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Search results

  1. Jemal

    Gaming W/Jemal : Here's The Deal.. (M&M 3e Recruiting)

    Alright, so here's the official recruiting thread after my poll of 'what would people like to play'. #1 of my options was Mutants & Masterminds 3e, with a lean towards some more standard super hero fare, which reminded me of an old campaign idea I never really got to try, so here we go : What...
  2. Jemal


    An ancient evil (me) has awoken from eons (or maybe 3-4 years) of slumber (Not posting). Are there any among you who have the courage to face this threat head-on? (Anybody wanna play with me?) .. OK, so kidding aside, I haven't been on here in several years, for many reasons. I've been...
  3. Jemal

    Pathfinder 1E Gaming w/Jemal: The Dungeon Crawl (Recruiting/Set-up)

    Alright so I've decided that I'd like to 'ease' back into the swing of things here by GMing something relatively simple - a fairly basic Dungeon Crawl. Background/Basics: There is a large and powerful organization that is looking for adventurous types to assist them in some tests. There are...
  4. Jemal

    The Return

    Jemal has returned, and is looking to run a game. Who among you shall join in epic adventure? I'm not quite sure what game to run yet but It would be either D&D 3.5 or Pathfinder. I have many campaign ideas as well as several campaigns I WAS running on here when I left over 3 years ago that I...
  5. Jemal

    Gaming w/Jemal: Mutant Apocalypse Issue 3: Fallout

    Prologue Issue 1: Brazil Issue 2: Vegas OOC The Gryphon/Drake team: Voda Vosa as Uomo Nascosto, AKA Vittorio di la Croce/twenty seven other names JKason as Terry Quinlan aka The Grid Walkingdad as Jacob Calvins, AKA Frost Shayuri as Cassandra Allen, the Telekinetic Journalist AKA Fulcrum...
  6. Jemal

    Gaming W/Jemal: World of Darkness Vampires (Recruiting)

    Alright, so unfortunately, my SCI FI game didn't garner enough interest, so I'm going to be trying something else instead : Who likes WOD? New World of Darkness & Vampire:Requiem specifically.. though really, still calling it 'new' when it's been out for almost a Decade is rather amusing...
  7. Jemal

    Jemal's Star Drift Cast

    Alright you know the drill. OOC thread
  8. Jemal

    Gaming w/Jemal : Star Drift

    For a long time now I've wanted to run/play in a certain type of sci-fi game. I've always been a fan of the 'lost in space' style of sci fi, and am looking to start up a game along those lines. This game will definitely be high-tech sci-fi, and though there are a number of systems that may fit...
  9. Jemal

    Posts per page

    Up until today threads have been showing me 30 posts per page, and then I reset some of my settings (Because apparently it just decided to start subbing me to threads again and I had to turn that off). Now, I cant get more than 20 posts per page. I tried default and it was 10, and the only...
  10. Jemal

    Jemal's Anniversary Special: Player Base

    Alright you know what to do. OOC IC
  11. Jemal

    ATTN: All Gaming with Jemal

    On January 22nd, my beautiful baby girl was born. :D She'll be heading home soon, just posting a bit of catch-ups while I have a chance tonight. Not sure yet how sleep deprived I'm going to be over the next week or few, so my posting rate may (Understandably) decline. Cheers. :D
  12. Jemal

    Gaming W/Jemal: Circle of Champions Episode 1

    The team of Savior, Redstone, Xolotl, Titan, and Sam have just won their intro match, and now finished cleaning up after their fight. The group reconvenes in the lobby to decide what to do next.
  13. Jemal

    Jemal's Anniversary Special IC

    *BANG* The slamming quiets the nearby area as the perpetrator looks around, as wide-eyed as some of the startled faces around him. Smiling apologetically, the man reaches down to help pick up the box of books he had just knocked off a table. Those around mostly turned back to their...
  14. Jemal

    User Title

    So I recently took on a silver subscription but can't seem to find where to change my user title. I know there's a lot on the plate right now, just wondering if I've overlooked it, or if that's some of the functionality we lost during the breach.
  15. Jemal

    Jemal's Anniversary Special!

    Good day to everybody! I had meant to post this earlier but the site problems have been preventing me. This month marks two auspicious occasions in my life. The first being my 30th birthday (Nov 29th), the second being the 10th anniversary of my involvement with ENWorld. I've realized that...
  16. Jemal

    Gaming W/Jemal: Planar Quest IC (Prologue)

    The Chariot of the Clouds rode across the sky, transporting the Legion on their journey. Farmers looked up, some recognizing the cart and waving at the heroic marvels racing through the sky. Marvelous indeed, for aboard that simple cart rode Braham Bahli and Gerard Hampton, the Founders of the...
  17. Jemal

    Jemal's Quest character thread

    Post'em up people! Even if they're not done, it's easier to check them all here without other posts in between.
  18. Jemal

    Gaming W/Jemal: Planar Quest! (Closed)

    Alright everybody, as mentioned in a previous thread, I'm rather fond of higher level D&D, and so I've decided to run a 3.5 game. Now, I have a few ideas of what to run, and since the high lvl crowd tends to be a bit smaller, I'm going to ask you which you'd prefer to play. Please answer the...
  19. Jemal

    High level?

    I love high level and epic d&d. Most of my memorable RL campaigns have happened at high level. One of my favorite things about it is how much it lends itself to being descriptive.. You can have some truly awesome moments. This brings us to PBP, which naturally seems to lend itself to such...
  20. Jemal

    Gaming W/Jemal: Circle of Champions (Debut Battle)

    OOC Thread Rogue's Gallery Current cast : Jonathon Lindworm Sam Corgan Xolotl the death god Redstone the crystal golem Titan the Canadian Cyclops Robot IC: "WELCOME Citizens to the Champions Arena! Tonight's match is an introductory match for two new teams. Our match for the evening will...