• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. A

    Need help with a trial based on the seven deadly sins.

    Hey there guys, I am currently planning a session in which my party enter through a hell gate and find themselves faced with seven trials based on the deadly sins(pride, greed,lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth) the idea is that the sin must be resisted to pass and each room will have a...
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    D&D 5E Dark sun Times of change

    It is midday the Blistering red sun blazes down on the streets of Tyr oddly enough this is the safest time to travel the streets as non of the warring factions want to be scrapping in the sun. You cross the bazaar merchants barking there trade undaunted by the heat hiding in the shade of their...
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    D&D 5E Dark Sun Times of change.

    It is midday the Blistering red sun blazes down on the streets of Tyr oddly enough this is the safest time to travel the streets as non of the warring factions want to be scrapping in the sun. You cross the bazaar merchants barking there trade undaunted by the heat hiding in the shade of their...
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    Darksun: Times of Change RG

    Its finally here post your characters below.
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    D&D 5E Darksun times of change[Oc]closed]

    So ill be going on holiday soon and my youngest still has 3hoursish of napping during the day meaning 3hours dead time. So I was thinking of working on a DS conversion for 5e, doing so is no good without players so would anyone be interested. At its basis it would be a gritty survival based...
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    Dark Fairytale IC

    Standing in the familiar training hall of the academy, Its cold stone floor covered with years of blood sweat and tears and the large stained glass window in the roof, your instructor said that by the time you finished your time here you would know exactly how many shards of glass made up the...
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    Dark Fairytale RG

    Post your characters and their stories here feel free to add images or such as you wish.
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    D&D 5E Dark Fairytale OOC [Closed]

    Damn that title was a mouthful. So basically I was cultivating this game to play with my Irl group but between moves,dogs,kids and jobs we just cant seem to make it work at the moment. So here I am with half a story waiting to be told. Well enough gum flapping down to the real stuff. The game...
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    D&D 5E Help me choose my next class

    So I'm in the process of making a new PC(wooo all you guys that mostly dm know how I feel right now). I'm wanting to play a Gish. I just can't choose which that's why I'm here sell it to me. Only requirements is the class uses both blades and spells and you have some actual experience with what...
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    [IC] The Odd Job

    OOC RG The Cast Faindil Drow Undying Light Warlock Jago Aloysius Human Revenant Wizarard The Grassy Gnoll Hrgach Hobgoblin Eldritch Knight KahlessNestor Asha Fallen Aasimar Shadow Sorcerer VLAD the Destroyer "Rent due, wife ill, can't afford your protection money? Have I got an offer...
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    Tapatalk not syncing pm's.

    So as the title says tapatalk is refusing to sync my pm's. I get nothing as soon as I open the pm tab I just get the processing circle spinning round in endless cycle. Anyone else suffering.or have a clue on a fix?
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    D&D 5E The Odd Job RG

    Post your characters here :P
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    D&D 5E The odd job[Ooc]

    "Rent due, wife ill, can't afford your protection money? Have I got an offer for you!" The merchant barked as he stood up from his table, the dim light in the bar catching on the gold chain round his neck, as his velvet cloak began to settle around the stool. There is a hubbub around the tavern...
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    Wepon alterations

    So weapons in 5e well in most editions of dnd bug me with how it boils down to heavy/finesse 1/2h and a damage dice which makes some Superior to others by long and away so my aim is to add some balance and distinction between weapon groupings. Just thought i would get some feedback before i...
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    D&D 5E How Murder Hobo is Your Party

    So on a scale of 1 to 10 1 being pacifists 10 being unhinged psychotic serial killers where do your pcs or party fit. Mine are a solid 10 violence is there first and only resort. Standard scenarios include Torturing for information, arguing over who gets to kill the surrendered npc etc. I am...
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    Converting Energy Drain for 5e

    So im in the process of converting a vamperic ilithid(Lords of madness P160) from 3.5 to 5e now most of it is fairly straight forward however i am utterly stumped by its energy drain ability which bestow 2negative levels and increase the ilithids HP. I am unaware of negative levels in 5e would i...
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    D&D 5E Sensing a rift growing between players

    So in my last session there was a slight issue between my group, pretty much the entire group minus one person. The party had just found them selves a mech one person jumped in it had a fiddle and hopped out then another person jumped into it promptly shot a fire ball at a wall blowing up the...
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    D&D 5E Those crazy moments

    Ok so i just had to share this last night in our game session we where sent to go explore some caves in the mountain as reports of something strange had been filtering in we got there lots of people where running round carrying meat into some large cages we immediately thought dragons our thief...
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    D&D 5E Beast Master,multiattack and Beastial fury

    So i have been googling the subject at hand and well now my head hurts more than when i tried to catch up on the MGS story before playing phantom pain. So this tweet here suggests http://www.sageadvice.eu/2015/01/08/rangers-badger-multi-attack/ that you can make your companion multiattack but...
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    D&D 5E So what happens when a non Drow attempts to become a dryder?

    Odd question i know but i have a party of 3(cleric sorcerer and fighter) one dwarf one dragonborn and one eladrin they have gotten them selves into the position where they may end up being dryders. Im fluffing the event as a small spider that will attempt burrow under their skin and start the...