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OOC Spycraft debriefing

Game Control

First Post
Yes, it all stack.

BTW Language is a skill. By learning french you just put a rank in the language skill. Sometime you can do language check to see if you understant the gist of a sentence spoken in a language you do not know.

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First Post
Game Control said:
Yes, it all stack.

BTW Language is a skill. By learning french you just put a rank in the language skill. Sometime you can do language check to see if you understant the gist of a sentence spoken in a language you do not know.

Noted and changed... overall i think the serial went well... I would have liked more social situations that is where Kim shines but it was a blast... and I even got to act all gunbunny like.... though it bit me in the arse later on... good thing Kareem pulled through...

Game Control

First Post
Okay so Luddite feels there was too much fights. I was going for a James Bond level of action/stealth so I figured we were on target. What do the others feel about it?

But I would add that most fights were a reaction to your actions and not an integral part of my adventure design. In fact, I hadn't scripted any specific fight in this adventure, just set up things so that a certain amount of action was likely. And admitedly I was hawking for an opportunity to have my villains spring into action.

I ''scripted'' the fact that Neilan was going to get hit on the agent's first night in Harare. This was happening whether you went to the bar or not. He was supposed to be shot on his way home. I seized the opportunity afforded by Kim's 1 to have some fun and decided that the soldier would fear interference and rush the hit.

As for the the fight in Binga, I explained in detail why it happened in the previous OOC thread. I ''scripted'' the nature of the opposition and their motivations but what happened was simply a chain reaction, not something I had planned in details.


Fox; from your post I get...

1 - Communication problem and differing assumptions:

I guess we'll have to use these OOC thread even more to avoid these problems.

2- Antagonistic GC:

Well, perhaps a little. I'm not really gunning for your head. But I don't fudge dice rolls and I don't fudge much on my ''script''.

Kareem getting shot down is an example of ''no dice fudge'': he almost got killed because I got lucky with my attacks and dmg rolls.

Gournay immediately ''making'' Luddite is an example of ''No script fudge''. I hope you realize by know that Gournay was much more craftier and paranoid than you gave him credit for. He was ''scripted'' that way, that's all.

But during the fight in the pub where the team was cornered by soldiers, I could have hit you with twice as many goons given the proximity of the barrack and the amount of soldiers I had ''scripted in''. Laying off some of those soldiers is an example of a ''Let's not slaughter the whole party'' script fudging.

On the upside, I don't fudge when you roll well and I do very little to none script fudging if the PCs start to walk all over the opposition through clever tactics and luck.

So that's where I stand on this issue.

3- Tailor a few encounter to allow individual PC to show their strenght.

Okay, I'll try to keep this in mind.
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First Post
I am not sure I would say there were too many fights. I would rather say there were not enough "investigation" sceens.

The fights in Binga realy come down to seriously under estimating Gournay. I went back and read some of the older threads. The Hints and clues were there. So I just chalk it up to Agent (and player) inexperience.

Maybe I will watch a James Bond Film tonight. I have been watching Avengers (Black and White episodes) which only have one show down at the end. And half the time it is a battle of wits.

I think we all should state our plans in OOC threads (or in the post itself it pertains to that action) In this game, what we think is obvious may not be to the reader. (Namely GC, since he is the one that has to interpet the actions and figure out the results. )

The Fight at the warehouse brings up another issue. Even with the maps, some times it is not realy clear what we are able to do. Case in point. When Ronin wanted to throw his grenade, he needed three half actions. Instead of picking which two of the three he did, it would of been better to tell him that was not possilbe and offer suggestions and let him edit his actions.

I know you did what you did to speed things along, but it sometimes feels that were are bumbiling along.

(Granted, He should get Quick Draw feat, but that will wait till next level)

On a different note....

A few of us have ablities that are now 1/Session. What are we defining as one Session? Would it be the Whole Serial, would it be a few sceenes or an Act of a Serial?

Also will Jeff Nelian be avaible to us next time? Also does that mean if I use an Action die for an Information Favor Check, I get +4 and Ghost will get +2?


GhostFox 2.0

I've made my skill point allocations (see the Skill section below for changes). I've opted to forego increasing the Move Silently skill this time around (a +9 isn't THAT bad after all) so I can invest TWO points in a a background: Hunted - by Chinese criminal syndicate. If you look at GhostFox's history, there is a part where she was employed by a crime boss. Well, needless to say, bridges were burned. Perhaps a sibling of the crime boss or an underling is out for payback and building up their own criminal syndicate. This is probably a Chinese crime syndicate - that's where GhostFox learned Cantonese. This background could a LONG-TERM Mission for GhostFox to take down this newly sprouted Hydra's head - she has to protect certain secrets/friends/assets - the GC already has the lowdown on this.

Name: Natalia Fiore
Codename: GHOSTFOX
Class/Level: FIXER 2
DepartmentD-4: Urban Assault
Gender: Female Age: 25
Height: 115 lbs Weight: 5'6"
Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown
Background: Smoke and Mirrors. There are many instances when the pieces of the puzzle don't quite meld together into a neat, coherent whole. Foster parents raised Natalia. In her late teens, Natalia became a member of paramilitary group. (The exact details of this group have yet to be determined... something along the lines of Greenpeace: fulfilling noble goals but sometimes resorts to extra-legal means to achieve their aims). Some considered this group a radical, violent terrorist cell. Trained as a covert entry specialist and backup shooter.

Through analysis of surveillance documents, it is also assumed that she may have had some previous or present ties to organized crime. At one point, Miss Fiore was in the employ of a big-time crime boss. However, it is unclear how Natalia seems to have escaped the crackdown and convictions that followed her tour-of-duty with the crime group.

Later on, Miss Fiore was suspected of several art thefts, though official reports never mentioned her by name nor was she charged for any crimes.

Prior to her involvement with the Foundation, she was a black bag operative for the NSA(?) and occasionally contracted out to other black ops outfits such as the CIA's operations directorate, etc.

Somewhat troubled by her "tainted" past, she wants to put her skills and her life to doing good and helping others. GHOSTFOX accepted the invitation to join the Foundation - the agency's activities provide her with a perfect springboard for pursuing her noble, Robin-Hoodesque goals.

Role within the Team:GHOSTFOX is the "hand" of the group. GHOSTFOX gets into the *hard-to-reach places* ... (go ahead, laugh, pun FULLY intended) where the team needs a physical presence to accomplish the mission: breaking and entering for the purpose of planting bugs and false-evidence, circumventing anti-eavesdrop devices, altering and returning stolen items without being detected. Though not a computer specialist the team may need her skills to get into isolated computer systems. GHOSTFOX can also work in tandem with a technical or mechanical expert to carry out sabotage missions. Working with the team's pointman and faceman, GHOSTFOX can help with field logistics and procure travel documents, tickets, ammunition, and the necessities of life.

Ability Scores
Str: 13 (+1)
Dex: 17 (+3) Base 15-2(D-4 Dept Modifier)
Con: 12 (+1)
Int: 15 (+2) Base 17-2(D-4 Dept Modifier)
Wis: 12 (+1)
Cha: 14 (+2)

Action Dice: 3 (1d4)

Inspiration check: +3
Education check: +4

Class Bonuses: Base Attack Bonus: +1, Initiative Bonus: +1, Defense bonus +2

Combat Info
Initiative: +4 +1:Class+3:Dex

Melee Attack: +2 +1:BAB+1:Str
Ranged Attack: +4 +1:BAB+3:Dex
+1 Feat: Point Blank Shot

Defense: 15 (10:Base+2:Class+3:Dex)
Vitality Points (2d8+2): 14 VP (9+5)
Wound Points: 12 WP

Fortitude +2 (+1) Total FORT Save: +3
Reflex +3 (+3) Total REF Save: +6
Willpower +0 (+1) Total Will Save: +1

Budget Points: 52
Mission Budget: (2*(2d4))+2
Gagdet Pt Bonus: 2

Special Talents:
+1 Dept bonus to Spot and Hide
+1 to attack rolls when attacking during Ready action

Special Abilities:
Dextrous: Roll two action dice instead of one for DEX skills.
Procure: Requesition items in the field, at cost.
Evasion: No Damage on REF Save.

Base 8+2:Int bonus = 10 Skill Points
+3 Listen, +1 Jump, +1 Tumble, +1 Hide,+1 Search, +1 Spot
+2 Background

! Trained only

Appraise (Int) 3=1+2
Balance (Dex) 6=3+3
Bluff (Cha) 4=2+2
Boating (Dex) 3=0+3
Climb (Str) 4=3+1
!Craft (Int) 2=0+2
!Demolitions (Int) 4=2+2
Driver (Dex) 3=0+3
Electronics (Int) 6=4+2
Escape Artist (Dex) 4=1+3
Forgery (Int) 2=0+2
Hide (Dex) 11*=5+3+1:Dept Bonus +2:Stealthy Feat
Hobby (Wis) 1=0+1
Innuendo (Wis) 1=0+1
Jump (Str) 8=5+1+2:Synergy Bonus (Tumble)
!Knowledge (Int)2=0+2
Languages (Wis) 3=2+1
Listen (Wis) 4=3+1
Move Silently (Dex) 9=4+3+2:Stealthy Feat
!Open Lock (Dex) 7=4+3
!Profession (Wis) 1=0+1
Search (Int) 4=2+2
!Sleight of Hand(Dex) 3=0+3
Spot (Wis) 4=2+1+1:Dept Bonus
! Tumble (Dex) 10*=5+3+2:Synergy Bonus (Jump)

Tumble: 5+ Ranks
+2 synergy bonus to Hide when bypassing certain security sensors
+1 dodge Defense bonus when fighting Defensively;
+2 dodge Defense bonus when using Total Defense

BACKGROUNDs: 2 PTS Long Term Mission or Hunted

Languages: English, Italian, Cantonese, Spanish, German

Armor Proficiency (Light)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle)
D-4 Dept Bonus Feat: Point Blank Shot
Stealthy: Bonus to Hide and Move Silent skills. Increased Threat range.

Budget Pts: 52

25 BP, +Bundle C+ (1 set plainclothes, 1 set camouflage fatigues, All-weather lighter, Cell-phone, 10 chemical lightsticks, 5-day supply of field rations ,digging/entrenching tool, GPS receiver (hand-held), 2 tactical radios, 9x19mm service pistol + silencer +100 bullets)

---- Holster
2 BP, Laser Sight for pistol
3 BP, Climbing kit
4 BP, Lockpicking kit
8 BP, Night Vision Goggles
5 BP, Electronics Kit
2 BP, Snoop Spray
2 BP, Garrote
1 BP, Binoculars

Gear Changes: Removed knife (3 BP), added Garrote (2 BP), added laser sight (2 BP)
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Game Control

First Post
Luddite said:
A few of us have ablities that are now 1/Session. What are we defining as one Session? Would it be the Whole Serial, would it be a few sceenes or an Act of a Serial?

Under normal circumstances, 1 serial = 1 session.

Yes, Neilan will be available for the next serial. Any bonus he grants to information check stacks with everything else.

Game Control

First Post
Ghost: That's a nice ''Character sheet'' you've crafted. It looks clean and well organized.

Background: Let's not get hung up on a title for your background. They're after you and you want to take them down. I'm sure I can work something around this.

I'm already making sure that at least one background is involved in the next serial. If everyone keep coming up with backgrounds, I might have to craft a one-shot adventure solely on a background between two seasons.
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First Post
BTW you may want to put the link to the Table of contents page on the AEG site so people there can see how the first serial went.


Voidrunner's Codex

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