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D&D 3E/3.5 Epic 6 3.5 Rebuild


He'll flip ya...Flip ya for real...
All good points and I do fully intend to write a cover page for the book when I am done with it that explains the system.
As for why should they buy this instead of playing the free SRD I would say is due to ease of use, and the fact that all of it is there. The SRD has quite a bit of 3.5 but hardly the largest selection since it includes so little of the massive number of books from 3.5. None of the campaign settings, none of the complete books, none of the races books, etc.
I'm not publishing core content only that is rewritten, and it includes classes, spells, etc that only exist within my system.
So sure if you want to try to teach yourself 3.5 you could spend a very long time reading the SRD, or you could pay a little money and have a system that makes much more sense and is one book for all the classes, etc. I don't expect to make millions but I think it would be a really fun system for folks.
Gotcha. I would certainly highlight all of that in your cover page. I'm just playing devil's advocate with you and putting my newb hat on.

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Gotcha. I would certainly highlight all of that in your cover page. I'm just playing devil's advocate with you and putting my newb hat on.
Totally fair! I asked for criticism and review lol. I'm not mad at all, just answering with plans and counterpoints. I really enjoy the discourse. Two of my players (Who have played as long as I have and DMed as well) are my usual sounding boards for all of this. I prefer the push back because it makes me think about things from different perspectives.
At the end of the day, people will make whatever their choice is about buying the system, I just want to make something quality that allows for more roleplay and less rollplay as the base line for the system.


Still working on getting all of the spell lists tidied up and made almost entirely unique to each class. After that I hope to finish up all of the feats, gotta get the ones I missed and rearrange them so there are two tables, one with every feat in alphabetical order and another where the groupings are in alphabetical order.
After that I plan to make a huge list of possible prestige classes Hopefully by the end of the year I will have the new monster manual done as well with all the things you can encounter in an E6 world, up to CR 12.


Not sure for the rules on Threadcromancy, so hopefully this doesn't break them.
I have done so much more work on this system. It is currently 161 pages long and I'm working on rewriting a massive amount of prestige classes to be 4 levels long and have class features at every level.
I am happy to report that I have written down every spell list for every class, reworked every single feat and included two tables, one alphabetically listed, and the other grouped. I have also included all the necessary rules for combat, equipment, etc!
I created a new system for weapons and armor as well that should make each piece of armor and each weapon viable for different reasons!
To say I have been busy on this thing is an understatement. If anyone would like to look it over, feel free please! Here is the most current link to the PDF document. If you have any questions, comments, critiques, etc please let me know!



Oh also, I was mistaken in how many pages the version I have now is. The largest and most complete version I have is 258 pages long... It needs a lot of editing to get it looking even halfway like the link I posted though. So yeah when I'm done with this thing it should pretty much be a standalone TTRPG.


So I absolutely love 3.5 D&D. I've been playing it since it came out and started playing D&D 25 years ago.
But 3.5 always got out of hand or you ended up with a useless or massively underpowered (compared to others) character at high levels.
We started playing Epic 6 (E6) about 7 years ago and haven't looked back, but there are still lots of issues with regular 3.5 D&D even at E6. SO I started to rewrite the system.
I did not create the Epic 6 rule set, but I think my changes make it come to life in a way that it lacked previously.
I removed a ton of arbitrary rules, reduced skill clutter, added in a ton more skill points, added something I call class additions, which is sort of a mini gestalting, for each class, rebuilt all of the classes that I kept in game (a lot can be emulated by other classes without having to be an entirely different class), and a ton more.
I'm thinking about releasing it for sale under the OGL when I finally have it finished, but I'm not sure if anyone is even interested in buying it.
So I'd like to ask all of y'all if this is something you'd be interested in. I have a link to a google doc (currently something like 88 pages) that would be my new Player's Handbook. I'd also be releasing a Monster Manual and Dungeon Master's Guide once I have them completed.
So my question is, would anyone care to look at my PHB and give any comments or criticisms?
Is this a product you'd be interested in?
Yes! We still ply 3.5 and I love E6 but my players don’t particularly.

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