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I created his map for an AD&D: OA, 1e; I gave it a Japanese feel as regards to the language, but, I also wanted a Chinese-feel with the dikes to control the river; I used Civilization 3 city-view graphics and NBOS program to create it;

City-State of Heiji-Shi

he Island City-State of Heiji-Shi

Kinkoji (Omi) (The Island)
Kosen (Kow) the river)
Shi-Sho (Place of death): the lower-left portion of the map were the Gargantua walked.

Heiji-Shi (city-state)
Tatsumi-Kyuden (Palace)
Jiko-Yosai (Fortress (to the right))
Mi-Sa-Mori-Shinden (second temple)
Arabu-Ichi (marketplace)
The Kuchi (Mouth) Main-gate

Shinjuro has a potent alcoholic drink called, “Jin”.
The island was first colonized by a culture from the west; they called the island, “Omi”.
The island is now called, “Kinkoji”, but is also known as, “Omi”.
A year ago, The, “Umikaranoikimono”, came shore and barely missed destroying the city-state. The Umikaranoikimon is a Reptilian Gargantua; it destroyed the Sei-Mei-Shudion Monastery and its footprints are still visible in the form of swamps.
Under constant threat of wako attacks.
The ruler of the Island City-State is called, The Oji(prince).
They were a colony of a larger empire called, Yoshiro-Ryu, that has since been overrun with barbarians.
The Rikomoemon is a Wu-Jen that dwells in the ruins of Sei-Mei-Shundion; there are a few Sohei that still guard the monastery and refuse to leave; most in not all of the monks were killed by the gargantua and the sohei vowed revenged against the Umikaranoikimon.
The Kosen River is also called the Kow River.
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Well, I made another map; it keeps me from using CPH4.


Korobokuru Nomin

This is the land in the center of the island; it's where two rivers source.
A former city of the Korobokuru; nothing stands save for a few walls; it is occupied by land-owners that run plantation-like farms using Korobokuru as slaves. Korobokuru is another term for, “Slave”. A monastery stands atop of an extinct volcano. The Umikaranoikimon came and clawed the volcano, sparing the monastery. A cult of Umikaranoikimon worshipers have come on a pilgrimage to pay homage and respects to the Umikaranoikimon and the monastery. They make the climb to meditate in the claw-marks of the Unikaranoikimon, but many fall; the bodies are buried of those that fall; there is a cemetery and the base of the mountain. Little is known, but a gem-mine exists inside the volcano mined by Korobokuro-slaves for the monastery.

Saionji Temple: Satsu-jiiu (the book-temple); many monks live and studied up there; supplies are brought up by a rope from the temple at the base of the mountain. Unknown to all except the few monks and the Korobokuru miners, the monastery is very wealthy in precious gems mines from the old volcano.

Tokei-Machi: (Clock): The clock town in the ruins of an ancient Korobokuru-city that was called, “Muluka”; the Ichohino family runs the town, owns most of the land and owns the Ko-Mura(slave-pens); they live in a walled-compound on the main road. Muluka was chosen by Korobokuru we-jens has a holy site; where the two main rivers of the island source alone with a mountain. It was not the Yoshiro-Ryu that took the city but the Arabu centuries ago. Muluka was rich in gold artifacts which the Arabu took back to their city-state; after that, the Arabu abandoned the region until the Yoshiro-Ryu came and settled the region.

Ko-Mura: (Child's village): the slave-town where they keep the Korobokuru-slaves to work the fields. All the slaves are brought out at dawn and work until before dusk in which they are sent back to the pens.

Maji-Mura (Really): A village at the source of the Kari River; popular with travelers and traders due to the lack of tolls.

Kaouko-Mura (Face-village): Another village at the source of the Kari River; sometimes the town of Tokei charges a toll for travelers and traders, but sometimes they do not so less use this port-village.

Setsuo-Mura (Theory-village): The last village on the Kosen River; small river-boats are sometimes carried across land to the Kari River.

Mumi-Mura (Tasteless-village): A small farming-village on the edge of the jungle.

Mayumiko-Mura (Eyebrow): A small farming/fishing-village on the Kosen River; sometimes, ferry boats carrying travelers from the other side of the river will stop there.

Kyanpu (Camps): These are the tents of pilgrims of the Unikaranoikimon who aide climbers seeking enlightenment of the Unikaranoikimon Shukufuku. The Saionji Temple sometimes provides them with supplies and food, but most hunt, fish and forage the area, which is void of people usually.

Kontowa-Yama (The mountain): the core of an extinct volcano, it is the only mountain on the island; it has a monastery on the top called the Saionji Temple; a year ago, the Unikaranoikimon, a reptilian gargantua, crossed the island and clawed the mountain; many saw this as a sign and many pilgrims make a journey to climb to the claw-mark and meditate. Surrounding the mountain are the remains of the last lava-flows. No jungle can grow there by since then, grass has taken hold. There are numerous tunnels and, before the Yoshiro-Ryu, it was a den for bandits and worshipers of evil gods of the Arabu. Since then, the monks of the Saionji Temple have cleared out most. Now, the poor, peasants and some pilgrims dwell in the old lava-caves. All the villages near the mountain trade and support the monastery.

Unikaranoikimon-Shukufuku (Blessing): the claw-mark a gargantua left a year ago; many pilgrims make the climb up the shear cliff to meditate and attain enlightenment; most, fall to their deaths; once, it was suggested a rope be made but, only those blessed by the Unikaranoikimon my meditate; those that make it to the Shukufuku and make the climb back down, believe they are immune to the gargantua and personally blessed by the Unikaranoikimon.
Kosen (Kow)-Kawa: The very same river that goes to the city-state of Heiji starts here. Travelers by foot and by boat, most cross land here to reach the other side of the island. Many chose this route than risk traveling around the island by ship and risk wako (sea-pirate) attacks.

Kari-Kawa (River): The source of a river that goes to the other side of the island and to Arabu merchants.

Shibakoko (Turf here): Korobokuru serf villages that farm for the monastery. A serf/lord relationship exists between these villages and the Saionji Temple; if the Korobokuru farm the land and give a portion of their harvest to the monastery, they are protected by the monks from enslavement by the Ichohino family or other slavers.

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