• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by overgeeked

  1. overgeeked

    A few things I really like about WFRP

    And how shields work. And advantage. And… It’s just too much for me. But, admittedly, that was before all the supplements fixed the core. At least Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG has the Reference Booklet and Purple Sorcerer.
  2. overgeeked

    Dark Sun in Dragon magazine

    Exactly. It’s a thematically pitch perfect D&D setting for modern times.
  3. overgeeked

    A few things I really like about WFRP

    Yeah. I had to make my own huge cheat sheets with rules explanations, digging through the rules to find things, and constantly added to the files. It was a huge pain in the ass.
  4. overgeeked

    A few things I really like about WFRP

    I am more a fan of WFRP 2E. The 4E stuff is gorgeous, but the mechanics needed a few more passes. It’s just too much for me to run without a computer doing most of the work. To me, that’s a really bad sign. Glad you’re digging it though. The Old World is one of my favorite fantasy settings.
  5. overgeeked

    D&D General Millennial D&D (+)

    Millennials are about 28 to 43 or so, right?
  6. overgeeked

    D&D General Millennial D&D (+)

    Sure we have. It’s in the PHB. The noble background, just change the name. Peasant mind control and all that.
  7. overgeeked

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    Every culture throughout history thought they'd figured out what "human nature" was and it always, magically, conforms to what that society thinks is best and right. Modern people raised in capitalist societies think human nature is greedy and destructive. They're no more right than any other...
  8. overgeeked

    Geek Confessional Thread 2024

    The stuff I'm talking about is the Jedi Academy stuff and the Thrawn books, plus a few others. I haven't read much Star Wars fiction since then.
  9. overgeeked

    D&D 1E Favorite Obscure Rules from TSR-era D&D

    Yep. It all comes down to what you want out of the game. If you want something that cleaves closer to Appendix N and Jack Vance, that's your wizard. If you want something more freewheeling and pew pew, it sounds like a nightmare.
  10. overgeeked

    Geek Confessional Thread 2024

    The novels released after the original Star Wars trilogy were far better than anything put out since, whether films, TV shows, or novels.
  11. overgeeked

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    If only there was a history book you could read that went into depth about the subject you're talking about. Hmm...
  12. overgeeked

    Are TTRPGs Even a "Good" Hobby?

    Sure. But this is about what the OP is looking for. If that's his stated goal, then...
  13. overgeeked

    Are TTRPGs Even a "Good" Hobby?

    There's nothing stopping you from running 5E fights in a more cinematic 4E style. All the advice about interesting terrain, environmental effects, secondary objectives, etc all still apply to 5E. And it doesn't take that much work to do at all. Simple version is take good 4E encounters and use...
  14. overgeeked

    Are TTRPGs Even a "Good" Hobby?

    That right there. "I have this epic story I want to tell the players but three sessions in they don't care and aren't engaged." Because they're either bored by the system, bored by the story, or both. If they don't get to make actually meaningful choices that actually affect the world and...