• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Meech17

  1. Meech17

    D&D 5E New Monster Manual Cover

    We are on the exact same wavelength.
  2. Meech17

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    I moved to South Canada.. Er.. Detroit.. I can no longer purchase my cheap beer of choice, Yuengling.. So I've been looking at alternatives.. Labatt's is... Fine.. It's everywhere... But it doesn't quite hit the spot.
  3. Meech17

    DC20 Kickstarter launch on June 4th

    Holy cow. $742,xxx.00, and 25 days left.. When I wrote up the comment a while back about why I was interested in the game I knew it would fund.. But I was expecting it to be a $100k KS... Maybe 1/4 Million. This is just wild.. I never would have imagined that there was this much interest in...
  4. Meech17

    Table Snacks

    This is what I provided for my last session. Crackers, cheese, meat, and a fancy garlic/onion jelly spread thing..
  5. Meech17

    D&D 5E New Monster Manual Cover

    Welp... Now I'm really torn.. I like the alt art PHB and DMG.. But I prefer the standard MM.. I wonder if I can find a print of the standard MM art, and then get the matched set of alt art books.
  6. Meech17

    D&D General lightning-themed environment?

    I thought of this at first two, which was where I took the idea of the semi-random lightning strikes. That was such a pain in FFX
  7. Meech17

    Are our tastes set?

    I'm in the same boat as @Parmandur. I cut my teeth on 3.5e and adored it. We tried 4e and bounced back to 3.5e. I would give a 3.5e one-shot a chance.. But I wouldn't go back to it for a long term game. I'm very happy with 5e. If I had to pick one version to play for the rest of my life like...
  8. Meech17

    D&D General lightning-themed environment?

    I would maybe put two big Tesla Coil style devices in the back of the room that shoot off bolts of lightning each turn. I can't find the link for you because his site is blocked at work, but look up @SlyFlourish 's rules for "Monument's of Power". This could be a lot of fun. They will give the...
  9. Meech17

    Table Snacks

    It is an unpopular opinion, but I can certainly see the merit behind it. I don't like dealing with greasy chip fingers while I'm playing... And it can also be disruptive when players are getting up from the table to go back for seconds or whatever. We also do finger foods at our games though...
  10. Meech17

    Table Snacks

    No Za yet? I feel like this is the classic game night item.. Though maybe it starts to stretch outside of the realm of 'snacks' and to much into 'meal'
  11. 1717683421198.png


  12. Meech17

    D&D 5E New Monster Manual Cover

    Oh.. You know what.. I've seen those official ones at my LGS.. I assumed they were like portfolios/binders. I was thinking along the lines of simple plastic ones like what come on hardback novels, or the stretchy ones they make for school books. I've been tempted to use a paper grocery sack...
  13. Meech17

    How many RPG dice do you own?

    I sort of agree.. I don't see much point in spending double digit dollars (Or sometimes triple) on fancy metal or gemstone dice that I'd be afraid to use. With that said I do like the d6s with designs on them.. I've found that a lot of game stores will sell them with their logos and if I'm in...
  14. Meech17

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    I agree with the first premise, but reject the second.. Indeed, a good dog is able to stand on it's own. However hotdogs, much like burgers are often vessels for any assortment of delicious toppings. Hot mustard and onions are my person favorites, but I do enjoy relish, and peppers of both the...
  15. Meech17

    D&D 5E New Monster Manual Cover

    I think the idea is also that it can be: "What edition are we playing?" "5e" and even though player A has a fighter made from the 2014 PHB, and player B has a wizard made from the 2024 PHB it shouldn't be problematic.