• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. Weiley31

    13th Age 2E update!

    Well, I just got an email today about the start of the Kickstarter for 13th Age 2E. Looks like the date is set for May 7th and it'll be in two books according to the email. Completely forgot about the Playtest packets I emailed for last year ago...
  2. Weiley31

    D&D 5E Phandalin and Below: The Shattered Obelisk Alt Cover!!

    Well then, I've been wondering what this was gonna look like. https://www.gamenerdz.com/dungeons-dragons-5e-rpg-phandelver-and-below-the-shattered-obelisk-alternate-cover-preorder
  3. Weiley31

    D&D 5E Tales of the Valiant KS has Begun!!!

    Well, that didn't take long at all. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/deepmagic/tales-of-the-valiant-rpg-launching-black-flag-roleplaying/description
  4. Weiley31

    D&D 5E WoTC, The Aftermath and The Pinkerton!!

    Well, since we DID get MtG crossover books in 5E and Plane Shift articles starting off the whole crossovers, this fits as some crazy bit of news happened involving March of the Machines: Aftermath set and............................THE PINKERTON...
  5. Weiley31

    D&D 5E Nations and Cannons: The American Crisis for DND 5E

    Remember the American Revolution? Well now its back, in Pog Fo-cough cough-I mean NOW for(upcoming) in 5E...
  6. Weiley31

    D&D 5E New DMG Deep Dive!

    This just popped up a few mins ago on my end. A talk/discussion bout the new Dungeon Master's Guide for the 5E revision coming next year. Main goal seems to be making 5E easier to run.
  7. Weiley31

    D&D 5E Meet the Japanese Iconic D&D Party!

    The Japanese language release of D&D 5E is happening this year, and WotC has created a new 'iconic' pregenerated adventuring party, illustrated by Chomoran, as part of the launch. The party consists of: Cal Skiprock, lightfoot halfling rogue Lafail, half-elf cleric of Selune Atria Dawnguard...
  8. Weiley31

    D&D 5E Honor Among Thieves Character Stats

    D&D Beyond has published the official game statistics for various characters from the upcoming D&D: Honor Among Thieves movie. The collection includes stats for Doric, Edgin Darvis, Forge Fitzwilliam, Holga Kilgore, Simon Aumar, Sofina, and Xenk Yendar...
  9. Weiley31

    D&D 5E WoTC introduces: The Battle Pass!

    Wait.......what? :rolleyes: Looks like they weren't kidding about not monetizing it enough before in the past. https://the-only-edition.com/wizards-of-the-coast-unveils-new-dd-battle-pass-monetization/
  10. Weiley31

    D&D (2024) Friendly Reminder: Today is the start of the Survey for OneD&D

    You pretty much have until the 15th of this month. I wonder if the next playtest packet will get dropped into our laps on that day.
  11. Weiley31

    Spelljammer How to DESTROY Spelljammers

    How's everybody enjoying your copy of Spelljammer: Adventures in Space? Hopefully it's been a great time! I can't wait to get my copy tomorrow. But, there is a disturbance in the -copyrighted Mystical force/schwarz thingie- to the point where there have been some lament. On what exactly...
  12. Weiley31

    D&D 5E Eberron: Spelljamming

    https://keith-baker.com/dm-eberron-spelljammer/ Keith Baker has just put out a very awesome blog post describing the nature of Spelljammer in Eberron. And a lot of the stuff on there is extremely cool. Also, Eberron's wildespace system is known as, wait for it....................... Siberspace...
  13. Weiley31

    D&D 5E Damage Die Steps

    So, I wanted to play with the idea of PCs being able to increase the Damage Die of a weapon by one or two steps. Now going by 5E weapon damage die logic, I pretty much get it. (I think) However, my question comes in regard to what happens when a Weapon is 1D12. Now, in theory that should go up...
  14. Weiley31

    D&D 5E Cubicle 7 Presents: Vault 5E-Unchartered Journeys

    Remember Adventures in Middle-Earth 5E by the very talented people at Cubicle 7? Everybody LOVED what they did and if there was a thing that has been hailed by many as the best thing since sliced bread and 5E, it was their Journey subsystem. The Exploration Pillar of Dungeon's and Dragon's was...
  15. Weiley31

    13th Age: Drakenhall-City of Monsters Pre-Orders!!!

    Wait what!?!?!?! A new 13th Age product??? 0_0 I maybe a bit out of the loop when it comes to 13th Age, but as far as I know, we haven't had a new product for this TTRPG line in like what, quite some time? Discovered this was on pre-order via GameNerdz.com and stumbled upon the pre-order page...
  16. Weiley31

    D&D 5E Large and Tiny Races for 5E

    Well, upon looking at the Flee Monsters kickstarter by MCDM, I decided to check out their main website to reread about the Beastheart class and didn't realize a whole lotta Arcadia issues for 2022 were present. Lo and behold my surprise, when I saw, March's issue, which has two big character...
  17. Weiley31

    D&D 4E 4E: Recommended Books

    Well, I came this close to asking what were considered the most "essential" books to have/own of the 4E line. (Until I realized at mid point of writing, that Essentials was a whole different kettle of fish in regard to 4E.) I have been interested in checking out various "older" editions of DND...
  18. Weiley31

    D&D 5E Looks like a nice Dice Kickstarter!

    Like awesome cool looking dice? Yeah, I do too and I'm totally digging the NES like cartridges that can hold em. https://1up-dice-entry-page.kickoffpages.com?kid=23C256
  19. Weiley31

    D&D 5E Elden Ring One-shot: Oh Ye of Little Faith

    Matt Mercer and the fine folk of Critical Role Presents: The Elden Ring One-Shot.
  20. Weiley31

    Mod Help: Board Rule Clarification

    I have a question and I'm not sure so here I am: In a recent post, the one about "Whats the Big Deal about Psionics" I had a post made where I gave an opinion/observation about a method in which I saw a 3PP did their take on it. Now it was a Kickstarter and I was a backer. So yesterday, all of...