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Search results

  1. J.Quondam

    Threads "marked as read" that I haven't read

    I just logged in this morning and noticed that quite a few threads are marked as read even though I haven't read them. Typically, after viewing the threads I'm interested in (eg, at end of my last visit for the day), I'll click the "Mark forums read" button up top on the Community page, so...
  2. J.Quondam

    Dates/timestamps on news articles?

    Columns and news items on the landing page don't appear to be timestamped within their thread OPs. That is, an article's date is visible on the News page, but if I click through, the article itself has no publication timestamp at top or bottom, afaict. It's not an issue coming to the article...
  3. J.Quondam

    [BoL] Any Barbarians of Lemuria (Mythic) players to answer questions?

    I played a couple one shots of BoL a few years ago, and really enjoyed it. I've only really started delving into the game in the last week or so, and already have some questions. Are there any people around who play and willing to give some input? Thanks! 1. BoL Forum? Is there a fairly active...
  4. J.Quondam

    Reporting suspicious new user bots

    Often when a bot joins, it has a telltale sign that violates TOS (eg, inappropriate links, logos in profile/avatar, hidden links, etc), so it's easy to flag. Yesterday, though, i noticed one join that I'm 99% certain is a bot (gut feeling, based on likely AI gen text), but it hasn't done...
  5. J.Quondam

    Total eclipse 2024 plans?

    The much-hyped 2024 total eclipse over the US is in two weeks, on April 8. Anyone making special plans to see it? Anyone living in the path bracing themselves for the onslaught of tourists?
  6. J.Quondam

    Launch of gaming news site, Rascal

    Not sure if this has been mentioned here yet, but it might be of interest to readers around here: Gaming journalists Lin Codega, Rowan Zeoli, and Chase Carter are launching a new gaming news site, Rascal. Their goal is thorough, verifiable, and ethical coverage of the TTRPG industry. From...
  7. J.Quondam

    US Copyright office asking for comment on "Artificial Intelligence and Copyright"

    Anyone interested in the legalities of AI intersection with creative industries should know the US Copyright Office is currently seeking input on the topic until October 18, 2023. Comments are posted publicly, but can be made anonymously, I believe. To submit a formal comment, here is the link...
  8. J.Quondam

    Posts from the future!

    Every now and then, I see a post that lingers at the top for a while, because it's timestamped in the future, e.g "Later today": As far as I recall, I've only ever seen these future timestamps on ENWorld columns, and only rarely. I assume this is just something wonky about the submission...
  9. J.Quondam

    How fast do you type your posts?

    ... in words per minute (WPM). For this poll, "type" means whatever your usual input mechanism (keyboard, smartphone, voice-to-text, etc); and the context is whatever mode you use specifically for ENW posts (as opposed to at work, etc, in case that's different). edit: If you don't know but...
  10. J.Quondam

    Alerts disappeared?

    My list of alerts appears to have been deleted. When I click the "bell" icon (toward the right end of the navigation bar at top of any page, between username and search), the usual "Alerts" popup appears, but it's empty except for a single notification from a couple hours ago. If I click "show...
  11. J.Quondam

    help identifying modern Russian animated film

    I've been trying to track down a movie I saw in Russia nearly 15 years ago, but I don't recall much about it. It was a modern, animated, feature-length film, dated from early- or mid-2000s. (Definitely post-Soviet era.) I don't recall much at all about the story, only that the film itself was...
  12. J.Quondam

    D&D 5E (tech question) Stat block format converter apps/scripts/macros/etc.

    (Posted in 5e because that's the edition I'm looking for tools for. But Mods, please post in another forum if more appropriate.) I'm looking for utilities to convert monster stat blocks and/or other structured text (eg magic items, spells, etc) into formats like HTML/CSS, GM Binder markdown...
  13. J.Quondam

    D&D General Creatures with speech-based attacks?

    I'm trying to recall monsters (any edition, but not setting-specific) that have vocal, non-spellcasting attacks or effects: speaking, muttering, singing, etc. I'm especially looking for ones that indicate a verbal aspect to the trait (ie, not merely noise-based effects, such as howls or...
  14. J.Quondam

    The Dark Crystal Adventure Game (a read-through review)

    Here's a review of The Dark Crystal Adventure Game based on a read-through and some minimal solo play-testing to get a feel for the mechanics. There are no explicit spoilers in here, but some discussion of game mechanics or adventure structure might be considered a 'spoiler' to a player in the...
  15. J.Quondam

    D&D General What do you do with mundane treasure details?

    Looking at random treasure tables or the hoard descriptions in adventures, you find lots of somewhat detailed descriptions of jewels, trinkets, sometimes even coins. I don't refer here to magic items or macguffins or quest items. Rather I just mean the mundane treasure which value is mainly in...
  16. J.Quondam

    D&D 5E How to run a small, shifting maze

    I'm putting together a 1st-2nd level adventure that involves a small hedgemaze that shifts around as the PCs navigate it. In previous editions, i've done mazes with varying results. In my experience, simply running a maze as-is just becomes a tedious mapping exercise. So I'd like run it...
  17. J.Quondam

    Dark Crystal RPG on the way!

    Has this already been covered here? Looks like the Dark Crystal Adventure Game is finally ready to go, and open for pre-orders! It's coming on Dec 31 for $44.99. https://www.geeknative.com/134758/the-dark-crystal-rpg-opens-for-pre-orders/ It's being released by River Horse, and will be in a...
  18. J.Quondam

    D&D 5E Using & running illusory traps

    Looking for advice on how to run an illusory trap in D&D 5e. The particular situation* is an illusory rolling boulder trap that triggers when PCs enter a long hallway. The "boulder" chases the affected PCs into a real pit trap just before a room at the far end of the corridor. (1) How would you...
  19. J.Quondam

    D&D General Races/creatures with six fingers?

    Looking for races (or humanoid-ish creatures) with six fingers on a hand; or more specifically, five fingers and a thumb. Yes, I could google, but that's too easy. ☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️(y)
  20. J.Quondam

    D&D General Origin of... the quipper?

    Does anyone know any backstory behind the lowly quipper? For no particular reason, I got to thinking about this a few days ago. I've heard lots of interesting history about other more iconic D&D monsters, but not this one. I had always assumed it was a real fish, but after a brief bout of...