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Recent content by seriousmoonlight

  1. S

    D&D 5E Storm King's Thunder

    Dren: The Snakey only rolled a 14 and is shoved backwards. The foe hisses as it tumbles into the dark abyss.
  2. S

    D&D 5E Storm King's Thunder

    Aremus & Tranio: The combined efforts of your chill touch & searing blade kill one of the pure bloods. Their body tumbles backwards into the ceremonial pit. Snake Tail: The adversary swings his scimitar and it connects (21) with the dwarf for 6 damage. It then attempts to constrict the tiny...
  3. yt2.JPG


  4. S

    D&D 5E Storm King's Thunder

    Purple = Purebloods Green = Snakehead Yuan-ti Red= Snaked Armed Yuan-ti Blue= snake tailed Yuan-ti Snakeheads: Both of the snake heads aim their short bows towards the hill. One shoots at Dren and rolls 11. The other shoots at Aremus and rolls a 22 (4 damage). Purebloods: These two foes raise...
  5. yuanmap.JPG


  6. S

    D&D 5E Storm King's Thunder

    OOC: You are all at the south entrance and I will allow a revise of the insect plague!
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    D&D 5E Storm King's Thunder

    Here is the battlemap, 10 foot squares, for you all to see. The villains are all around the pit and I'll add them afterwards. Where would you all like to position yourselves?
  8. yuanti.JPG


  9. S

    D&D 5E Storm King's Thunder

    Side Passages: Both directions lead to empty rooms with staircases. Judging by the light pouring in, these head back up to coliseum level. Traps: Dren doesn't see any obvious traps on this floor. Sacrifice: At the north end of the room is an alabaster statue carved to look like the head and...
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    D&D 5E Storm King's Thunder

    Underground:Partition walls made of tight-fitting sandstone blocks support the ceiling of this chamber, which contains a 20-foot-high hill of sand. Twenty feet above the top of the mound is a gaping hole in the ceiling that leads outside. The hole lets in bright sunlight during the day and dim...
  11. S

    D&D 5E Storm King's Thunder

    Aremus: You don't hear any noise from the tunnel. If the group that made the tracks are still in present then they are much further inside. Dren: You are able to determine that the wiggling track belongs to a Yuan-ti, evil cultists that worship snake gods and love a good human sacrifices. Some...
  12. S

    D&D 5E Storm King's Thunder

    Stealth: Despite one noisy dwarf, none of the gargoyles move as the group closes in on the amphitheater. Camp: The first thing the group encounters are three tents surround a smoldering campfire southeast of the amphitheater. A search of the camp reveals one empty bedroll in each tent. Tracks...
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    D&D 5E Storm King's Thunder

    OOC: Stealth checks from anyone who wants to sneak up on the trebuchets.
  14. S

    D&D 5E Storm King's Thunder

    Tranio: If you have know coin or treasure to offer then the Zhents would be happy to help in exchange for inflated future payments or vague notion of a favor owed. Reinforcements: While the party debates their next move the horizon would ripple. At first one might suspect this just to be the...
  15. S

    D&D 5E Storm King's Thunder

    Aremus: Waterdeep had been having lots of troubles of their own lately. Cloud Giant cities have been orbiting the city of splendor, growing bolder with each day. The Open Lord did not feel they could spare any of their air Calvary at this time. Ordrar: You don't find the particular banner, but...