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NPC for the group

: Sovereign
3rd level Dwarf Tech (Decker/Hacker)


: Intelligence
Real Name: Ray Villebrun, Age: 33, Sex: Male
Languages: English, German, French
Strength: 13 (+1), Dexterity: 11 (+0), Constitution: 16 (+3), Intelligence: 15 (+2), Wisdom: 14 (+2), Charisma: 9 (-1)
Weapons: Hammerli 620S – attack +3, damage 2d6+1 ballistic*
SR-5 Veresk SMG – attack +3, damage 2d6+1 ballistic*
Concussion Grenades – attack +2, damage 2d6 bludgeoning (Dex DC 14)
Combat Knife – attack +3, damage 1d6+1 piercing or slashing
Collapsible Baton – attack +3, damage 1d6+1 bludgeoning
*laser sight re-rolls 1s on damage dice rolls.
Armor Class: 13 (base 13; Hardness 2/+2)
Initiative: +0
Hit Points: 35 (HD 3d8)
Second Wind: 1d8+9
Karma: 6
Base Speed: 20ft
Saving Throws: Intelligence +4, Wisdom +4
Wound Damage Threshold: 21 (recover +5)
Proficiencies: Light Armor, Heavy & Light Firearms, Simple Weapons
Skills (*proficiency in skill): Acrobatics (Dex) +0, Animal Handling (Wis) +2, Arcana (Int) +2, Athletics (Str) +1, Computer Use (*Int) +4, Deception (Cha) -1, Gather Information (Cha) -1, History (*Int) +4, Initiative (Dex) +0, Insight (*Wis) +4, Intimidate (Cha) -1, Investigation (*Int) +4, Life Science (Int) +4, Medicine (Wis) +2, Perception (*Wis) +4, Performance (Cha) -1, Persuasion (Cha) -1, Physical Science (*Int) +4, Religion (Int) +2, Sleight of Hands (Dex) +0, Stealth (Dex) +0, Survival (Wis) +2, Technology (*Int) +4
Tools: Forgery Kit (+4), Repair kit (+4), MagLock kit (+4)
Racial Bonuses: Darkvision 60ft, Hardy (one extra HD per long rest, double CON for second wind and HD rolls during a short and long rest, can take a Second Wind as a reaction or bonus action, +2 WDT and +1 to recover from reeling), Resistance (advantage on saves vs. poisons, toxins and disease and resistance to that type of damage).
Talents: Custom Persona (see below), Hacking Expert (advantage when using emersion and attempting to improve a systems attitude towards you), Master Hacker (advance with one d20 roll a round, in the matrix), Science, Not a Soldier (when you take the Disengage action you can make a single range attack but deal only ½ damage if you hit)
Feats: Careful Shot (when you take the Aim maneuver you get +2 to hit and damage with next range attack roll), Precise Shot (can fire into melee where an friendly ally is without suffering disadvantage on attack), Point Blank Shot (+1 to hit and damage with ranged attack within its base weapon range)
Cybernetics (Strain/Max 1/12): Datajack (Strain 1)
Persona: Matrix Strength 14 and Constitution 14, Matrix HP 30, AC 15, Hardness 4, Attack 1d6+2, Scan (Perception) +4, Search (Investigation) +4, Sleaze 4 (Disguise in the Matrix) DC 16.
Gear: Undercover Vest (12lbs), Hammerli 620S (DT, feed 6c, holdout, loud, range 50/250, WT. 2 lbs), Concealable hostler (Wt. ½lb), 100 rounds of regular ammunition, 2 speed-loaders (Wt. ½lb), SR-5 Veresk SMG (Autofire, burst, DT, range 80/400, reload 30c, Wt. 3 ½ lbs), one extra 30rd clip (½ lb.), Combat Knife (1 lb.), Collapsible Baton (holdout, Wt. 1 lb.), Concussion Grenades (2) (throw 30/60, Knockdown, Wt. 2 lbs), Repair kit (10 lbs), Hackers deck (Broadcast 3, Firewall 20, Intelligence 16, Wis 12, proficiency bonus +3, full emersion, Wt. ½lb), Goggles (Wt. ½ lb.) with Flare Compensation, Backpack (2 lbs), Chemical Suit (10 lbs), Gas Mask (2 lbs), Light Sticks (4 red) (Wt. 1 lb), Digging Tools, two-sets of middle-class cloths, credstik.

Total Weight Carried: 49 lbs (basic carrying load is 65/ can carry up to 130 lbs without it affecting movement)
Extra Cash on Hand: 10,200¥
Contacts: Decker (Squeaky Pete), Fixer (Dom-John)
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Name: Davos
Race: Male Elf
Background: Disciple
Class: Adept 3
Speed: 40 ft
Initiative: +8
Proficiency Bonus: +2
Hit Dice: 3/3d8
HP: 29/29
Damage Threshold: 18
AC: 19
Hardness: 2/+0
Passive Perception: 14
Passive Insight: 12
Passive Investigation: 10
Strength: 12 (+1)
+Athlethics: +3​
Dexterity: 18 (+4)
Acrobatics: +4
+Initiative: +6
Sleight of Hand: +4
+Stealth: +6​
Constitution: 12 (+1)
Intelligence: 10 (+0)
+Arcana: +2
Computer Use: +0
History: +0
Investigation: +0
Life Sciences: +0
Physical Sciences: +0
+Religion: +2
Technology: +0​
Wisdom: 15 (+2)
Animal Handling: +2
Insight: +2
Medicine: +2
+Perception: +6
Survival: +2​
Charisma: 13 (+1)
^Deception: +1
Gather Information: +1
Intimidation: +1
Performance: +1
^Persuasion: +1​
+Proficient, ^ Advantage, !Disadvantage
[sblock="COMBAT"]OFFENSE Initiative: +8
WeaponTo HitDamageRangeNotes
Katana (Keen)+71d8+6 (s)Finesse, Keen, Versatile (d10)
Katana (Keen)+71d8+6 (s)Finesse, Keen, Versatile (d10)
Colt Manhunter+72d8+4 (bal.)50/250DT, Heavy, Laser Sight, Reload (14)
Unarmed strike+31d3+1 (b)
AC: 19
Hardness: 2/+2​
Strength: +1
Intelligence: +0
+^Dexterity: +6
+Wisdom: +4
Constitution: +1
Charisma: +1
+Proficient, ^ Advantage, !Disadvantage
[/sblock][sblock="FEATURES AND TRAITS"]Proficiencies and Languages
Languages: English, Elvish, Chinese (Cantonese)
Armor: Light
Weapons: Light Firearms, Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
Tools: Calligrapher's Supplies​
Race: Elf
+2 to Dexterity, +2 to Charisma, -1 to Constitution
Speed: 40 feet
Size: Medium
Alluring: Elves are naturally attractive to most people and have advantage on both Deception and Persuasion checks in person, where they can be seen by the subject who understands them.
Low-Light Vision: You can see in dim light as if it were bright light.
Keen Senses: You You have proficiency in the Perception skill.
Background: Disciple
Skills: Athlethics, Arcana, Religion
Tools: Calligrapher's tools
Languages: One of your choice
Equipment: Holy items (if said faith endorses them) including books and symbols worth at least 100¥, two sets of middle-class clothes, Religion proficiency added to comlink proficiency, a credstik with 50¥.​
Class: Adept
Skills: Initiative, Stealth
Class Talents:
Unarmored Defense: When you are not wearing armor or carrying a shield, you add your Dexterity and Wisdom together to get your base Armor Class. This improves by +1 for every 5 levels in Adept that they gain (+1 at 5th level adept, +2 at 10th level adept, etc.).
Mystical Armor:As your understanding of the magic of your body grows you learn to better deal with external threats to it. The adept gains 2 points of Hardness but does not add to any armor worn or shield carried. This Hardness protects against all magical spell damage also. This damage reduction increases by another 1 point for every 5 levels of adept she gains (5th, 10th, 15th and 20th adept level).
Enhanced Reflexea: You can move unnaturally fast when you want to. You gains a +2 bonus to AC and Initiative checks, gain advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and gain an additional action on each of your turns. That action can be used only to take the Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, Recover from Reeling or Use an Object action. Note that this cannot be combined with any other similar boosts provided by drugs, magic, talents, or cybernetics.
Enhanced Physical Attribute (DEX): Your physical form has been enhanced. You gain +2 bonus to either your Strength, your Dexterity or your Constitution. This allows you also to exceed your characteristic maximum by 2 (or 4, see below). You can take this talent multiple times, each time it applies to a different physical attribute. Once you have taken all three attribute you can take this talent one additional time, applying it to your Strength, Dexterity or Constitution.​
400¥ spare cash, Colt Manhunter with Concealable Hostler, 100 round regular ammunition and 2 spare magazines, Katana (Keen Blade)(x2)Basic Comlink​
Weapon Focus (Martial Melee): For one weapon group or one specific exotic weapon that you are proficient with, you gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you make using this selected weapon group or specific exotic weapon. You may gain this feat multiple times, each time you must select a different weapon group or one separate exotic weapon.
Dual Weapon: You gain a +1 to your Armor Class while you are wielding two separate melee weapons in each hand. You can use any two one-handed weapons fighting even when the one-handed melee weapons you are using are not light. You can also draw or stow two one-handed weapons when you would normally be able to stow or draw only one a round.
Dual Weapon Mastery: Dual Weapon feat. When wielding two one-handed weapons you now get to add the ability modifier bonus damage to damage with your bonus attack. .​
[/sblock][sblock="EQUIPMENT"]Middle-Class Clothes
Katana (Keen Blade)x2
Colt Manhunter w/Concealable Holster & 4 spare magazines
Comlink (Broadcast 1, Firewall 15, Int 12, Wis 10, Prof +2, Skills: Computer Use, History, Investigation, Perception, Religion, Technology, App: Electronic Prayer Wheel)
Filter Plugs
Credstik (188¥)
Rope, Standard (50')
Canteen w/ Filter (1 qt. water)
Rapelling Gloves
Trauma Patch (2)
Chemical Suit
Gas Mask
Lightsticks (4, 2 marked red and 2 marked blue)
Set of digging tools​

Apartment (Low-Life, prepaid 2 months)
Middle-Class Clothes (spare set)
Buddhist Scrolls
Calligrapher's Supplies
Extra ammo for Colt (44 rounds)​
[/sblock][sblock="CONTACTS"]Elf Decker (Gray Ghost)
Human (?) Fence (Jack Jeebs)[/sblock][sblock="DESCRIPTION and HISTORY"]
Race: Elf
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 205#
Skin: Pale
Hair: White (just growing back after being shaven)
Eyes: Green

Visible Tattoos: A gray circle (about 1" across) on the crown of his head, a green circle (the same size) at the back of his head, and a blue line running from the gray circle to the green circle, and continuing down his spine (under his collar). A blue shield on the back of his left hand.

In the early 30's, Davos and his family were on a flight to Nepal. (He doesn't know why, something about his father's business.) The plane was caught in an unseasonal storm and crashed, killing the crew. With no shelter, Davos' parents used their bodies to protect him from the storm.
Hours later, as the storm was ending, they were discovered by the locals. The adults were dead, but they brought the still-living boy to the temple in Shang-Ri-La.
There, he was raised by the monks and taught the Mystic Combat Arts (Two-sword technique), Language, Etiguette, Calligraphy, and Religion.
Now he has returned to the land of his birth, seeking his heritage and his birthright.[/sblock]
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[sblock= The Adventures of Fluffy and Diggs!]
And now it is time for the Adventures of Fluffy and Diggs!

I have no idea if this character is even viable. Seems cool to me, or at least, what he could be given enough time and money.

Diggs was drafted into the military of some corporation or another, he can't really remember which, when he was a kid. Or maybe it was after he became a man. Or maybe...well, whatever. At some point, he was in someone's military, helping kill someone else's military. Maybe he was part of more than one? Like, switched around or something. Whatever. He doesn't remember. Though he does get this feeling of hatred and betrayal when he thinks far enough back. Not sure where that comes from, but whatever. He just knows he killed people.

Which is cool, because he didn't really like people to begin with. Humans and elves were too ugly, Orks were too tall, and Trolls...well, they're alright. At least they can drink. Always fun killing them, though. Point is, Diggs always liked machines more than people. They were loyal. Like having a pet that was smart enough to have a conversation.

It was about 12 years ago...or it could have been last week, his memory isn't all that great...sometime in the recent past, Diggs was working for his boss, whoever that was, killing someone who needed killing, whoever that was. Somehow, probably because of an ugly elf, he got himself blown halfway to hell. Since he'd been one of those "get caught and we'll forget about you" folks, Diggs wasn't able to get prosthetics to fix his legs, right arm and right eye. So he did what any self respecting Drone Master would do. He hacked a drone belonging to his old boss and had it steal a good bit of cybernetic tech. Then he spent a good amount of time (so he guesses it couldn't have been a week ago, then) fixing himself, using the drones as extra hands. Took forever. The drone he hacked didn't have any hands. Stupid companies.

When he was done, he was almost a drone himself. Fully cybernetic arm, legs and eye, and he even put mounts for future drones on his hand and eye socket. Just in case.

Well, he's decided he's not done. He's got this other eye, see, that doesn't do anything special, it just sits there and sees things. And these ears that are so inefficient. His skeleton everywhere but his cybernetic parts breaks just too damn easily, and while he's got this cool implant in his head that lets him control machines with his mind, there's just so much more he could be doing.

The only thing he needs is money. Screw being alive. Diggs wants to be a machine. Just like Fluffy.

Oh, and he also has plans to make Fluffy look like an actual Doberman. He thinks that'd be really cool, to have a robot dog following him around. He'd make him bark and sit and attack people's jugulars. Heh heh. It'll be glorious.

So here is Diggs, followed by Fluffy. Let me know what you think, and what I did wrong.

Race: Dwarf
Background: Military
Class: Tech (Drone Master)

HP: 47 (32 +15 from Cybernetics)
AC: 12

Str: 13
Dex: 10
Con: 12 (+2 = 14)
Int: 14
Wis: 11 (+2 = 13)
Cha: 15 (-1 = 14)

Ability Score Modifier: Constitution +2, Wisdom +2, Charisma -1
Medium Sized and Speed: base 20 feet a round. Note that a dwarf’s base speed is not reduces by heavy encumbrance (up to your Strength score x10, see Skills below).
Dark Vision: dwarfs can see up to 60ft in the dark per the PHB pg. 183.
Hardy: dwarfs gain one additional Hit Dice back after a long rest (up to max HD). They also add double their Constitution bonus (instead of just Constitution bonus) back when they take their Second Wind and with any Hit Dice recovery rolls after a Short or Long Rest. They gain +2 to their Wound Damage Threshold and an additional +1 to recovering from the Reeling condition.
Resistance: dwarfs have advantage on saving throws vs. toxins, poisons and disease and resistance on any damage that they would suffer from such attacks.

Military: You have experience as a guerrilla, militiaman, reservist, regular soldier, special operator or mercenary soldier types (there are corporate sponsored Desert Wars each year after all). The military can encompass a lot of skill sets from poor-trained and equipped ground pounder, to rigger jet pilot flying a million dollar jet.

Hit Dice: 3d8

Armor: Light, Heavy
Weapons: Heavy Firearms, Light Firearms, Simple weapons
Tools: Tools (Repair), Vehicle (Drone), Vehicle (Rotor)
Saving Throw: Intelligence and Wisdom
Skills: Choose four from among Computer Use, Medicine, Perception, Technology, Athletics, Intimidate

Point Blank Shot. You gain +1 to attack rolls and damage rolls with ranged weapons against opponents within the weapons base range.
Surgical Expertise, Prerequisite: Proficiency with Wisdom (Medicine). When performing surgery you now have Advantage on your Wisdom (Medicine) in a medical facility and a normal roll (not at a Disadvantage) in a non-facility environment with a surgery kit. Surgery is used to remove persistent conditions, etc.
Cybernetic Surgery, Prerequisite: Proficiency with Wisdom (Medicine), Surgery Expertise. You can install cybernetic prosthesis into living beings. The surgery requires a medical facility and at least on hour of uninterrupted work with a DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check. A failure generally only results in lost time, but a natural 1 causes a persistent Reeling condition on the subject until a surgery is used to remove it.

Cyberware (Strain limit 14, used: 14):
Datajack (1 strain, provided free from Tech Class)
Vehicle Rigor Control (6 Strain, gained from Cybernetics Talent)
Cybernetic Leg Replacement (both) (4 Strain, gained from Cybernetics Talent)
- Cyber-Leg Enhancements: +10 movement speed, +5 to base leaping, Boosted Kick)
Cybernetic Right Arm Replacement (2 Strain, gained from Cybernetics Talent)
- Cyber-Arm Enhancement: Increase all Melee attack damage by +2
- Hand Drone Mount
Cybernetic Right Eye Replacement (1 Strain, bought with starting money, 600)
- Ocular Drone Mount

Ares Predator Pistol with Concealed Holster (100 rounds, 2 extra magazines) - +3/2d8+3, 50/250
Cybernetic Kick – +3/1d8+1
Solid Core Staff (with cyberarm) - +3/1d8+3

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment grants by your background:
* Lined Coat
* Ares Predator pistol with Concealed Hostler, 100 rounds of regular ammunition and 2 extra magazines (or speed loaders)
* Solid Core Staff
* Shock Gloves
* One Repair Kit
* Drone
* One boosted comlink (broadcast 3, firewall 15, Int 14, Wis 10) and a Datajack Implant (Strain 1)
* 10,050¥
* Old military BDUs
* two sets of middle-class clothing
* Backpack
* Medical Kit (With 10 Basic Supplies included)
* One each of Concussion, Smoke, Flash-Bang, Fragmentation and Tangler grenades
* Flashlight (fer hittin' things)
*Antidote and Trauma Patch
* Chemical Suit and Gas Mask
* 2 Blue light sticks
* 2 red light sticks
* Digging tools

Prerequisite: Vehicle (Drones), Vehicle Rigger Control cybernetic implant.

Drone Rigger (Core Ability): You are a specialized drone rigger. Any drones that you control with either AR or with full emersion, perform their actions on your initiative and you add your proficiency bonus to all controlled drones’ Armor Class, attack bonus to hit and any damage rolls as well as well as to its saving throws, ability and skill checks. You can order them move as a no action on your part. As a bonus action you can order one drone to take the Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge or Help action. As an action you can direct all of the drones to take the Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge or Help action. As an action you can order one drone to take all of its actions. These actions are distracting though and you are at Disadvantage for all of your personal attacks and checks (not saving throws). If you use the full emersion ability with your VRC to control one drone you gain a +2 insight bonus to your attack bonus as well as the saving throws and ability checks with the drone. At 11th level if you have multi-attacks in a round (via Double or Triple Attack feats) all drones under your control can also make multiple attacks. If you are incapacitated or reduced to 0 hit points or if a drone is outside its communications range its action must be on ‘autopilot’ or it does not act at all. If this class is chosen at character creation, the Drone Rigger gains either a Combat, Recon or Stealth Drone for free. The Combat Drone can have two light firearms or one medium installed while the Recon and Stealth have one light firearm installed for free (after character creation must purchase drones and weapons separately).

Drone Hacking: Through you VRC you may attempt to hack an enemy drone or syder system. As an action make an Intelligence (Computer Use) skill vs. the drones Firewall. If you succeed you impose the charmed condition onto an autopilot systems. However if another operator is controlling the drone (or you have Best Friends talent) it gains an Intelligence save DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier. If the drone fails you knock the operator out of the system (see Dumpshock, if it is under direct control) and the drone gains the charmed condition. You can order this drone or system as if you owned it but you must maintain concentration each round with at least a bonus action. Any round you stop concentrating on the drone it loses the charmed conditions with you.

Cybernetics: With it you gain up to 6 Stain points of Cyberware.
Cybernetics: With it you gain up to 6 Stain points of Cyberware.

Possible Bonus Class Feats: Action Surge, Armor Proficiency (Heavy, Medium), Bullet Storm, Brutal Critical, Careful Shot, Charging Fire, Concentration Fire, Contacts, Covering Fire, Cybernetic Surgery, Deadly Aim, Defensive Duelist, Determined, Disarming Strike, Do Science on it!, Double Attack, Duel Weapon, Extra Second Wind, Far Shot, Feinting Attack, First Aid, Frigging love Science, Gimmick, Improved Critical, Improved Determinedness, Linguist, Lunging Attack, Maneuvering Attack, Martial Arts, Medic, Menacing Attack, Melee Defense, Mobility, Outwit and Outsmart, Pack Tactics, Parry, Point Black Shot, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Quick Reload, Science not a Soldier, Sidestep, Skill Expertise, Skill Proficiency, Superior Critical, Suppressing Fire, Surgical Expertise, Triple Attack, Vehicle Combat, Weapon Focus, Weapon Proficiency and Widget Bag.[/sblock]

[sblock=Cybernetics Description]

Datajack (1 level): a simple brain implant that allows the subject to use either a fiber-optic cable to directly interface with any type of electronic device or computer or wirelessly if using a comlink with a wireless interface modifier. Cost 500¥, Strain 1. (Free for Drone Expert)

Vehicle Rigger Control (VRC) (1 level): Requires a Datajack implant. A complex neural pathway implant that allows the subject to control vehicles, drones and internal systems with its mental commands. This is done via a comlink and either AR interaction or with a datajack and comlink with a wireless interface modifier. The vehicle or system must have a Rigger upgrade (all drones automatically include this). The ‘rigger’ can control up to its Intelligence modifier in systems at a time and gains an additional action on each of its turns. This action can only be used with a system under its control and it must be used only to take the Attack, Dash, Disengage, Hide, Recover from Reeling or Use an Object action. This cannot be combined with any other similar boosts provided by drugs, magic, talents, or cybernetics but see Tech talents for the basic class exceptions (for Drone Riggers and Riggers). Cost 20,000¥, Strain 6.

Cybernetic Eye Replacements (1 level+): the subjects’ eyes have been replaced with cybernetic ones. This Cost 600¥ each but only 1 Strain total, but can hold up to 3 Strain worth of cybernetic-visual enhancements without costing the subject any additional Strain. Modifiers over 3 Strain count towards the subject’s total Strain. Note that all of the following enhancers can be added to any subject without cybernetic ears (as simple cybernetic upgrades) but the subject counts all Strain in full. All metahumans who have cybernetic eye replacements lose any natural Low-Light or Darkvision, unless they take the cybernetic version.

* Ocular Drone Mount (level 1): this eye mount requires that the subject have at least one cybernetic eye replacements. It allows the subject to store an ocular drone within the eye socket. Others have disadvantage at detecting the drone when mounted, but the subject is blind in one eye when the drone is in use (Disadvantage on ranged attack rolls and perception checks past 10ft). Cost 1,000¥, Strain 0 (already paid for with the replacement cybernetic eye). See Drones for stats.

* Flare Compensation (1 level): +400¥, Strain 1. Advantage on any saving throws that involved sudden flashes, light attacks, etc. that could blind the users.

* Dark Vision (1 level): +750¥, Strain 1. Darkvision out to 60 feet.

Cybernetic Right Arm: Grants +5 to max health

Cyber-Arm Enhancements (1 level): require that at least on arm has is a cybernetic replacement. Increase all melee attack damage by +2. Cost 5,000¥, 0 Stain (included in the cybernetic arm)

Drone Hand Mount (1 level): this implant requires that the subject have at least one cybernetic hand replacement. When not in use it acts as a normal cybernetic hand and any attempt to detect the drone is at disadvantage. When deployed the subject cannot use that hand for any other activity. 1,000¥, no Strain (already paid for with the replacement hand). See Drones for stats.

Cybernetic Legs: Grants +10 to max health

Cyber-Leg Enhancements (7 levels): these implants require both legs are cybernetic replacements. Note that the legs can hold up to 3 levels of Strain automatically and the subject only needs to pay for any Strain that exceeds that. Each level grants one of the following: +10ft to Move Speed (can be taken 3 times), +5ft to base Leaping distance (can be taken 3 times), Boosted kick (change unarmed damage to 1d8/1d10 for a large sized creature, bludgeoning damage). Cost 1,000¥ and Strain 1 per level. [/sblock]

GM-Nissan Doberman³. This is a four-wheeled solidly built combat drone platform for light security patrol work.
Cost: 24,000¥
Weight 190.5lbs.
Strength 16
Dexterity 14
Constitution n/a
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 14
Charisma 6
Proficiency Bonus: +2
Save: Strength +5, Intelligence +3
Threshold: 18
Speed: 35ft (70 MPH)
AC 17 (dex +2, +2 Tech’s Prof)
SZ: Medium
HD: 5
HP: 50
Hardness: 7 (+4 vs. ballistic damage)
Proficiencies: Computer Use +5, Perception +6
Weapon Attack: +7 melee, +6 ranged
Special Qualities:
Wheeled propulsion
Battery 10hrs on 3hr recharge
Unarmed 1d6 bludgeoning
Armor upgrade 2 (20 lbs)
AI boost (Wisdom) 2
Attribute Boost (Strength) 2, Dexterity (2)
Combat Tracking Software (+2 ranged damage)
Hardening 1 (bullet proofing 1) (20lbs)
Reinforced Chassis 2 (20lbs)
Sensors (Darkvision 60ft, Low-Light Vision) (½lb)
Speed 2
Weapon Mounts (4 heavy firearms and 1 heavy weapon) (16lbs)
Weapon Proficiencies (Heavy weapons, Light and Heavy firearms).

Current weapons mounted:

Mossberg AM-CMDT: an autofire combat shotgun (Restricted). Cost: 1,000¥; Damage: 2d10 ballistic; Range: 50/200; Wt.: 14 lbs; Properties: Autofire, burst, DT, heavy, knockdown, loud, reload (20m), shotgun.

AK-98 Assault Rifle: cheap, reliable and popular with the cost conscious, this assault rifle is not flashy. It includes intergraded laser sights (Restricted). Cost: 950¥; Damage: 2d8 ballistic; Range: 100/500; Wt.: 10 lbs; Properties: Autofire, burst, heavy, reload (30m).

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First Post

Name: Juno Reyes
Medium Human Infiltrator 3
Init: +6; Perception: +4 (+6 vision) (passive 14, 16 vision)
Languages: English, Spanish
Karma: 7 (1d4+1)
AC: 18
Hardness: 2/+2
Wound Threshold: 18
Hit Points: 29
Spd 30'
Melee +6, 1d6+4 knife or 1d6+4 unarmed (extra unarmed atk/Attack action); shock gloves Stun (15)
Ranged +8, 2d8+7 Ares Predator (doubletap) or 2d8+5 HK227 (burst/auto); -2 atk +4 dmg Deadly Aim; laser sights
Proficiency Bonus: +2
Abilities Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 14, Chr 12
Core - Improved Stealth (Adv on Stealth)
Core - Cybernetics (6 strain of cybernetics)
Core - Crafty Action (Bonus to Dash, Disengage or Hide)
Cyber - Cybernetics (6 strain of cybernetics)
3 - Skirmisher (Adv on attacks after moving 15' or more)

B Point Blank Shot
B Martial Arts
2 Deadly Aim
3 Martial Arts Expert

- Bonus Feat
- Bonus Skill Training
- Bonus Karma

Investigation +3
Perception +4
Athletics +2
Computer Use +3
Stealth +6
Gather Information +3

Cybernetics (12 strain)
Wired Reflexes (+2 AC/Init, adv on Dex saves, Extra 'haste' action/turn) 6
Cybereyes (Darkvision, Flare Compensation, vision enhancement) 1
Orthoskin (resistance: Piercing/Ballistic) 2
Reflex Implant 1 (+2 Dex) 3

Armor: Light
Weapons: Heavy and Light Firearms, Martial and Simple
Tools: Thief's Tools, Maglock Passkey, Motorcycle, Hand Scanners
Saves: Dexterity +6, Intelligence +3


Cash: 250¥
2 sets middle-class clothes
Lifestyle: 2 months Low

Undercover Vest (AC 12+Dex, Hard 2/+2, concealable, 10lbs)

Ares Predator, Silencer, Concealed Holster (2d8+2 ballistic, rng 50/250, 14rnd, 5lbs, smartlink)
- 100 rounds of regular ammunition and 2 extra magazine clips.

* HK 227S SMG, Concealed Holster (2d8 ballistic, autofire/burst, rng 80/400, 30rnds, 7lbs smartlink, silenced)
- 100 rounds of regular ammunition and 2 extra clips.

Combat Knife (Keen Blade, finesse, light, undermount) 1d6 pierce/slash, 1lb

Shock Gloves (finesse, holdout, light, rnds 10, touch) Stun (15)

Thieves Kit
Subvocal Microphone
Maglock Passkey kit
One basic comlink (broadcast 1, firewall 15, Int 12, Wis 10)
- Skills: Computer Use, History, Investigation, Perception and Technology.
Electronic/Radio Transition Detector (bug detector): Cost 200¥, Wt. 1 lb

Suzuki Mirage
Cost: 15,500¥ for battery
Size: Medium; Crew: 1; Passengers: 1; Cargo: 40 lbs
Modifier: +4; Speed: 90ft (180 MPH); Cover: Half
Power: Electric -16hrs on 4hr recharge
AC: 16; HD: 3; HP: 30; Hardness: 4; Threshold: 19
Abilities: Strength 18, Dexterity 18, Intelligence 12 Wisdom 10, Broadcast 2, Firewall 20; Proficiency: +2; Skills: base; Notes: Bike propulsion. Off road lose maneuver bonus with an additional -4/-8 penalty. AI Upgrade, Boost Signal +1, Increased Firewall 1, Enhanced Attributes (Strength) 1, (Dexterity) 4, Enhanced Speed 8, Hardening 1.

Dan Cazintino - Cyberdoc
Marlon 'FuzzE' Baer - Fixer

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
NTensity, 3rd level Sparks shaman

("The problem with having friends is... They won't ever let you forget you've been young 'nce.")
Background: Go-ganger (criminal)
Real Name: James Moranis, Age: 19, Sex: Male

Init +0
Passive perception 12
Karma 3/6 (1d4+1 to a 1d20 roll. Standard = recover 1d8/L MP)
AC 15 (Boosted Armor), 13 (Armor), 11 (Arm clothing); Hardness (1/+1, +1 troll, +2 Armor)
HP 30/30 hp + 6 temp Zen hp; Threshold 21; Second Wind 1d6+5 (Unused)
Exhaustion 0 (Standard = recover 1d8/L MP)
ONGOING EFFECTS: Zen 1h (9 temp HP+2 Int and Will rolls, Disadv vs Deception), Physical wall 1 min
Proficiency bonus +2, +2 Astral
Speed 30'
Melee +7 (Shock stick, 1d6+Stun 15, Finesse, Light, Painful (X2 Reeling), Touch, 20/20p)
Melee +5 (Keen Urban glaive, 1d6+3, Finesse, Light, Undermount)
Ranged +3 (Roomsweeper with laser sight, 3d8/1d8 (reroll 1s), 15/80, DT (-1att,+2dam), Feed 2i, Heavy, Knockdown(reeling=prone), Loud, Shotgun)
Str 16, Dex 10, Con 15 (Stun +2, -2/extra spell maintained), Int 9 (Save +2), Wis 14 (Save +2), Cha 14


Large, +1 HP/L
Darkvision 60'
Dermal plating (+1 hard)
Reach 10'
Scary (use Str for intimidate)
Living Large (+50% base weapon cost, +100% armor cost and weight, one-handed Versatile and Two-handed)

Astral perception (Bonus action, Disadvantage RL)
Astral projection (Full round action to cast, 1 exhaustion/h)
Spell-casting (Action, 1 MP / Mag)
Summoning (Full round, DC 10 + 2 X Mag, 2 MP / Mag. Failure = 1MP (+min dam if overcast))
Mentor spirit (Spark, +2 Astral, +2 and -1 MP with spirits of man)

Armor prof (None)
WP (Simple, Light firearms)
Quick Refresh (recover magic die = 1d8 on karma or Exhaustion)
New Spells (Heal and Physical Wall)
Parry (Reaction=substract 1d10+Str+L dam from a melee attack)

Arcana +1
Athletics +5
Gather Information +4
Insight +2 (Adv, only when astrally perceiving)
Intimidate +5
Tools (Bike)
Tools (Repair Kit)

Magic +5
Conjuring +4/+6 SoM (Natural Air or Spirits of Man (-1 MP))
MP: 8/17
Magnitude: 3 (max 6)
[sblock=Spells (Save DC 12)]Armor 1 Mag (Mana/Abjuration, Touch, +3AC, +2Hard, conc 1h)
  • Shield (+1 MP, Reaction) +Prof AC on an already maintained Armor until start of next turn
  • Stoneskin (+4 Mag) Resistance to ballistic, bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage
Lightning Bolt 2d6+1d6 dam/Mag (Physical/Evocation, 120', ignores normal hardness)
  • Area 15' + Knockdown (+1 Mag) Dex for half
  • Greater Area 25' (+2 Mag) Dex for half
  • 30' Cone + Knockdown (+1 Mag) Dex for half
  • 60' Cone + Knockdown (+2 Mag) Dex for half
  • 240' range (+1 Mag)
  • Secondary Affect - Lightning (+1 Mag) Con save or Reeling
Ram 2d6+2d6/Mag (Physical/Evocation, 120', Force vs building or vehicle, AP, Heavy dam, Disad if moving)
  • Precise (+1 Mag) Not at disadv vs moving targets
Physical Wall 3Mag (Physical/Conjuring, 120', 60X20X1' or 20' dia ring, HP75, Hard 6, Conc up to 1min)

Healing Touch 1d8/Mag (Mana/Evocation, touch, -3/heal on same patient until Long)
  • 2 Mag = 3 targets within 30' with same amount
[/sblock][sblock=Astral (Full round ritual)]Speed 60' or Hyper 2000'
AStr 14 (Wis), ADex 14 (Cha), ACon 14 (Wis)

AC 14 (12+ADex), Hard 2 (Wis)
Melee +6 (1d6+2), Casting Conjuring = 1d4HP/Mag, 1d8 if overcasting
+1 Action/r (Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, Hide or Recover from Reeling)

Ignore fatigue
Can only carry Focuses
Manifest = Action + conc
[/sblock][sblock=Spirits (full round ritual)]One spirit at a time for 1h each.
Summoning DC = 10 + MagX2 (Nat1 -> angry, uncontrolled spirit)
MP cost =
  • Success: Mag X 2
  • Failure: 1 MP + Minimum possible damage if overcasting
[sblock=Watchers]WATCHER SPIRITS
Watcher spirits are minor conjurations that any Magic user with the Summoning core talent can summon. It takes an action and 1 Magic Point with a DC 10 conjuration check to summon a Watch. This minor spirit does not count as a summoned spirits so you can still maintain or conjure a regular spirit. This spirit remains for 1 hour or until you dismiss it or you summon another Watcher Spirit. They can perform the following services – (a) Watch an area up to 100 feet area. If the Watcher Spirits detects a creature entering the area it will immediately move to inform the summoner; (b) Act as an attack dog, attacking one creature that the summoner directs it too; (c) Carry a short message (three or four sentences) to one creature that the summoner knows. This will take 1d6 minutes x the number of miles away it is up to 5 miles away. It can bring back a return message if they summoner had directed it to do so and (d) Search for one creature that the summoner knows. If the summoner only knows the target the Watcher requires a DC20 Investigation check (and 6d10 minutes of time), if the summoner has a physical picture (no vids) or personal items of the target the DC drops to 15 (and 4d10 minutes of time), if the summoner has hair follicle, tissue and/or blood samples of the target the DC drops to 10 (and 2d10 minutes of time).

Watcher Spirit, small spirit, unaligned.
Armor Class: 11 (natural; hardness 0)
Hit Points: 5 (1d8); Threshold: 15
Speed: 30ft, Fly 30ft (astral fly speed 60ft or 500ft)
STR 10, DEX 10, CON 10, INT 10, WIS 10, CHA 10
Condition Immunity: Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Poisoned.
Damage Immunity: Poison
Senses: Duel-Natured (ignore all visual base concealment or cover), passive Perception 12
Skills: Investigation +2, Perception +2
Spirits: Resistant to all damage from Astral Space. When manifesting it is Resistant to all spell damage and ranged attack weapon damage.
Strike: melee weapon attack: +2 to hit, reach 5ft, one target; Hit: 1d6 slashing damage.[/sblock][sblock=Spirits of Man]Sprits of Man - Usually appear as trash or garbage, but also miniature farm hand when in fields or small humanoids wearing antique cloths. Some have appeared as motorcycles or other light vehicles in urban settings.
Domain: almost any Urban area, inhabited or uninhabited.
Abilities: Base speed 60ft, Enhanced Movement (the spirit can enhance the movement of a number of individuals equal to its magnitude. It can move them and itself up to 120ft a round on the ground or give them a Fly speed of 20ft).
Spells: Blur Image plus one additional spell per Magnitude of the spirits from among – Agony, Bestow Curse, Clairvoyance, Illusion, Invisibility, Levitate, Light, Mage Hand, Magic Weapon, Search[/sblock][sblock=Spirits of Air]Sprits of the Sky- Appears as a clouds, or in storms as thunderclouds, or swirling clouds.
Domains: Anywhere under the open sky where city light pollution is not too bad.
Attributes: base Strength 6, Dexterity 14
Abilities: Fly speed 60ft, Noxious Breath (as an Action creates a 20-foot radius sphere around itself of nauseating gas. This cloud spreads around corners and its area if heavily obscured. The cloud lingers for up to 1 minute but a moderate wind [at least 10 MPH] dispenses the cloud in 4 rounds while a strong wind (at least 20 MPH) disperses it after 1 round. Each creature that is within the radius at the start of its turn must make a Constitution saving throw against poison. On a failed save the creature gains the Poison condition and they are at ½ speed until the condition ends. Creature outside the area of the cloud can make a new saving throw, as an action, each round. Success ends the poisoned condition. Creatures that don’t breath or are immune to poison automatically succeed with this saving throw.)
Spells: Mage Hand plus one additional spell per Magnitude of the spirits from among – Bestow Curse, Blinding Flash, Blurred Image, [Elemental] (Lightning only) Bolt, [Elemental] (Lighting only) Wall, Fear, Increased Reflexes, Invisibility, Light, Magic Weapon.[/sblock][/sblock]
Possessions: (XXX lbs carried, Base load 128)
Gas Mask, being worn
Clipped-on Smoke, Flash-Bang and Tangler grenades
Duster (Armored clothing, 8#)
  • Shock Stick (3#)
  • Urban glaive (keen edged combat knife, 1#)
  • Basic commlink (broadcast 1, firewall 15, Int 12, Wis 10)
  • Concealable Hostler (+4 stealth)
    • Laser-sighted Remington Roomsweeper (5.5#)
    • Inner pocket full of shells (30 shells)
Casting focus (+1 Casting check), in the form of cheap headphones (0 possible enhancements).
Left breast pocket:
  • Dice set (various substances)
  • Pen light (50' range)
Right breast pocket:
  • Antidote
  • 1 dose of Zen (2d6 temp HP, +2 Int and Will rolls, disad vs Deception for 1 hour, Short or Long)
  • 1 dose of Jazz (Adv ini, investigation, perception, remove Exhaustion for 6h, gain 1 exhaustion, Short or Long)
  • Grenades (One each of Concussion and Fragmentation)
  • Chemical Suit
  • Lightsticks (4 blue)
  • Digging Tools
  • Catalyst Sprayer can
Extra Cash on Hand: ¥11,000

Hacker (Raven Basilisk)
Bio Activist (Karlie Henson)

[sblock=System notes]Second Wind = HD+Con+L
Wound Damage Threshold = 15+prof+2 Large+con or str
Base load = Str X 8

Magic points = Wis score + Wis/L (Recover 1d4/MU L short rest, 2d4/MU L long rest; Regain short rest equivalent with 1 karma or 1 Exhaustion)
Spell DC = 8 + Prof + Wis
Can maintain Cha spells at a time but each spell after 1st = -2 to concentration roll.
Concentration roll = Con save vs Greater of 10 or half damage taken

Exhaustion level =
1 Disadvantage on ability checks
2 Speed halved
3 Disadvantage on attack rolls and saving throws
4 Hit point maximum halved
5 Speed reduced to O
6 Death

Long rest = -1 Exhaustion[/sblock]
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Voidrunner's Codex

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