confirmed the power was still building that would allow the portal to Oerth to open in several days' time. Thinking long-term, Gilbert had the repair droids see what they could do about mending the defense droids the Kordovians had destroyed when first encountering the floating base (even if it meant making one good robot out of the parts of several others). He also gave orders for the repair droids to see what they could do about mending the sonic fence surrounding the Transdimensional Conduit Generation Complex; no need to allow spider-sharks or whatever else wander in here during their absence. Finally, Gilbert decided that once the heroes and their jackalope companions returned to the world on the other side of the portal, the controller was to return Eradicator Base to an aerial position hovering unseen above the Complex, there to remain until Gilbert returned to give the controller further instructions - he wasn't necessarily sure they'd ever return to this strange world but it would be nice to have things in place ready for their return if it became necessary (or even just desired).

On the day the Kordovians were to return to Oerth, the six new Eradicators stood in the courtyard of the Transdimensional Conduit Generation Complex, with Gilbert riding his jackalope Twitchy-Tail and MARCI and Genevar astride Obvious; lined up behind them were the rest of Obvious's litter-mates. "Should be any time now," observed Gilbert.

Back on Oerth, due to the different rates of rotation between the two worlds, it was already late at night. Malrin stood by the abandoned cottage of the dead wizard Selune Travers, looking up at the lightning rod rising from one of the stone columns forming the well of many worlds. It was a dark night, heavy with clouds, such that neither the stars nor the two moons could be seen and the elven druid had half expected lightning to strike the metal rod without any prompting on her part. But when the rains that had threatened all evening failed to come, Malrin took matters into her own hands and cast a call lightning spell that brought an arc of electricity crashing down to strike the lightning rod, lighting up the hidden grove for a brief moment.

The space between the two stone columns, topped by a curving arch of stone, illuminated with a silvery energy field of an almost liquid consistency. Then, from this vertical plane of shimmering waves stepped a few humanoid figures. These were beings the likes of which the elf had never seen before and she instinctively made a mental survey of the attacks spells she had at hand, for these metal golems looked fearsome - one held an enormous...gun of some type, its long barrel like that of a crossbow but without the cross-pieces, the whole thing attached to the construct's chest by thick cables. But then, alongside these metal giants hippity-hopped a form with which Malrin was much more familiar: it was Obvious, with MARCI and Genevar on his back. "It's okay," Obvious assured the elf. "That's Binkadink in there." The Spriggan mech looked over at Malrin and raised a mechanical hand in greeting.

Behind Binkadink in the Spriggan mech strode Goliath, piloted by Mudpie, then Titan - and Malrin could see Hagan and Wezhley inside the thing through a viewport, the little weasel jumping around excitedly on the half-orc sorcerer's shoulder, apparently glad to be back home. Malrin's astonishment rose as five other jackalopes accompanied the six metal humanoids, one of the antlered bunnies ridden by Gilbert Fung. "We back!" he announced. "You miss us?"

"You're just in time!" replied Malrin, looking back through the trees the way she'd come. "I think we're under attack! I saw a blast of fire in the sky a few minutes ago - it might have been a signal arrow." Chalkan's arcane archers were stationed in blinds up in the trees ringing the kingdom, on the watch-out for orc and goblin armies approaching, as they'd done every six months or so for the last two decades. When spotted, the archer sent an arrow high into the sky, imbued with a fireball spell to warn the kingdom of approaching enemies. "But it was from pretty far away," she added.

"Well, let's go check it out!" decided Gilbert, urging Twitchy-Tail forward. The other jackalopes followed, one of them - Aithanar's Digger - taking the time to lower himself to the ground so his new master's sister could leap upon his back. The mechs ambled along, pushing their way through the trees.

As they approached the edge of the Vesve Forest, they could see a burning tree ahead. Getting closer, they could see it was one of the arcane archer perches - apparently the orcs and goblins (or, most likely, their handlers) had gotten wise to the Kordovian first line of defense and warning and managed to lob a fireball or similar spell at the ranger in the blind before he could get off a warning. That would explain the fact that the warning shot Malrin had spotted was from much farther off; the group approaching by this station had managed to take the arcane archer stationed here, meaning they were able to infiltrate deeper into the kingdom before being spotted and the warning going out.

Gilbert cast a Rary's telepathic bond spell on the heroes (remembering to include Malrin, as she hadn't been with them in the past month), which allowed them to communicate with each other - even those not currently inside Eradicator armor, which had their own communication method which Genevar had tried to explain but which none of the Kordovians really understood. (Most by this time had simply assigned "advanced technology" as another type of magic currently unknown on Oerth.)

<Get combat spells ready!> Gilbert advised over the link. He cast a stoneskin spell on just himself, as Mudpie was too far away - and encased inside the Goliath mech - for him to share in his master's protective spell. Ah, he be fine! Gilbert thought to himself. He then cast a shapechange spell upon himself, choosing not to change forms just yet but glad to have the spell already in effect in case he needed it at a moment's notice.

Malrin cast a stoneskin on herself as well but the rangers didn't bother with their normal pre-combat spells; after all, their new Eradicator armor would give them much more protection than the barkskin spells they normally cast. Likewise, Darrien opted not to buff up his jackalope mount, Droopy-Ear, as the heroes had decided they wouldn't be bringing the hoppers into combat; Obvious would keep them hidden at the edge of the forest, along with Genevar, once they'd delivered Gilbert and MARCI to the battlefield.

The group marched out of the forest within visual sight of the garrison fort closest to Battershield Keep, the one where the former King Galrich served as the sellsword Slayer. The mercenaries were out in full number, fending off attacks by orcs, goblins, and what could only be orogs - orc/ogre hybrids bred for combat. If the garrison men had started out in orderly ranks they were no longer so, the chaos of war scattering them all around their stone fort. Dozens of bodies of all the races involved were already strewn about the battlefield, the fight having already been going on for some time before the arrival of the heroes just returning from Gamma Terra.

Finoula ran forward to get herself in position. Before donning her Banshee armor, she'd removed her ioun stone and lightning amulet so she could wear them outside the Eradicator armor. (She was still miffed she couldn't wear her boots of spider climbing over her Banshee armor - knowing if she did, they'd likewise be destroyed the first time she deployed the Banshee's jump-jets: a thrust system that propelled her through the air for short distances, the thrust coming from the bottom of her feet.) Then, having lined herself up as she wanted, she activated her lightning amulet and transformed herself - Banshee armor and all - into a living bolt of lightning that went blasting through three goblins and as many orcs, killing them outright before altering course and reverting to her armored elven form halfway up the side of the steep hill leading to the garrison fort.

At Gilbert's direction, Mudpie plucked him up off of Twitchy-Tail and deposited him on the shoulder of the Goliath armor; now the heavyset mage was doing a fine impression of Hagan's own weasel familiar, Wezhley. But as Mudpie piloted the Goliath armor closer to the enemy, Gilbert cast a quickened Evard's black tentacles on a group of powerful-looking orc barbarians climbing up the other side of the hill from Finoula. He then followed that up almost immediately with a waves of exhaustion spell encompassing the same orc barbarians and a group of nearly goblins rushing to go attack a guardsman already fending off a pair of orcs. Mudpie punched a nearby orc on the head with his hydraulic fist as he passed, crushing the burly fighter into paste. He didn't slow his pace at all.

Aithanar activated the invisibility field incorporated into the Wraith armor's design, fading from view as he approached the battle scene. He pulled up his pulse gun and fired at an orc, blowing his head clean off with the blast of energy that went streaking his way when the elf pulled the trigger. Aithanar grinned wildly inside his armor; for once, he felt he was truly pulling his weight in a fight alongside the much more experienced members of the Kordovian Adventurers Guild.

Hagan cast a fly spell upon himself and the Titan armor and the metal mech rose into the sky. He aimed himself at the top of the stone fort, planning to use it as a lookout platform from where he could see where his offensive spells could be best deployed. He worried for a moment whether the stone structure could support the weight of a 15-foot-tall metal combat mech, but decided he didn't need to actually land on the roof of the fort - it would be safer if he didn't put it to the test.

Malrin had leaped off of Digger's back and was running forward towards the combat as her brother's hopper mount high-tailed it back to the safety of the forest. She saw a group of orcs bunched together and decided they'd make a fine group of targets for an entangle spell. Orcish curses echoed across the battlefield as the beastly warriors found themselves being attacked by...grass! And what was worse, the plants growing up from the ground were effectively taking them out of the fight, a horrible fate for fearsome warriors eager to kill the humans before them. They'd have been fine with dying in battle against a superior foe - what orc could ask for more? - but to be grounded from battle by plants was humiliating!

A pair of orogs had made it up the hill and were making short work of the garrison men by the base of their fort, cutting them down like wheat. Darrien cast his own entangle spell on another group of orcs and started up the steep hill to aid the guardsmen up there fighting the savage orogs. On either side of the hill, though, orc skullslingers were also attacking scattered pockets of guardsmen, their primary weapons bolas made from the hardened skulls of those they'd slain in previous battles. And all around, sneaky goblins crept close to their foes but just far enough away to stay out of immediate danger themselves; they preferred throwing spears and shooting arrows at men already distracted in hand-to-hand combat with the larger, more dangerous foes. But the goblins' spears took down more than a few of the mercenaries fighting for the defense of the Kordovian kingdom.

Binkadink raised the Spriggan's pulse gun and aimed at an orog up at the top of the hill. He fired and hit him but the brute refused to fall, roaring his defiance at the strange metal man approaching up the hill. But he turned away from the mercenaries he'd been attacking, allowing them to gang up on the other orog, cutting him with their blades as he seemed unable to defend against three swordsmen at once.

And then, out of nowhere, a monstrous form materialized at the western side of the garrison fort's hill. With a leg-span of nearly 50 feet, the monstrous spider looked down at the Spriggan mech before it and pounced, its wicked mandibles catching Binkadink's armored suit around the middle. Venom dripped down from the tips of its fangs but failed to penetrate into the Spriggan's sealed interior. Binkadink noted the numerous spikes rising up from the arachnid's legs and guessed it was from somewhere in the Lower Planes; apparently there was a spellcaster somewhere among the enemy, and a pretty powerful one at that if capable of summoning forth a monster of this size and strength!

Just as suddenly, a dire bat appeared in the sky directly before Hagan in his Titan mech. It scratched at the mech's metal chest with its clawed feet and tried to bite through the plasteel viewport at the front of the mech's head area, attempting to get at the half-orc sorcerer inside. Neither attack did much but leave a trail of saliva across the front "window" of the mech, but Hagan likewise decided the bat was likely fiendish in nature, judging by the horns ringing the top of its head like a crown.

Finoula approached a group of orcs and goblins trying to overrun a garrison mercenary and tried out her sonic scream, causing the enemies to drop their weapons and instinctively cover their ears. The mercenary, out of range of the Banshee's attack, took the opportunity to stab the closest orc through the neck, slaying him instantly.

This crazy! Gilbert thought to himself, flipping to the back of his Omnibook where he kept his scrolls in magical storage. He flipped the pages to a time stop spell and cast it, watching in satisfaction as everything froze into position all around him. Taking advantage of the extra time he now had to deploy a bunch of tactics all at once, he pulled Hachi and Tzumezhao, his foo lion figurines of wondrous power, and dropped them to the floor, calling out their shared command word as he did so. He then cast an invisibility spell upon himself and, not having the spell he wanted available in his current mental inventory, flipped the pages at the rear of his Omnibook until he found a scroll of see invisibility - he was pretty sure none of these orcs, goblins, or orogs were capable of summoning forth a fiendish monstrous spider of that size and suspected an invisible spellcaster somewhere in their midst. Finally, he used another scroll to cast a fly spell upon himself and flew over to the top of the stone fort. However, with his see invisibility spell already in effect, he could now see there was a female drider on the fort's roof - a drider he hadn't been able to see before casting his spell! Looking around the battlefield, he also saw a male drow sorcerer or wizard standing behind a group of orcs and goblins, no doubt watching invisibly at the progress of his beastly allies.

As the time stop spell ran its course and Gilbert fell back into the normal flow of time, he called out over the Rary's telepathic bond spell what he'd seen: <Drider spellcaster on rooftop, drow spellcaster to the east! Finoula, drow on your left, up on top of hill!>

As one, Hachi and Tsumezhao, rising to their full size in front of the fiendish monstrous spider, clamped down on the spider-leg closest to them. Mudpie also swiveled the Goliath armor and sent a hydraulic fist crashing into the massive arachnid's head. Just now approaching the battlefield, MARCI stepped forward and cast her red beam over the bodies of several guardsmen lying in the dirt. "Dead," she identified. "Dead. Pulse detected." Stepping up to the third body, she injected him with a stimdose that had him fluttering his eyes open and grabbing up the sword that had fallen from his hands when he'd been knocked out by an orc's blow. Ignoring the metallic construct who had just revived him, he jumped to his feet and raced to the nearest orc, ignoring the fact he was standing beneath a spider so big he'd taken its legs as slender tree trunks.

Hagan punched the fiendish dire bat, nearly knocking it out of the air. It struggled to maintain its position n the sky, reeling drunkenly but eventually managing to get its bearings. Hagan was willing to bet it had never before been punched as hard as the Titan mech had just punched it.

Aithanar shot up at the fiendish arachnid with the Wraith pulse gun, grinning as a chunk of flesh exploded from its body and a dark ichor dripped from the wound. Then Malrin sprinted at the spider, wildshaping into a tyrannosaurus as she did so. The monstrous dinosaur was of a large enough size to be a natural threat to the fiendish arachnid, clamping her daggerlike teeth into one of the eight legs near where it connected to the body. And Binkadink turned to attack the spider as well, using his reverberating glaive extended to its full length. The weapon was quite impressive with the full strength of a 15-foot-tall armored mech behind it!

The arrival of the heroes had certainly made quite a difference in the course of the battle already, but the orcs, goblins, and orogs weren't giving up yet - they surely knew they had drider and drow spellcasters on their side and they still had superiority of numbers over the mercenary guardsmen, at least. Darrien cast a freedom of movement spell upon himself and waded through the edge of his entangle spell to make it up the steep slope of the hill to the top where the orogs were still thrashing at the few human warriors still alive up there. They were doing their all against the orog fighting them, and as Darrien watched a quartet of orc warriors skirted around the back of the garrison fort, ready to attack the guardsmen from behind. Pulling out his Arachnibow, he managed to slay two of the orcs in rapid succession, glad he'd spent time on Eradicator Base learning to fire his magic bow while wearing the bulky Ogre armor.

Another summoned combatant materialized on the field, this one another spidery being but nowhere near as large as the massive fiendish spider to the west. Finoula recognized it as a bebelith as it scurried towards her, forelimbs ready to rend her armor and mouthparts opened wide to bite. She felt the fangs pierce the sides of her armor, sliding between the layers to pump venom into her torso, causing a burning sensation as the poison did its work. She felt her heart pumping faster as the strength left her body. To make matters worse, the drow sorcerer popped back into visibility as he cast a magic missile spell at Finoula, apparently deciding that exposing himself to full view in the midst of combat while taking out a female foe was worth the risk.

But there was no way Finoula was going to stay here in the demon's clutches, not when the single touch of her amulet and a command word sent her blasting through the bebelith as a bolt of living lightning. She arced over through a couple of orcs at the top of the hill for good measure, then pivoted and blasted through the drow sorcerer on her way back to the ground far enough away from the bebelith to force it to waste time reaching her - time she could put to good use. The orcs and drow were slain instantly, whereas the bebelith seemed entirely unaffected by the electrical attack.

The fiendish monstrous spider bit at the tyrannosaurus who was in turn biting at it, while Mudpie threw another powerful punch at the creature with the full might of the Goliath mech's hydraulic systems. In midair, the fiendish dire bat again tried biting the Titan mech with no discernible effects. Gilbert flew up and over the top of the keep and cast an acid fog spell over the roof, catching the invisible drider spellcaster within its billowing clouds. The drider made no cries or indications of pain, but Gilbert knew she had to have been affected. Still, one disadvantage of the spell was she was now obscured within the cloud and thus couldn't be individually targeted with further spells, only those which affected an area. But Gilbert had a few more of those on hand, so he wasn't overly concerned.

The foo lions continued biting at the giant spider's legs, while Aithanar kept firing his pulse gun at the thing. Malrin dodged to the side and bit a chunk of demonic flesh from the spider's abdomen with her dinosaur teeth. Together, they were taking the fight out of the summoned arachnid.

Hagan ignored the fiendish dire bat and cast a chain lightning spell down at the orc barbarians still trapped in Gilbert's Evard's black tentacles spell, arcing off blasts to strike a bunch of other orcs and goblins in the immediate vicinity and the orog making its way towards Binkadink in the Spriggan armor. The goblins were slain instantly; the orog and orcs were brought near to staggering - none of them looked to be worth much in the fights to come, but still they fought on.

Darrien slew two more orcs with his Arachnibow and then started shooting at the bebelith. Binkadink slew the fiendish monstrous spider with a crippling blow from his reverberating glaive, the full power of the Spriggan mech behind it. As a summoned creature, the spider returned to its Lower Plane when it was slain, not polluting the battlefield any further with its corpse.

Then a quartet of lights shot up out of the acid fog cloud covering the top of the garrison fort. A simple dancing lights spell, the four glowing balls of light took alignment in a diamond shape and then started spinning in a circle. Gilbert surmised this was a signal, of the same sort the arcane archers used when sending fireball arrows up into the sky to warn of an impending attack. Sure enough, the remaining orcs, goblins, and orogs looked up, saw the lights in the otherwise dark sky, and turned back to the Vesve Forest, slinking off the battlefield - the lights were apparently a signal to retreat. Unseen inside the acid fog, the drider cleric cast a word of recall spell that instantly teleported her off of the rooftop and across the miles to the designated rally point, where she could begin the trek back to home and to safety.

The orcs, orogs, and goblins, when opportunity allowed, took time from their retreat to grab up any metal weapons dropped by the men they'd slain. The bebelith, however, had no desire to retreat; it scurried forth and caught up a mercenary in its jaws, ripping the armor from him with its fore-claws as it pumped venom into his system. The soldier, not as seasoned a fighter as Finoula, died instantly; as for Finoula, she could still feel the effects of the venom but was fighting on. The fiendish dire bat was in no mood to retreat, either, and continued its fruitless attacks upon Hagan in the Titan mech. Hagan punched it to death and its body disappeared before striking the ground.

But just because the foes were in retreat was no reason for the battle to be over. Finoula blasted her way through a line of fleeing orcs and an orog as a living lightning bolt, regaining her armored elven form in front of a line of slain corpses. She nodded in appreciation to herself. Gilbert dropped lower, directly in front of a group of enemies, including the bebelith. He cast a prismatic spray spell at the group, watching orcs get burned alive and goblins get poisoned into immediate death; the bebelith, however, was randomly struck by a blast of electricity, to which it was completely immune.

Mudpie's greater stride in his Goliath mech allowed him to catch several fleeing orcs and pound them into mush before they could escape the kingdom. Hachi and Tsumezhao, without the fiendish spider to chew on any more, bounded up to an orog and brought him to the ground, ripping at his arms and throat until he was dead. Aithanar, deciding he'd go after the toughest-looking foes, shot another orog with his pulse gun, dropping him instantly. Darrien was picking off orcs and goblins with his arrows, firing as fast as he could.

But the entire army had not been centered on this one particular garrison fort; the combatants had spread out and attacked Kordovia in a wide swath, some of them apparently making it into the capital city, for streams of orcs hurried towards the Vesve Forest, some of them carrying human women over their shoulders. That was a first - in the past, they'd limited their "war trophies" to metal armor and weapons from the soldiers they slew. The heroes spread out as well, trying to slay as many of these attackers as they could before they escaped.

<Do we follow them?> asked Binkadink over the telepathic link.

<Best we stick together!> replied Gilbert. <We better as a powerful front all in one place - split up, we easier to take down one at a time!> He also knew the futility in trying to track down an entire army on the rout, with everyone entering the forest by the quickest means available. He saw the bebelith wink out of existence, the duration of the spell that had summoned it apparently having expired.

One orc in particular was running straight at Gilbert. He readied an attack spell before he noted the orc was a woman waving her arms wide. "It me, Mudpie!" she called out, using her son's childhood nickname. Gilbert landed on the ground before his winded mother, reincarnated into an orc body after her slaying by assassins from her homeland. Harriet Fung briefly told her son of her recent exploits since the previous orc wave, when she inserted herself among the attacking ranks as they retreated back to their hidden home base.

"Orcs think I part of different group, take me into ranks. We return to cave in forest. Then we teleport to different places underground. We end up in--"

"--a drow city," finished Gilbert, earning him a swat on the arm.

"Mudpie!" fumed Harriet. "You already know this, why you send me in as spy?"

"Mom, I swear, we just found out now - there was a drow spellcaster and a drider in with the orcs and goblins and whatnot. I figured, based on the power of their spells, they were the masterminds behind the attacks. They are, aren't they? It's drow sending them after us?"

"Yes, it drow all right - entire drow city, called Arachnespinnacle. They got teleport circles all through Underdark - it only safe way to teleport that far underground."

"Tell me you know how to get us to this Arachnespinnacle," prompted Gilbert.

Harriet playfully slapped her son's arm again. "Of course I know way back - what kind of spy you take me for? I know command words to teleport circles, too!"

The others regrouped around Gilbert and his mother and were caught up on Harriet's tale. "Drow!" hissed Finoula. As an elf, she had no love for the drow - and the feeling was quite mutual, for the dark elves hated their surface cousins above all others.

"Should we go follow them now?" asked Binkadink, eager for continued battle.

"No, we wait, rest up, go when we at full strength," Gilbert replied. "Want Mom to draw us out map of drow city, so we make plans on how best to attack. We should check in with the Queen, too, let her know we back and we know who behind attacks."

"It'll give us time to bury our dead, too," observed Darrien. There were a lot of dead soldiers strewn about the battlefield - and this was just one pocket of fighting among several.

As it turned out, there were some personal losses among those slain in this most recent attack. Galrich Slayer's body was found under a pile of enemies, an arrow sticking out of an eye socket; apparently he'd been shot through the eye but fought on until he was overpowered by a group of orcs, but still managed to take out a half dozen by himself before succumbing to his wounds. The group talked about having the former king resurrected, but they also realized he had finally been reunited with his loving mother in death: Queen Kathenta, who'd died giving birth to Galrich in an orc encampment. "We'll ask Queen Kaelanna," suggested Finoula. "She'll best know his wishes."

But that wasn't the only death that hit hard. Several garrison forts to the north, a group of bodies had been burned to a crisp, the victims of repeated fireball attacks, it looked like. There wasn't much left to identify the bodies...but one of them wore a ring on his finger bearing the Ivenheart crest. Malrin and Aithanar recognized it at once as the ring their father had worn as the oldest male in his line; after Aroban's death, the ring had been passed on to Castillan. The bounder's identity was further confirmed by the ring on his other hand, which Castillan had had custom-made to allow him to dimension door three times per day.

"They will pay for this - the drow, all of them will pay!" swore Malrin, before breaking down into tears. Aithanar comforted his sister as best he could.

"We make plans at once," promised Gilbert. "This the final orc wave ever come out of the forest to attack us!"

- - -

So, getting back to that "wavelength" that I seem to have with my son Logan (who plays Binkadink in this campaign and is the DM for the "Raiders of the Overreach" campaign)....

When I first devised this campaign I knew that waves of orcs and goblins were going to be a long-term plot line, one I envisioned being taken care of at the very end of the campaign. I had decided the orcs and goblins were slaves to the drow, who didn't want to waste time and resources arming their slaves when the occasional raid on the surface would not only weed out the unworthy but allow them to scavenge for metal weapons and armor from those they slew. I figured their Underdark city would be heavily shielded from divination spells and the way back to their city - from a cave in the Vesve Forest, which was one end of a teleportation circle node leading to the Underdark - would make it nearly impossible for the Kordovians to be able to find where these attacks were coming from.

So, when we finished up the "Durnhill Conscripts" campaign (that Logan DMed), he informed us his next campaign was going to start off with our new PCs as slaves to a drow city in the Underdark. I had to just laugh quietly to myself - damn that "wavelength!" (Despite Logan looking more like his mother's side of the family than mine, he and I practically share the same mind sometimes.) So the big reveal in this campaign kind of ended up being a bit of a letdown, but I think the PCs are stoked enough about having Gamma Word armor/mechs that the "unoriginality" of the drow city is lessened significantly in their eyes.

So, the next adventure will be our last. Due to some scheduling conflicts, we won't be able to play in this campaign until sometime in July. We also need to decide who all will be going on the adventure: the five PCs, of course, as well as Malrin and Aithanar, with Harriet Fung as a scout. I think the general consensus was to leave Obvious and the other jackalopes behind; they're still kind of wavering on bringing Genevar or not. ("Who brings a ten-year-old into a war?" - "But it's a ten-year-old with prophetic visions of the future!") So we'll see how that turns out.

In any case, I'm feeling the same way as I did about closing out my last campaign: sad to see the end of these characters but eager to see what the next campaign will be like. (The next campaign will be called "Dreams of Erthe" and will feature a pantheon of gods patterned after the PCs from my first campaign with this group, "Wing Three." I think I'll start up a thread for that one pretty soon.)

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T-Shirt Worn: My TSR Silver Anniversary T-shirt, because among the many D&D monsters it has featured on it (in an illustration by none other than Tony DiTerlizzi) is a goblin.
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PC Roster:
Binkadink Dundernoggin, gnome fighter 20​
Darrien, half-elf ranger 20​
Finoula Cloudshadow, elf ranger 20​
Gilbert Fung, human wizard 20​
Hagan, half-orc sorcerer 20​

NPC Roster:
Aerik Battershield, dwarf fighter 15/dwarven defender 5​
Aithanar Ivenheart, elf fighter 9​
Father Bendrick, human cleric 12 (Kord)​
Genevar, humanoid mutant​
Harriet Fung, orc sorcerer 6​
Malrin Ivenheart, elf druid 15​
MARCI, humanoid construct​

Game Session Date: 11 July 2020

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"Thank you all for coming," said Father Bendrick. "Please, have a seat."

The heroes walked into the Temple of Kord and took their seats along the banquet table that had been spread with all manners of delicious-looking food. There were 11 seats around the table, exactly as many as needed, for Mudpie and MARCI did not eat and would not be partaking of the heroes' feast the head cleric of the Temple of Kord had prepared before their excursion into the Underdark to bring an end to the attacks that had been plaguing Kordovia for the last two decades.

"Let us give thanks," said Father Bendrick once everyone was seated. "Holy Kord, we thank You for the feast spread before us. We ask that it, through You, give us the strength needed to perform the task put before us. We pray for the strength to achieve our goals, and for the strength to die bravely in battle should it come to that." He looked around the table. "Let us eat," he said simply.

As everyone started filling their plates, Gilbert - usually never one to delay the consumption a fabulous meal - observed, "I notice you say 'we' awful lot during that prayer."

"Indeed," replied the cleric. "For I will be accompanying you. As the head cleric of the Temple of Kord, the church upon which this kingdom was founded, it is my duty to bring the fight to the enemies of our land." He smiled and added, "You may notice there are not often very many practicing members of the faithful in attendance on any given week of services. That is because our most fervent adherents are most often found on the front lines of combat during the attacks. Our turnover rate is quite high, due to the frequency with which our most earnest young clerics die on the battlefield fighting the orcs and goblins attacking our homeland. Now that we know the source of these attacks and are able to bring the fight to them, there is no way I will stay behind."

"Are you sure you're up for it?" asked Darrien. "I mean, no offense...."

"None taken," replied the cleric. "I may have some gray in my hair and beard but I have plenty of fight left within this old frame." He frowned over at Genevar, though, who was helping herself to a frosted pastry. "I must question the wisdom of bringing a child into battle, however. How old are you, little one?"

<I'm ten,> Genevar replied telepathically. <But I'm old enough to come with! Plus, I can help - I can see things that are going to happen...well, sometimes I do.>

"I'll be stickin' with th' wee lass," Aerik Battershield replied. "An' with Harriet as well," he added, indicating Gilbert Fung's mother, currently wearing the orcish form into which she'd been reincarnated after having been slain by assassins from her own distant homeland, far across the sea. "I'll not be lettin' anythin' 'appen to either o' 'em." Unnoticed at the far end of the table, Finoula was sitting quietly at the table, putting butter on a muffin, thinking wistfully that this was exactly the type of heroes' feast Ingebold used to prepare before the group would head out into adventure. A single tear threatened to spill from her eye at the thought of her fallen Battle-Sister.

"So, we know the way to the city?" asked Father Bendrick as Aithanar surreptitiously wiped at Finoula's eye with a cloth napkin. He patted her hand, realizing exactly where her thoughts were at the moment.

"I know way into city," Harriet Fung replied. "Underdark passageways, but teleportation circles cut travel time down. I remember command phrases used - no drow think simple orc woman pay attention, or be able to activate them herself. It take maybe two hours, tops, get to Arachnespinnacle. But we run into drow garrison along way; will have to take them out, no way around it." On her shoulder, her raven familiar Kurotori picked at the nut she offered him. Across the table, Hagan was doing likewise, offering a grape to his own familiar, Wezhley, as the little weasel sat perched on his shoulder.

"I'm just worried about the people who got taken back with the orcs who escaped," Hagan said. Unlike previous raids on Kordovia, where the orcs and goblins had seemed mostly interested in gaining armor and metal weapons from those they killed, this time some of them had abducted women from the kingdom. Hagan's own half-orc heritage had been the result of a loving marriage between his human mother and his orc father at the far side of the Vesve Forest, but he knew many half-orcs were the result of interactions of a far less willing nature. "Should we really have taken the time to pick up those scrolls and potions and get those last weapons upgrades? And eat this meal? Shouldn't we be heading out immediately? Those women...."

"Scrolls needed for better chance at success," Gilbert replied. Based on glimpses of possible futures Genevar had seen - where she saw the need for the heroes to be able to "turn into clouds" and "fall the wrong way" (unfamiliar with magic, the mutant girl had been unable to specify the spells involved) - the heavyset mage had determined they should all have potions of gaseous form at hand and he'd been sure to pick up a scroll of reverse gravity. While he was at it, he loaded up on a lot of other spell scrolls he felt might be useful, for once they entered the Underdark there would be no turning back to fetch anything left behind; teleportation magic was notoriously unreliable that far below the earth, making the permanent teleportation circles a necessity for such magical travel, even if they only allowed transportation from one fixed point to one other. Teleporting any distance beyond simple line of sight was asking for trouble in the Underdark; you could find yourself reappearing inside solid stone or in a random location with no way of knowing where you were.

"Women fine for awhile," interjected Harriet. "They not harmed by orcs yet - all new slaves turned over to drow women for inspection first. Some may serve drow inside hollow stalactite. Only those no good for such work given back to orcs. We get to them in plenty of time."

"And that will be our primary task," added Aithanar. "Once we get to the city proper, Aerik, Harriet, Genevar and I will break off from the rest of you and rescue the women taken from Kordovia. Harriet knows the barracks where they'll be kept - it's separate from the slave quarters the orcs and goblins and whatnot are housed in."

"I will join your group, then, I think," added Father Bendrick. "I feel my place is seeing to the safety of my people, even though my heart might cry out for combat."

"Then eat up," Gilbert replied, helping himself to a hearty slab of ham. "This spell make sure we immune to poison and fear for rest of day. It good way to start mission."

In accordance with the spell's requirements, the group spent an hour polishing off the meal, but the time was spent going over their plans and strategies. By the time they had finished they all knew their particular goals and Harriet had familiarized them all with the general layout of the drow city of Arachnespinnacle. The city itself was housed in a massive cavern and the drow resided in a gigantic, hollow stalactite hanging down from the ceiling. This stalactite was covered in balconies and windows, providing the various drow spellcasters housed in the city plenty of locations from which to fire down at any attackers. On the ground of the cavern were the standard types of buildings one might expect to see in any city, but these were reserved for the slaves and the members of the other races allowed into the city for trade purposes. Spiders of all sizes had free reign of the place and a permanent collection of webs ran from the stalactite to the ground and the sides of the cavern.

"We ready?" Gilbert asked the others as he pushed back his chair and stepped away from the table, as full as he could ever recall being. The group exited the temple and six of them put on their powered combat armor or climbed aboard the mechs they had brought back with them from Gamma Terra, another word entirely.

"Ready," replied Hagan, giving a thumbs up from his pilot's seat inside the Titan mech. Wezhley still sat on his shoulder, looking out through the forward viewscreen and seeming to enjoy himself.

"Ready," echoed Binkadink from inside the Spriggan mech. One mechanical hand held the gnome's reverberating glaive, the weapon which seemed so oversize in the little gnome's hands looking more properly scaled when held by the mech.

"Ready, Master," answered Mudpie from inside the Goliath mech. Gilbert had decided he'd had better things to do than learn how to pilot a humanoid construct from the inside and had farmed out the job to his earth elemental familiar.

Aithanar, Darrien, and Finoula all indicated their readiness as well once they were strapped into their technological armor and Harriet Fung led them out of the capital city of Kordovia, headed towards the Vesve Forest on its eastern border. She led them unerringly to a simple cave, looking like nothing more than an overhanging jut of rock sticking out from a hillside. Nothing grew within 100 feet or so from the spot and there were no markings on any kind on the solid stone underfoot to indicate this was anything but a natural rock formation out here in a forest clearing. But when Harriet barked out a short phrase in the drow language, an intricate circle made up of glowing lines appeared all around them; a teleportation circle, Gilbert surmised. But there had been no indication there was anything magical about the site and the heavyset wizard was willing to bet it had been obscured by nondetection or Nystul's magic aura spells hiding all traces of its magical nature. No wonder Chalkan and his arcane archers had never been able to track the retreating orcs and goblins back to their lair; any tracks would have stopped at the rock-covered ground and there were no indications that there was teleportation magic at play in the area.

"We ready?" Harriet asked everyone as they stepped inside the confines of the circle. Upon the affirmative response, she said another short phrase and they were all whisked away to the blackness of the Underdark.

The group reappeared in a similar teleportation circle some unknown distance away and an unknown depth below the planet's surface. All was not dark, though, for the Kordovians had brought some light sources with them: the three mechs, for instance, all leaked light from their control consoles out of their front windows and Binkadink's everburning torches strapped to the antlers on his helmet shone through just as brightly from inside the Spriggan mech. All together it was ample light for the topsiders to spot the two drow guards who had been set there to protect their all-important teleportation circle providing access to the surface world.

However, with their latest raid having occurred the day before, they were more concerned about other Underdark denizens trying to use the teleportation circle created by drow for use by the drow than they were of surface-worlders using it to penetrate the Underdark - such a thing hadn't even crossed their minds before now, so sure were the drow of the precautions they'd taken from allowing their handiwork to be discovered. But they spun about, startled at the sudden illumination coming from behind them, and their eyes widened in shock as their mouths gaped open at the sight of Binkadink, in the Spriggan armor, leaping forth on a pair of mechanical legs and bringing a reverberating glaive slicing laterally through the torso of the first drow and continuing his swing into the body of the second. Neither guard had the first notion of what they were up against before it no longer mattered, for they were dead on the ground.

"That plenty easy," Gilbert observed. "Where next, Mom?"

Harriet led them all out of the cavern in which the teleportation circle had been carved and into a tunnel that stretched off to the right and left. "This way," she said, taking them off to the right. "Next obstacle is drow garrison. Place has shrieker mushrooms along sides of tunnel, in front of iron gates - no way to go in quiet, they alert guards even if you invisible." That caused Aithanar to retract what he was about to suggest, for his Wraith armor had an invisibility field that wrapped light waves around him so he could walk around unseen. But he realized the shriekers would detect his movement via the air currents even if there was no light spilling from his armor, so there was no way for him to scout ahead and try to open the gates to let the others pass through.

It was over a half hour's trek to reach the garrison, during which time there were only a few times the tunnel branched off into other directions, but each time Harriet kept the group on target. When she indicated the garrison was just around the next bend, Gilbert called a halt. "Time for prep spells," he declared. He started with the traditional Rary's telepathic bond spell, linking himself with Binkadink, Darrien, Finoula, Hagan, Malrin, and his mother. Upon himself he cast the spells magic circle against evil, stoneskin, darkvision, comprehend languages, and shapechange, taking the opportunity that last spell afforded to transform himself into a lithe, drow woman - practically the exact opposite of his own normal appearance. He also drank down a potion of resist acid. Normally, Mudpie would have shared in those spells with his master, but Gilbert realized there was no real way to keep his familiar within arm's reach when the elemental would be piloting the Goliath mech.

"What's the deal with the hot drow chick getup?" asked Binkadink. "You planning on pretending we're your prisoners or something?"

"Not likely," Gilbert replied. "They just less likely attack me if I look like this."

"Best keep your mouth shut if you expect to pass yourself off as a drow," suggested Finoula, casting a longstrider spell upon herself and then following it up with the spells bear's endurance, cat's grace, protection from fire, and - recalling with a shudder the tales of drow and their fetish for giant spiders - repel vermin.

Hagan cast a protection from fire spell upon himself as well, and then he and Malrin ensured the elven druid, Gilbert, and everyone inside Eradicator armor or a mech had a freedom of movement spell active. Malrin also cast a darkvision spell upon herself and then wildshaped into owl form.

Darrien cast bear's endurance, cat's grace, darkvision, longstrider, protection from acid, and resist cold spells upon himself, then declared himself ready.

Binkadink had no spellcasting power of his own but did have an uncle and a cousin in the potion-making business; he drank down potions of resist acid and protection from cold and had Hagan cast a fly spell on him and received a comprehend languages spell from a scroll from the back of Gilbert's Omnibook.

<I think that about it,> Gilbert thought to the others over the mental link. <Let's go!> And, despite the shapely female drow form he currently wore as protective camouflage, he made sure he was towards the back of the group as they turned the corner, with Genevar, MARCI, Father Bendrick, and Aerik Battershield.

The group tromped down the stone corridor, their footsteps echoing fiercely through the Underdark tunnel. The shriekers began wailing as they got within sight of the barred iron gates closed before them; on a ledge directly above stood six drow crossbowmen, their weapons aimed at the approaching mechs (for it was Spriggan, Titan, and Goliath taking the lead) and their eyes boggling at the sight of these walking mechanical constructs, the likes of which had never been seen before on Oerth, above ground or below.

Glancing nervously at each other, the drow aimed their weapons and fired as one - to no discernible effect. But Gilbert, playing it safe as always, took the opportunity to upgrade his personal defenses with a protection from arrows spell.

However, he then switched gears and strode forward, altering his shape as he did so. His curvaceous female drow form ballooned out, quickly attaining his own corpulent proportions and then far exceeding them as his limbs faded back into his body and he rose up into the air, now wearing the form of a beholder. Ten eyestalks swiveled around, looking every which way, as his central eye stared up at the six drow on the overhanging balcony from what must be the second story of the garrison - but then he quickly shut it, so the anti-magic cone wouldn't interfere with his friends' ability to cast spells in the area directly ahead of him.

Mudpie trundled forward beside his master in the Goliath mech, ignoring the drow completely as he maneuvered the metal hands through the bars of the iron gate and tugged. There was a shriek of tortured metal (to go along with the screams of the shrieker fungus, which had yet to abate) but the gates held true - for the moment, in any case. Hagan cast a wall of fire along the balcony, burning all six of the drow crossbowmen to death at once, before Binkadink strode up in the Spriggan mech and brought his reverberating glaive crashing down upon the locking mechanism keeping the iron gates from opening. Mudpie had no trouble after that pulling the two doors open toward him, revealing another set of barred gates at the far end of a tunnel some 60 feet or so in length. There were two doors on either side of this short tunnel and a ceiling some 15 feet above the floor - just enough room for the mechs to fit without bending over.

Darrien moved up to the first door on the left, trying to open it to no avail - it was locked and he couldn't pull it open, even while wearing the Ogre armor. But he did notice a crack in the stone floor and followed it to the wall's edge, where it joined with a visible line across the length of the edge where floor met wall. <Looks like we got a trap door from wall to wall over here,> he warned the others. He looked up at the ceiling and saw a series of holes leading into the floor above, but it was too dark inside the unlit dwelling to see any details about the room directly above. Still, the holes worried him enough - they could easily be used to allow an archer to shoot directly down at those in the tunnel - that he warned the rest of the group over the Rary's telepathic bond about this feature as well.

Finoula walked up to the first door on the left and, finding it locked, used her chime of opening to unlock it. Then she stepped inside, with Malrin in owl form perched upon her shoulder. She was in a narrow hallway, but in the room just beyond she could see from the dim light coming in from behind her a pair of drow pushing a metal bar mounted on two upright poles across the room. Behind them she could hear the unmistakable sound of stone on stone and the elven ranger deduced they were removing the supports that would allow the pit trap in the tunnel to be triggered.

Malrin came to the same conclusion and, copying Hagan's tactic that had worked so well with the crossbowmen, cast a wall of fire directly across the bodies of the two drow struggling to push the bar. They died screaming and the metal bar remained only as far as they had gotten it moved thus far, less than a third of the way across the room. It looked like the pit trap wasn't going to be able to be primed after all. But then the hall was suddenly filled with figures, as drow fighters spilled out of two doors along either end of the hallway Finoula was traversing, rushing at her with rapiers flashing.

At the same time, the door immediately in front of Darrien opened up and the half-elven ranger was confronted with another fighter, who stabbed at him with his rapier, getting a full-on hit to the chest...which was easily deflected off the Ogre armor. Darrien grinned at the drow's shock, certain the dark elf could probably see his face through the armor's face plate even in the dim light.

But then the drow stood petrified before Darrien - quite literally, having been hit by a flesh to stone ray from one of Gilbert's beholder eyestalks. Another ray went flashing into the still-open door behind Finoula, slaying one of the drow advancing upon her with a finger of death ray. Mudpie piloted the Goliath armor into the tunnel as, behind him, Harriet and the others advanced now that it seemed to be safe.

Darrien heard orders being given in the room up above him and instinctively looked up, giving him just enough time to dodge out of the way as boiling oil came pouring down through the holes in the ceiling. Hagan warned Finoula and Malrin what he was about to do immediately before casting a delayed blast fireball through the open door behind Finoula. The elven ranger took heed at once, dodging back out the door and holding it closed behind her. There was a whumph! sound and a chorus of screams as the fireball exploded in the hallway filled with the tightly-packed bodies of drow fighters spilling out of the two barracks rooms.

The Spriggan armor stepped forward into the tunnel - now somewhat slippery as the stone floor was covered in boiling oil - and Binkadink brought his reverberating glaive smashing through the wall just past the door, the stone chunks crushing two drow soldiers heading towards the door from the feasting hall. Malrin flew from Finoula's shoulder to land on the top of the Spriggan armor, while Darrien raced through the hole in the wall Binkadink had just created. There was another fighter approaching from the back of the dining hall; Darrien peppered him with arrows from his Arachnibow - appropriately enough, originally a drow weapon - and the fighter fell to the floor, dead.

Another drow stepped out from the kitchen where he'd been getting a plate of food, raised his crossbow, and fired, but once again the Ogre armor deflected the incoming bolt and Darrien wasn't the least bit harmed. Gilbert flew into the room and shot a ray from an eyestalk, instantly slaying the offending drow.

Mudpie headed straight for the far set of gates, intending to smash them open as he realized they'd all need to exit in this direction if they were going to continue on to Arachnespinnacle. But then two drow clerics levitated down from the balcony above the gates, shooting spells through the iron bars of the gates, one sending a flame strike at Binkadink and Malrin while the other targeted Gilbert, still in beholder form, with an unholy blight spell. Hagan, seeing the drow women, responded with a polar ray at the cleric on his right, covering her body in a rime of frost that came close to slaying her outright. Binkadink strode forth and finished the job with his glaive, stabbing through the bars of the gate. Darrien stepped back through the hole in the wall and shot a cluster of arrows at the remaining cleric, several finding their marks but failing to bring her down.

Finoula activated her lightning amulet and went streaking across the tunnel, blasting between the bars of the still-closed gates and through the body of the second cleric, finally slaying her. She remanifested while still outside the back gates. Malrin flew just behind Finoula, fitting her body sideways between the bars and then heading up to where she could see over the balcony. There were two more clerics up there and the elven druid warned the others over the telepathic link.

In the large room over the middle of the tunnel, a pair of drow fighters tipped over the vats of oil the clerics had heated with their spells, causing the liquid to drip down onto the area just before the back gates. Mudpie was caught in the area but managed to dodge out of the way even while inside the Goliath armor - not needing to sleep, he'd been able to put in much more training than any of the other mech pilots and had mastered the art of running a mech until it performed almost as well as his own unliving body. Pushing open the gates, he stumbled outside, nearly - but not quite - slipping in the burning oil pooling by his feet. Hagan advanced just behind him.

Gilbert sent a disintegrate ray from an eyestalk aimed directly above him and flew up into the room containing a pair of drow fighters and the now-empty cauldrons that had held boiling oil. Two more eye rays shot out, one slaying one fighter while the second failed to petrify the other into nonliving stone.

On the back balcony, one of the two remaining clerics in charge of this garrison fort cast an unholy blight spell on the Goliath armor just now trudging into view below her, while the other raced through a side door and into the main room, where she cast a blade barrier spell, causing a wall of flying weapons to manifest in a line cutting through the area where Gilbert floated in beholder form. But Binkadink, piloting the Spriggan armor through the back gate, realized his mech was tall enough to allow him to use his glaive against the drow cleric on the balcony and did just that, killing her with one blow.

Darrien, seeing all of the action was now apparently happening upstairs now, dashed back inside the hole in the wall he'd just exited, running down a hallway past the feast hall and up a set of stairs he found back there. In the tunnel, Finoula and the others moved up, after Gilbert announced there was no more boiling oil available for anyone to pour down on them. As he was passing on this information, he sent his beholder body forward through the wall of bladed weapons, altering shape once again until he stood in the towering form of a pit fiend. He grinned widely at the drow fighter blanching at this powerful devil standing before him, partly at the dark elf's look of horror and partly because in changing shape he'd healed up most of the damage the blade barrier spell had managed to inflict upon him. Gilbert didn't even bother using any of his spells on the outclassed drow fighter, opting to simply rip him apart with the teeth and claws of the devilish form he'd adopted.

In a desperation move, the sole remaining drow cleric tried casting a bestow curse spell upon Gilbert but the pit fiend form had an innate resistance to spell energy and the spell fizzled against this unseen barrier. Gilbert grinned all the harder, realizing perfectly well just how unnerving the grin of a pit fiend could be. Then Darrien popped up from the hallway around the corner from the stairs, pumping arrows into the cleric's body from the side while she faced Gilbert. That was enough to cause her to drop her attention momentarily from Gilbert, and he took the opportunity to rush forth and rip her to shreds with his claws. She fell to the floor in a bloody mess.

<Think that it for this place,> Gilbert announced, and a quick look around confirmed he was right. Everyone gathered up by the back gate and then Harriet Fung led them further into the darkness of the Underdark tunnels, on their way to Arachnespinnacle.

They approached two more sets of teleportation circles and Harriet put them both to good use - they encountered no resistance, the drow apparently having opted to fall back instead of have a token resistance try to prevent their use. <They probably muster their forces in city, try to fight us off there,> Harriet opined.

In less than an hour the group was there at the gate to the drow city. A truly massive set of metal doors stood closed and barred at the end of the tunnel. Above the door stood an enormous statue of a spider, the whole thing looking to have been carved straight from the wall above the door, which slanted inwards towards the city. On either side of the massive doors stood two pillars of smoke, rising lazily in the air.

<Betcha anything that thing animates to attack us,> Binkadink hazarded, indicating the spider statue.

<What about it, Mom? There a password into city so spider stay still?>

<No idea, Mudpie,> Harriet replied to her son, using the childhood name she's given him and which he'd repurposed once it came time for him to call a familiar into service. <I was at back of line of orc slaves when we come to city - if there password to enter, I not hear it.>

Gilbert cast a true seeing spell, hoping to gain some clues as to the situation with trying to get past the spider; maybe there were some runes they could avoid or something. He didn't get what he expected from the spell, although it definitely was a good thing he'd cast it, for in doing so he saw the four columns of smoke for what they really were: yochlol demons, the fabled "handmaidens of Lolth," each looking something like a cross between a roper and a melted candle. He warned the others over the link, then shapechanged back into a female drow, hoping to either fool the demons or at least prey upon their natural inclination not to attack drow women, many of whom were clerics of Lolth the Spider-Goddess, patron deity of the dark elves. Then, stepping forward, he cast a prismatic spray spell at the four yochlol.

The first ray struck a yochlol and coated her with acid, a poor happenstance for the demon was immune to such attacks. Another immediately petrified the next yochlol in line, turning her to unliving stone in less than heartbeat. The third yochlol immediately disappeared, having been plane shifted to a random plane - somewhere remarkably unpleasant, Gilbert hoped. The last yochlol got hit with a beam of pure poison, to which she was also immune. Oh well, Gilbert thought to himself, least I took out half of them.

Mudpie moved up past his master and brought a technology-enhanced punch to one of the remaining yochlol. Hagan cast a polar ray spell at the other one, Binkadink stepping up in the Spriggan armor and sending his reverberating glaive crashing into that one as well. He'd hoped the one-two punch of spell and blade would have taken out the demon, but such was not to be.

Darrien moved forward in his Ogre armor, pulling out his scimitar, recently enhanced with the holy property (as was Finoula's longsword Tahlmalaera), sure to be anathema to a demon from the Lower Planes. But the half-elf ranger paid for the effrontery of attacking a yochlol with a holy weapon; through the pain brought on by the blessed blade, the demon sent her will to grab Darrien's mind and sway him into unwilling service. <Slay your companions!> the yochlol demanded - and Darrien turned to comply.

The other yochlol did likewise to Binkadink, dominating the gnome into doing her bidding. The Spriggan mech pivoted in place, ready to go attack the other Kordovians. Worse yet, on the wall behind the yochlols and above the massive doors leading into the drow city proper, the spider statue ripped its legs from the surrounding stone and crawled down the wall, mandibles open wide to crush those before it. Its mouthparts closed around the Titan mech, as Hagan did his best to try to maneuver it out of the way to no avail.

Activating her lightning amulet once again, Finoula blasted her way through the spider-shaped elder eidolon, ricocheting back near where she'd begun her attack. One of the yochlols was striking at the Goliath mech with her tentacles as Malrin cast a summon nature's ally spell to bring in some reinforcements. Rising up from the ground almost immediately came a trio of huge earth elementals, two of which began pounding at the stone spider while the third brought a boulderlike fist crashing down upon one of the yochlols.

Gilbert flipped to the back of the Omnibook where he stored his spells scrolls and cast a stone to flesh spell upon the elder eidolon. For a short while, its rocky carapace softened to flesh. <Get it now, while it weakened!> the mage called over the link and the others scrambled to comply. Gilbert switched back to his pit fiend form, flapping his wings and flying over to land beside Darrien and Binkadink - and have his still-present magic circle against evil spell temporarily suppress the domination effect taking over their minds. <You two better stick close to me until we take out those demons!> he suggested.

Mudpie turned and brought his attention - and the technologically-enhanced strength of his Goliath mech - to the spider behind him, still biting the Titan mech. Hagan finally managed to wrench his mech from the arachnid's mouth, staggered back a step or two, and let fly with a polar ray right at the spider's head - while it was temporarily susceptible to such spells, as its normal, golemlike defenses were no longer in effect, although the half-orc knew it was only a matter of a short amount of time before it would resume its stony appearance and its full defenses would be back into play.

Binkadink, however, wanted to take the yochlols out before they could do any more damage; the spider was a powerful adversary but he doubted it could take over anyone's mind like these roper-demons could. His glaive cut completely through the body of one yochlol, killing it immediately, and cleaved over into the body of the other. He was pleased to see it too was dead when he pulled his blade out of its body.

That left the elder eidolon as the city's only defenses outside the city gates. Darrien brought his Arachnibow up and fired off a series of rapid-fire shots, burying the arrows up to their shafts in the spider's fleshy body. It's rocky coating re-emerged almost immediately thereafter, but by that time it was too late: with a reverberating crash, the eidolon fell to the stone floor, its rocky limbs breaking off and scattering across the entry cavern as the animating life-force left its slain body.

Gilbert called the three earth elementals over to him and, resuming his human form, used his slingshot of rock shrinking to reduce each of them to pebble size and scooped them up in his other hand. He then took the moment of non-combat to cast a fox's cunning spell upon himself.

Binkadink and Mudpie, putting the full power of their giant mechs to use, wasted no time pulling the city doors open. And there before them, stolen weapons taken from the bodies of the soldiers they'd slain in Kordovia, were the orcs, goblins, and orogs who had survived the latest assault upon the surface world and had been stationed here to attack anyone and anything who made it this far into the city of Arachnespinnacle. The slaves knew too well that to disobey their drow masters was a death sentence, but they had no illusions that they were anything but disposable cannon fodder whose lives were being used merely to waste some spellpower on the part of the attackers. And that's about all they were worth, for Gilbert, Hagan, Malrin, and Father Bendrick sent waves of area-attack spells into the slave forces, slaying them almost instantly.

The Kordovian forces lined up and entered the city of Arachnespinnacle. At a nod from Gilbert, Harriet, Aithanar, Father Bendrick, Genevar, and MARCI broke away, Gilbert's mother taking them along a side alley toward the building where the Kordovian women would be housed. Aithanar activated the invisibility field around his Wraith armor, fading from view as he powered up his pulse rifle. Anyone thinking about getting in their way would be learning very quickly just how bad an idea that was!

The others moved forward into Arachnespinnacle. As Harriet had described, the city was housed inside a truly massive cavern, whose most prominent feature was the enormous stalactite hanging down from the ceiling several thousand feet in the air. The stalactite was pocked and pitted with windows and small balconies, nearly every one sporting a dark face as the drow looked down to see if they could spot the attackers who dared to bring the fight to their own city. Strands of spider webs stretched from the stalactite to the ground, the walls of the cavern, and the ceiling, forming makeshift bridges for those capable of traversing them. And sure enough, there were spiders everywhere you looked, of a wide variety of sizes and colors, crawling upon the webs and on the cavern walls, along the walls and ceilings of the stone buildings scattered beneath the overhanging stalactite, and in the narrow, twisting alleyways between the haphazard buildings.

And on the ground before the heroes, ranged in a wide arc so as not to be taken out by a single area-effect spell, stood the next wave of the city's defenders: a trio of drow sorcerers, a similar number of armored drow fighters, a female drider cleric of Lolth, another normal-looking drider standing beside a draegloth abomination (a drider twice the size of the others, whose "drow" portion was that of a drow-demon hybrid), and an armor-ripping bebelith.

The drow sorcerers were the first to react, and they'd apparently just been waiting for the enemy to finally show its face for them to strike out with the attack they'd already coordinated among themselves. As one, a trio of chain lightning spells went flashing out, all three of them centered on the Goliath armor, as Mudpie happened to be standing in the middle of the formation of heroes and by targeting him as their primary they were able to branch out to all of the others.

Unfortunately for them, there was no way for them to know ahead of time that the mechanical humanoid figure they saw before them was a mech being piloted by an earth elemental, or that said elemental served as the familiar to a powerful mortal wizard - and whose status as a familiar granted him a measure of spell resistance. Two of the chain lightning spells fizzled out immediately upon striking the Goliath mech, only the third one getting past Mudpie's arcane defenses and activating normally. Almost all of the heroes ended up being harmed to some extent by the one spell that made it through, but the effect was nowhere near as devastating as the drow spellcasters had hoped.

But then, in a wavering field like a mirage, a colossal spider suddenly manifested before the heroes, the reddish color of its fur and the jagged spikes and protrusions running down its abdomen attesting to its fiendish nature. The drider cleric who had summoned it here gave it orders to slay all of the attackers before it and it scampered forward to comply. This time it was Binkadink, in the Spriggan armor, who was crushed in the grasping mouthparts of the spider-being they fought; the gnome felt a wave of evil energy being pumped through the thing's mandibles as it brought a smite good attack to bear.

Gilbert counterattacked, casting a quickened Evard's black tentacles spell that caught up the draegloth abomination, a pair of drow fighters, and one of the sorcerers in the embrace of the rubbery appendages growing up from the ground. Gilbert's proficiency with this particular spell, through frequent battlefield use, ensured none of the victims caught up in the tentacles' embrace would be escaping through any means but their own eventual deaths.

But Gilbert wasted no time enjoying his spellcasting success. Realizing every drow in a window or standing on a balcony overhead was a potential spellcaster, he used his slingshot to fire Malrin's earth elementals up at the stalactite; upon striking the outer edge, the elementals regained their normal size and used their inherent earth glide abilities to phase through the outer stone of the stalactite and enter the hollow dwelling of the drow. They lashed out at any drow they saw, pulping them beneath their pounding fists. Gilbert then resumed his pit fiend form, the shapechange spell still active and allowing him to alter his form at will.

Mudpie sent the Goliath mech lumbering forward and brought a metal fist pounding into the body of the fiendish monstrous spider biting Binkadink's mech. Hagan cast another polar ray spell but targeted the drider cleric, not wanting her to be able to replicate her summoning of additional allies; they already had enough enemies to fight! Binkadink managed to bring his glaive to bear against the spider's head, getting it to release him at last.

Darrien picked one of the drow sorcerers not being strangled by black tentacles and sent a flurry of arrows at him, likewise wanting to take out a spellcaster as quickly as possible. With the five mechs and combat armor systems in play, he figured they were more than a match for any physical enemies they might encounter; it was the spellcasters who could mess things up so fast for them.

But then, from her balcony at the highest level of Arachnespinnacle's stalactite, the Matriarch of the drow and leader of the city - and High Priestess of Lolth, the most powerful spellcaster to be found in the entire population center - picked as her target one of the metal constructs doing so much damage to her forces below: the one wielding a glaive, of all things - and cast her spell. Inside the Spriggan mech, Binkadink felt a strange tingle at the pit of his stomach, and got out the first few words of a warning over the telepathic link - <Guys, I think--> - before the implosion spell ran its course and his entire body (all three feet of it) was compressed into a mass no larger than a seed.

The others heard the little gnome's cry of shock and pain over the link and its abrupt ending and had no doubts that Binkadink had just been slain.

The bebelith scampered up, ready to try to rip open one of these metal constructs - it couldn't be sure, but it seemed as if there were people inside them! Finoula ignored the demon, using her amulet to go crashing through a drow sorcerer as a bolt of living lightning (killing him immediately), then rebounding through the normal drider (slaying it as well) and blasting through the fiendish monstrous spider before regaining her elven form, still wearing the Banshee armor.

The creatures bound in the Evard's black tentacles spell struggled to free themselves, to no avail. Already the sorcerer had succumbed to the crushing tentacles, the air squeezed out of his lungs and the life already having left his body; by the looks of things, the two fighters weren't too far behind him.

Malrin had been holding off on this maneuver as her magic dinosaur tooth only allowed her to do so once per day, but she judged now was the time if she was going to do it at all. With a simple mental command, she wildshaped into a tyrannosaurus and bit a chunk of foul-tasting flesh from the abdomen of the fiendish spider. That was too much for the arachnid, who had already taken plenty of punishment from the other foes it had been fighting; as a summoned creature, it vanished upon its death.

But then, on a signal from the Matriarch, the spellcasters on this side of the stalactite fired down at the intruders with everything they had. A massive attack of concentrated spellpower, incorporating fireballs, flame strikes, a mass inflict light wounds spell, an attempt to blind Malrin (which fortunately failed, as the elf-in-tyrannosaur-form was able to shrug off the effects), a pair of chain lightnings, a flesh to stone spell (also targeted at Malrin; apparently the drow were frightened by the sudden appearance of a fearsome dinosaur in their midst, but Malrin successfully avoided this spell effect as easily as she had fended off the blindness), and a series of magic missiles. None of the heroes came out of the spell-barrage unscathed, although some weathered the storm better than others.

Then, to add insult to injury, the sole remaining drow sorcerer on the ground with the heroes cast another chain lightning spell at almost the same time as the drider cleric cast another fire storm spell. That was too much for Malrin to handle; with a massive thud, the tyrannosaur form fell upon its side and then wildshaped back into the form of an attractive, if quite dead, elven woman.

The fiendish spider grabbed up the Goliath armor and bit it, crushing the metal sides in and knocking Mudpie out; Gilbert could feel the consciousness leaving his familiar over the empathic link they shared. He'd been thinking about how best to get Binkadink restored back to life, and now Malrin needed resurrected and his familiar needed healing as well. This attack was not going as smoothly as he had hoped it would; he fervently prayed that his mother was not meeting the same level of resistance as Gilbert's team was up against, for he knew Harriet's spell repertoire was not geared for combat.

<Everybody gather up on me!> he cried over the link. <We can't take any more attacks from stalactite forces!> As the heroes moved to comply, Gilbert mentally explained his plans to Hagan. Once everyone was close enough together, Hagan shoved Malrin's body into the portable hole, rolled it back up, and cast a teleport spell that brought everyone - even the unconscious Mudpie in his crumpled Goliath mech and the Spriggan mech no longer containing a living Binkadink - directly beneath the stalactite hanging down over the city. That put them out of the view of those in the windows and on the balconies; hopefully it would take them a moment to realize they hadn't just fled but were still very much in the city.

<Somebody open Mudpie's hatch!> Gilbert commanded, and Hagan tried to do so but the crumpled metal made it impossible for even the Titan's enhanced strength to open. Hagan kept working on it, feeling the metal start to bend back into shape, but with Mudpie unconscious they'd have to open it from the outside if they were going to get to him to revive him.

<You guys okay?> asked a new voice over the link. It took everyone a moment to realize this wasn't anybody who'd had the Rary's telepathic bond spell cast upon them but rather Genevar, the Gamma Terra mutant who communicated telepathically because that was her only way of talking - she, like the other members of her race, was mute.

<We've taken a bit of a beating,> Finoula responded, <but we're mostly okay. Binkadink and Malrin are dead-->

<What? Oh, no!> came Genevar's anguished cry.

<--but we can bring them back to life, given time,> Finoula added. That had been something the little mutant had forgotten; she was still getting used to how "normal" magic was on this world, but she'd seen Gilbert cast limited wish spells to return jackalopes back to the world of the living.

<How are you doing?> Darrien asked. <Were you able to find the women?>

<Yeah, Father Bendrick's getting them all out now,> Genevar replied. <Where exactly are you guys?> Darrien explained they were directy beneath the stalactite and Genevar said their team wasn't that far away.

<Well, get them all to safety,> Gilbert commanded. <We'll probably have to count that as as much a win as we going to get - too many spellcasters in that damn stalactite.>

<You need to take out the stalactite?> Genevar asked. <I saw a way you can do that!> She quickly explained the fleeting vision she'd had, of a possible future that looked like it might just be coming true.

<We can do that?> Gilbert demanded querulously, wishing he'd paid more attention to the proper operation of the mechs rather than handing it off to Mudpie to figure out. But then there was a series of cries coming from the area where the heroes had just teleported away from; they'd been discovered by the remaining forces they'd been fighting, and who were now rushing over to them, the bebelith in the lead.

"Crap!" snarled Gilbert. He needed more time!

And then things got even worse, for another form materialized in the space between the heroes beneath the stalactite and the drow forces heading their way. This was a spider, about the size of the bebelith demon but sporting the ebony-skinned head of a drow woman with white hair. Gilbert gave an involuntary gasp as he realized this was none other than Lolth herself - or, more likely, as aspect of her: a mere fraction of her godly power given manifest form upon the Material Plane, no doubt summoned by the Matriarch herself.

Lolth skittered to face the heroes and her face crinkled into a hateful scowl. "Interlopers!" she snarled in the drow language, for the Demon Queen of Spiders would not stoop to speaking any other, lower language.

Gilbert was about to respond in the way he knew best - an attack spell - when he felt a form pass by him, pushing him out of the way (no small feat, given he was still wearing the form of a 12-foot-tall pit fiend). It was Father Bendrick, holding up his holy symbol and calling out, "Use me, Mighty Kord - allow me to be your vessel upon this Oerth!"

Father Bendrick continued his path straight towards the aspect of Lolth, only each step was longer than the one before it for the elderly cleric was growing in size by the second. Not only that, but his face was de-aging, his beard shrinking in length and darkening in color. Finally, as he stepped directly before Lolth, he was Father Bendrick no longer, but an aspect of Kord - and one known to Aerik Battershield, at least, for this particular aspect of Kord, God of Strength, wore the face of Cal Trop, one of the Wing Three adventurers who had been a companion to Galrich Slayer and Aerik Battershield.

The godly aspects went at it with every ounce of strength and power at their disposal, while the Kordovians scrambled to put their plans into action before the drow armies got to them. Finoula explained to Harriet what they were about to do and cautioned her to make sure she, Aerik, Aithanar, Genevar, and MARCI took the kidnapped Kordovian women out of Arachnespinnacle by any means they could, in any direction. <We can meet up later,> Finoula promised, <but for right now, you've got to get them all out of the city!>

<Can do!> Harriet promised the elf over the link.

By now, the Evard's black tentacles spell had slain all who had been caught up in its embrace. Gilbert looked worriedly at the drow forces advancing upon them and cast a time stop spell. That gave him a breather, however short, to get some of the things he needed done attended to.

The first thing he did was cast a limited wish. Surmising that Binkadink had been taken out by an implosion spell and knowing what he did of the limitations of that spell, he carefully worded his wish: "I wish Binkadink had consumed his potion of gaseous form immediately before the implosion spell had been cast upon him." And then, realizing he had just enough time to cast one more spell, opted to go with a wall of force spell to create an invisible barrier between them and the drow forces almost within range.

Time started up again all of a sudden, the bebelith running headfirst into the invisible barrier Gilbert had just erected as Hagan finally ripped the hatch off of the Goliath mech - it wasn't like they were going to need it for much longer, anyway. He sent one of Titan's mechanical hands to pull the unmoving earth elemental out of the pilot seat of the mech and laid him carefully down upon the ground. Darrien approached and cast a cure light wounds spell on the downed elemental, giving him just enough of a boost to raise him back to consciousness. "What happened?" rumbled the earth elemental, looking ready to leap into battle with whoever had been responsible for his current predicament, even if he was currently only at human size, a requirement for him to fit inside the Goliath mech. But then, at his master's direction, he climbed back into the Goliath mech, now in "open air" form for there was no way to reinstall the damaged hatch.

"What about Binkadink?" asked Hagan.

"I got him," answered Finoula, using her chime of opening to cause the Spriggan's hatch to open. Binkadink rolled out of the mech's cockpit, still in gaseous form, as Finoula climbed up into the seat to replace him. "It's cramped in here!" she complained. "How do I get this thing to move?"

Binkadink, back alive (or, more accurately, now never having been slain in the first place) after having had, for some unknowable reason, unstoppered his uncle's potion of gaseous form while in the midst of a fierce battle, was still linked telepathically with the others despite his current nebulous nature. He briefly explained to Finoula how the main controls worked; at her insistence, her first lesson was how to scoot the seat back to give her more leg room.

The Matriarch, up on her high perch, was aware the aspect of Lolth she had summoned was fighting somebody below the stalactite but couldn't see what was going on. She grabbed up a crystal ball and focused her concentration on trying to scry on what was going on directly below her; without any visible enemies or directions from the Matriarch, the other spellcasters held off on further spellcasting for now (with one or two exceptions, naturally, like those who were being attacked by the earth elementals Gilbert had flung up at them with his slingshot). Down below, the drider cleric and the sorcerer had reached the wall of force and were feeling their way along it, trying to find the edge so they could continue their attacks on these interlopers.

Gilbert flipped through the Omnibook and found the spell scroll he'd stashed there for this very reason: reverse gravity. Casting it, he and the other heroes rose up into the air, sliding up the sides of the stalactite hanging down from the center of the cavern. They landed on the ceiling of the cavern, upside down, and immediately Mudpie and Hagan began running in opposite directions around the base of the hanging rock formation, the Titan mech heading clockwise and Goliath going counterclockwise. Finoula, due to her inexperience with piloting a mech, stayed right where she was.

<I'm in place!> Hagan called, once he'd traversed what he figured to be about a third of the way around the base of the stalactite. Mudpie indicated his own status to Gilbert once he'd also run about a third of the way around the other side of the stalactite.

<Now!> Gilbert commanded, and Mudpie climbed out of Goliath's cockpit, to earth glide into the ceiling while Hagan popped open the hatch to the Titan mech before he and Wezhley each drank a potion of gaseous form tailored to their own size and body mass. Then, as clouds of vapor, they flew down from the mech, headed back to the front gates of Arachnespinnacle. Gilbert, Darrien, and Finoula all drank down potions of their own; Binkadink was already in a gaseous state and had headed down upon Gilbert's command.

<We ready, Genevar!> Gilbert called once the heroes had all made it to the open gates. In passing, they'd seen the aspects of Lolth and Kord were still having it out, while the drow and drider forces, as well as the bebelith, had found their way around the wall of force and were falling up the stalactite, doing their best to follow their prey up the reverse gravity spell effect; they hadn't seen the heroes drink down their potions and had no idea they were even now fleeing as fast as sentient clouds of gas could flee.

Harriet Fung had led the group out of Arachnespinnacle by a different route than the one they'd used to enter it; this was a trade route she'd heard would eventually lead to a svirfneblin city. But the important thing was it was a means of escape away from the drow city, and one with twisting passageways that put the city out of sight almost at once.

"Ye comin', little one?" Aerik asked.

<In a minute,> Genevar replied, closing her eyes and concentrating on the task she'd told Gilbert she could do. And she was pretty sure she could do it, too, although she'd never really tried it before. But just as the young mutant was able to communicate telepathically with the Kordovians despite not knowing how to speak their language, she knew speaking any language was likewise within her grasp...even the electronic language of machines.

<Initiating contact,> Genevar thought at the control computer of the Goliath mech.

<Contact established,> the Goliath AI replied. Genevar repeated the telepathic contact with the artificial intelligences responsible for the Spriggan and Titan mechs, establishing a link between the three of them.

<Synchronize countdown timer,> Genevar commanded.

<Countdown timer synchronized,> reported back the three machine intelligences in unison.

<Initiate self-destruct sequence,> commanded Genevar.

"Are ye comin', lass?" demanded Aerik. "We've best be goin', an' soon!"

<Coming!> replied Genevar, her task done. She scampered after the overprotective dwarf and the two hurried to catch up to the others.

The bebelith reached the Titan mech and found the hatch wide open - odd. Sure enough, it looked as if there was a little chair inside for a person to sit on - weird. The demon had never before seen a hollow construct built so somebody could ride inside it; it couldn't for the life of it imagine why somebody would go to all the trouble. But still, this was a type of armor, of sorts, and there was nothing a bebelith liked better than to rip open metal armor - it was just a pity there was nobody wearing it at the moment, because that was the really fun bit: rending open the armor to get at the screaming mortal inside and then rending through the meat and the blood and the viscera....

The drider cleric approached the Titan armor currently being ripped to shreds by the overeager bebelith. "Wait, what's that--?" she began but never got to finish.

The central stalactite of Arachnespinnacle housed all of the drow nobles of the city; those not of drow blood - the slaves, the tradespeople - were forced to live in the simple stone buildings on the floor of the cavern. Knowing the stalactite would be a favorite target of the enemies of the drow, the Matricarch had seen to it that the stone structure hanging from the cavern ceiling was protected from a wide variety of spells: stone shape, earthquake, and transmute rock to mud spells would have no effect upon the stone of the drow's dwelling, for example. It was sealed off from extradimensional travel, from teleport and dimension door spells passing from one side of the outer walls to the other, and from all types of scrying and other divination spells. The Matriarch felt she had truly done everything she could to protect her people in their hanging dwelling, miles deep below the surface of the Oerth.

She had not, however, had the foresight to shield it from thermonuclear explosions, not even from those of nuclear engines small enough to be used as power sources for mechs.

With a joint explosion caused by all three mech power sources going critical at the same time, the stalactite was severed from its perch at the top of the ceiling and it hung there for a brief moment before it began its plummet to the stone floor below. Spider webs snapped, their tensile strength nowhere near that needed to support a structure the size, weight, and mass of the drow habitation stalactite. The tip crashed into the stone buildings below the stalactite and the rest of it followed suit, crushing to paste everyone inside the hollow dwelling as the cavern filled with stone dust.

Fortunately, by the time the drow city of Arachnespinnacle came to a crashing death, Harriet Fung and the others were well down the tunnel they'd been traversing. They were close enough to hear the death-knell of the city - sound traveled for great distances in the echoing tunnels of the Underdark - but far enough away not to feel any of the aftereffects of the explosion. The gaseous heroes were likewise far enough away not to have their cloudlike bodies blown apart from the blast; they remanifested back into their solid bodies.

"Everybody okay?" Gilbert asked. Everyone was; Gilbert cast a message spell to make sure his mother and her group were all okay as well. Once he got a reply from her ("We all fine, Mudpie!") he cast another message spell instructing her to stay where she was; they'd be coming to get them and bring them back home to Kordovia. Mudpie earth glided out of a wall soon thereafter and together, the members of the Kordovian Adventurers Guild headed back through the ruins of Arachnespinnacle to go retrieve the Kordovian women they'd come to rescue.

- - -

And that's how we wrapped up the Kordovian Adventurers Guild campaign after five years of play. After the adventure was over, I went around the table and asked each of the players what they thought their PCs would do post-campaign. Here's the general consensus:
  • In the days to follow, Gilbert became the court wizard to Queen Kaelanna, acting as her primary adviser.
  • Binkadink married Voopie Meadowclover and together they had a large family of happy gnomish children.
  • Finoula had thoughts of joining the Sisters of Ehlonna, following in the footsteps of her younger sister Feron Dru. However, when asked how she'd respond to a proposal of marriage from Aithanar Ivenheart, she realized she didn't necessarily have to go join the Sisters right away; after all, elves lived for centuries and there was no immediate rush....
  • Hagan and Darrien decided they'd help rebuild Kordovia after these latest - and final - attacks by the orc and goblin slaves of Arachnespinnacle. Beyond that, who knew?
  • Castillan and Galrich opted not to return to the living; they'd earned their final rests and looked forward to an eternity with their loved ones who had passed away before them.
  • Malrin Ivenheart, however, was more than happy to be restored to life - how else was she going to be able to be the Maid of Honor at her little brother's wedding?
For the aspect of Lolth, I printed a female drow's face on cardstock, cut it out, and plopped it over the head of a Huge fiendish spider D&D Miniature. For the aspect of Kord, I used a plastic Burger King toy of Thor, but fashioned a cardstock image to wrap around his helmet and give him a new face: specifically, Cal Trop's, which was Dan's face with a goatee draw on with marker. (Cal Trop had been imbued with Kord's own blood during the Wing Three campaign; I thought it was an appropriate afterlife for him to, upon his death, be used as an aspect of Kord whenever the God of Strength needed to send an avatar to the Material Plane.)

- - -

T-Shirt Worn: My black "Chaotic evil means never having to say you're sorry" shirt - perfect for the drow.
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