• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by GuardianLurker

  1. GuardianLurker

    D&D 5E Thoughts on Divorcing D&D From [EDIT: Medievalishness], Mechanically Speaking.

    @Baron Opal II Wouldn't those be increasing ratios? Also, stepping outside of 5e, there are tons of systems set to deal with that time period (GURPs [of course], HERO [Justice Inc.], Deadlands, Savage Worlds, etc.). But year, d20 Modern wouldn't do badly, and from what I've seen of it, Level...
  2. GuardianLurker

    Are TTRPGs Even a "Good" Hobby?

    a1) Nope. Not anymore. a2) I got better. No really, if you're thinking like this - especially WRT to Section 1, break those habits. Get help if you need to. It's not a healthy place to be. Hopefully, it's just a case of GM burnout. In that case, all you'll need to do is be a player for a while...
  3. GuardianLurker

    D&D General Universal Subclasses

    OH, and I feel I should add that the two approaches can (should?) be combined. That is you can have a Reputation Track for the non-specialist, and combine that with one or more specialist PrCs/subclasses. Pathfinder 2e has this kind of setup with the Pathfinder Society.
  4. GuardianLurker

    D&D General Universal Subclasses

    It can work, but you need to be careful to not dilute their original class. Plenty of organizations can support multiple classes. Generally, though that organization will have "specialist" classes tweaked for the specific classes it can support - an organization dedicated to "aggressive"...
  5. GuardianLurker

    D&D General New Interview with Rob Heinsoo About 4E

    I believe the 4e licensing was called the GSL (Game System License, maybe? I don't recall). The OGL (Open Gaming License) encouraged a lot of 3PP supplements for DnD. Now, if by "creativity" you're limiting yourself to "Non-DnD" systems, then yeah. But then those wouldn't have been threatend...
  6. GuardianLurker

    D&D General New Interview with Rob Heinsoo About 4E

    I know for me that setting didn't even enter into it. The rules and gameplay were enough to put off my group. We played a session of the 4e rendition of B2 and said NAH. I said then, and I stick to it, 4e isn't a bad game - it just wasn't DnD to me. In fact, I'm a big fan of the skirmish...
  7. GuardianLurker

    D&D 5E Which classes have the least identity?

    Question. If I have two classes A and B, and B is the same as A but replaces some features of A with its own, and is clearly derivative of B in all other senses, which class has less identity? B? Or A?
  8. GuardianLurker

    What are "essential" TTRPG mechanisms?

    I think you're a little fine-grained here, and would benefit a bit by zooming out/abstracting a a little bit. I'll also say that those look more like "what kinds of things need resolving in a TTRPG", rather than a list of mechanics. (Though I suppose that depends on your definition of mechanic -...
  9. GuardianLurker

    Do highly unique characters still get a bad rep; and: how to give them room to exist?

    As people have pointed out, there is a big difference between "unique" and "disruptive". There's a middle ground too - "Unique with active drawbacks", where the character's uniqueness isn't itself disruptive, but may have issues with integrating into the campaign or party. Here, it's the player...
  10. GuardianLurker

    D&D General So, how much did/do you use psionics?

    1. I've generally had them available as an option in most of my campaigns (1e, 2e, 3e). 2. Never played 4e. 3. Haven't used them in 5e. By the time they entered the official space (did they ever?), I was already done with my 5e campaign. 4. Ignored the stat block, as it wasn't...
  11. GuardianLurker

    D&D General Tips for starting at higher-level?

    Mostly it's "Be aware (and beware) of their impact." more than specific guidelines. For example, 3x had the "Scry and Die" tactic (Scry spell, followed by Teleport). Which meant that paranoid/prepared PCs would have Private Sanctum and/or Mindblank up to prevent the Scry part. (That's less of...
  12. GuardianLurker

    D&D General Tips for starting at higher-level?

    1. Pay attention to the "No Sale" and travel spells. Like "Private Sanctum" and "Teleport" respectively. They'll make a huge difference in adventure flow. 2. Determine how the player characters rank in the setting. Is their arrival on the scene a big deal? Does that change based on the locale...
  13. GuardianLurker

    Voidrunner Here It Comes... The Voidrunner's Codex: A5E in SPACE!

    I knew I was oversimplifying. Apparently in the process, I inverted the relationship. My bad. I defer.
  14. GuardianLurker

    Voidrunner Here It Comes... The Voidrunner's Codex: A5E in SPACE!

    @Morrus It does indeed. I think this might put me over the edge on A5E, even.
  15. GuardianLurker

    Voidrunner Here It Comes... The Voidrunner's Codex: A5E in SPACE!

    Aw darn. Still a respectable drive. So, 10 Minutes to travel 1 AU is actually (a little bit) slower than light speed. (1 AU ~= 8 light minutes) Unhappily it is also fast enough to actually experience time-dilation (not much, but noticeable) - barring hand-wavium technobabble. A really low FTL...