• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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    D&D (2024) How Does Greyhawk Fit In To The New Edition?

    My main frustration with ttrpg social media is when it's obvious the OP "hate" is hyperbole and clickbait to the point they now have to recycle the same issues at least twice if not three times a year.
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    D&D (2024) How Does Greyhawk Fit In To The New Edition?

    I ruffled feathers once on social media when someone thought they had invented spell casting spider folk for 5e. When I mentioned the Aranea had been around for decades, it was not taken kindly.
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    D&D (2024) How Does Greyhawk Fit In To The New Edition?

    You are correct, which confuses me even more. Other than those who use gnoll PCs as doggos either don't know or don't care.
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    D&D (2024) Greyhawk Confirmed. Tell Me Why.

    Funny enough, the Basic Rules 5e pdf would be a perfect fit for GW. Seeing as the starter boxed sets are almost always the four races and four classes, GW will be a fit there as well.
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    D&D (2024) Greyhawk Confirmed. Tell Me Why.

    Because if WotC had picked Mystara or Nentir Vale, someone would have complained it wasn't Greyhawk. :ROFLMAO:
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    D&D (2024) How Does Greyhawk Fit In To The New Edition?

    Well from what I have seen in other fandoms, including Battletech for the longest time, is that old fans don't like new fans. At some point, a lot of fans seem to slide into different phases the longer they are in a fandom. Eager recruit Evangelist Cynic Gatekeeper At some point a cool new...
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    D&D (2024) How Does Greyhawk Fit In To The New Edition?

    Right? Which confuses me why 5e has Gnolls and not Lupins.
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    D&D (2024) How Does Greyhawk Fit In To The New Edition?

    Hindsight being 20/20, GW would have been a perfect setting for the free Basic Rules PDF. And perhaps GW will make more sense with their next entry level box product as the pregens will probably be the classic 4 races, 4 classes. At this point, I'd rather run GW with B/X rules to reinforce the...
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    D&D (2024) How Does Greyhawk Fit In To The New Edition?

    Well, yes and no. Part of the side bar should be exactly what you said. But new DMs have questions and they are often looking for answers and guidance. So the other half of the side bar would be, "But if you do want X, here some places they could be, but that's ultimately up to you and your...
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    D&D (2024) How Does Greyhawk Fit In To The New Edition?

    It would be great if they had a sidebar that not only addressed where the dragonborn live in Oerth but also make them NOT an option if the GM wishes.
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    D&D (2024) How Does Greyhawk Fit In To The New Edition?

    Or the best part of 4e, the Nentir Vale, which was also a Points of Light setting. Isle of Wryms? Do you mean Council of Wyrms? I'm guessing their goal is to provide a jumping off point vs a gazetteer. And those 40 + years of lore was sporadic, not contiguous like FR. Exactly. That might be...
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    D&D (2024) The D&D Cartoon Heroes In The 2024 PHB

    Hank cut his hair? I call doppelgangers!
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    D&D General 5E-Powered Adventure Time Joins Million Dollar TTRPG Kickstarter Club

    I'm in the camp of 5e being an odd design choice but understand it's a solid economic decision. At this point, it's like the game plan has to be: Shoehorn setting into 5e* Make money Make the rpg you really want for the setting as a vanity project. Pray the game's popularity lasts long enough...
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    Dragonbane Offers A Box Full Of Classic Fantasy

    ... and standees, and dice, and card decks for Treasure/Improv Weapons (these are charts in hardback), and decent sized setting map. Just the dice and standees together are another $30-$40.
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    Free League Opens Pre-Orders for Dragonbane: Path of Glory

    I've enjoyed running Dragonbane. It can do trad fantasy or OSR/sandbox. It's just more deadly on average and stays more deadly as there are no levels and thus no HP bloat.* The game is closer to a streamlined Pendragon or BRP that uses a d20 instead of d100. Using the d20, the game also uses...
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    D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

    I'm in the camp that having two figures for the two interpretations would have been the smarter, more profitable tactic. Heck, if they sold the figures as bookends for my gaming shelf, I'd be in. Pure speculation on my part, this feels like a publicity stunt to hype the set. Maybe one of the...
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    Star Trek Adventures 2nd Edition Pre-Orders Open

    Interesting. Part of getting rid of challenge dice is do to some ideas they didn't feel were polished enough at the time to make it into 1st. They they put in Dreams and Machines, and now in 2ed. Pardon me geeking about getting to peek behind the curtain to see how games are made...
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    WotC Hasbro Has Invested $1B In Video Games, Including A New D&D Game

    Wasn't the reason Peter Adkinson's reason for leaving was because Hasbro completely sold off the video game rights without his input? Like one of the first of many events where it's still plain that someone high up still doesn't get D&D. (I mean this from the OGL perspective)
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    Steve Jackson Games Releases Stakeholder Report for 2023

    TBH, though, solo play is on the rise again as we discovered that while there are more players than ever sometimes we still can't get schedules or personalities to align.