• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. Kaodi

    Ever Get The Feeling That The Date On A Thread Is Just... Wrong?

    I was just looking for one of my old PbP threads and came across one that suggested I had last posted in it in 2022. That just seems... wrong. That was only two years ago, and I could have sworn I quit PbP closer to the beginning of the Pandemic at the latest. Certainly not the week before...
  2. Kaodi

    Trailer LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild The Galaxy Series Trailer

    Darth Jar Jar lives!
  3. Kaodi

    Casting Characters In A Multiverse

    I was just having this thought in regards to the next Wolverine after Hugh Jackman even though this movie plot is locked down at this point. But I think it would be interesting sometime to see a studio try to take advantage of the multiversal nature of their property to do a supercharged screen...
  4. Kaodi

    Do We Need More Alien Contact Films & Series?

    This is tangentially related to the "Are Superhero Films Dying?" thread, though I did not think of it while reading that. The question, as the title suggest, is are we due for some prestige-tier alien content that mashes together some Arrival-level theorizing with grounded, serialized narratives...
  5. Kaodi

    Ahsoka - SPOILERS

    Pretty much everything I could have hoped for with a minor quibble about the continuing prevalence that a certain kind of injury is totally recoverable. Watched it with my Dad, who has not seen Clone Wars or Rebels, and he liked it too! The little alliance of bad guys they have going is rather...
  6. Kaodi

    Are We Going To See Blue Beetle?

    While I do not believe jonrog1 to be substantially involved with the movie it just occurred to me that Blue Beetle might be a decent candidate for being the first movie I have seen in theatre since the pandemic began. I wanted to see Top Gun 2, but was unable, and I did not get an opportunity to...
  7. Kaodi

    Fantasy Fulfillment: Having Children (Or Not)

    Classically we speak of roleplaying games as allowing you to imagine you are a powerful wizard, mighty warrior, or checks notes dragonman mcdragonface. But how often do people use RPGs to explore the fantasy of having children, or alternatively being child free for a little while?
  8. Kaodi

    What Is A Dhampir?

    I am not asking as a matter of definition: obviously a dhampir is the offspring of a human and a vampire. Rather I am asking: what does that actually mean for the classic case of "vampire as turned human" ? The essence of a vampire is still essentially human as they are made from humans. But...
  9. Kaodi

    Paizo Golarion: What If...?

    Came up today in a conversation that the Earth of precisely 100 years ago is contemporary with Golarion; and they are linked, both by Baba Yaga and the Egyptian gods. It occurred to me to look up what was going on in Egyptology 100 years ago and the discovery of Tutenkhamen's tomb was in 1922...
  10. Kaodi

    D&D 5E What Is the Iconic Artwork Of 5E?

    I feel like this thread has perhaps been done before recently and if so perhaps someone can helpfully point me toward it. But otherwise, as someone who has not played D&D since the 5E playtest, what is the iconic artwork of this edition? The stuff that will turn up in the equivalent of Google...
  11. Kaodi

    The Flash Series Finale (spoilers)

    I guess this is it, eh? After almost nine years, The Flash has reached the end of the road. This is kind of the end of the Arrowverse proper too I think? It was too bad that Carlos Valdes was not able to come back, but there were some good moments in the finale. Nora cradling Nora was funny...
  12. Kaodi

    Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always

    I am glad I popped over to YouTube before going to bed tonight because AYE-YEYE-YEYE! I almost cannot believe this is happening:
  13. Kaodi

    News: Brian Goldner, Hasbro CEO, Dies at 58

    https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/business-news/brian-goldner-dead-hasbro-ceo-1235030399/ I was not sure whether to post this directly into the D&D subforum but it fits here at least. I do not know how hands off an approach Hasbro has taken to WotC but it could be significant in the...
  14. Kaodi

    I Do Not Understand Buying Computers

    I tend to think that I need a new laptop. Not that I can afford one, but the one I have has always been kind of janky and I think we got in early 2015 for $700-800 Canadian. So every once in a while I look at the big websites and see what prices are like and sooner or later my eyes start to...
  15. Kaodi

    What Should Happen In Discovery Season 3?

    By sending the Discovery further into the future than Star Trek has ever been one thing I hope that gets killed off in the interim is, ironically, time travel. Hopefully something happened in between the Enterprise nonsense and when Discovery gets to the 32nd Century that makes time travel for...
  16. Kaodi

    A Tale Of Lonely Whispers

    Theodore was having a nightmare. Warsavage and his fellow knights had driven off the first wave of undead that had attacked town at dusk, but soon darkness had overtaken them. They had lit a number of bonfires out past their defensive line, fed them with dead bodies, but they were slowly...
  17. Kaodi

    A Tale Of Lonely Whispers (Renamed)(Closed)

    Formerly: "I May Try Running A PF2 Solo Game" My last two attempts at running a game were aborted under inclement circumstances - and the World is now on lockdown, so circumstances have hardly improved - but I have the itch to try something again. I was thinking with experimenting with a...
  18. Kaodi

    Anyone Here From Napanee/Kingston Stretch Of Ontario?

    Unfortunately I do not have a proposal for anyone but I was thinking it could not hurt to put out some feelers and see who is around. I want to play PF2 pretty badly - but I would be interested in hearing about any 5e games that were really close to me as well.
  19. Kaodi

    Pathfinder 2E Verdict On The New Ancestries?

    Now that we can see how Hobogoblin, Leshy, and Lizardfolk turned out what are your thoughts? I am not sure I am that thrilled by Hobgoblin. Not that many character concepts jump out at me when I survey their heritages and feats. I guess Elfbane is "good" but do you really build a concept around...
  20. Kaodi

    Frequent Bathing Required

    The Wader's Lookout was a two-storey building nestled among a small group of buildings abutting the Docks district that neighboured the Puddles of Absalom. Despite its location at the periphery it was not able to escape the constant flooding that plagued this section of the city since the great...