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Search results

  1. jayoungr

    D&D General Anyone Know an Adventure that Features an Eclipse?

    I've had a request to do a suprise game for a player's birthday, which coincides with the upcoming solar eclipse. Does anyone know of any published adventures featuring an eclipse? If not, I can try to come up with something on my own, but I thought I'd see if there's something out there I can...
  2. jayoungr

    D&D 5E How game-breaking is it if GW Fighting Style applies to smites?

    I've got a paladin in my game who took Great Weapon Master the Great Weapon fighting style and wanted to know whether the damage bonus applies to smites. Apparently, there are conflicting rulings about it online. I tend to think that a strict reading of the feature implies that it applies to...
  3. jayoungr

    Free Games on Demand Online Con February 16-18

    Everyone needs something to look forward to in February, right? Halfway around the calendar from GenCon itself, lousy weather... everyone needs a boost. So Games on Demand Online is running Winter Games on February 16-18. Totally free! No registration lines, no hotel and travel costs, no...
  4. jayoungr

    D&D General What Does an Archfey Want?

    (The game is 5E, but since this is a story related question, I'm using the "D&D General" tag.) A couple of PCs in my game have sworn service to an archfey known as the Queen of the Dark River. She looks like a reverse freshwater version of Blipdoolpoolp, having the body of an enormous pure...
  5. jayoungr

    Kickstarter Help "Accessible Gaming Quarterly" Reach Its Kickstarter Goal

    This was brought to my attention by a friend who is a disabled gamer. Accessible Gaming Quarterly is in the midst of a Kickstarter to fund its fourth year of publication. They have only four days left in the campaign and still need over $1,000 to reach their (modest) funding goal. I'm...
  6. jayoungr

    Games On Demand Winter Games Online, Feburary 24-26

    Everyone needs something to look forward to in February, right? Halfway around the calendar from GenCon itself, lousy weather... everyone needs a boost. So Games on Demand Online is running Winter Games on Feb. 24-26. Totally free! No registration lines, no hotel and travel costs, no worries...
  7. jayoungr

    Where to post a con announcement?

    Which forum should I use to post information about an upcoming online con?
  8. jayoungr

    Games on Demand Online Con, August 19-21

    Hi, folks! Games on Demand Online is running a small online con this weekend. (Not sure whether this is the right forum, but this seemed like the closest match.) If there’s anything you want to register for, here’s the Warhorn link...
  9. jayoungr

    Carnival Row Season 2 and an Odd Kickstarter (What's Up With This?)

    I've been patiently waiting for season 2 of Carnival Row to come out for a long time now. Best guess at this point is January 2023 for a release date, and this is mostly based on the fact that Amazon has announced a tie-in graphic novel that is due to come out at that time. But I just found...
  10. jayoungr

    D&D General Roleplaying Powerful Beings versus Smart-Aleck PCs

    The PCs have come into the presence of some being of great power--good, evil, or neutral, anything from a local noble to an actual deity. It's a serious situation where, realistically, there would be severe consequences for inappropriate behavior. But players are players, and they're going to...
  11. jayoungr

    D&D 5E Enhancing "The Wild Beyond the Witchlight"

    This thread is intended to be a resource for DMs who want to run The Wild Beyond the Witchlight. Feel free to post your questions, experiences, and ideas for tweaking the adventure here!
  12. jayoungr

    D&D 5E Out of the Abyss versus Descent into Avernus - Which One to Run?

    My group has expressed interest in these two adventures, but I'm not sure which one would be a better fit for them. I'm planning to look through both, but I'd also like to get the perspective of others who have run, played, or at least thoroughly read them. So, what are people's thoughts on...
  13. jayoungr

    D&D 5E Rogue's Cunning Action to Hide: In Combat??

    I was startled to have a rules argument tonight with a group that I've been playing with since the start of 5E. For context, we were in the lair of Xipe, the oni, in Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan. Three of the party were in melee with the oni, while two others (human warlock and halfling rogue)...
  14. jayoungr

    D&D 5E Opportunity Attack around a Corner: Yes or No?

    Rules question for you folks. This is something my players and I have butted heads on, and I want to know if I'm in the minority on this (and if I am, then I'm prepared to adjust gracefully). In the picture below, if the orc takes the path marked in blue, does Grimmwald get an opportunity...
  15. jayoungr

    D&D 5E Secret Doors

    I'm running an adventure with a lot of secret doors right now, and I'm struggling with how to keep them from becoming monotonous on the one hand or trivial on the other. I don't want to slow down the game while the players go over every inch of wall, but just allowing the characters with high...
  16. jayoungr

    D&D General How do you handle doubling of classes?

    I'm just curious how other people handle the idea of having, or potentially having, multiple PCs of the same class in a party: two fighters, two sorcerers, etc. Do you ban, or at least discourage, it? Do you find that players are likely to back down and pick something else if someone else...
  17. jayoungr

    D&D 5E Enhancing "Candlekeep Mysteries"

    I don't know whether we'll need a thread for this collection of short adventures, but just in case we do, here it is. Any thoughts, plans, speculation, or tips about running these adventures? Anyone going to try stringing them together as a campaign? Post away!
  18. jayoungr

    D&D 1E [Trying Again] B3, or how to deal with an unstructured module

    I'm thinking of running the original orange-cover version of this adventure ("Palace of the Silver Princess") for my players soon as a one-shot. Some of them have played since the 1E era, and I can almost guarantee this is an adventure they didn't play back in the day (though they may have gone...
  19. jayoungr

    D&D 5E CoS: Running Strahd without relying on Charm

    My group is about to face Strahd in Curse of Strahd. They have the Sunsword and the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind. Their designated meeting place is the Overlook. Ireena is with the group and being played as a PC. It's a large group (8 PCs). I am planning to use this souped-up version of Strahd...
  20. jayoungr

    D&D 5E How Would You Run This? (Multiple Saves)

    A question for DMs. Say you're running a published adventure, and it contains a situation something like this: the PCs are crossing a precarious rope bridge across a chasm, and something or other shakes it, trying to make them fall off. The adventure text says that each PC has to make a DC 10...