• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. ichabod

    D&D 5E Need Help Designing Custom Warlock Patron - The Artifact

    I agree. Think about the Hexblade: that's a warlock whose patron is a sentient sword. Making it a class of items might help focus things and give you ideas for class powers. However, if you really want to do general magic items, I would reconsider the spell list. I would put identify and locate...
  2. ichabod

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    I saw a nice button on vacation: "Not today Satan. But my schedule is wide open tomorrow."
  3. ichabod

    Economic Board Games?

    Maybe Stone Age or Puerto Rico. Those are more general economics, in that you have a lot of resources and options on how to use/improve them. There are games that maybe have parts of economics to them, like Acquire (speculation) or Modern Art (auctions and speculation).
  4. ichabod

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    Hmm. I have about 3,000 dice, but that's kind of RPG stuff. I have moved on from dice and started collecting decks of cards. My game collection also includes board games, card games, and such. Probably 150+ games and expansions. Being obsessed with organization I also collect containers...
  5. ichabod

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    I propose that we use this thread to boldly take pineapple where it has never gone before: I will say that I am open to pineapple on pizza, unless it's a metaphor for psionics in D&D, in which case it's totally over the line. Just don't give me any of that New Haven "pizza" (that's where they...
  6. pineapple.jpg


  7. ichabod

    D&D General The D&D Memes Thread

    Credit to Existential Comics.
  8. ichabod

    D&D 5E How do you handle randomly rolling for stats

    Seeing as you have clearly explained what you mean by risk is a cost, I did look it up. I googled "risk is cost." I didn't get any science though, I just got a lot of business stuff, which is kind of what I was expecting. It talks about the cost of dealing with risk, such as working to mitigate...
  9. ichabod

    D&D General Diabetes in dnd

    Well, in 5th edition, it wouldn't work very long. 1st level paladins can cure any disease, and so can 5th level rangers and other any 3rd level caster except sorcerers, warlocks, and wizards.
  10. ichabod

    D&D 5E How do you handle randomly rolling for stats

    Fair enough. I did not respond to your points. In the short term, risk can be a cost, or it can be a benefit. That's the nature of probabilities. In the long term risk may be a cost or it may be a benefit, depending on the alternative. In D&D 5E, rolling for stats is a benefit in the long term...
  11. ichabod

    D&D 5E How do you handle randomly rolling for stats

    And all I am saying is that's your opinion, and I don't necessarily agree. If you are choosing to take the risk, that's your choice. I see no reason why you should get a benefit for making that choice.
  12. ichabod

    D&D 5E How do you handle randomly rolling for stats

    That risk is risky, yes. That it "needs" to be rewarded, no.
  13. ichabod

    D&D 5E How do you handle randomly rolling for stats

    That's your opinion. I don't see that as necessary.
  14. ichabod

    D&D 5E Speeding Up Feat Progression

    My thought (which I haven't tried yet) is to divorce ASI's from Feats. Since I use point buy, I'm thinking of giving 2 ability points per level that can be used to increase ability scores with point buy costs. I suppose you could do this whether you're using point buy or not. And you could...
  15. ichabod

    D&D 5E How do you handle randomly rolling for stats

    The default array is not the average for 4d6 drop low six times. The average of 4d6dl has a 16 instead of a 15. This is why I use point buy with 30 points and you can buy a 16 for 12 points.
  16. ichabod

    The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

    ENWorld: Proving time and time again that yes, there are stupid questions.
  17. ichabod

    The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

    Interestingly, there is still a Campbell's Alphabet Dice Game on the market. I have a copy and I saw another copy for sale over the weekend. It comes in a can that looks like a Campbell's Soup can.
  18. ichabod

    The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

    Geez, I'm retired and I don't have time to keep up with this thread.
  19. ichabod

    The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

    One of my local game stores is celebrating the 50th anniversary of D&D by <drum roll please/> running a Magic the Gathering tournament.
  20. ichabod

    D&D 5E Who tried to end the OGL?

    So we have a rumor? Well, obviously that rumor leads us to a quest, right? So we need to get our gear together and explore the basements under WotC. Who's with me?