• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. teitan

    D&D General New OGL survey

    New OGL survey and offer is up. The survey link will be added later but an FAQ and first draft of 1.2 is now available for us to go over to deliver feedback. https://www.dndbeyond.com/posts/1432-starting-the-ogl-playtest
  2. teitan

    Pathfinder Terrain: Abomination Vaults!

    Paizo is eyeballing my checking account like "whatchoo got in there homeslice? Looks like some greenbacks to us". https://paizo.com/community/blog/v5748dyo6si0y?Enter-the-Pathfinder-Terrain-Abomination 69 bucks is a LOT cheaper than Wizkids or Dwarven Forge and more practical storage wise...
  3. teitan

    D&D General NECA Ultimate D&D figures

    Up for preorder on your favorite sites are the new Ultimate Dungeons & Dragons action figures from NECA, parent company of Wizkids. The first two are Grimsword and the ever awesome Warduke! https://news.toyark.com/2021/09/23/dungeons-and-dragons-neca-reveals-warduke-and-grimsword-figures-444789...
  4. teitan

    D&D 5E Mythic Odysseys of Theros

    I noticed there isn’t a thread to discuss the book now that it’s out and nothing three pages back either. I bought it today but also wanted to see what others think. For me it covers some ground I was working on for my own home brew Masters of the Universe meets Thor meets New Gods campaign...
  5. teitan

    Kickstarter Scale75 Insant Color Kickstarter

    https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/scale75/instant-colors-paints-for-gamers Hey I found this pretty neat Kickstarter for miniature painters that funded in 23 hours and is still going. I swear I am not affiliated! I just thought it would be cool to share with everyone. For those of us who...
  6. teitan

    D&D 3E/3.5 Chainmail

    I was recently reminiscing on the 3e nostalgia thread and remembered Chainmail. When the game was cancelled I had just started at the FLGS I would eventually manage and the owner had received a bunch of the miniatures for free and gave them to me because he didn’t think he could sell them at...
  7. teitan

    Kickstarter: City of Jordoba by Erol Otus

    Not sure if anyone has posted this as it hasn’t shown up in a search but Erol Otus has helped design a set of 3D printable terrain for RPGs that is really cool. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/city-of-jordoba-3d/city-of-jordoba-3d-printable-terrain-by-otus-and-lovecraft
  8. teitan

    homemade tiles

    I was wondering if there were any tutorials for making WOTC style dungeons and terrain tiles and also what are people's experiences with the 3d paper terrain. Which are most cost effective etc?
  9. teitan

    boxed set printing

    Hey all, I am wondering if anyone knows of resources or discussions on the costs of printing boxed sets aka the Mentzer editions of D&D. This is regarding a small project I am working on as an introduction to rpgs in small modular boxes that gradually add more rules to a game I've been designing...
  10. teitan

    lansing, mi gaming stores

    I am looking for a gaming store in Lansing Michigan with a great selection of oop ad&d products etc and couldn't find a forum for this. I've Googled it and every one claims they have a great selection but without example prices etc. I have no idea really and want to get back into second edition...
  11. teitan

    D&D 4E 4e core or essential?

    I am going to be teaching some people how to play D&D in a few weeks and they want to try 4e instead of trying to find some 3e books etc. Now my question is... I have the 4e DM's Guide but I was wondering if it would be better to pick up essentials vs. the other two core rules for 4e. To get the...
  12. teitan

    OOP Star Wars books

    Does anybody know if WotC is planning to reprint Starships of the Galaxy? Its going for about 90 bucks on Ebay & Amazon & I simply can't afford those prices... what about KOTOR?
  13. teitan

    D&D4 in Gallipolis, OH

    I'm looking for gamers in the Gallipolis, OH area interested in forming a D&D4e game. I haven't played in about a year and half after moving here and I'd like to get back on the bandwagon with the latest edition. Any takers? Email me at frater.uranus@gmail.com
  14. teitan

    Anyone still using 3.0?

    I was wondering, is anyone out there still using 3.0 as opposed to 3.5 or 4e etc? I am one of the few that preferred 3.0 to 3.5 as I felt the rules changes were unnecessary or in some cases completely changed the flavour of the game. To me 3.0 is the last version of the D&D game though I don't...
  15. teitan

    What I miss most

    While I enjoyed 3e and think 4e will be quite fun when I get to play it something I did notice that makes me miss the old days is one simple thing. I miss the old XP charts and the speed of advancement from back in the day. I miss the idea that a group could play together for 10+ years and still...
  16. teitan

    Corebooks in June!: News from the Alliance Retailer Summit

    I just got back from Alliance's Ft. Wayne retailers summit and it was a heck of a good show. The big thing though is that during dinner WOTC's Sara Girard (who had quite the fan club) gave a great talk on 4e D&D. First the big news... All three core rulebooks will be out in June! They showed...
  17. teitan


    I was looking over these inexpensive miniature sets on Paizo.com and was wondering if anyone has bought them as a cheap way to build up there collection. What kind of quality are they and how soft if the tin?
  18. teitan

    Master of Kung Fu

    I am trying to find a cool system for Master of Kung Fu, the hyper cool 70's Marvel comic series. I was looking into M&M for it but it seems a bit too grainy maybe or high powered. Any other suggestions out there?
  19. teitan

    M&M Subplots

    One of the things I have noticed and loved yet had the hardest difficulty with is the speed of play that M&M presents us with. I would go out on a limb and say that M&M is the FASTEST playing RPG I have ever seen. The notes I would make for a single D&D session of 6 hours would take up a third...
  20. teitan

    D20 Modern/Dark Matter

    I was thinking about D20 Modern today and what could possibly boost sales when it hit me, a solid conversion of the Dark Matter setting! Those of you who don't have the Alternity version of D20 Modern, would a D*M sourcebook sell you on the D20 Modern game?