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Recent content by Theory of Games

  1. Theory of Games

    DMs Concerns vs Actual Players' Perceptions/Experiences

    Most players don't care about "adventure quality". They just want to play what they want to play how they want to play it. "Most" here means "most tabletop rpg players I have gamed with or experienced how they play". When people complain about the quality of published ttrpg adventures I get...
  2. Theory of Games

    What are "essential" TTRPG mechanisms?

    Dice and a core mechanic (ability bonus + skill bonus). It doesn't take much to play pretend after all.
  3. Theory of Games

    What keeps uninterested players showing up each session?

    I never mentioned people having to change their playstyle for someone else. My comment focused on players being tolerant of different playstyles. Also when I mention playstyle it comes from the 7-8 ttrpg playstyles identified by WotC and explained by Robin D. Laws.
  4. Theory of Games

    RPG Systems that allow for characters of diverse levels of Power

    "Spotlight time" works fine in tabletop rpgs as long as (1) "spotlight time" is a thing the group wants to do, and (2) the GM and the players are working together to accomplish it. It takes group communication, like most things. Points-wise, I can't imagine why Batman wouldn't have as many as...
  5. Theory of Games

    RPG Systems that allow for characters of diverse levels of Power

    Yeah I love how with the Rules Cyclopedia you can play with or without the optional rules for balancing combat. Having the option is great design.
  6. Theory of Games

    RPG Systems that allow for characters of diverse levels of Power

    Well I mean "keep your head down" is a trad lifestyle for low-level mages when combat starts. I've been in games where the low-level PC was the session hero. The odd superhero rpg is the one that doesn't handle differing power levels well. Maybe GURPS Supers because the system is trying to be...
  7. Theory of Games

    RPG Systems that allow for characters of diverse levels of Power

    Again I can't think of a popular tabletop rpg that makes it difficult for characters of differing power levels to engage in combat. Most of them accommodate varied levels. Take D&D: since the earliest of days there's been situations where a party levels together (somewhat) then one of the...
  8. Theory of Games

    What criticisms do you have for current or previously used systems?

    I wasn't arguing anything. I'm asking questions in order to gain a better understanding. And I would never dismiss AW's rules from a design viewpoint. It's an innovative game. My issue is the sex moves are tasteless and shouldn't be in such a creative system at all.
  9. Theory of Games

    Am I being too optimistic?

    When it comes to prep normally it's better to have too much than too little. And GMs tend to be very creative people so they will always be working on something (adventure design, campaign design, character design, rule design, yadayadayada). Writers are the same way: they keep a pad or an app...
  10. Theory of Games

    What criticisms do you have for current or previously used systems?

    Hmmmmmm. Are they for sexual activity?
  11. Theory of Games

    Bushido: Tips and home rules

    Such a great old game! I haven't played it in a very long time but I found some of what you're looking for: https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?threads/lets-talk-about-fgus-bushido-errata-house-rules-etc.806132/
  12. Theory of Games

    RPG Systems that allow for characters of diverse levels of Power

    Most tabletop RPGs allow for this. It just takes a group agreement that the powerful characters won't step on the little folks. I really can't think of a system that doesn't embrace characters of different power levels.
  13. Theory of Games

    What criticisms do you have for current or previously used systems?

    Which leads to my next question: How does one know outside of subjective "feelings" that an aspect of an rpg deserves criticism? Like, if I don't like that Apocalypse World doesn't have rules for underwater knife fights, I can be critical of that but does the game really need rules for...
  14. Theory of Games

    What keeps uninterested players showing up each session?

    Hey! I get to toot the horn again: Different players can have different playstyles. Some people like combat. Some like social interaction. Some like puzzles. Some like saving bystanders from danger. Some just like hanging out with friends. So many flame wars and BS arguments originate with...