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Recent content by rabindranath72

  1. R

    D&D 3E/3.5 3rd Edition Revisited - Better play with the power of hindsight?

    Yes it doesn't always work thematically (see e.g. Dragonlance) but it gives players a simple, self-sustaining objective.
  2. R

    D&D 3E/3.5 3rd Edition Revisited - Better play with the power of hindsight?

    Primeval Thule (the Pathfinder version, written by Rich Baker) has an optional rule to use gold and treasure for XP, at the same ratio as 1e. I have imported it in my 3.0 games, and it works very well in a "standard" campaign.
  3. R

    D&D 3E/3.5 3rd Edition Revisited - Better play with the power of hindsight?

    I don't know if it's a generational thing (I am 52 now, started with the Red Box), or the way the presentation of the game itself fostered this attitude, but I always found it paradoxically difficult to "sell" the toybox nature of 3.0 to 3e players themselves. When I set the ground for the use...
  4. R

    Tell Me About the Cypher System

    This. The setting books are extremely interesting in terms of themes and ideas, but the rules themselves feel, most of the time, like fitting a square peg in a round hole; cyphers in particular strain verisimilitude.
  5. R

    D&D 1E Seriously contemplating an attempt at a retro AD&D

    Table on p.19, lists armor and weapons for all classes. Thieves are very limited in AD&D (note in particular no bows nor crossbows). In B/X and OD&D they could use all weapons.
  6. R

    D&D 1E Seriously contemplating an attempt at a retro AD&D

    2e's optional level limit rules worked quite well, and I used them consistently; after all, the demihumans did get a lot of extra abilities, and they must be worth "something". Paying 2x XP up to the maximum racial level (possibly extended via high attributes), and 3x after the maximum is an...
  7. R

    D&D 1E Seriously contemplating an attempt at a retro AD&D

    Note that Ariakas was a human, so RAW he cannot multiclass, but he can become a "character with two classes" (start as a Fighter, then switch to Magic-user.) In the DL series of modules, he is a dual-class fighter/cleric; as a fighter/magic-user he would not be allowed to cast spells in armor...
  8. R

    D&D 1E Seriously contemplating an attempt at a retro AD&D

    PHB followed by DMG (in parallel with the MM). The DMG is your friend. Repeat: the DMG is your friend. For no other reason that the way the game is structured, there's very little, rules-wise, that's player-facing; the PHB won't tell you the rules for combat, for example.
  9. R

    D&D 2E 2E Darksun Observations

    Yeah Dark Sun is not for the faint-hearted (DM and/or players!) Back in the day I ran it pretty much by-the-book (the original set), using the Complete Psionics Handbook, Will and the Way, and Dragon Kings. I did use level limits, but with the optional rule in the DMG to double XP requirements...
  10. R

    D&D 1E Seriously contemplating an attempt at a retro AD&D

    The "problem" with ADDICT is that it's just a possible way to play, not THE way to play. The author extrapolates or gives a personal interpretation in many places, where someone else might give a different interpretation to the same text (e.g. he refers to a fan article in Dragon magazine to...
  11. R

    Sing to me, O Muse, of BECMI!

    Hard to argue! The MotP is a really subpar product. D&DG does a much better job in its Appendix 1 at providing simple, gameable information for planar travel and adventuring. The book even provides an outline of the quest for immortality, which is remarkably similar to the overall Master...
  12. R

    Sing to me, O Muse, of BECMI!

    Yeah, those were always curious omissions. Not even the RC has rules for natural healing!
  13. R

    Sing to me, O Muse, of BECMI!

    Personally it's not so much about "long-term play" (I had at least two BECMI campaigns go to 36th level); although I can see why a wider variety of content, be it spells, classes, monsters, races, etc. may increase long-term replayability, what I am mainly after is ready-made content I can drop...
  14. R

    Sing to me, O Muse, of BECMI!

    I don't have the material at hand for a detailed comparison, but for most of the items (notable exception: mass combat and domain management) you mention, AD&D provides more depth and more gameable material; an example that comes to mind since I used the material recently: in the AD&D DMG, the...
  15. R

    Sing to me, O Muse, of BECMI!

    I think a good way to understand the scope of BECMI is to draw parallels with AD&D 1e. We know Frank Mentzer was Gary's "creative right hand", and to this day, he runs pretty much exclusively AD&D 1e with some BECMI "extras". Some similarities are subtle, others more evident: In the Basic set...