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Recent content by leozg

  1. leozg

    D&D (2024) What Should D&D 2024 Have Been +

    Like 4e
  2. leozg

    D&D (2024) What Should D&D 2024 Have Been +

    Balance does matter. 4e had some problems and balance itself was not one of them. The designers approach to balance, purely balancing numbers, boxing all powers, making everything looks the same, was the problem.
  3. leozg

    D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

    This would have been avoided if the painting had been generated by AI
  4. leozg

    D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

    Just surfing the inclusion wave.
  5. leozg

    D&D 5E How would YOU nerf the wizard? +

    Mechanics should support roleplay, not the opposite. This suggestion forces a change in the dynamics of the storytelling.
  6. leozg

    D&D 5E How would YOU nerf the wizard? +

    This is a really good idea. Have you implemented?
  7. leozg

    D&D 5E How would YOU nerf the wizard? +

    Made my point on How would I nerf the Wizard. Not gonna spend more time on Why would I nerf the Wizard. There's a lot of threads on this matter and I'm here to get some good ideas on How to nerf the Wizard. Have already seen some really good ones.
  8. leozg

    D&D 5E How would YOU nerf the wizard? +

    Did it. Not everything, but for spellcasting (except cantrip). Then it is possible to interrupt a spell being cast. You can still cast cantrips while concentrating. The goal is to make spellcasting interruptable. Other suggestions, like increase casting time, need a lot of changes and/or more...
  9. leozg

    D&D 5E How would YOU nerf the wizard? +

    Well, some of these I also applied in my homebrew. You would be surprised by the strength of the argument "if you don't like these changes maybe it's your turn to be the DM". :LOL:
  10. leozg

    D&D 5E How would YOU nerf the wizard? +

    Cantrips not scaling. Wizard HD d4. Learning 1.5 spell per level (1 in odd levels, 2 in even levels). No Arcane Recovery. Casting spells with somatic component triggers AoO (except cantrips). Casting a spell requires concentration (except cantrips). Subclasses have 2 prohibited spell schools...
  11. leozg

    D&D 5E How would YOU nerf the wizard? +

    That's because it is the tittle of this thread.
  12. leozg

    D&D 5E Would you require a roll for this?

    Good point, but what if the Thief has low Int? Would you allow it, require a test or just say the character is not clever enough to come up with this solution?
  13. leozg

    D&D 5E What, if anything, bothers you about certain casters/spells at your table?

    Maybe, just for curiosity, you should read 4e books. No need to learn the system, to play or even to create a character, just to see a different approach on how rules were writen. The 4e, besides all controversy, did a great job on the way the system mechanics were writen to avoid...
  14. leozg

    D&D 5E What, if anything, bothers you about certain casters/spells at your table?

    It's not necessary to try to cover everything (it's impossible), but what they cover should have cohesion. They tried to make a simple system but instead of understanding simple as the opposite of complex, they understood simple as simpleton. Some rules are still complex but described with a...
  15. leozg

    D&D 5E What, if anything, bothers you about certain casters/spells at your table?

    Not just lazy, it is broken. Just to give a simple example: Absorb elements. First sentence states you store the energy for your next melee attack, but third sentence states the bonus from that stored energy is used only on your next turn. What happens if you walk through a bonfire? Do you have...