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Search results

  1. Bedrockgames

    King Hu Films Ranked

    Inspired by @Snarf Zagyg 's ranked threads, I wanted to rank Kung Hu movies. Not sure how many fans of King Hu we have here but I think he was an incredible director. If anyone hasn't seen him, I highly recommend checking out his films. I just watched Raining in the Mountain the other night and...
  2. Bedrockgames


    Thinking of doing a short five deadly venoms campaign, either with players actually taking on the role of the venoms or as a party taking effectively in the role of the Final Student sent to investigate the Five Venoms (would make a lot of changes in order to maintain the surprise of the...
  3. Bedrockgames

    Sect Management for Wuxia Campaigns

    One of the issues I run into in my wuxia campaigns is the management and growth of sects, especially when players become leaders of such organizations. I've tried a wide number of approaches from getting into very specific bookkeeping and tracking, to more abstract domain management-style rules...
  4. Bedrockgames

    Books as Random Tables

    I have been using random passages from books as a way to randomize in my campaigns. Wrote a bit about it HERE today. Basically anytime you need an NPC, an encounter, an adventure, you flip to a random passage and use that for inspiration.
  5. Bedrockgames

    Revisiting Old Modules

    This is a thread for running old modules and sharing about the experience. These can be old favorites, classics you've never tried before, or modules you are running purely to explore the history of the hobby. I recently started running the Book of Crypts anthology adventure for Ravenloft...
  6. Bedrockgames


    I am a putting together a target number suggestion list today (going with Easy, Challenging and Hard). As this came up in another thread, I am curious what do tiers like this mean to you. For example if something is labeled easy, how often do you expect a skilled, versus an unskilled, versus a...
  7. Bedrockgames

    D&D General How do you sandbox ?

    This is a thread for posting about how you run and prepare for sandbox games, what style GMing you bring to the table, etc. If you have experience and thoughts on sandbox campaigns, post away!
  8. Bedrockgames


    Just a general discussion for the 2E Ravenloft. Interested in knowing which versions of TSR Ravenloft people preferred (Black Box, Red Box, or Domains of Dread).
  9. Bedrockgames

    Wuxia Campaigns

    Curious how other people approach wuxia-style campaigns (regardless of system). How do you run a campaign inspired by movies and books like Come Drink with Me, Condor Heroes, House of Flying Daggers, Sword of the Third Young Master, or Bride with White Hair?
  10. Bedrockgames


    What do people have planned for Halloween?
  11. Bedrockgames


    Thought it might be cool to start a general history RPG thread. How do you approach running a game set in real world history? Any times and places you think are particularly well suited to RPG adventures? Recommended books, primary sources, breakdowns and historical atlases?
  12. Bedrockgames


    What is everyone planning for Halloween themed games?
  13. Bedrockgames


    Bruce Lee came up in another thread, and rather than derail it, I thought it would be better to start a new thread. He transcends lots of boundaries, whether you are a gamer, a martial artist, a movie enthusiast or a cultural commentator, he comes up a lot. I came to him largely by way of...
  14. Bedrockgames


    This comes from a topic in another thread where GM description came up. Some posters saw the GM's role as that of narrator, preferring a style of description that felt like prose from a novel, others preferred a more conversational approach. The first approach was more literary, placed emphasis...
  15. Bedrockgames

    Rules Light Games: Examples and Definitions

    I am working on a rules light game, and one thing I've noticed over the years is 'rules light' means different things to different people. I am curious how everyone defines ruleslight, but also interested in what other posters see as examples of very effective rules light games.
  16. Bedrockgames

    Wuxia and Horror adventure in House of Paper Shadows

    The House of Paper Shadows, a new horror adventure for Wandering Heroes of Ogre Gate is available in PDF (and will be out in print in October): HERE. Enter the House of Paper Shadows... In the southern lands of Hai'an, The House of Paper Shadows looms… Inside the walls of the House of Paper...
  17. Bedrockgames

    Ogre Gate Inn and the Strange Land of Li Fan (A Wuxia Supplement and Adventure)

    We just released Ogre Gate Inn and the Strange Land of Li Fan in PDF (the print will be out later in the year most likely), an adventure and setting supplement for Wandering Heroes of Ogre Gate. You can find it HERE. Explore a world of wuxia and the supernatural… In the strange borderlands...
  18. Bedrockgames

    Relentless Corpse Queen and her Corpse Disciples Await (Wandering Heroes of Ogre Gate)

    We just released Sects of the Martial World 2: Relentless Corpse Sect for Wandering Heroes of Ogre Gate. Relentless Corpse Queen rules her sect with an iron-fist, using an insidious venom to turn her admirers into slave-disciples. Aided by her sister and her sister's husband, she is bent on...
  19. Bedrockgames


    I've been reviewing a bunch of wuxia films on youtube. This month I did the 1967 movie The Assassin, The Blade (the 1995 remake of the One-Armed Swordsman) and Bat Without Wings (a Chor Yuen film). Compiled them into one spot here...
  20. Bedrockgames


    We are running an ongoing Wuxia campaign. Looking for a player who can make regular, every other Saturday Sessions on the North Shore.