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  1. M.T. Black

    D&D General Monster Threat Profile - need a better name than striker

    I'm working on an article that discusses the interplay between offensive capability (damage) and defensive capability (AC/hit points). I'm calling this a creatures "threat profile" though I'm happy to hear alternative suggestions. I've created a quadrant graph and I'd really like a better name...
  2. M.T. Black

    Dragon Reflections #76

    Dragon Publishing released Dragon #76 in August 1983. It is 100 pages long and has a cover price of $3.00. In this issue, we have the ecology of the beholder, more on the Nine Hells, and the Dragon magazine index! This month's special attraction is the Dragon magazine index, which lists every...
  3. M.T. Black

    Dragon Reflections #75

    Dragon Publishing released Dragon #75 in July 1983. It is 100 pages long and has a cover price of $3.00. In this issue, we have the ecology of the mimic, logical language lessons, and an introduction to the Nine Hells! This month's special attraction is "Can Seapoint Be Saved?" by Bob...
  4. M.T. Black

    RPG Play Style Model (Cinematic, Tactical, etc)

    When Matt Colville announced he was creating a fantasy RPG that was "cinematic" and "tactical," I immediately wondered what a "non-cinematic" and "non-tactical" RPG would look like. I've been playing around with a four quadrant graph to try and model this sort of play style, and here's what I've...
  5. M.T. Black

    D&D General What's your best D&D tip (50 words or less)

    "When a player rolls a death saving throw, ask them to share a flashback from their character's life." In my opinion, this is an ideal D&D tip. It is less than 50 words, is easily actionable, and will almost certainly improve your game. What's your best short D&D tip/hack? (Note that I...
  6. M.T. Black

    D&D General Minion Battles are Fun Battles

    Last night, my level 2 #dnd party faced a horde of 30 skeletal minions. A skeletal minion in my world is just like a regular #dnd skeleton, except it has AC 12 and 1 hit point. Throwing your party up against a horde of minions is a really fun encounter pattern. The enemies basically disintegrate...
  7. M.T. Black

    Dragon Reflections #74

    Dragon Publishing released Dragon #74 in June 1983. It is 87 pages long and has a cover price of $3.00. In this issue, we have seven swords, the bulette, and the famous combat computer! In the editorial, Kim Mohan notes that this is Dragon Magazine's seventh anniversary. He welcomes Mary...
  8. M.T. Black

    D&D General 7 Golden Rules of Dungeon Master Etiquette

    I asked social media for real-life examples of "bad" DM etiquette and got about a hundred responses. I've taken that information and devised 7 golden rules of DM etiquette: Be Consistent: Apply the rules consistently. Be clear about whether you're using official rules or house rules, and ensure...
  9. M.T. Black

    D&D General Styles of D&D Play

    People sometimes claim that Dungeons & Dragons only supports a narrow range of play styles, but that is not my experience. I've seen the D&D rules used to support a variety of games, and as a DM, you should comprehend this versatility and use it to your advantage. Along the way, you should...
  10. M.T. Black

    TSR The Dreams in Gary's Basement

    Some years ago, there was a documentary about D&D crowdfunded called "The Dreams in Gary's Basement." After many delays, it was finally released this year. I did not back the original project, but I've been eagerly awaiting its wider release, but there has been no sign of it. I've even attempted...
  11. M.T. Black

    D&D 5E Do we need a Fifth Edition Revival (5ER)?

    Ben Riggs, a D&D historian, caused quite a stir this week when he pronounced The Golden Age of TTRPGs is Dead. Riggs describes the 2010s as a booming period for tabletop role-playing games, marked by a massive influx of new players and innovative game design, primarily fueled by the success of...
  12. M.T. Black

    D&D General 100 Amazing Links for Dungeon Masters

    Every week, I email out a list of ten cool D&D-related links, mostly aimed at helping Dungeon Masters improve their game. Here is a compilation of lists #91 through #100, containing 100 links in total. There is a heroes feast of great material here. You can find lots of other link compilations...
  13. M.T. Black

    Dragon Reflections #73

    Dragon Publishing released Dragon #73 in May 1983. It is 100 pages long and has a cover price of $3.00. In this issue, we have half-ogres, non-violent magic items, and the inner planes! This month's Special Attraction is an AD&D adventure called "Forest of Doom," which was written by Scott...
  14. M.T. Black

    D&D General 100 Cool D&D Links

    Each week, I send out ten cool D&D links to my newsletter subscribers. Here are 100 links I recently sent. There is all sorts of great advice here - read and enjoy! In 7 Ways to Hack Your Creativity, Scroll for Initiative shares a bunch of techniques to get your imaginative tap unclogged. I...
  15. M.T. Black

    D&D General Carousing Rules

    I've just started a new campaign, and my players told me they wanted leveling up to feel a bit more significant (we use milestone leveling). We came up with three rules. In order to level up after an adventure, the characters must: Return to their home base (the city of Iskandar) Undergo...
  16. M.T. Black

    Dragon Reflections #72

    Dragon Publishing released Dragon #72 in April 1983. It is 84 pages long and has a cover price of $3.00. In this issue, we have cavaliers, barbarians, and Questworld! This month's Special Attraction is a new board game by Tom Wham. In "FILE 13," players enter the world of game publishing...
  17. M.T. Black

    Dragon Reflections #71

    Dragon Publishing released Dragon #71 in March 1983. It is 84 pages long and has a cover price of $3.00. In this issue, we have intelligent monsters, quasi-deities, and a new Boot Hill adventure! This month's Special Attraction is "The Taming of Brimstone," a Boot Hill scenario about a wild...
  18. M.T. Black

    The Strategic Review #6

    TSR published The Strategic Review #6 in February 1976. It is 16 pages long and has a cover price of 75 cents. "In The Cauldron" by Tim Kask summarises the various goings-on at TSR. The company is moving the shop to a new location called "The Dungeon," and all are invited to the new premises...
  19. M.T. Black

    D&D General DALL·E 3 does amazing D&D art

    I've been following along the developments in AI-powered art with interest (though I wouldn't use such art for a commercial product). Bing has recently integrated DALL-E 3 into its image creator, so I did some experimenting to recreate images resembling the covers of the 5E PHB and DMG. The...
  20. M.T. Black

    The World War Weird Hack

    Last night, we did the first playtest of my WWII game based on the Black Hack. It was a lot of fun and I didn't hit too many corner cases. I'm running five sessions of this next week at PAX and I'm inclined to release it as a set of quick start rules on DTRPG later on in the year.