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Search results

  1. CharlesRyan

    Kids and Pit Traps

    Reading the thread on getting kids into the game, and then the thread honoring pit traps, has really brought to mind one of the great pleasures of playing with kids: Everything is new again. Long-time players have seen it all. Even if they want it, even starting a new 1st-level campaign with...
  2. CharlesRyan

    Top 10 reasons every gamer should live in England

    Living in the UK for four years was a great experience as a gamer--not just because of the many terrific friends I met and gamed with while I was there, but also because of all the cool stuff that so informs the imaginary worlds we inhabit: castles, walled cities, cathedrals, Roman ruins...
  3. CharlesRyan

    Getting those campaign details out of your head and into your players'

    Your campaign world is filled with exotic lands, well-developed societies, massive cities, factions and nations and allies and foes, and a veritable army of NPCs. All living happily in your imagination or a notebook full of notes. Problem is, how do you transfer all that detail and life and...
  4. CharlesRyan

    The Power to Do Anything!

    Your back's against the wall. The dragon's pushing the party toward a TPK. You're up next in initiative: What are you going to do to save your bacon? You start shuffling through those power cards, looking for just the right option--but your at-wills aren't going to cut it and you've already...
  5. CharlesRyan

    Yet another skill challenge system

    Hi, all-- I love the concept of the skill challenge, but not a single iteration of the execution--either WotC's revisions or alternatives like Obsidian--have worked for me. None capture the tension, drama, and uncertainty of outcome you get from a combat encounter. None challenge the players to...
  6. CharlesRyan

    Charles Ryan leaving D&D (again!)

    Well, not the game itself, but in a professional capacity. My tenure with Esdevium Games has come to an end, and with it my time as the voice of D&D, WFRP, and many other terrific games here in the UK. I've really come to love the great community of gamers here in the UK, and I'm sad to be...
  7. CharlesRyan

    In case you didn't know: The WotC community is FREE

    Hi, all-- I've stumbled upon the rumour, in one or two places, that you can't use the WotC community features unless you're a paid DDI subscriber. This is NOT TRUE. The forums are free and open to the public just as they've always been. And all the new community features are also free and open...
  8. CharlesRyan

    WWDDGD in the UK--WotC's Chris Youngs at Fanboy 3!

    Hi, all-- WotC and Fanboy 3 in Manchester are pleased to announce that FB3 will be the UK headquarters site for the 19 September WWDDGD event. Joining us at FB3, straight from WotC in Seattle, is DDI Editor-in-Chief Chris Youngs. Fanboy 3 are planning an entire weekend around WWDDGD, with...
  9. CharlesRyan

    UK Gamers: WWDDGD is 19 September!

    Worldwide Dungeons & Dragons Game Day Dungeon Master's Guide 2: 19 September 2009 Hi, everybody-- The third of three Worldwide D&D Game Day events for 2009 is coming up, on 19 September. As with past WWDDGDs, this event will be a celebration of the world's most popular RPG, complete with great...
  10. CharlesRyan

    Where's GamingReport.com?

    Anybody tried visiting GamingReport.com in the last 24 hours? I'm getting redirected to Comics Buyers Guide. . . .
  11. CharlesRyan

    Millennium's End and Psychosis on DriveThruRPG!

    Hello, all-- Many of you know me principally through my association with D&D, but I was actually indie before indie was . . . well, indie! And now at long last some of my early titles are finally available in PDF format from DriveThruRPG. As of this writing, there are just six titles up (four...
  12. CharlesRyan

    Free RPG Day is Saturday!

    Much to my surpise, I just realized I haven't heard (read?) a peep about this. Has anybody been discussing it? Does anyone realize it's happening? If not, here's the scoop: This Saturday (20 June) is Free RPG Day. If you're unfamiliar with the concept, it's a bit like Free Comic Book Day: You...
  13. CharlesRyan

    Keith Baker Report: Hampshire, UK

    For the past few days, we've had the honour of hosting Keith Baker on the first (I think) European stop of his world tour. I believe I can report a success, and I think Keith is going to have a great time, along with the many gamers who will be hosting him over the coming months. It turns out...
  14. CharlesRyan

    UK Gamers: Only two days left to win a trip to Gen Con!

    Have you told us about your character? If not, what are you waiting for??? You only have two days left (until close of business Friday, 12 June) to stake your claim on a free trip to Gen Con Indy, 13-16 August in Indianapolis, USA. You know you want it: Four days of wall-to-wall games, an...
  15. CharlesRyan

    UK Gamers: Tell Us about Your Character and Win a Trip to Gen Con!

    Hello, UK gamers-- Fancy a trip to Gen Con this summer? Well, here's a little promotion we've put together for D&D here in the UK that gives you just that chance: Tell us about your character, and you could win a trip to Gen Con in the US this August, or one of a bunch of other cool prizes...
  16. CharlesRyan

    Retreating: Creating decision points

    In the most recent installment of his blog (here), the tremendous Matt Colville addresses the issue of retreat in combat--and particularly, how to convey sufficient information to the players not just so they can make a good retreat decision, but also to cue them to make it at all. Matt starts...
  17. CharlesRyan

    WWDDGD in the UK--Meet WotC's Stephen Schubert at Eclectic Games

    Hello, all-- WotC and Eclectic Games in Reading are pleased to announce that Eclectic will be the UK headquarters site for the 23 May WWDDGD event. Joining us at Eclectic, straight from WotC in Seattle, is Lead Developer for D&D Stephen Schubert. Steve will be on hand to answer questions, sign...
  18. CharlesRyan

    WWDDGD 2009 in the UK--list of sites

    Worldwide Dungeons & Dragons Game Day Monster Manual 2: 23 May 2009 Hi, all-- As you probably know by now, in 2009, Worldwide D&D Game Day is being celebrated on three dates, corresponding to the release of the three “2s”—Player’s Handbook 2; Monster Manual 2; and Dungeon Master’s Guide 2. As...
  19. CharlesRyan

    Does 4E uniquely lend itself to humour?

    Hi, all-- So a couple days ago WotC posted their April Fools delve, in which they managed to make the carbuncle an interesting--while still completely goofy--monster. Today Bad Gods posted a set of goofy magic items--which, while funny, are also interesting and useable. Is there something...
  20. CharlesRyan

    UK Gamers: Introducing D&D News!

    Hello, UK gamers-- We're starting up a new* email newsletter for D&D, specifically for the UK. If you're at all interested in D&D (and who on ENWorld isn't?), I highly recommend signing up. We have a lot of cool promotions in the pipeline for this year, and the newsletter is the best way to...