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Recent content by Mordane76

  1. Mordane76

    I go away, and I miss a whole edition - Help?!

    I'm much more interested in running games; I do apologize if I wasn't specific on that in my OP. I haven't gotten to PLAY in years - I always end up running the games (people like my games, and I'm happy to do the work)... which is why my question is truly about the investment - I'm going to...
  2. Mordane76

    I go away, and I miss a whole edition - Help?!

    I have reasonable disposable income, so that's not the biggest issue... but as several people pointed out (and I did as well), the edition is about to cease being supported and a new edition is coming. I don't have a group specifically ready to go - I have people interested, but I haven't put...
  3. Mordane76

    People you like that you've never met

    Neil deGrasse Tyson - I could listen to him speak for hours; he's incredibly intelligent, but he when he speaks I understand astrophysics... and I'm not an astrophysicist. I'm no slouch... but I'm not Neil. Also, his political contributions fight for the advancement of science and science...
  4. Mordane76

    I go away, and I miss a whole edition - Help?!

    I've had a lot happen in the almost two years I've been gone, and somehow, I missed an entire edition of material. The last game I ran was D&D3.5E, 4E was just releasing (my ex-wife bought me the DMG for my birthday about three months before we separated), and now I find myself itching to run...
  5. Mordane76

    New author in my local area

    So... I'm a big fan of Penny Arcade, who've been running a Kickstarter to fund their operation ad-free for a year, which I think is awesome. Once they got me over there, I got very interested in this Kickstarter idea, so I started digging through their website and I found a new author in my...
  6. Mordane76

    Looking for Undead Templates

    Of course, why would I look in the most obvious place... Thank you. :)
  7. Mordane76

    Looking for Undead Templates

    Are there any templates in print that can be applied to a creature to make them into a zombie or skeleton? I seem to remember seeing some, but I can't find them anywhere - I seem to remember them being in a Dragon magazine. Thanks!
  8. Mordane76

    Looking for an extra Move Action

    Because I like to stay within the rules as much as I can, because in the end I expect at least some of my players will survive the encounter and thus get his gear. If I do something blatantly outside the expectations of the rules, some of them may ask for an explanation for how an NPC did...
  9. Mordane76

    Looking for an extra Move Action

    That's a lot of thumbs... :) Thanks for the tip off.
  10. Mordane76

    Looking for an extra Move Action

    That's not a bad idea either... wasn't interested in using if for spellcasting, so that works well too.
  11. Mordane76

    Looking for an extra Move Action

    I am the DM, so I'm taking that into consideration already. This isn't for a player - it's for an NPC, but that does mean it could fall into the hands of a player, so I'm carefully weighing my options. I have a character whom I would like to have access to an extra move action every round...
  12. Mordane76

    Looking for an extra Move Action

    Each round would be nice, but even a limited number of extra move actions per day would be useful. Looking at Hustle, I could potentially make a universal item - Egoist 3 x Caster Level 5 x 2000 gp x 4 (duration measured in rounds) = 120k. The item would continuously allow me an extra move...
  13. Mordane76

    Looking for an extra Move Action

    I'm trying to find something - a feat, a piece of equipment, or a class ability - that allows a character an extra move action each round. This object or ability should preferably be within the scope of WotC books, but I'd even take options from other 3rd party books. Anyone know of something...
  14. Mordane76

    Domain powers and Arcane Spells

    I am the DM, so asking him will not be necessary... :)
  15. Mordane76

    Domain powers and Arcane Spells

    The character in question is an NPC I'm crafting for a session in the future, so it the question was not raised by a player. I was leaning in Thanee's direction, but with the statement from the FAQ, I would tend to agree with Iku, unless someone knows of a more recently printed WotC source that...