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Search results

  1. MGibster

    Arkham: Review Call of Cthulhu Sourcebook

    Arkham is a sandbox campaign setting for use with the Call of Chtulhu role playing games set during the 1920s. A fictional town created by author H.P. Lovecraft as a setting for his stories, Arkham, Massachusetts is located roughly 23 miles north of Boston on the banks of the equally fictional...
  2. MGibster

    Horror and Headstone Hill (Deadland Campaign Review w/ Spoilers)

    The Horror at Headstone Hill is an investigative campaign for Deadlands using the Savage Worlds rules. For those unfamiliar with Deadlands, the game is set in the Old West of the United States but with a twist including magic, steampunk, and horror. Dubbed “The Weird West,” this is a game where...
  3. MGibster

    Looking for a Cyberpunk Genre Game

    I used to love Cyberpunk 2020 back in the day and was exciting to jump on Cyberpunk Red. Unfortunately my players and I were disappointed with Cyberpunk Red and resolved that we had no interest in playing it ever again. I've got an idea for a cyberpunk campaign but thought I might expand my...
  4. MGibster

    What Part Does the Role Play in the Role-Playing Game?

    I'm going to go out on a limb and define role-playing as taking on a role and responding to situations as if you were that person. You could role-play as yourself, a 17th century samurai from Iga, a lone warrior from Cimmeria, or a stoic Vulcan serving as a security officer on a Federation...
  5. MGibster

    Social Encounters: Does it Matter What and How PCs Speak to NPCs?

    In my games the answer is yes. Allow me to give you an example. In my Deadlands game, a PC went to go talk to the recently widowed woman of a man two other PCs were currently sitting in jail for allegedly murdering. I don't remember what the PC said, but he started the conversation by saying...
  6. MGibster

    D&D General Explain Bounded Accuracy to Me (As if I Was Five)

    For quite a while I've seen the term bounded accuracy thrown around but I don't think I ever saw someone explain exactly what that was. Fair enough. I decided I wanted to know, so I put on my big boy pants and Googled the heck out of it. There's even an entry on the D&D Wiki. But then the...
  7. MGibster

    Social Skills in RPGs (Alternative Title: Persuasion is Not Mind Control)

    I’m running a Deadlands game using the Savage Worlds rules, and one of my players was trying to find information about a missing man. His character isn’t the friendly sort and doesn’t so much ask questions as he tends to threaten and bully others into giving him answers. i.e. He uses the...
  8. MGibster

    RPG Books that Surprised You (For Good or Ill)

    Once in a while we come across an RPG that surprises us. Maybe we had low expectations and were surprised by how much we loved it. Or maybe we had high expectations and it disappointed us on every level. I'm curous about what RPG release surprised you and in what way? It can be a base game...
  9. MGibster

    Looking for a Fantasy RPG Set in Japan or Not-Japan

    One of my favorite games from the 1990s was Legend of the Five Rings as I felt it was the perfect combination of rules and setting. I even had a ton of the splat books from 1st edition! Unfortunately, I've had mixed feelings about further editions of the game. Second was a flat out...
  10. MGibster

    Did the Ads Recently Change on this Site (New Pop Ups)

    Earlier this morning when I logged onto thhe I would see ads on my screen which is compeltely fine. I have no problems with advertising because you gotta pay the rent. But this evening, I'm getting pop up ads on the site. When I open the site I get pop ups, when I click on a new thread I get...
  11. MGibster

    D&D General Why Isn't There a D&D Table Top Miniatures War Game?

    I'm a big fan of painting miniatures and using them not just for role playing games but also for table top miniatures war games. Over the years, I've bought and played a lot of them including Clan War (for Legend of the Five Rings), Warzone, Battletech, and some lesser known games you haven't...
  12. MGibster

    MGibster's Big Bad Thread of Big Bad Miniatures 2024

    I had a lot of fun with the Fighting the Gray Tide thread I started in December 2022 and I appreciate everyone who participated in it throughout the year. It was nice to have an overhwhelmingly positive thread without the necessity of a + and it reinforced my belief that no matter the skill...
  13. MGibster

    Gaming Dollars Spent in 2023

    At the beginning of 2023 I made two decisions. The first was that I was going to put a dent in the number of unpainted miniatuers I had and the second was that I was going to keep track of my gaming expenditures for 2023. While there's still a month left, I thought it was late enough in the...
  14. MGibster

    The Horror of Mundanity (The Not-So-Fun Scary)

    Content Warning: There's some discussion of harm to children here. There will be no explicit descriptions of harm to children in this thread, but it's part of this opening post because I'll briefly discuss a new campaign released for Delta Green called God's Teeth. It's possible we might...
  15. MGibster

    They Stole My Idea! (Accidental Plagiarism)

    While playing Baldur's Gate 3, my character came across a book that discussed the Cult of the Dragon. So I checked it out on the Forgotten Realms Wiki when I was suddenly inspired to start planning my next D&D campaign. I thought it'd be great for the PCs to stop the cult from summoning a...
  16. MGibster

    D&D General Does D&D Have an Identity Crisis?

    This past summer I went to see the D&D movie. It was a lighthearted movie appropriate for the whole family with no bad language, the cutest fattest dragon I've ever seen, bloodless violence, and comedy. In contrast, I've been playing Baldur's Gate 3 and there's a party member who frequently...
  17. MGibster

    It's Not Easy to Find a Gaming Group

    Towards the end of of 2019, I tried to start a Vampire 5th edition campaign with some people I didn't know very well. I posted on my FLG's Facebook page that I was looking for a group and I managed to put together a group of five people. After some back and forth, we picked a day for us all to...
  18. MGibster

    D&D General Do We Really Need Multiclassing?

    One of the things I like about 5th edition is the inclusion of backgrounds which I (naively) thought would eliminate some of the desire for people to multiclass. After all, does my Fighter really need to take a level of Rogue in order for me to meet my vision of a character with who grew up as...
  19. MGibster

    When the New Edition Doesn't Cut It

    I'm usually pretty stoked when I game I like is coming out with a new edition. And why wouldn't I be? If the new edition of the game is going to improve something I already love then what's not to like. Of course that doesn't happen all the time and on rare occasion I just don't care for the...
  20. MGibster

    D&D (2024) Gold & Other Treasure (Can we get off the treadmill?)

    It's been oft lamented that treasure becomes essentially meaningless very quickly in 5th edition D&D. At least it's oft lamented by me. I ran my first 5th edition campaign in 2014 or 2015, and just accumulating treasure off of monsters and foes, even at lower levels, kept the party hip deep in...