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  1. vic20

    No "Soldier" role in Gamma World

    In the list of the different monster roles in the Gamma World book, "soldier" is notably absent. I think this is great; I tend to replace soldiers with brutes to speed up combat, and it looks like the devs might have had a similar motivation.
  2. vic20

    Gamma World card back question

    Anybody have any insight as to why the two different types of cards have the same card back design? It's important that players draw from the correct decks, but with the GM having two decks, and each player optionally having two decks, it would be so much cleaner if the Alpha deck and the Omega...
  3. vic20

    Email subscription updates working again?

    For the first time in many months, I got an email today that a thread I'm subscribed to had a new post. Did somebody explicitly fix this, or did it happen to piggyback on some other system activity I wonder....
  4. vic20

    Meme or Weirdo

    http://www.enworld.org/forum/general-rpg-discussion/291608-what-happened-gygaxs-lejendary-adventures.html So "Diamond Cross" is giving everybody in this thread "roxp" xp. Anybody know what this is?
  5. vic20

    mention tag says "mearls", but displays as "Morrus"

    In this thread here: http://www.enworld.org/forum/4e-discussion/287870-mike-mearls-melee-training-battlemind.html#post5274576 The post, when quoted, shows that the poster intended for "mearls" to be the target of the mention tag, but it displays as "@Morrus".
  6. vic20

    "Messageboards" pop-up alignment fixed!

    Not a bug report.... Thanks for fixing the issue where the popup that from the "Messageboards" link was half off-screen. It's been bugging me (in Chrome browser) for months, and today it appeared fully on-screen for the first time. Thanks!
  7. vic20

    Typo in "Space Fight" blurb

    Found a typo while browsing through the supporter download page. It makes it look as if there hasn't been anything updated with Space Fight for over a year....
  8. vic20

    Liking the News on front page today

    I don't know if it is a temporary thing along the way, but I'm liking the News stuff on the front page right now. Ever since the news was pushed to a link on the front page, I've only clicked through once or twice, so it's nice to see it back in my face where I can glimpse at "what's new" on my...
  9. vic20

    Item power damage dice maximized on crit?

    If I crit with this weapon, I can decide to activate the power after I hit, and this will always add the max of 8, correct?
  10. vic20

    Heal to grant saving throw to self?

    It would appear that in the RAW, you can grant a saving throw to an adjacent ally, but not to yourself? This came up in a recent game where players were Immobilized in spider webs. One player was alone (nobody adjacent), and I thought it strange that if there were an adjacent ally, they could...
  11. vic20

    Trying to start a group....

    According to the FAQ, I'm supposed to go to the Groups page and click "Create a New Group" but I don't see any such link when I click on the "GROUPS" link in the header. (EN World D&D / RPG News - Social Groups) What am I missing? Thanks!
  12. vic20

    "Trap Schmap. I've got Magic Missle..."

    In a game I'm running the party came across a room with 3 traps. I was worried about the potential lethality of the encounter, as the group's resources were low, and it was over their level (though not much). As it turns out, there was maybe a round and a half with any sort of actual threat as...
  13. vic20

    Can a warlord "heal" an unconscious character

    Can a warlord use "Inspiring Word" to bring a character back from sub-zero hit points? Thanks for your thoughts...
  14. vic20

    "Awesome" level bonuses and Magic Item economy

    I'm running a couple of 4E campaigns right now, both using an "Awesome Bonus" variant. At each level a +1 bonus is given to one of five categories (damage, to hit, AC, other defenses, d6 on crit). This group is cycled six times, and at level 30, characters will have +6 in each. With these...
  15. vic20

    Marked targets

    Hobgoblin Soldiers have a Flail attack that deals damage, slows the target, and "...the target is marked until the eend of the hobgoblin warrior's next turn." "Marked" is not a condition. What is it specifically, and where is this defined?
  16. vic20

    Action Points for re-rolls: what breaks?

    I have let my players twice use an Action Point to re-roll missed attacks. I'm concerned that this might be too much power for an action point. Can I please hear some concrete reasons why this is unbalancing?
  17. vic20

    Delaying to avoid Saving Throws or extend benefits

    I have been working over some timing issues with my group, as they are looking at optimizing the duration of "...until the end of your next turn" benefits. I'm pretty sure I saw a thread here regarding using the Delay action and its impact on benefit extension/penalty avoidence. I believe the...
  18. vic20

    Priority of Immediate Reactions?

    A fighter readies an attack with the trigger being when his ally the rogue attacks the goblin they are flanking. The rogue attacks the goblin, and misses. At this point, there are two immediate reactions that trigger off of the miss. The goblin's "Goblin Tactics" (when missed by a melee...
  19. vic20

    Warlord Inspiring Word out-of-combat usage

    One of the players in my group introduced a situation that I wasn't sure about. After a battle as the party was using surges to heal, and the player wanted to use his Warlord "Inspiring Word" ability to assist the other players. The power is to be used up to twice "per encounter". How should...
  20. vic20

    [double post] delete me please

    double post