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D&D 3E/3.5 Skills based Psi - 3E Psi has a major overhaul


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Before you ask i haven't seen the SW force system but i know bits about it and some about the WoT slot-level system (well thought out, if not exactly authentic to the books).

Regardless, after listening to other peoples passionate pleas for help on this board, and having heard countless arguments about broken/unbalanced/unfinished parts of the Psionics System, i found a "creative urge" within me. So i've decided to come up with a system of my own, borrowing from the PsiHB, the 2nd Ed Psi Guide (only those parts that equate to balance thankfully) and Kenneth S Hood's effective D20Psi skills supplement (i recommend you check it out if you haven't already. Sleeping Imperium setting be damned, those rules can be adapted.)

Now i'm not claiming it's a be all, end all fix, and many people don't agree with custom systems/house rules etc, but if that's the case then what are you doing reading this?

Psychic Skills System.

Call it what you will. I call it an improvement as far as its currently developed. It's not intended to be a stand-alone system unlike the PsiHB one, or kenneths, but rather replace the majority of the stuff in the PsiHB i thought was wrong (like forcing Psi into adhering to a level structure, just like spells).

Creating my overhauled Psi system:

1. Convert each Discpline into a class skill for Psions (i haven't done any work on the sub-classes or the PW) and key each to a different ability score:

Psychokinesis (Strength) [ability score?]
Psychoportation (Dexterity)
Psychometabolism (Constitution) [ability score?]
Metacreativity (Intelligence)
Clairsentience (Wisdom)
Telepathy (Charisma)

2. Implement the 2E PsiHB idea of Sciences/Devotions and abolish the Psionic "power level" system. The result thus far? Far more interesting and lacking the generic, "magical" flavour. I mean come on, Psionics/Magic are different as an optional rule?

3. Change the Psion class so that:

- Disciplines known, Sciences known, Psionic Modes (can be traded in for Psi feats under certain conditions) are all based on level.
- The number of devotions known mirrors his/her rank in a discipline.
- Bumped the Fort save to be good. This is a personal preference but makes sense IMHO (psions are supposed to combine mind and body into one harmonious whole)
- Increase skill points to 6+
- Etc.

4. Powers are still treated as spell-like (draw AoO's, limit movement etc). To simulate "power drain", i have devised "psychic drain". Whenever a Psion uses a devotion within a discipline, that discipline skill is temporarily (until recuperation/sleep just like a spellcaster) lowered by 1. For sciences the skill is lowered by 2.

So far: Voila! No more PPs needed, power drain is simulated, and we have a skills based Psi system. Also MAD has been reduced since all Discipline skills are class skills anyway.

5. Implement Psi Combat almost identical to real combat, using real combat as the template (Psi combat is mundane/physical combat just using a different point of origin, medium and target). IE you can be "flat-footed", "helpless", "flanked" and so forth. Still not sure about the Attack/Defence modes although they are currently in.

6. Restore Contact from 2E, implement 3E's Mental Hardness and my own Mental Vitality (mental hit points, sorta). Change Psionic Combat to make different targets easier/harder to affect. For example a normal character only receives their Charisma modifier to their Psi Combat Defence roll (if you aren't with me so far then check RPG Cosmos's psionics house rule section). Also throw in 2E "open"/"closed" mind concepts. Non-Psions can only be open/closed to all, while the psions mind functions like a modern day computer Firewall (dissallow/allow individual streams of psychic energy).

7. See Kenneth S Hood's Sleepium Imperium D20 Psi rules supplement to find out (almost exactly) how powers will work. Maintenance has been added. Basically a power is either:

- Active: requires conscious effort (standard action to maintain, some powers can't be maintained anyway).
- Passive: doesn't require conscious effort (only subconscious effort). You can maintain your Wisdom modifier - 1 of these for free. I might change this if it becomes too unbalancing.

Either way upkeep is simulated by forcing a new power check every x/rounds. Eg something like Aura Sight would be fairly hard to pull off (i'm currently thinking +3 to +4 DC increase = 1 level of psionic power from the 3E PsiHB.) So even after initiating the power with a Clairsentience Discipline check (1d20 + clairsentience modifier) vs DC x, you will still need to check the power every y rounds to see if its still active.

Also a new mechanic called fail has been added. Basically if you roll this (or under) on the 1d20 power check roll, the power fails (similar to rolling 20 in 2E Psi, but this scales based on the power's strength). A lot of powers are going to have some debilitating/nasty/inconvenient results for this.

This system should fix:

1. The MAD problem (partially)
2. Psionic Combat (a little. The whole multi-classing/Psi Combat thing is still a pain. At least it's workable, and more fun in some cases.
3. The "power level" idea (workable yes, but not authentic to the true feel of psionics).
4. The fact that Psi wasn't based on using mental/physical skills to begin with as the force was!
5. "PP" balancing (what PPs?).
6. Ability damage has no where near as drastic an effect on your combat ability. It's more a case of skills being the base, with the ability mod being a bonus.
7. No need to recalculate PPs all the time when multiple powers are running, and your lashing out with yet another.

HMM. That's all *I* can think of (i think?).

Let me know if you like the sound of it or have any other ideas and i'll send you a copy.

Email is: its_mac_time_now@hotmail.com
ICQ is 121969875. Don't spam me :D

Long live Psionics!

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been there, done that

I tried something very similar to this before the PsHB came out and had it played then had a PsHB psion played after. In terms of "flavor" there was virtually no difference. Both had aspects that came through beautifully in the role playing (which is where flavor is most important). The difference was that it was harder to judge the power of the one I created against other characters.

In my mind, the system doesnt create flavor, the player does. A wizard can be lame or interesting depending on what the player has him do; the same is true of a psion, regardless of what the system is.

My concerns for you:

  1. *judging the power of your psions versus the power of other characters because there is no direct comparison with an established character. That is a big advantage of psions in 3e. Their power levels are equivalent to the spell levels.

    *if the powers are skills then there must be a REAL chance of failure which makes the class very unattractive compared to others. and if there is no real chace of failure, there is no point in making it skill based.

    *a skill based system makes Intelligence the absolute most important stat for a psion regardless of discipline chosen to specialize in making Shapers the most powerful/attractive.

    *I was dubious about the 10 levels of powers too, but I don't feel that it has ruined psionics at all. There is still a nice range of powers and they increase in effectiveness along consistant lines. Only two levels means that vastly differently powered powers will be in the same grouping. Nothing can convince me that Aura Sight and Disintegrate and Teleport are equivalent powers (but in 2e all three were Sciences).

    You may of course do as you wish. These are just some concerns I have encountered and noticed. I hope it helps you out.

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