• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. Tonguez

    D&D General What is the Quintissential D&D Mascot Monster?

    plus Gelatinous Cube, Ogre-thing, Gigantic Tentacle, Flaming Skull, Orc and a whole lot of eyeballs
  2. Tonguez

    D&D General Boomer/GenX 5e? (+)

    yeah it always amused me that someone born in 1980 is supposed to have more in common with a person born in 1965 than they do with someone born in 1985 I was born in 1970s, I started University in the first year of full fees (but luckily had scholarships which paid everything). My wife is...
  3. Tonguez

    D&D 5E New Monster Manual Cover

    It's keeping up the 5e cartoon style, especially all those eyeballs
  4. Tonguez

    Spoilers Doctor Who 2024 (spoilers)

    I assume the time she spent bubble-less was enough for her motor control and balance to reorientate itself, and her last act of throwing Ricky in front of the AI bullet was sufficient to make her snap into going forward to the river As for the boat - I'm assuming the guy who put himself forward...
  5. Tonguez

    Spoilers Doctor Who 2024 (spoilers)

    Lindy was being led by Ricky who wasn't bubble-dependent. It's not like they couldn't walk, just that many had become dependent. We might even assume that many of the survivors were those who didn't spend every moment in their bubble.
  6. Tonguez

    D&D General Boomer/GenX 5e? (+)

    I'd play that :)
  7. Tonguez

    Moana 2 | Teaser Trailer

    No idea what this one is about...
  8. Tonguez

    Spoilers Doctor Who 2024 (spoilers)

    but "Boring, we cant be bothered" was
  9. Tonguez

    Spoilers Doctor Who 2024 (spoilers)

    Lindy not being able to walk straight without instruction and blundering into the slow moving slugs because they were constantly in a bubble of social media was commentary enough along the lines of "living in a bubble made them blind to an obvious menace they could easily avoid"
  10. Tonguez

    Spoilers Doctor Who 2024 (spoilers)

    A murderous AI that understands irony and agony is going a bit too far though, and if the AI is that imaginative then surely it would have confronted the Doctor and Ruby rather than letting them save some of its hit list. So yeah I enjoyed the episode but do agree that the AI weren't necessary...
  11. Tonguez

    D&D General What is the Quintissential D&D Mascot Monster?

    lingering effects of psychic damage?
  12. Tonguez

    D&D General What is the Quintissential D&D Mascot Monster?

    Thats a lobster, it would look good on the DnD Cookbook though
  13. Tonguez

    D&D General What are humans?

    But why should humans be the baseline rather than Dwarfs or Orcs? Other than author bias what is it that makes Humans so basic to reality that every species in the multiverse must be based on them?
  14. Tonguez

    D&D General What are humans?

    I've always taken Dwarfs to be high stamina but specialized to cool mountain environments. They can certainly endure hotter, lowlands environments but they dont adapt to it like humans do - this makes there endurance less efficient outside their natural alpine homes. Elves might be more ambush...
  15. Tonguez

    D&D General Millennial D&D (+)

    Us latchkey kids had the best entertainment, independence and stability. GenX is the last happy generation
  16. Tonguez

    D&D General Millennial D&D (+)

    I thought 5e was the Millenial edition, why else do we have tieflings and dragonborn and plasmoids and everyone can be small or medium or ambiguously undefined
  17. Tonguez

    D&D General Why Do People Hate Gnomes?

    In the interest of allowing humanoids to have diverse cultures I often have the term "Gnomes" cover all kinds of small wingless fey humanoids including Redcap, Brownies/Dobies , Domovoi (Tundra gnomes), Xvart (Shadowfell), Leprechauns (Feywild) and Smurfs. Then theres the speculated connection...
  18. 1000000097.jpg


  19. Tonguez

    D&D General Humans are Blind

    On earth we're lucky there isn't an effective competitor in our "social Builder" niche, however DnD humans don't get that luxury, they compete with all kinds of social, creative races as capable as they are - so how do they remain dominant?