• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. xoth.publishing

    Release [Xoth.Net Publishing] Slaves of the Moon, new sword and sorcery adventure module for 5E

    In the accursed city of Kumara, queen Natari rules with an iron fist. But the arrival of strangers stirs bloody intrigue! Will you uncover ancient secrets and escape alive, or become a slave of the moon? "Slaves of the Moon" is a stand-alone sword and sorcery adventure module, inspired by the...
  2. xp1.8_cover.jpg


  3. xoth.publishing

    D&D 5E Free 60+ page Guide to Sword & Sorcery for 5E D&D

    Thanks for letting me know. There have been no changes in terms of hosting the file, and I didn't get any errors or warning when trying with Firefox myself. But in any case I noted that the original link used "http" instead of "https", I've now updated the link in my first post so it now uses...
  4. xoth.publishing

    [DCC] Carousing - Paramour Table

    Goodman Games forums about to close? That's a shame, do you know why? (Feel free to start a new thread if you prefer to keep that discussion separate from your main topic here.)
  5. xoth.publishing

    Release [Xoth.Net Publishing] The Swords of Zimballah, new sword and sorcery adventure module for 5E

    Renegade priests of the Living Flame have come to the court of the barbarian king of Azimba, bringing with them the secret of iron. As you become embroiled in the power struggle between the jungle kingdoms, will you profit, or will you fall to the new iron swords of Zimballah? "The Swords of...
  6. xp1.7_cover.jpg


  7. xoth.publishing

    D&D 5E Free 60+ page Guide to Sword & Sorcery for 5E D&D

    Glad you like it! That's OK. People have different tastes.
  8. xoth.publishing

    D&D 5E Free 60+ page Guide to Sword & Sorcery for 5E D&D

    Especially in 3E/PF, where planning that level advancement in excruciating detail all the way up to level 20 is its own little mini-game, which makes character creation take forever, and breaks the heart of the poor player when the "chosen one" dies on level 2 due to a bad die roll :LOL:
  9. xoth.publishing

    D&D 5E Free 60+ page Guide to Sword & Sorcery for 5E D&D

    Thanks for the links! Someone said in one of those discussions that "If Levels 11-20 take as long as 1-10, or even longer, people burn out and campaigns falter." but that doesn't make sense to me... what is worse, that you burn out at level 15 and the campaign ends, or that you quickly reach...
  10. xoth.publishing

    D&D 5E Free 60+ page Guide to Sword & Sorcery for 5E D&D

    Yikes! :eek: Do you have a source for these "designer comments"? One session per level sounds very strange to me. I mean, a short, focused and limited campaign could be fun as a kind of "one shot", but I prefer long campaigns that could go on "forever" and where neither the GM nor the players...
  11. xoth.publishing

    D&D 5E Free 60+ page Guide to Sword & Sorcery for 5E D&D

    I will let others speak of their experiences, but just note that the published adventures (whether for 3E, PF or 5E) are written for levels 1-10 (ish). Personally I think the sweet spot for any D&D game is around levels 4-8. I've not tried anything beyond level 13 and I suspect most games...
  12. xoth.publishing

    Release [Xoth.Net Publishing] The Vault of Yigthrahotep, new sword and sorcery adventure module for 5E

    Across the scorched heat of the barren desert lie the jungled hills of Shoma, where the crazed queen of a lost tribe jealously guards a mine that contains untold riches. But in your quest for the buried gold, what terrors that slumber in the prehuman vaults beneath the mine might you awaken...
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  14. xoth.publishing

    24 years!

    Joining the choir of praise here... I've been variously lurking and posting on these forums (with at least one other user account lost to time) since the early days of 3E... with so much having changed in the meantime, it's great that some things stay more or less the same! (y) :)
  15. xoth.publishing

    Musing on Conan themes in RPGs

    As an aside, I wrote up Tower of the Elephant for D&D 3E back in 2002 (boggles my mind that it was 21 years ago...!). I put it at character levels 4-7, but it was intended for a small party (2-4 PCs). https://hyboria.xoth.net/adventures/tower_of_the_elephant.htm BTW, the same adventure has...
  16. xoth.publishing

    Musing on Conan themes in RPGs

    Exactly! And I will argue that this approach, with complex character motivations, is much more interesting than the typical "good vs evil" D&D fantasy adventure. I've never been a fan of the alignment system, and for my World of Xoth setting, first published back in 2008, I threw out alignment...
  17. xoth.publishing

    Musing on Conan themes in RPGs

    The way I implemented the "Civilization vs Savagery" concept in my World of Xoth setting was through different "cultures". Since every player character in a sword & sorcery campaign is basically a human, each must choose a culture which is a package of both benefits and drawbacks, and some...
  18. xoth.publishing

    Release [Xoth.Net Publishing] The Crypt-Thing of Khorsul, new sword and sorcery adventure module for 5E

    In a remote mountain valley, a bitter feud rages between two rival nobles and their militias. Recently, dark sorcery and undead things have become involved! Whose side of the feud will you take? "The Crypt-Thing of Khorsul" is a stand-alone sword and sorcery adventure module, inspired by the...
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  20. xoth.publishing

    D&D 5E Simple rules for sea travel (feedback wanted)

    A design goal of this "mini-game for travel between adventures" was to avoid wasting/spending time playing out encounters in full. Of course, if the GM thinks it would be more fun/appropriate to throw in a regular encounter instead of just rolling for damage, go for it! And yes, in the special...