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Search results

  1. Fifth Element

    D&D 1E Monster Manual II interior art

    There are only four interior artists credited for the 1983 Montreal Manual II: Jim Holloway, Harry Quinn, Dave Sutherland and Larry Elmore. I'd like to figure out which artist drew which pieces. Quinn and Sutherland both signed each of their pieces, which provides the following: Quinn: bee...
  2. Fifth Element

    D&D 1E My AD&D 1E hardback collection - what do you see?

    Here's a pic of the AD&D 1E section of my bookshelf. You might notice a couple of things seem out of place. I will post more about them in a bit. Need to go for a walk at the moment.
  3. Fifth Element

    D&D 1E The TRUE Dungeon Master

    How did I never notice this before now? The dude pictured on page 5 of the Mentzer Basic Dungeon Masters (no apostrophe) Rulebook is the same dude on the cover of the 1E Dungeon Masters (also no apostrophe) Guide.
  4. Fifth Element

    TSR Unearthed Arcana II (cancelled 1986 book)

    I was browsing tsrarchive.com and came across information for a cancelled 1986 AD&D book - Unearthed Arcana II. They include text from the 1986 TSR catalog: "A new hardcover compilation of new rules, character classes, and exciting adventure options, following in the tradition of last year's...
  5. Fifth Element

    D&D 1E AD&D Monster Manual II back cover text - WTF?

    After all these years I'm not sure I've ever actually read the text blurb on the back of the AD&D Monster Manual II. I happened to be looking at it today. Who wrote this exactly? "A must for the serious AD&D game player. This manual contains all the new members, from Abishai to Zygom, including...
  6. Fifth Element

    Swordmage-type characters from mythology and folklore?

    My impression is that swordmage-type characters (ie, those who mix martial ability and magical ability in equal measure) are a trope of modern fantasy literature, rather than something derived from any mythology or folklore. Like lizard men and other things, they're pretty basic to modern FRPGs...
  7. Fifth Element

    Mechanics of foretelling the future

    Foretelling the future is easy in fiction, since the author can just write the ending to match the prediction (or vice-versa). It's not so easy in RPGs, but seers and oracles are not exactly unheard of in the fantasy genre. In D&D it usually boils down to spells like augury and divination...
  8. Fifth Element

    You might be a Fantasy Heartbreaker...

    If armour gives DR and doesn't make your harder to hit, and you consider this worth mentioning, you might be a fantasy heartbreaker. If "more realistic" is used more than once in the description of your game system, you might be a fantasy heartbreaker.
  9. Fifth Element

    Gondors - What's the difference?

    I mean, really. Gondor, Arnor...they're all Numenoreans right? Why do we need to differentiate between them when the differences are so small?
  10. Fifth Element

    A message from Thasmodious

    Thasmodious would like it known that all ENWorld moderators are "poopyheads", especially Rel, and challenges them to respond!
  11. Fifth Element

    Deities & Demigods: American Indian Mythos (or, Who the Heck is Qagwaaz?)

    I've been trying to put together the origins for the deities and heroes listed in the American Indian Mythos in Deities & Demigods (1st Ed). Here's what I have. If anyone more knowledgeable in First Nations/Native American mythology can add/correct anything, it'd be appreciated. Raven: Haida...
  12. Fifth Element

    Why CompoundWord Monsters Don't Bother Me

    Other than the obvious reason that D&D has always had more than its share of silly monster names, of course. Owlbears and Thunderheders and all that. The fact is, for all the flack that CompoundWord Monsters have taken, and that 4E has taken for adopting this naming convention (though quite a...
  13. Fifth Element

    Awesome Fun in the Tomb of Horrors (NOW WITH SUNDAES!)

    Every year in April, I need to take time off DMing due to my workload as an accountant. So the other DM in my group decided to run Tomb of Horrors for a few sessions to fill the time until we can go back to the regular campaign. We're using 4E characters and rules, but the original version of...
  14. Fifth Element

    The 4.5 issue (meh) resolved!

    I just realized that in 4E (like in 3E), you always round fractions down. So even if Essentials should be considered 4.5 (and ultimately, who cares?), you have to round it down to 4E. There. Done.
  15. Fifth Element

    Rouseketeers Assemble!

    With due credit to JeffB for coining the term, this is the thread to claim your membership in the Rouseketeers! The only requirement for membership is the willingness to wear a puffy shirt, which is the club uniform of course. Being awesome is also encouraged, but not required. The first 47...
  16. Fifth Element

    This is my 4,000th post at ENWorld

    This is my 4,000th post at ENWorld. I think back to posts 1,000 and 2,000, I believe I wanted a prestige class to mark the occasion. I guess it'll have to be a paragon path now. If I've done my arithmetic correctly, the following is a summary of my contributions to this forum: 1,614 posts...
  17. Fifth Element

    Taclords and Starlocks

    You often see certain classes abbreviated as Taclord and Starlock (Tactical Warlord and Star Pact Warlock respectively). So I thought I'd extend this to an absurd degree. First, you have to realize that the names are not based on builds, but on class features that provide two or more options...
  18. Fifth Element

    How many pages will the 5E PHB have?

    What's your best guess?
  19. Fifth Element

    Return of the Edition War

    I've seen several threads in the past week devolve into fairly vitriolic edition wars. Seems to me we had quite a long period of relative civility and good discussion. Things seem to be coming loose again. Maybe it's just me.
  20. Fifth Element

    What alignment is Cobra Commander - the Official Word

    A tidbit that some might find interesting: After D&D, my obsession is GI Joe. (Well, it's tied with a few others, anyway.) I was perusing the writer's guide for the Sunbow GI Joe animated series (here) from 1985-86. Lo and behold, on page 15 we find the following (bold added for emphasis)...