• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. MockingBird

    D&D 5E A playthrough of The Shattered Obelisk (spoilers)

    So my group started chapter 5 under leveled. They are now level 6 but Talbundreth suggested level 7. I'm just letting it go for now unless they just get steam rolled. I didn't want to go through levels too fast. By the next session I should have them at the suggested level.
  2. MockingBird

    D&D 5E New Monster Manual Cover

    All 3 books are going to be very gorgeous books. I really love the art on all 3, can't wait to get my hands on them. Still hoping for a alt cover slip case.
  3. MockingBird

    D&D 5E A playthrough of The Shattered Obelisk (spoilers)

    We were able to get two sessions in this past weekend. A 5 hr session sat night and a 2 hr session Sunday afternoon. With Ruxithid out of the way and new clues gathered from the crystal and the the map found in Ruxithids war room they have a new quest to plan for. The party helped the survivors...
  4. MockingBird

    D&D (2024) Alternate 2024 DMG Cover features Lolth!

    That is awesome! I wonder if they will release a slip case with the alt art. I'd definitely buy it just for collectors sake.
  5. MockingBird

    D&D 5E Way of the Astral Self Monk, Plasmoid?

    Sounds cool! My daughter is playing an astral self monk (half elf). That class has some really cool features.
  6. MockingBird

    A Preview of The Making of Original Dungeons & Dragons: 1970-1977

    Just wanted to bump this question
  7. MockingBird

    D&D (2024) New Dungeon Master's Guide Cover Features Venger (From the D&D Cartoons)

    I like it. I like the PHB cover more though. I really like the spine and the color reverse.
  8. MockingBird

    D&D General New Interview with Rob Heinsoo About 4E

    Every time one of these type threads pop up I always get the urge to grab my 4e books off the shelf. As much I as didn't enjoy it, it's still fun to go back through.
  9. MockingBird

    D&D General New Interview with Rob Heinsoo About 4E

    I can agree with you on the first part. I think it does help to have some investment from players. In my experience though, I've never been lucky enough to have any players invested at the same level as me. Small town issues I guess. I've come to terms with it and set my expectations...
  10. MockingBird

    D&D General New Interview with Rob Heinsoo About 4E

    That's the rub ain't it? It's D&D, a very recognizable name. I don't think you are meaning it in this way but it kinda sounds like they were too dumb to play the game. In my opinion that's a failure in the game if the intended play style isn't sticking to potential new players. I don't think...
  11. MockingBird

    D&D General New Interview with Rob Heinsoo About 4E

    Duely respected, but....i dont even know how to understand this response. They wanted to try D&D. What's the correct solution in circa 2008?
  12. MockingBird

    D&D General New Interview with Rob Heinsoo About 4E

    I played a few sessions of 3e when it was new. I sat out out most of 3e/3.5e. Not because I disliked it, just because of my own interest migrated away from TTRPGs. I had noticed new books in the RPG section at my local BAM. I floated the idea of starting a D&D game with my roommate and our...
  13. MockingBird

    D&D General If you could be any D&D species in real life…

    I'd go with Elf just for the 4 hour trance and be fully rested feature.
  14. MockingBird

    D&D 5E A playthrough of The Shattered Obelisk (spoilers)

    Not to hijack your thread @MerricB but I just wanted to give my update instead of making another thread. My group just finished up Zorzulas Rest and defeated Ruxithid. It was fun "boss" fight. At the end when the reveal happens I sprinkled in some Vecna seasoning to hopefully tie into the new...
  15. MockingBird

    Wizards Goes Big with Vecna: Eve of Ruin

    From what I've read of it it seems like it will be a fun high level adventure. My players haven't played all the previous adventure paths so they won't know some of it is reused.
  16. MockingBird

    D&D General When did you leave D&D? Why? For what game? And what brought you back?

    We bounced hard off of 4e after giving it a try back in 08ish. We then just migrated to PF but I'm not sure if that counts as getting away from D&D. Came back to 5e when it launched and have been playing it ever since.
  17. MockingBird

    D&D General What is your favorite Token/Miniature in DnD?

    From the ones I own I'd have to say the storm giant mini from Wizkids. Just by awesomeness of plopping it down on the table and the players freaking out.
  18. 1000003534.jpg


  19. MockingBird

    D&D 5E What's your favorite 5e book cover?

    Of the core books the DMG was definitely my favorite cover. Looking at the whole of 5e though Monsters of the Multiverse is definitely my favorite cover. With Tashs's alt coming in second.