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Recent content by Ondath

  1. Ondath

    Level Up (A5E) Does the Adventuring Day Rules Cover Exploration or Social Encounters?

    That they do! And I have to that that is super useful when trying to spice up combat by placing it within an exploration challenge. But would you recommend assigning CRs to social encounters as well, or keep them outside of the adventuring day's scope?
  2. Ondath

    Level Up (A5E) Does the Adventuring Day Rules Cover Exploration or Social Encounters?

    So I think A5E's new Adventuring Day guidelines in Trials & Treasures are a fantastic tweak to O5E. Reducing in earlier levels the number of encounters a party is expected to go through in one Long Rest and increasing it in later levels makes the game's pacing far better in my opinion. But...
  3. Ondath

    The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

    Thanks for pointing these out. The article didn't sit right with me when I first saw it, but I didn't feel qualified enough to respond to it. It's nice to see that it just seems to be written with an agenda against cats without proper scientific basis.
  4. Ondath

    How to block someone blocking you?

    I second the ability to have this. Maybe through a "type username to block" so you don't need to be able to see someone to block them?
  5. Ondath

    D&D General What Are Adventurers In Your World?

    The in-game conception of adventurers in my world is something like Salvage companies: They delve into places outside the fringes of society, and recover stuff for people from those areas. Forgotten treasures. Difficult to find ingredients. They usually aim to help people, but they get a cut of...
  6. Ondath

    D&D 5E Player Hit Points

    I certainly don't mean to argue that the way my players play is the only true, modern way. However, I have experienced this with different groups rather consistently. Someone rolls a 1 or a 2 with their Hit Die and they immediately regret rolling for Hit Points. Initially what I did was "Either...
  7. Ondath

    D&D 5E Player Hit Points

    Well, modern players don't see hit points rolls as a casino. They see it as a fundamental aspect of surviving the game's expected difficulty (and I can't blame them given that the game is designed around players having average hit points and dealing average damage and monster having relative...
  8. Ondath

    D&D 5E Player Hit Points

    I think taking the average is too samey, but getting a 1 or a 2 on a hit die roll is disproportionately annoying for players, so if you give them the choice, they will try rolling once and then stick to the PHB average. I've devised a middle way which goes like this: everyone has to roll, but...
  9. Ondath

    D&D General Matt Colville on adventure length

    I guess we'll have to see what kind of adventures he produces for the MCDMRPG when that comes out!
  10. Ondath

    D&D General No More Baldur's Gate From Larion: Team Is 'Elated'

    Visiting Candlekeep would've been honestly fun. I also want someone to recreate Baldur's Gate 1 (and 2 but even dreams have limits) using the BG3 engine, and that would've been far easier if Candlekeep was already made.
  11. Ondath

    D&D 5E Where Does The Multiversal Vecna: Eve of Ruin Visit?

    I suspect she might be offed to show how strong Vecna is. D&D Socials posted sth like "Who'd win? Vecna or Tiamat?" followed by another "Who'd win? Vecna or Strahd?".
  12. Ondath

    D&D General No More Baldur's Gate From Larion: Team Is 'Elated'

    Is there any chance WotC could get another company to make D&D games using the BG3 engine - similar to how Obsidian made Neverwinter Nights 2 and Fallout New Vegas? I feel like Tactical Adventures (the small French company that made Solasta) could make a decent 5E/OneD&D game if given the...
  13. Ondath

    D&D General No More Baldur's Gate From Larion: Team Is 'Elated'

    I understood why they made the choice, but I really wish they made at least one DLC to expand the level range (to 15 or beyond) and also reincorporated stuff like the scrapped upper city. But I honestly can't blame them given how WotC and Hasbro have proven themselves to be unreliable partners...
  14. Ondath

    The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

    That is hilarious. Imagine going to the other end of a continent after your homeland was conquered by Nordic/French warriors, you serve a completely different lord... And you have to fight these Nordic/French warriors again!
  15. Ondath

    The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

    But how am I supposed to feel smug and morally superior in my cynicism by typing "Well a company's duty is to maximise the value for its shareholders, you're an idiot for demanding anything else ever" for the 100th time?