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Search results

  1. Eyes of Nine

    Jennell Jaquays posthumously wins SFWA Kate Wilhelm Solstice Award

  2. Eyes of Nine

    Portal fantasy taking up space in my brain, rent-free

    A thing that takes up rent-free space in my brain: portal fantasy RPG. More at the campaign level than at the design level. Today’s tenant - the players start off as Young Offenders (the term of art for the PCs) in a Misspent Youth game, fighting against the Authority in a near future...
  3. Eyes of Nine

    Hugo Awards controversy

    tl;dr Some nominees were marked as "not eligible" because North American Hugo award administrators pre-caved to what they thought the Chinese govm't might do https://file770.com/the-2023-hugo-awards-a-report-on-censorship-and-exclusion/ Comments on Scalzi’s blog are interesting. A) At next...
  4. Eyes of Nine

    D&D General Return to Perinthos: A Memorial Book Fundraiser in the Memory of Jennell Jaquays on Crowdfundr

    I thought people here might be interested in this. A collection of all the entries in the Jennell Jaquays memorial jam https://crowdfundr.com/perinthos?ref=ab_8hvUKDyp9Zd8hvUKDyp9Zd
  5. Eyes of Nine

    Campaigns inspired by songs

    Over here, we're talking about campaigns in a nutshell https://www.enworld.org/threads/campaigns-in-a-nutshell-adventures-in-a-sentence.102706/post-9262064 But I was thinking - campaigns inspired by songs! Song lyrics or the music or whatever. Doesn't have to be one you've already run, although...
  6. Eyes of Nine

    D&D (2024) What will the impact of 1D&D be on 3PP material?

    For those who have been keeping up with the playtest materials - what will the impact of 1D&D be on 3PP material? I know WotC has promised to make 1D&D backwards compatible with their own stuff; but they can't ensure it's compatible with the loads of Third Party Publisher (3PP) material that's...
  7. Eyes of Nine

    D&D General DnD video IP to be sold to Tencent?

  8. Eyes of Nine

    D&D 4E Thinking of Running Arden Vul in 4e - looking for tips

    Thinking about running Arden Vul in 4e. Why? Well, I'm almost done re-reading the 4e PHB1 and after the massive "appreciate 4e on its own terms" I've decided to come back to it again with my two sons. They were the ones who I ran the first half of the first adventure in the Scales of War...
  9. Eyes of Nine

    Railroading - a slightly tongue in cheek blog post with good points

    https://jdcspot.blogspot.com/2024/01/criminal-rpg-activity-chapbook.html Funny stuff here, but also thought-provoking Captures some of the many perspectives I have heard in the discourse about railroading. The question for you dear judge - which "railroading" crimes are the most heinous? And...
  10. Eyes of Nine

    Some mechanisms (often ported from the old days) are putting the incentives in the wrong place - blog post discussion

    In this recent post by Trilemma Adventures creator Michael Prescott he muses about how for some rules the incentives are all wrong, so no wonder we just ignore those rules. Why would any player track encumbrance when the best outcome is "no change" and the worst is a decrease in your overall...
  11. Eyes of Nine

    D&D 1E Best 1e AD&D artist?

    [updated this to discuss 1st Ed AD&D art] Share your favorite Classic D&D art!
  12. Eyes of Nine

    Sadly going to be the first of many - estate sales with tons of stuff we nerds love

    If you live in Cary NC or nearby, you could do worse than visit this estate sale this weekend... Tons of early Dragon Mags, a Dieties and Demigods (don't know if it has Cthulhu/Melnibonean or not), Fiend Folio, AD&D Monster Manual, and so much more. And if you like vinyl music, wow. A couple...
  13. Eyes of Nine

    How Should RPG Books Be Organized - on your shelf?

    When I first saw this thread title, I thought it was talking about how we organize our RPG books and files And while an interesting discussion, not what I was expecting. So now, here's the thread about what I was expecting! I'll start with an interesting link to a study done by YouGov...
  14. Eyes of Nine

    D&D 5E Strixhaven - suggestions welcome!

    Surprised! My college age sons and one of their gfs want to play in Strixhaven. I'll will probably be using the first adventure in the book, unless folks have "opinions" on which one is best. Looking for a 2-3 session short campaign. Want to hear the collected wisdom. I will probably use...
  15. Eyes of Nine

    D&D 5E Best one shot for 3-4th level characters, with players who really enjoy combat

    The title says it all. My son wants to run a 1-shot for his gamer group. They like combat. He wants them to be higher than 1st level, I suggested 3rd level so that all characters are sub-classed already. 4th would be ok too. (Once they hit 5th of course, it's a different game due to fireball...
  16. Eyes of Nine

    This stuff is v funny - what if RPGs existed throughout history - what would literature look like?

    https://thealexandrian.net/wordpress/49890/roleplaying-games/rpgs-through-history-famous-quotes Great stuff
  17. Eyes of Nine

    Deathmatch Island - wow!

    https://www.deathmatchis.land/ Ok the design of this site blew me away And the game itself sounds AMAZING Of course I signed up to be notified. @Egg Embry this one should definitely be considered in about 6 weeks when there will be ~2 weeks left on it. But I'm so fired up about it, posting...
  18. Eyes of Nine

    D&D General How do you know an adventure is "good" just from reading it?

    I always wonder and am curious - what are people's criteria for whether an adventure is "good" or "bad"? For me, my assessment might be different depending on whether I have an idealized or actual play-group I'm considering running an adventure for. For an actual group - it'll depend on the...
  19. Eyes of Nine

    Fascinating academic paper on how to translate an IP into a TTRPG

    In another space I am in, @Jocher symbolic systems shared their masters thesis. It's about how to take an existing IP and translate the original aesthetic experience into a TTRPG rule system. I'm about 20% through, and it's already confirmed a bunch of things I had thought but never articulated...
  20. Eyes of Nine

    D&D General LotR and Forgotten Realms mashup - your thoughts?

    There have been a couple of Forgotten Realms Magic the Gathering sets. And at least one LotR sets. That's what made me think of this idea... For an RPG, what sort of compelling storyline would you create that mixes Forgotten Realms and LotR? Things I'd consider: A LotR PC party in the...