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Dragonlance Dragonlance Creators Reveal Why There Are No Orcs On Krynn

Talking to the Dragonlance Nexus, Dragonlance creators Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman revealed why the world of Krynn features no orcs -- in short, because they didn't want to copy Tolkien, and orcs were very much a 'Middle Earth' thing. Weis told Trampas Whiteman that "Orcs were also viewed as very Middle Earth. We wanted something different." Hickman added that it was draconians which...

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Talking to the Dragonlance Nexus, Dragonlance creators Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman revealed why the world of Krynn features no orcs -- in short, because they didn't want to copy Tolkien, and orcs were very much a 'Middle Earth' thing.

Gortack (Orcs).jpg

Weis told Trampas Whiteman that "Orcs were also viewed as very Middle Earth. We wanted something different." Hickman added that it was draconians which made Krynn stand out. Read more at the link below!


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And in this you are objectively wrong. Change = change,
so more word games... I am not intrested in this at all. If you have a reason to discuss I will, if you have an idea to put forward I would love to discuss it but this is just word games.
so it's literally impossible to make a single change and have it be the exact same story.
no it isn't... that is why you can transplant stories.
ou keep arguing that change =/= change as you did above when you said, "if the ring glowed silver or white or gold does not effect the rest of the book... heck it could be pink with rainbows through it.", so yes you do need to prove it.
no I don't becuse instead of trying to engage the discussion and show something you are playing word games.
Here's a fact for you. I don't like it because it alters the feel of the setting for me.
okay, thats fine.
Since it alters the feel of the setting for me, your argument that it doesn't change the feel of the setting has failed completely.
no it doesn't at all. that is like saying "If I think 35 degrees Fahrenheit is warm beach weather no one can argue it is cold"
you opinion is not a fact that disproves someone else thoughts.
If you want to restate your argument as, "It doesn't change the feel of the setting for me personally."
no until someone one can SHOW how it changes it, in a way that isn't just "Trust me it does for me" I don't.
your argument is done.
you have no argument just word games

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We definitely need more cool ideas for DL. It cannot be another rehash of ToD, that would be immensely disappointing.

I'd like a timeframe, some mix into lore, interesting war-time roleplaying events to insert into the campaign, some chaos, effets of trade, political espionage, honour loyalty and betrayal, a little bit of what was offered in MiBG with city upheaval, strategical battles affected by prior decisions, character cameo's, interesting dragon encounters, scaling flying fortresses and crashing them, wizard duels, war
please come over to the death dragon and the flying fortress threads... I would love more people talking there

I'm not a LotR fan so I could be wrong here but... would the discussion with Boromir still be moot if you were dealing with different castes or social classes or even "races" of humans? If you consider Boromir to be in a warrior or noble class and hobbits to be in a farmer or peasant class, would it still work?
this is right at the heart of the story


Thri-kreen in Lord of the Rings rpg. It is just a game right? It is not a novel or movie.
Kourtney Kardashian in a Star Wars rpg. It is just a game right? It is not a novel or movie.

Why do you get to decide what is immersion breaking for others?
Having Tom Bombadill spend page after page talking about his trophy wife Goldberry was so immersion-breaking that it caused me to stop reading the series. In comparison, having the main characters meet a giant talking mantis would be no stranger than having them meet a giant talking tree. Which they do.


Morkus from Orkus
no it doesn't at all. that is like saying "If I think 35 degrees Fahrenheit is warm beach weather no one can argue it is cold"
you opinion is not a fact that disproves someone else thoughts.
So this is what you are missing. YOU are claiming that 35 degrees is cold for everyone. I'm claiming that it's warm for me. If it's warm for me, your claim is flat out wrong since I'm part of everyone and it's not cold for me.

Put into Dragonlance terms. I'm claiming that no orcs alters the feel of the setting for me. You're claiming that it doesn't change it for anyone. You're wrong. Contrary to common belief, opinions can in fact be wrong.

All you have to do to correct your argument is restate it so that you are only talking about yourself, instead of everyone.


Why? Why is this an issue even? Why is something along the lines of Theros' and Ravnica's suggested exclusion list (which looks to be what they're doing with DL) not enough? Why is this even an argument? It's silly. DL doesn't have orcs by default because that's the way it was created. If you want orcs in your DL campaign, go for it. But why is it necessary to not have the exclusion default when it's carrying on a conscious decision of of the setting when it was created?
Why is it necessary to have the exclusion be default?

Having Tom Bombadill spend page after page talking about his trophy wife Goldberry was so immersion-breaking that it caused me to stop reading the series. In comparison, having the main characters meet a giant talking mantis would be no stranger than having them meet a giant talking tree. Which they do.
and again a spot on. I love Tom, but I know many that skip him on rereads... in my college course our professor had an entire lecture about the 'was it a mistake' to include Bombadill (he is from previous stories and was added to lighten the story)


And I keep asking what makes it not-generic, and I don't really get an answer.

You'd think people would bring up the dragon wars and the towers of wizardry and the horrible joke races (I may hate them, but they are unique) and the battle between good and evil/chaos... but people just talk about the lack of orcs.
sounds like you know the answer already, or at least more than ‘no orcs’ ;)

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