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Recent content by RealAlHazred

  1. RealAlHazred

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    Well, of course Hell is better than Heaven! I have it on good authority that all of my friends will be there, along with all of my favorite musicians and artists, and all of my gaming friends from school. Why would I want to go to Heaven? That guy Kevin from Church is pretty sure he's going to...
  2. RealAlHazred

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    Nah, they're basically the shell of my breakfast taco before I've had a chance to add the ham and syrup and fold them.
  3. RealAlHazred

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    But, human beings can take anything, even the silliest of things, too seriously. Proof: the afterlife. Having an argument about suppositions about what "happens" to us when we're dead is the silliest thing in human society, since there's absolutely no tangible, verifiable proof that anything...
  4. RealAlHazred

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    ... Now I need yet another thread, where I can say mean things about J.Quondam behind their back, without making it clear that: a) they're mean things, b) they're about J.Quondam, and c) I don't know, something about backs, it looks weird when it's just two things.
  5. RealAlHazred

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    "And that man, was Albert Einstein." -- Abraham Lincoln -- Michael Scott
  6. RealAlHazred

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    It's fine until somebody gets too specific, Then, it's all over but the crying.
  7. RealAlHazred

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    Welp, that's another Kickstarter that won't deliver. Good thing I was only in for £25. And the musician has made his stuff available for free, which is nice.
  8. RealAlHazred

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    Those are just level titles for the Commoner class. They reach name level at 4th! Of course, as commoners, that just means they have to pay more taxes...
  9. star-wars-boring.gif


  10. RealAlHazred

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    I remember it's trippy as heck. I think I remember the evocative backstory and interesting setting more than the mechanics, which I guess is true of a lot of the Indie games from back then. EDIT: ELEVATOR PITCH: "You haven't slept in a week, but every day the True Reality becomes clearer. You...
  11. RealAlHazred

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    Me: "Not today, Satan!" Satan: "This is the third time you've canceled on me. I miss you! I want to see you!"
  12. RealAlHazred

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    I have also played and run this game, exactly once each. I no longer remember any details, as it was in the heady days when I could go to a convention and actually just play games for 48 hours straight (minus the occasional shower break, I wasn't raised in a barn). EDIT: I need to pull this out...
  13. RealAlHazred

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    I used to think this way as well, but I was putting away my shopping cart once and an employee on a smoke break told me, they only get sent outside to put away carts when the parking lot gets too bad -- the boss doesn't feel it's necessary to do it if people still have room to park. And when...