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Recent content by zedturtle

  1. zedturtle

    Roll20 Purchases Demiplane

    If this is a move towards a "publish once, get a PoD, PDF, Nexus, and Roll20 integration as a result" that could be very cool. But I rather suspect doing something like that is ridiculously complicated, so we will get another walled garden where only the biggest get to play.
  2. zedturtle

    Ben Riggs: 'The Golden Age of TTRPGs is Dead'

    To my mind, the most important component is that some do continue to play. Of course, people drop off. But I've been playing for ~40 years now, and I'm not likely to stop any time soon (health willing). Even if 1 new player out of a 1000 gets the bug to try other games and explore the RPG...
  3. zedturtle

    D&D General "I'm glad to be back playing D&D."

    When you advance your Valour, you do get a Reward, but (unless you were focused on Valour to the exclusion of all else) that should have happened once with 2-3 adventures at most amounts of advancement points handed out. The Starter Set adventures are Shire-focused, were you up to Hobbit...
  4. zedturtle

    D&D General "I'm glad to be back playing D&D."

    That sounds like maybe the Loremaster was in a D&D mind frame a bit too much. Valour rewards should happen somewhat slowly and rolls to find magic items should be even more rare. They may just have wanted to see the magic items in play, or felt that y'all expected it? Hard to say, of course.
  5. zedturtle

    D&D General "I'm glad to be back playing D&D."

    With The One Ring, what was your trouble with Rewards? They should only get one when they advance their Valour, which is roughly equivalent to a Level in D&D-alikes. Was it happening too often? Was no one advancing Wisdom and thus getting Virtues? (feats, basically) And, of course, the phrase...
  6. zedturtle

    D&D (2024) What will the impact of 1D&D be on 3PP material?

    I think we are very strongly agreeing. I am not sure if there is a point of confusion?
  7. zedturtle

    D&D (2024) What will the impact of 1D&D be on 3PP material?

    Oh yes, that's what has been said, and I tend to believe that's what the design team wants ("another shot at it with 10 years experience, but don't rock the boat too much because 5e was the first D&D for lots of people") but the C-suite got greedy and tried to wreck the OGL. So, if the C-suite...
  8. zedturtle

    D&D (2024) What will the impact of 1D&D be on 3PP material?

    As a reminder, we did not see the 2014 SRD until 2016. Now, a lot of that was (presumably) hesitation on the part of the executives to "give away the game", but after they did so, the game exploded in popularity (for lots of reasons, but the OGL was a big part). Then they got greedy and forgot...
  9. zedturtle

    D&D (2024) D&D 2024 Core Rulebooks: 'We'll Still Be Working On Them In May'

    Would it be? We would care, but Aunt May buying "that game that Peter likes" won't care. That said, I won't be shocked if the 2024 releases fall flat, or become the 2024 releases only on a technicality.
  10. zedturtle

    Ars Magica To Get A New Edition

    It might get tricky if you're trying to combine it with other stuff that uses other licenses. Otherwise, I'm a big fan of CC BY, and plan to use it for my own rules stuff.
  11. zedturtle

    Ars Magica To Get A New Edition

    I would normally object to CC BY-SA, since it could hamper downstream creations that have other requirements (e.g. you want to support a licensed setting with the CC BY-SA ruleset, but can't legally do so, since you can't SA the licensed setting), but if Mythic Europe is part of the CC BY-SA...
  12. zedturtle

    Ben Riggs: 'The Golden Age of TTRPGs is Dead'

    That seems reasonable, for the general market; no matter what happens here, other sites, social media, and even YouTube, the average customer is going to buy the 2024 D&D product because they see in a store or advertised on somewhere. But if the folks who buy once and seldom again are the only...
  13. zedturtle

    Are Superhero films dying?

    I think this is a fair criticism, but with the drek has also been some standouts, most notably Iman Vellani in Ms. Marvel. I can't wait to see her in the movie in a few days, and her enthusiasm for the MCU is infectious. I can't yet judge Mackie's Cap, since we haven't seen him carry a movie...
  14. zedturtle

    D&D General Ashen Frontiers Weekly News Update

    Once again, the Ashen Frontiers Weekly Update is live! More news on the update to the free setting guide, and the first look at the details of a martial class, the anger-harnessing Frenok: Check out the newsletter if that sounds interesting, and subscribe if you want to be among the first to...
  15. AF-Classes-low-res_4.jpg

