• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. DragonLancer

    How Do You Feel About Published Adventures as a GM?

    Decades ago I loved published adventures and would often slot them into home brew scenarios in my campaigns. These days I don't have the time and I much prefer having a full published campaign. From the last 15 years GMing and playing Pathfinder 1st edition, I have come to love how Paizo do...
  2. DragonLancer

    D&D General When did you leave D&D? Why? For what game? And what brought you back?

    I always wanted to play D&D when I was ickle. Started with the old red box basic D&D, moved to 1st edition and then 2nd. Played second from launch through to 3rd. When 4th was announced I looked into it and I hated it. It felt like a massive step backwards and it was not for me or my group. We...
  3. DragonLancer

    D&D 5E Do you ever roll for monster HPs in 5E?

    Haven't rolled monster/NPC hit points since 1st edition. I prefer to give max HP simply because player characters are often more powerful than the monsters, so this makes the encounters more balanced.
  4. DragonLancer

    D&D General Looking for campaign / adventure path suggestions

    They do. Usually about 16th. We never really get to push up to the 20th level and I think it would be nice if I could find something that would let my players experience it for once. We like the focused AP style of campaign. But there are some suggestions here by the looks of it that I could...
  5. DragonLancer

    D&D General Looking for campaign / adventure path suggestions

    Thanks for the suggestions. It does look like most campaigns top out at 15th but that's cool.
  6. DragonLancer

    What Is Your Favorite Campaign Setting?

    I have a couple that I really love. 1. Dragonlance. Post-War of the Lance but before they ruined it with the Chaos War storyline. Krynn was the world that got me into D&D in the mid-80s. I like it for the more romanticized fantasy in the D&D genre. 2. Dark Sun. 2nd edition only as no other...
  7. DragonLancer

    D&D General Looking for campaign / adventure path suggestions

    That looks interesting and right up our alley. Thanks. I'll add it to the list.
  8. DragonLancer

    D&D General Looking for campaign / adventure path suggestions

    I've had a look on the DMguild and found an interesting looking campaign, Call from the Deep. Seems to have good reviews. Anyone have any experience with it?
  9. DragonLancer

    D&D General Looking for campaign / adventure path suggestions

    I have a copy of Ghosts of Saltmarsh. I will run that at some point. I'm very happy with third party campaigns. I'll take a look at Scarlet Citadel. Any other suggestions?
  10. DragonLancer

    D&D General Looking for campaign / adventure path suggestions

    Hi all. I am looking for a D&D campaign running 1st through 20th. Something similar to Paizo's adventure paths (PF1 is our usual game of choice). Everywhere I look there is nothing. It seems campaigns for D&D5 are really short or everyone is just running individual adventures. Any suggestions...
  11. DragonLancer

    How happy are you with your table/group?

    Satisfied. My group has been together since 1992, with a couple changes. Our games are good fun but I really wish they would play more seriously. They go through silly names and things like that which twists my noodle as a GM and fellow player. Then we have one guy who is only interested in...
  12. DragonLancer

    D&D General How often do you complete a campaign as a player?

    I'd say 5.5 of ours complete. Only one I can remember was one of mine that we started after Covid and I was rather rusty after 18 months of not gaming. That's the only one I can remember that ended prematurely.
  13. DragonLancer

    Known IPs, settings, etc.. and you.

    For the likes of Star Wars tend to stick to the canon material as presented in the films. Not a fan of the ever increasing universe but that is a different topic. I have run many Star Trek campaigns and I focus on the TNG era and I keep that as close to TV/film canon as I can. Same with the...
  14. DragonLancer

    Is it fun to plan a heist?

    I'm with you @overgeeked . As a player, I'd rather not waste precious gaming time going over every bit of minutia when we could just cast some divinations, do some investigation and then treat it like any other dungeon we're likely to go through. Likewise, as a DM, I don't want to waste an hour...
  15. DragonLancer

    Worlds of Design: The Problem with Magimarts

    Back in the days of basic, 1st and 2nd editions D&D, I was not a fan of the ye old magic item shoppe. There were two reasons. Firstly, I tended to think of my game worlds as faux medieval and less fantastical (and I still do to an extent), and secondly, if the characters can just buy whatever...
  16. DragonLancer

    Kickstarter Deal-Breakers (Poll)

    I could do but I'd just rather they took and held my money at the time I support it. Can't be that hard to do.
  17. DragonLancer

    Ken Burnside on how screwed Asmodee is

    I know Ravensburger do board games but do they also do RPGs, CCGs...etc?
  18. DragonLancer

    Kickstarter Deal-Breakers (Poll)

    There were a few I ticked but I also ticked Other. That Other, is that they don't take the money there and then. They wait until the goal is reached and then do it. However, I have that money now (I'm minimum wage for reference) and might not in three or four weeks for whatever reason. If...
  19. DragonLancer

    What Part Does the Role Play in the Role-Playing Game?

    I'm in the minority I'm sure, but as a very long term RPer, to me role-playing just means playing a role. It doesn't mean being an amateur actor or deep immersion. It can be just as simple as playing Grimgor the Barbarian kicking in doors, killing monsters, taking their stuff and spending that...