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  1. GreyLord

    Understanding the In Terrorem Effect of Litigation

    It's somewhat hard to tell when you are joking or not. Your jokes, mixed in with serious items (I think you are being serious in this thread in the post...for the most part...but things like this make me think...not so sure [with quizzical face], maybe?). Pro Bono - For Good - For Public Good...
  2. GreyLord

    Fighting Fantasy board game.

    I always liked Fighting Fantasy. I have the original series, plus the additional series released later (at least 2 of them), plus the new ones they've released more recently (Port of Peril, Assassins of Allansia, etc). I have the Fighting Fantasy RPG and the Advanced Fighting Fantasy RPG. I...
  3. GreyLord

    Economic Board Games?

    On economics, this is one that is excellent for it. It's a simpler game to learn, but has great depth in how it operates. It's a timeless classic (well, it's been around for a long time at least, not quite as long as Monopoly, but still over 50 years..actually I think over 60 years?? at this...
  4. GreyLord

    D&D 5E New Monster Manual Cover

    Well...I found that Redgar (poor guy) in the Gelatinous Cube has a thumb that is pointing down... Also...the Nothic on the Back looks like it's thumb is pointing down... Hence...two thumbs down...right... And they can't help that they are so sad about Redgar that they're throwing up. I guess...
  5. GreyLord

    Trailer Alien: Romulus | Official Trailer

    So there is Alien Aliens Alien 3 Alien Resurrection Prometheus (is this really an Alien movie?) Alien Covenant That makes 6? And then there is Alien vs Predator (actually, not bad, but then I also like Alien Resurrection, only true alien movie I really did not like was Alien 3) and...
  6. GreyLord

    Moana 2 | Teaser Trailer

    Looks like it is about uniting all the tribes/peoples across the islands, at least that's what the trailer hints at.
  7. GreyLord

    Paizo Pathfinder Quest

    Perhaps the thing I'm most excited about from the news coming out from Paizocon. The implication with it's name seems to indicate that it may be stylized after Warhammer Quest (but Pathfinder instead of Warhammer). I was a BIG WQ fan in the past. If it is anything like WQ...I'm all in on...
  8. GreyLord

    D&D Movie/TV Paramount+ Will Not Proceed with Dungeons & Dragons Live-Action TV Show

    I gave the reasons above in a post. People on these forums OBVIOUSLY would not want to accept these reasons as most think the D&D movie is the best thing since sliced pie and is exactly representative of what D&D is to everyone. The thing is though, that it didn't represent what people felt...
  9. GreyLord

    Pathfinder 2E "Everything I've Said So Far About the God Who Will Die" - Creative Director Luis Loza on Setting Shake-Ups Coming to PF2E in "War of Immortals".

    Which is a shame since he's one of the one's I like the most. However, maybe some see his clerics as broken and that is why he must die.
  10. GreyLord

    D&D Movie/TV Paramount+ Will Not Proceed with Dungeons & Dragons Live-Action TV Show

    But once again, the problem is that D&D:HAT was NOT what was seen as D&D in how it appealed to general audiences. Streaming is a far different field than theatrical release, and though it's gotten a lot of momentum, success in streaming has different parameters and numbers than what a...
  11. GreyLord

    D&D Movie/TV Paramount+ Will Not Proceed with Dungeons & Dragons Live-Action TV Show

    Movies live or die on how they APPEAL to the general audiences. AS shown in many instances, critics are very out of touch at times with what and how general audiences think or feel about something. The Guardians of the Galaxy comicbook, as far as I know, is NOT a D&D comicbook and was NOT...
  12. GreyLord

    D&D (2024) Which section of the 2024 PHB will you check out first?

    I'll see if a book is open to browse. If it is, I'll look first at the martial section. My one complaint about 5e was that martials didn't get a bonus to hit over what other classes got. The Fighter got the same +2 to +6 proficiency to hit in combat that any other class did. That never sat...
  13. GreyLord

    D&D Movie/TV Paramount+ Will Not Proceed with Dungeons & Dragons Live-Action TV Show

    You guys have too high of an opinion of D&D. It's still viewed as a nerds game, despite how popular it is now. By some, it's viewed not so much as a nerds game, but an outcasts game. I KNOW that is an EXTREMELY UNPOPULAR opinion here, but it's still a minority of the population that plays...
  14. GreyLord

    D&D Movie/TV Paramount+ Will Not Proceed with Dungeons & Dragons Live-Action TV Show

    No, I think it's different than that, and I think that's part of why the D&D movie didn't do as well as some here think it should have. 1. It's a decent movie. It's a mediocre movie. It's not a GREAT movie as some here think. It's a GREAT movie to some here, but as movies go, it's not...
  15. GreyLord

    D&D (2024) The D&D Cartoon Heroes In The 2024 PHB

    Yeah, in your pic...they ate Uni it seems.
  16. GreyLord

    D&D 5E Convince me that the Ranger is a necessary Class.

    The Archetype people say is the Ranger is Aragorn and the Rangers of the Dunedain (sp? accuracy?). I'd say it has an even MORE grounded archetype and base since 2e. We have Actual RANGERS in real life. They've existed for centuries. They generally are more like police. They enforce the...
  17. GreyLord

    D&D (2024) New D&D Edition's Player’s Handbook Cover Reveal

    It never was. It's Space Opera, a different field than Science Fiction. It's not differentiated out from the Science Fiction section all that often though, but then, why would it be when retailers places groupings like Fantasy and Science fiction together. Space Opera is basically fantasy in...
  18. GreyLord

    A question about Highlander

    If you don't include the 4th and 5th movies, it would fit. Once Conner is killed and Duncan lives on, it doesn't fit the original film anymore. Of course, with the Original Film, if the series is the prequel to it, then you would have to accept that Duncan dies at some point before the final...
  19. GreyLord

    A question about Highlander

    Actually, I think there are at least 3 Highlander (if you count the Cartoons, it could be as high as 5) realities in Highlander. The Original Movie is the base reality for 2 (3 if you count the cartoons, with the 4th as a possible) of those realities. The Original Movie and the Third Movie are...
  20. GreyLord

    What's the best Star War?

    It's anecdotal, if that's what you are asking. Repeatedly in my interactions in real life and online, this is what I almost always see. Even the most ardent of young fans of the new Star Wars are not hardcore like the older ones in general. The old ones go crazy about Baby Yoda for example...