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Even Newer(er) Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


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AS the gnoll and the blind elf disappear downstairs to join the "meeting", there is a moment of quiet- but just a moment...

At first, there is the slightest sound of music, almost an echo of the gnoll's "song"- but as the sound grows louder, it also grows more discordant. In a few heartbeats, it is very loud indeed, and seems to be a clamouring storm of sound, as of nearly every instrument one might imagine. Just when the din approached a maddening howl, a voice began to weave through it, drawing the discordant notes into harmony- just as anyone sensitive to the energies of magic would have to realize that the portal that once linked the Hanged Man to a similar tavern in Bacarte was flaring to life.

The lights that swirled around the portal were wrong, though, and such a sound had never accompanied the activation of the portal- but it was working, if not quite normally. Out of the air and light stepped a woman, just over average height and athletically built, wearing bright red armor as tightly fitted as the scales of a snake under a sailor's black longcoat. A massive curved sword was slung across her back, and a heavy satchel hung from one shoulder. AS the lights and sound died around her, she turned in a slow circle, surveying the nearly empty room that had once been packed with eager adventurers. As she completed her sweep, she turned to the bartender- he could see that her eyes were pure white, though it apparently posed no hindrance to her sight. "I'm Joy, still," she said, in a voice that held more music than one might believe possible- and the bartender would have heard the same words echoing inside his head as well. "I was here just days ago, I thought," she went on. "Though I might be wrong about that..."

[sblock= OOC]
>Joy, Human (Elan) Ardent|Bard, finally checking in. Not done with full leveling up, but mini-stats should be complete (see below) [/sblock]

[sblock= “Joy”]
Human (Elan), Hybrid- Ardent|Bard, MC- Warlord
Level 8
Initiative +6/Passive Perception 20/Passive Insight 14;
HP 62 (62)/Bloodied 31/Surge value 15/Per day= 11 (0 used)
AC 24/FORT 19/REF 20/WILL 23
Speed 5/Size medium/Saves normal
STR 13 (+1)/DEX 14 (+2)/WIS 8 (-1)
CON 15 (+2)/INT 12 (+1)/CHA 21 (+5)
Melee basic: Falchion +2; +15 (AC), 2d4+9 damage and target cannot shift until end of my next turn (Intent laid bare, Ardent AW 1)

Skills: Arcana +10; Athletics +10; Bluff +14; Endurance +13; Perception +10; Streetwise +14
Racial and class abilities: Telepathy 5, Origin= Immortal; Bardic virtue (Valor, +3 tHP once/turn); Skill versatility; Ardent mantle (elation; +2 Diplomacy and Intimidate, +2 damage dealt with OAs for allies within aura 5); Psionic augmentation (+4 pp)

At-will Powers: Intent laid bare, Energizing strike, Demoralizing strike, Staggering note
Encounter powers: Shout of triumph, Ardent surge (x1), Majestic word (x1), Elan resilience, Dimension swap, Revitalizing incantation
Daily powers: Slayer’s song, Invitation to defeat, Inspiring word
Item powers: Harsh songblade (daily), Dwarven armor (daily)
>Action points: 1 left (of 1)
>Second wind: not used


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Strange as it seems, for all the oddities that are apparent, Blagrim starts whistling an odd tune and wiping down the bar. Just like old times.

OOC: Hey [MENTION=48394]pathfinderq1[/MENTION] Just seeing if you're back after the new year and if you're watching the posts in the adventure threads


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Joy puts her hand to her head. She closes her eyes for a moment.

"Something isn't... right. Here. I mean."
Clearly Joy feels a little off right after coming through the portal.
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Lerrick turns to the direction of the new arrival.
Hearing a familiar voice she immediately rushes to here aid. Joy...what
can I do to help.
Not waiting for a response her hands instantly
move to potions on her belt. She grabs one, pulls off the top and puts
it to Joy's mouth. Drink this...It will help.

OOC: Thanks for the invite :) I'll be checking daily from here on out.
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Joy sits down heavily on one of the dirty benches, her hand to her head. Although difficult to tell given her iris-less eyes, it appears she is having trouble focusing.

"Lerrick, the others were about to leave on a mission to find out what happened. How so much time has passed since we were all last here. I was going to go with them, but something isn't right. Can you go with them? Keep them safe?"

OOC: There you go Dimsdale, welcome aboard. Feel free to post a message in the adventure thread and we'll get going

Voidrunner's Codex

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