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  1. Osgood

    WotC WotC can, and probably should support multiple editions of D&D.

    That's not a Hasbro thing, that's an every corporation thing! I'd be absolutely shocked if Purina or Nabisco (both subsidiaries of major conglomerates) thought past quarterly profits. That's that nature of being traded on the stock market.
  2. Osgood

    WotC WotC can, and probably should support multiple editions of D&D.

    I just don't see it. It would be on par with the 90's era fumble of publishing settings thta diluted their own markets. The best case scenario that I could see would be producing some rules-free material, like campaign settings that are edition neutral... but I wouldn't bet any money on that idea.
  3. Osgood

    So who else….

    Very cool. I’ve got several fantasy swords and axes, but i only own one gun (I know, I barely qualify as American)… a Civil War revolver that belonged to a great great uncle. It’s definitely real, the only thing we don’t know is which side issued it! Apparently he went south and joined up, and a...
  4. Osgood

    D&D (2024) What should WotC change with their new screen?

    My situation is probably pretty atypical, but I've got a dedicated gaming table with a DM nook that basically eliminates my need for a DM screen to hide notes, minis, dice rolls, etc. So to be honest, I'd like to see D&D Beyond create a DM screen page that I can pull up on a laptop or tablet...
  5. Osgood

    D&D (2024) New Dungeon Master's Guide Cover Features Venger (From the D&D Cartoons)

    I like the cover. Like the PHB, it's a simple, centered composition that reminds me of earlier editions. I think reversing the colors on the spine is great, simple visual cue that its a variation of the same edition as the past decade. I know Venger and Warduke, not sure about the third...
  6. Osgood

    At My Most Burned-Out in 35 Years

    I suppose you could run thing on "easy mode" and offer gentle suggestions that one course of action or another may not yield the results they expect... But perhaps these players just need a tough love wake up call. Remind them that they are adults (assuming they are) and as such, they--not...
  7. Osgood

    D&D 5E Enhancing Vecna: Eve of Ruin *SPOILERS*

    I don't have the book yet, but I will later today. I'm going to give it a read through, but I'm pretty sure I'll be using it for my current campaign at 10th level; if so I would likely up Nest of Ruin to 6th level (which is where they are are now) and switch some locations, as my campaign is in...
  8. Osgood

    D&D 5E How do you handle randomly rolling for stats

    Whenever we roll stats, I always have a couple of players that get boned. I like to keep things even, so I've tried this a few times. I give them the choice, whatever the majority decides, we go with (and I am the tiebreaker): they can either go with standard point buy or a shared set of rolled...
  9. Osgood

    D&D (2024) New D&D Edition's Player’s Handbook Alternate Art Cover Reveal

    I like both covers. Its also nice to hear the book will hit the FLGS 2 weeks early; seems like it's been a while since that was the case.
  10. Osgood

    D&D (2024) New D&D Edition's Player’s Handbook Cover Reveal

    I could nitpick individual elements--I'd like the red dragon in the foreground to be a little more prominent--on the whole I think it is a really great piece. I like that it strongly invokes the feel of the 2E covers, and it makes me eager to see the rest of the covers. So far, I've been happy...
  11. Osgood

    D&D General Former WOTC President Cynthia Williams lands CEO role at Funko!

    That’s what they want you to think! Looking at my conspiracy board it all makes sense now that I can connect Williams to Edmond J. Funko… the puppet master that’s been pulling the strings of every major since gaming controversy since Col. Mustard’s involvement in Iran-Contra was leaked on the...
  12. Osgood

    At My Most Burned-Out in 35 Years

    I’m 50… it’s been a long time since anyone’s called me a young’un, so thanks!
  13. Osgood

    At My Most Burned-Out in 35 Years

    Not to derail the thread, but I had a short wedding themed adventure... at my own wedding reception, so that doesn't seem odd to me at all. Granted, the wedding was at a castle, and the reception theme was "choose your own adventure," so we had booze in the pub, board games in the great hall...
  14. Osgood

    WotC 2024 D&D Core Rules Will Be Added To SRD In 2025

    Excuse me while I go out and buy a lottery ticket.
  15. Osgood

    WotC 2024 D&D Core Rules Will Be Added To SRD In 2025

    Nice. Perhaps those who insist on using 5.whatever to identify the revision could settle on 5.2 to match the SRD. Still, I wonder how many posts it will take for someone to spin this as a negative. I predict 7...
  16. Osgood

    At My Most Burned-Out in 35 Years

    Don't be too hard on yourself. I'll be a lot of use don't set boundaries. It does sound like your players are taking advantage though. Since you are in therapy, I'd definitely bring this whole situation up.
  17. Osgood

    At My Most Burned-Out in 35 Years

    GM burnout is a common issue. I feel like we all go through out at some point. What we don't all have are groups who aren't understanding and willing to work with us. As others have said, it sounds like you are in some toxic groups and that's a problem (the fact that your wife is part of it is...
  18. Osgood

    Describe your last rpg session in 5 words

    Plot hook? Pass... gimme death!
  19. Osgood

    D&D (2024) What Should A New Core Setting Look Like?

    There are some interesting ideas in this thread. The problem is there are just too many different types of settings that folks want--you make one, it will appeal to some and piss oof everyone else. Maybe the smarter play would be to create a setting book that doesn't detail a single setting, but...
  20. Osgood

    Cost of D&D Editions, then and now

    Other than the odd set of miniatures, I've managed to avoid buying gaming stuff on Amazon. But since I used D&D Beyond, their physical digital bundles have been what's kept me from buying at the LGS. I imagine I will do the same for the new core rules--the savings is just too good over buying...