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  1. S

    D&D 5E What Do You Not Like About The 2014 5E DMG?

    I hear you, and that was the point of my post. You want it full of alternative rules so you can alter the game. Others want it full of creative points such as world building, encounter design, magic items, and planar information. You seem to fall heavily into the first category, hence, the...
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    D&D 5E What Do You Not Like About The 2014 5E DMG?

    I think this is one of the perspective problems about the DMG. Some readers want it to be full of rules, which can be used to alter the game or min/max aspects of the game (such as flanking). This is sometimes in contrast of those that want a guide to build creativity in their world. For these...
  3. S

    D&D 5E What Do You Not Like About The 2014 5E DMG?

    One last thing I would state about the new DMG which didn't fit with the discussion above: Please for the love of god, they should not, under any circumstance, absolutely in no way, add more pages on player/DM interaction. Their one-page talk is all DMs and players need. If more is added, that...
  4. S

    D&D 5E What Do You Not Like About The 2014 5E DMG?

    Like you, I thought it was really well done. I did not approach it as the eyes of a beginner though, so maybe that is why I liked it so much. I also (as a general rule) don't piecemeal read rulebooks. I read them once, cover to cover, then go back and reread sections that piqued my interest or...
  5. S

    D&D General How Do You Handle Falling Damage?

    Fall damage recently came up in my last campaign. Lots of climbing, and at one point, two people gating 300' up. I found the RAW rules worked well for all the situations. But if I was a player at a table, I would not be opposed to a d10 or instant death at x height.
  6. S

    D&D General Universal Subclasses

    I agree. However, you can key the characters into the setting/campaign in many ways, not just subclasses. You can do it through divine boons, curses, magic items, rituals, etc.
  7. S

    D&D (2024) Do you plan to adopt D&D5.5One2024Redux?

    While I agree with the number of players I've seen use background features, I disagree on the traits, ideals, flaws, and bonds. Those have been pillars for a plethora of players I've had the pleasure to sit at the table with. I have seen it make beginners understand roleplaying, and I have seen...
  8. S

    D&D General When did you leave D&D? Why? For what game? And what brought you back?

    We were playing AD&D as teenagers, and then sometime around 19 or 20, we started perusing other books. MERP caught our eye for the art and the simple fact we already knew the lore. So we played that, then that turned into Rolemaster, then Rolemaster turned into Dangerous Journeys, then Dangerous...
  9. S

    D&D (2024) Greyhawk Confirmed. Tell Me Why.

    100%... Chicken and the egg. It is because of session zero or because players didn't take time to learn about the FR.
  10. S

    D&D (2024) Do you plan to adopt D&D5.5One2024Redux?

    I will state this succinctly: Yes, it is.
  11. S

    D&D (2024) Greyhawk Confirmed. Tell Me Why.

    I am going to pushback a little on this. Player authorship derives from a different perspective, and therefore, can push out other narratives. One person's Feywild is another person's carnival.
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    D&D (2024) Greyhawk Confirmed. Tell Me Why.

    Fair enough. Your experience is as valid as mine. Thank you for taking the time to explain it.
  13. S

    D&D General New Interview with Rob Heinsoo About 4E

    For my group (I did most of the DMing), we enjoyed 4e overall, and that included the setting. But it doesn't hold a candle to 5e. The computer game aspect of it turned off a lot of players, and that includes people who would have been fine with the lore changes. The text, the adventure set-ups...
  14. S

    D&D (2024) Greyhawk Confirmed. Tell Me Why.

    Thank you for the clarification. I guess my friends and I just read all the books. Thanks again, that certainly puts things in perspective.
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    D&D (2024) Greyhawk Confirmed. Tell Me Why.

    Were all the rules in the DMG? It's not how I remember. I am looking at the Basic Set right now, and it is all together. Again, not to belabor anything, but I really don't see the level of disfunction you see - especially between these 19080 DMs that brow-beat their players. But none of that...
  16. S

    D&D (2024) Greyhawk Confirmed. Tell Me Why.

    That just isn't true. Basic, Advanced, and everything after actively engaged players learning the rules. I am not sure where you got that. Maybe one line taken out of context. I mean, they had an entire magazine devoted to players, giving them optional rules, races, inventory items, etc. Yes...
  17. S

    D&D 5E Best Way to Challenge this Sorcadin, without high level spells

    I would also like to add that while your sorcadin might be fine after three smaller encounters, the rest of the group might not be. But with a time push, that could also mean the sorcadin might have to play hero. I have found one golden rule while DMing: One min-maxer can make the group...
  18. S

    D&D 5E Best Way to Challenge this Sorcadin, without high level spells

    A few things: Encounters prior to the BBEG Lair reactions can be amazingly unforgiving to PCs Flying or invisible creatures with the big baddie Remember, the big baddie might have magic resistance Counterspell, silence, etc. Movement can sometimes really work against the PCs And sometimes at...
  19. S

    D&D General Thoughts On How To Get a New Race Over

    Good rationales @Zardnaar . I think Genasi. Also, to add to your number 5, I think shows like Critical Role do their part to make certain races more popular than others.
  20. S

    D&D (2024) Greyhawk Confirmed. Tell Me Why.

    There is a divide though. The two are different. They have different roles to play in the game. They may be trying to reach similar goals, but they have different paths to get there. A goalkeeper and a striker may both be trying to win, but they have incredibly different paths to accomplish that...