• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. D

    GURPS Combat example

    That one is awesome! I wish they had done more. I also seen a good one for a John Wick fight.
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    GURPS Combat example

    It is fairly common to have people ask about GURPS, sort of the system everyone has heard of but no one has played. Enraged Eggplant has made a combat example video using the goblin ambush from Lost Mines of Phandelver to sort of give a flavor sample. He uses just about every optional rule...
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    Kickstarter Saethor's Bane on Backerkit, solo adventure for GURPS

    Well, just a couple days left and it has done fairly well. So last call to get into it. One thing I think is under-appreciated is that this also designed as a intro to the GURPS family mechanics. So if you were curious about it, had probably heard crazy things about it, and want to check it out...
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    Kickstarter Saethor's Bane on Backerkit, solo adventure for GURPS

    If you are like so many more mature (older) gamers, you probably have more desire than opportunity to get your game on. Well, there is a Backerkit campaign for a Saethor's Bane, a solo adventure module (think Choose your own adventure but with GURPS combat). It is a great way to while away the...
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    ZEITGEIST Fleshing out Flint

    oh, that is a good idea. I have The Blight and really liked it, but never ran anything in it. I haven't looked at it in quite a while but what you are saying makes sense. I really wish that setting had gotten some more love, in many ways, as I think it is so full of potential. You are right...
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    ZEITGEIST Fleshing out Flint

    I was hoping for something that had some details to drop into my setting, the usual city stuff, but that had the sort of fantasy steampunk type of setting of Zeitgeist. Flint is supposed to be a couple hundred thousand residents and I would like use it as more of an urban campaign. I am not...
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    ZEITGEIST Fleshing out Flint

    Hello all, I am getting ready to run a campaign that is taking many parts of Zeitgeist including much of the setting. That said, Flint is left a bit shallowly developed, understandably, and I was wondering if anyone had used another product as a basis to flesh it out. I don't have time to sooo...
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    Nordlond Bestiary GURPS 3rd party Kickstarter

    It is great! and I really hope that folks that like GURPS, and would like to see more of this kind of support from all kinds of sources, would step up to make it known in the traditional American way, with your dollars. Even if you don't particularly want this specific book, supporting the KS...
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    Nordlond Bestiary GURPS 3rd party Kickstarter

    I am really excited for this book! First, I know it is somewhat superficial, but the art we have seen is outstanding, especially for a GURPS product. The interesting thing for me about monster manuals is that you don't use most of the monsters, really, but it is so fun to leaf through and feel...
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    ZEITGEIST 5e vs. 4e Zeitgeist?

    That is a really kind offer. I actually am not sure it would make a big difference between starting with PF or starting with 4e. I am very open to hearing what you or anyone else might think or any insight in converting to GURPS (which I have never done with a PF, 4e, or 5e product!).
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    ZEITGEIST 5e vs. 4e Zeitgeist?

    Ok, thanks for the feedback. Do you by any chance know which the Pathfinder version is most like? I just realized that I accidently bought the bundle of Zeitgeist for Pathfinder.... damn.
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    ZEITGEIST 5e vs. 4e Zeitgeist?

    I have a question for folks with some experience with 4E particularly. I am thinking about running this campaign using GURPS. I hadn't really thought about it and was going to use the 5e version as the basis for the conversion, but now it sounds a bit like 4e had more colorful encounters, maybe...