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  1. Asisreo

    D&D 5E Why I think gold should have less uses in 5e, not more.

    To keep the post brief, I think gold should be used as an exchange of intangible experiences in a game rather than mechanical benefits like trading it in for magic items or XP. The reason is that when players realize they can expend gold for concrete buffs to their character, they will hoard...
  2. Asisreo

    D&D (2024) Ranged nerf by buffing Prone condition.

    I think we understand that the general consensus is that ranged is superior than melee for all except damage that is guaranteed to land. But when distances larger than 30ft are involved, ranged tends to be superior. While there are many downsides to ranged options, feats tend to cover those...
  3. Asisreo

    D&D (2024) Symmetric Balance vs Asymmetric Balance.

    With comparisons to AC, HP, and DPR between builds being a fairly high source of contention when talking about balance, I feel like the community is split between what they want from Asymmetric Balance vs Symmetric Balance. Edit: Fingers slipped to upload prematurely. Asymmetric Balance is...
  4. Asisreo

    D&D (2024) Can we have a discussion about the assumptions we make in terms of balance?

    When we analyze classes and compare them to one another, we often make assumptions because we can't mathematically model everything to the minute detail. For small, isolated features, I think there's potential for sloppy assumptions, but when we make sweeping generalizations based on multiple...
  5. Asisreo

    D&D 5E Tedium for balance. Should we balance powerful effects with bookkeeping?

    Do you think a tedious amount of bookkeeping, even if the tedium is light, is a valid way to balance effects? For example, if an effect could revive the dead, but only after at least 30 full moons has passed since the last usage otherwise it destroys itself, would this be a bad way of...
  6. Asisreo

    D&D 5E Do you let PC's just *break* objects?

    Imagine this: A player looks at an object of indescript material, location, and size. The player decides they want to break the object. Do you let them do so? And how do you do it? What is the limit? Does it depend on context or as long as the object doesn't say its unbreakable, they can...
  7. Asisreo

    D&D 5E What houserules do we assume is common in the community?

    There are some popular houserules, like handwaving Ammo and carrying capacity, that the D&D community kinda assumes is common enough that if you were to walk into a random table, you could expect not to run the rules RAW. What are those houserules and what do you think about the idea of...
  8. Asisreo

    D&D 5E High-level wizard taking about an hour to change one spell?

    So, I was reading the PHB's wizard class thinking about what I would like to adjust, but then I re-read a paragraph I admittedly barely read over the first time. I'm sure many of you read this as "1 minute per spell level for each new spell on your list." But that isn't what it says. It seems...
  9. Asisreo

    D&D 5E Is Kratos a good representative of a high-level martial?

    I've been playing GOW (2018) and GOW:Ragnarok. Both fantastic games but as I was playing them, I wondered if Kratos was enough of a fantasy for those who want "powerful high-level martials." He's a god, but he also feels fairly grounded. He'd fit perfectly with the Barbarian fantasy and while...
  10. Asisreo

    D&D 5E Thoughts on a DM ruling for Beastmaster Ranger

    A DM I am playing with had ruled that once a beastmaster's companion dies, they can allow any beast that isn't hostile to be my new companion regardless of size or CR. Their thoughts is that since they can essentially control what's "hostile" that it won't be in the realm of unbalanced. I'm...
  11. Asisreo

    D&D 5E Perfect spell designs

    I think there are a few spells in the PHB that are absolutely perfectly designed, in my opinion. I'm curious if there are others some would like to share and elaborate why they're so great. The spells don't have to be the most powerful, in fact, broken spells are often thought of as poorly...
  12. Asisreo

    D&D 5E Caution in Too Much Fun

    I would like to start a thread discussion about the dangers of "too much fun." But how can someone have "too much fun?" Especially when "fun" is the primary goal of the game? I think people make a point of macimizing/optimizing fun for both themselves and other players/DMs in the game. While a...
  13. Asisreo

    D&D 5E How Darkness helps the dungeon crawl experience immensely.

    Light is often forgotten when playing D&D typically. It may be because a lot of mainstream adventure types are done outside during daytime hours, making light a non-factor. This can be relieving for both the party and DM since this means they don't have to track more variables to the game's...
  14. Asisreo

    D&D 5E Charisma to prevent giving out info during interrogation?

    How does it sound to use Charisma to prevent giving out information during an interrogation/torture sequence involving the characters as the subject of torture? Most players would simply refuse to give information because they don't feel the pressure of giving the information out without death...
  15. Asisreo

    Let's Talk Player Tactics

    While not all TTRPGs are combat-focused and not all have the exact same mechanics for combat or wars, there are usually tactics that are universal/system-agnostic which can be the difference between success or failure in a fight. I would like to discuss such tactics. What are your favorite...
  16. Asisreo

    D&D 5E Truly Understanding the Martials & Casters discussion (+)

    The point of this thread is to get into the meat-and-potatoes of the ongoing discussion about martials and casters. By now, it's been 8 years since WoTC released 5e, and the debate has built up more and more over the years. It's been covered almost exhaustively and there are even threads...
  17. Asisreo

    D&D 5E Super Deadly RAW level 20 fight

    I was thinking of hosting a level 20 "oneshot" combat here in this forum to see how far I can stretch the limits of what a fair and honest RAW combat is and what a DM can do to challenge players in it. Rules Now, what I mean by "fair and honest" is that I, the creator of the combat scene, will...
  18. Asisreo

    D&D General Times You've Wanted to Kill Your Players

    You read the title right, friends. This isn't for the squeamish! This is a place to post your stories where you, no matter the reason, you wanted to kill the person behind the character. Unleash your murderous rage upon the thread! I'll start, as an example: For new players, I like to go...
  19. Asisreo

    D&D 5E Demon Showcase #1: Jack Frost

    Intro Welcome to the De-Hee-mon showcase, ho! This series will be a showcase of homebrew monsters designed after the demons of the Japanese Role-playing Videogame Shin Megami Tensei. Despite the name "Demon," these creatures come from various mythologies and religions that are still worshipped...
  20. Asisreo

    D&D 5E Monks and Magic Items.

    I've seen complaints about Monks and magic items. Specifically that the inclusion of magic items either (a)nullify the monk's ki-empowered Strike abilities or (b)there aren't dedicated magic items for the monk or (c)magic items don't increase monk's DPR compared to other martials. I disagree...