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  1. K

    3.5 IH stuff from my old notes

    I was looking back through my old D&D notes from several computers ago, and found some fairly complete IH-based material... Skath, Eldjotunn (20 HD Fire Giant Hero-deity, Integrated Levels Fighter 10) Size/Type: Large Outsider (Extraplanar) Hit Dice: 20d8+220 (380 hp) Initiative: +16...
  2. K

    Dimensions vs Spheres

    So I was thinking about the BECMi Immortals cosmology and how Immortals are divided into five Spheres: Matter, Time, Thought, Energy, Entropy. These match exactly with four of the six IH lower dimensions (Entropy, Time, Matter, Thought) and the fifth is close (Energy ~ Spirit). So is the sixth...
  3. K

    Sea Serpents!

    I was surprised by the lack of a classic sea serpent in Ghosts of Saltmarsh... Sea Serpent Gargantuan monstrosity, unaligned Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Hit Points 217 (14d20+70) Speed 0 ft, swim 40 ft STR 23 (+6) DEX 10 (+0) CON 21 (+5) INT 2 (-4) WIS 16 (+3) CHA 6 (-2) Skills Perception...
  4. K

    Invisibility magic items seem overvalued

    Why is a potion of invisibility "very rare" and a ring of invisibility "legendary"? Invisibility is only a 2nd level spell. Other potions that mimic low-level spells are much more common. Also, given that invisibility is such a low-level spell, people will know that it exists in the world, and...
  5. K

    Tomb of Horrors Question (Both "Yawning Portal" and Original)

    So I ran the Tales from the Yawning Portal 5E version of 'Tomb of Horrors' a while back, and I noticed something... the adventure specifically provides for using astral/ethereal travel to bypass doors/traps/etc, listing random demon encounters that can occur if traveling astrally/ethereally...
  6. K

    Where do the 'Mordenkainen's Tome' Elder Evils come from?

    Page 237 of Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes (Star Spawn entry) has a long list of Elder Evils. Dendar the Night Serpent and Kezef the Chaos Hound are from FR, I believe. Tharizdun the Elder Elemental Eye is Greyhawk. I think the Queen of Chaos is from "The Rod of Seven Parts". From 3E Elder Evils...
  7. K

    D&D 5E What does the titan subtype mean?

    It seems to apply to creatures created by the gods... but in the default 5E cosmology, weren't most of the mortal races created by the gods (orcs by Gruumsh etc.)? Does it mean those creatures are ageless and don't reproduce, so the krakens or empyreals you meet are the very first ones ever?
  8. K

    5E musings

    I think that 5E should go straight into Immortality after 20th level with no intervening "epic". The "Tiers of Play" section of chapter 1 of the Player's Handbook says that characters at levels 1-4 deal with threats to "local farmsteads and villages", 5-10 deal with threats to "cities and...
  9. K

    Current status?

    Are there any updates on Vampire Bestiary 2 Temple of Death?
  10. K

    Immortal's Handbook for Pathfinder?

    With Mythic Adventures out, I think one is now quite feasible. We have character levels and mythic tiers ... you could add a system of divine ranks that level 20/tier 10 characters could obtain. Levels are in classes, tiers are in paths. I would suggest ranks be in portfolios. Since most...
  11. K

    Pathfinder 1E Metamartial Maneuvers and Pathfinder

    It occurs to me that these Pathfinder feats (from the Advanced Player's Guide) are very similar to U_K's Metamartial Maneuvers from Ascension ("reduce attack bonus to add special effect"). Bloody Assault (1d4 bleeding damage) Dazing Assault (daze 1 round) Stunning Assault (stun 1 round)...
  12. K


    On the Nosferatu post on your website you ask for Feat/Divine Ability suggestions ... I'd suggest - Nosferatu gain the following divine abilities, even if they do not meet the prerequisites - Greater Diseased [Effect] (choose one type) Profane Mind Profane Spirit Shadow Self EDIT: for...
  13. K

    Epic+ Fey (musings)

    What possibilities are there for epic/immortal Fey, other than the obvious Fairy Queens/Kings (who wouldn't be numerous, and probably wouldn't go very high anyway: I don't think it would make sense to have e.g. Titania be a match for Orcus or Tiamat.) Maybe planetary Fey that embody the...
  14. K

    Norse Pantheon

    THOR Intermediate Deity Age: 12,000+ years Alignment: Chaotic Good Allies: Norse Pantheon (except Loki, Hel) Enemies: Giant Dynasty; evil giants/jotunns, evil dragons; Loki Home Plane: Asgard Nemesis: Midgard Serpent Pantheon: Norse Portfolios: Strength, Thunder Quintessence: 75,000,000...
  15. K

    [3.5e] Divine/Cosmic Spell Seeds

    What if you want an epic spell that deals % damage, like Gravitic Effect? Or one that deals permanent damage, or annihilates Hit Dice? What would the DCs of those sorts of spell seeds be? I'm thinking, since [Energy] Blast, a Divine Ability, deals 10d6 energy damage - just like the Energy seed -...
  16. K


    The drakainai are a powerful group of unusual dragons or dragon-like beings, so ancient and primal in form and nature that they fall outside the normal dragon classifications. They are chthonic beings, strongly associated with elemental earth in its most primal forms; it is believed that they...
  17. K

    some Moorcockian entities

    I'm currently reading the Elric series and thought that some of those entities might be fun to stat up. I'm thinking most of the Lords of the Higher Worlds are in the Demideity to Lesser Deity (4E: Level 25-33 Solo) range, with the most powerful (Arioch and Donblas) reaching Intermediate (4E...
  18. K

    tier names

    Now that the former Legendary (31-40) tier is the Immortal tier, what will the former Immortal (41-50) and Sidereal (51-60) tiers be called?
  19. K

    'mini kaiju'

    I don't know if there's a better term for this, but: stats for movie monsters, or creatures inspired by movie monsters, that are 'giant monsters', but not the full kaiju thousands-of-tons scale. Things like King Kong, the critter from The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms, the oversized prehistoric...
  20. K

    Galactic Gods - questions/comments

    Cool article. I like how a single deity of an entire universe works out to be a Time Lord. What is a 'skyfather'? I had thought Ascension defines it as a male pantheon head, but the Galactic Gods article mentions multiple skyfathers in one pantheon. Does it just mean Greater Deity? Also, a...