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  1. Ruin Explorer

    Spoilers Star Wars: The Acolyte [Spoilers]

    One of my friends just said "Omg why didn't you just tell me Manny Jacinto was in it, I'd have watched it straight away" lol.
  2. Ruin Explorer

    Spoilers Star Wars: The Acolyte [Spoilers]

    Ahhh interesting and yes that's right - Peace is a Lie is real Sith.
  3. Ruin Explorer

    Spoilers Star Wars: The Acolyte [Spoilers]

    So I have some thoughts on this: A) Has anyone in-show called them "Sith" or even alluded to it? Because the philosophy the "Dark Helmet" person has offered doesn't really line up with Sith philosophy at all and there are certainly other Dark Side weirdoes out there. There's no "master your...
  4. Ruin Explorer


    Saw it today. Absolutely loved it. I found Taylor-Joy's accent decision a little strange but like, that's a tiny nitpick in an absolutely great movie, with had it all - wild action, a lot of heart, actual ideas, amazing characters, incredible visual design. Wonderful performances (including...
  5. Ruin Explorer

    Star Wars: The Acolyte starts June 4

    Amazingly this is not only literally true but a semi-significant plot point in one of the High Republic novels! (The first one IIRC)
  6. Ruin Explorer

    D&D General WotC hiring a Principal AI Engineer

    Exactly. If they did it well, I think it's precisely the sort of thing I might pick up. But the odds of them doing it well whilst "Good Enough" Perkins is in charge are basically nil. I mean, jesus christ, the stuff that man has let out the door (particularly the spectacularly "Follow this...
  7. Ruin Explorer

    Trailer Alien: Romulus | Official Trailer

    It looks like literally just a pastiche of scenes from previous Alien franchise movies, to the point where it's almost a joke - like spot the reference - oh that's Alien, oh that's Aliens, oh that's Alien 3, oh that's Aliens again, and so on, but it also looks vastly better than Prometheus or...
  8. Ruin Explorer

    D&D (2024) Alternate 2024 DMG Cover features Lolth!

    I hate how much I like this. I don't want to even buy physical copies of 2024 (I never did of 2014), let alone extra-expensive alt-art versions!
  9. Ruin Explorer

    D&D 5E New Monster Manual Cover

    I'm very supportive of this as you know. Right from the get-go with 5E the apparent lack of art budget was a major complaint for me. It seems to be one thing that is very conclusively on the "FIXED" list for 2024. And yeah this looks great despite me having a very low tolerance for a certain...
  10. Ruin Explorer

    D&D General WotC hiring a Principal AI Engineer

    Honestly there is a real lack of D&D adventures with the sort of epic sweep and wilderness focus of LotR. I genuinely think a "rip off LotR adventure" would be like, quite a good idea in a lot of ways.
  11. Ruin Explorer

    D&D (2024) What is your favorite standard 2024 cover?

    Exactly this - MM and not even close. I like Venger on the DMG cover but the rest of the cover looks bad to me, especially Warduke, who looks like a dweeb. Like, I'm normally all for half-naked barbarian warrior types, but put a shirt on Duke! Bare chest does not work with that look. I don't...
  12. Ruin Explorer

    Star Wars: The Acolyte starts June 4

    Having seen them I am absolutely none the wiser as to the meaning of your comment, I'm afraid. I would say based on these two episodes, so far The Acolyte is considerably better than The Mandalorian or Ahsoka, like an obvious step up in quality in pretty much all regards. It's no Andor but we...
  13. Ruin Explorer

    What RPG Do You Wish Had A Retroclone?

    Yeah this. It's a glaring omission and it's because it doesn't have the right licensing. And it could clean up so well too.
  14. Ruin Explorer

    Spoilers Godzilla Minus One [spoilers]

    That wasn't an error, that's historical accuracy, just to be clear to anyone reading this.
  15. Ruin Explorer

    SmiteWorks Hires D&D Beyond Founder as Chief Development Officer of Fantasy Grounds

    Yeah I'm often told how powerful FG is, and I don't doubt, but good god, the look and feel of that UI is not doing it even a single favour. I'm sure he'll point this out to them, but will they make any actual changes?
  16. Ruin Explorer

    Star Wars: The Acolyte starts June 4

    Yeah and I fully expected them to go that way, because like, that would be a normal, basic, solid, straightforward plot, that you then use good dialogue and nuance to heighten to real quality. But no. Boba Fett defiantly went its own way. Like a really badly DM'd RPG, with a total railroad...
  17. Ruin Explorer

    Star Wars: The Acolyte starts June 4

    He doesn't really seem to do things in a Tusken way though either, just a half-arsed, confused, uncommitted, almost befuddled way. He has to be basically bullied into even acting at all by his right-hand-woman. So the idea that he's really got a lot of intentionality here rings pretty false to me.
  18. Ruin Explorer

    Star Wars: The Acolyte starts June 4

    I found him to have real "Player Character" energy, but not in the usual sense of being energetic and having cunning plans and running the show, but rather being sort of confused and forced into a situation by a combination of his backstory and railroading by the DM, and his heart isn't really...
  19. Ruin Explorer

    Spoilers Doctor Who 2024 (spoilers)

    Slowly catching up: Christmas Special - I mean I guess? I'm unmoved by this episode. Introduces some mysteries, but do we really need another Mysterious Magic/Special White Total Babe In Her early 20s. We've had three now. I'm longing for the days of Martha, who felt like an actual adult...
  20. Ruin Explorer

    Spoilers Doctor Who 2024 (spoilers)

    You can't call things plot holes just because they aren't explained. A plot hole is something that has to be explained or nothing makes sense, and that's not the case here. So that's where your entire argument falls down. You'll fallen directly into the Nerd Hole, which is that thinking -...