• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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    D&D (2024) Where are the real previews?

    So. The last we heard, the game will still be in the design phase up until May. So when can we expect the first real previews? Are there any conventions in mid May or early June, where rules previews might be shown? I am really starved for content. I would also not mind a last playtest for...
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    D&D (2024) People on this forum are creating confusion. Not WotC.

    So. I said it how it is. I am still surprised how many clear statements from WotC are needed to actually get the message out. Maybe they should just stop trying to cater to those that willfully disrupt the communication. 4e was harmed by a few people spreading anecdotes and rumors. I am...
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    D&D (2024) Bard brainstorm

    Even if the bard was already in one playtest, we can still speak about them. I think to keep the games compatible, the bard should have both arcane and primal spells from divination, enchantment, transmutation, and illusion schools.
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    D&D (2024) Where is the new OneD&D playtest?

    So. Now that the OGL issue is mostly out of the way, where is the rest of the priest playtest. I would not mind the warrior or the mage playtest either.
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    D&D (2024) Armor training

    I think it is time to revaluate armor training. Only having 3 categories of light, medium and heavy is too restricting. I think we should also add simple and martial armors. Simple might be light up to leather, medium up to chain shirt and heavy up to chain mail. This way, classes could...
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    D&D 5E Designers do care!

    Thank you @Treantmonklvl20
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    D&D (2024) Please focus on concept, not numbers.

    As seen in other threads, people are complaining, that something is weak, because it only does X damage instead of Y. My general advice from 10 years of reading UA and even playtesting: It is much more important to check if the concept is sound, if abilities work well with each other (bonus...
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    D&D (2024) Spell books

    I want arcane tricksters and eldritch knights to have a spellbook. I would not mind bards having a spellbook too. I love spell books. It was always a cool thing to find spellbooks back in 2nd edition. I want them back.
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    D&D (2024) (+) Reviving Ideas from DnDnext

    As DnD 5.5 or 6E is approaching, I'd like to ask you if there are ideas from the 5e playtest you want to see revived. I for my parts mentioned elsewhere that I was really fond of Themes. The Idea of different classes somehow sharing a resource and way of fighting seemed very appealing to me.
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    D&D (2024) Casting time of 1 round.

    When we look at the spell list, casting times of 1 round are absent. In 3.x especially summon spells used that casting time. In 5.0 we have 1 action summon spells (in my opinion a bit overpowered) and 1 minute casting time (in my opinion a bit underpowered). What would be the advantage if...
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    Level Up (A5E) Synergy between thirsting blade and eldritch scythe.

    At level 5, can you really attack 3 times per round if you have both, eldritch scythe and thirsting blade?
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    Level Up (A5E) Herald and school of magic

    How are you supposed to actually find the spells you can add to your list of spells? I can find no table or something that helps you find them.
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    D&D 5E Spell focus needs an errated rule

    The alchemist artificer and now the spirit bard gets an ability that has no usage: adding a d6 to healing spells cast through a certain focus (except for the 5th level regenerate spell). So someon should twitter J. Crawford and tell him to write a sentence somewhere in the rules that you are...
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    D&D 5E Tenser's transformation and armor.

    When I read tenser's transformation, I noticed that you gain proficiency in heavy armor... it takes ten minutes to don heavy armor... just as long as the spell's duration. Doffing is easily with the new cast-off armor... but how are you supposed to use it. You also can't pre-don armor because if...
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    D&D 5E 40k at extra life raised

    And suddenly 3 tresholds broken at once... Now things get interesting: A subclass preview and the table of contents will hopefully be up before the weekend.
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    Unearthed Arcana WotC's Mearls Presents A New XP System For 5E In August's Unearthed Arcana

    I think my thread should be closed. So I repeat myself here: Streamlined and probably very useful. I think level 1 and 2 should get an accelerator. Should be considered tier 0 probably.
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    Unearthed Arcana Unearthed arcana "pillar experience" is up

    That is streamlined and probably very useful.
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    D&D 5E More granular skills and proficiencies

    The racial and skill feats made me thinking once again about more granular feats and proficiencies. Idea: double proficiency If you are chosing a background that gives you proficiency in a skill you already chose from your class or race, once you can forfeit chosing a different skill and...
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    D&D 5E Cave fisher. VgtM

    I have a question about the filament. Maybe someone can help me. Is the attachment automatic? Or how exactly does the attachment work. I can't really make sense of it. I miss a dexterity safe for the filament extension and a perception DC to stumble upon it in the dark...
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    Product page for Volo's Guide to Monsters updated

    Oh that is a nice preface.